Collection Profile for: United States National Herbarium (US-Botany) The United States National Herbarium was founded in 1848, when the first collections were accessioned from the United States Exploring Expedition (50,000 specimens of 10,000 species). Current holdings total 5 million specimens, making this collection among the ten largest in the world representing about 8% of the plant collection resources of the United States. The herbarium is especially rich in type specimens (@110,000).
Collection Statistics
238,399 specimen records
48,651 (20%) georeferenced
47,384 (20%) with images (47,384 total images) 172,766 (72%) identified to species 545 families 4,191 genera 36,612 species 38,873 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update:
6 May 2014
Usage Rights:
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
Acanthocereus (63 ) Acanthorhipsalis (1 ) Aporocactus (3 ) Ariocarpus (4 ) Armatocereus (4 ) Arrojadoa (12 ) Arthrocereus (4 ) Astrophytum (4 ) Austrocylindropuntia (1 ) Bolivicereus (2 ) Borzicactus (51 ) Brachycereus (3 ) Brasilicactus (2 ) Brasilicereus (5 ) Browningia (14 ) Calymmanthium (2 ) Castellanosia (3 ) Cephalocereus (30 ) Cereus (97 ) Cipocereus (1 ) Cleistocactus (27 ) Coleocephalocereus (9 ) Corryocactus (33 ) Coryphantha (10 ) Cylindropuntia (2 ) Dendrocereus (1 ) Denmoza (1 ) Disocactus (102 ) Dolichothele (1 ) Eccremocactus (9 ) Echinocactus (9 ) Echinocereus (6 ) Echinofossulocactus (2 ) Echinopsis (17 ) Epiphyllum (258 ) Erdisia (4 ) Espostoa (25 ) Espostoopsis (4 ) Ferocactus (7 ) Frailea (1 ) Haageocereus (13 ) Hariota (2 ) Harrisia (10 ) Hatiora (16 ) Heliocereus (11 ) Hylocereus (140 ) Islaya (8 ) Lemaireocereus (7 ) Lepismium (75 ) Leptocereus (1 ) Lobivia (20 ) Lophocereus (1 ) Lophophora (4 ) Mammillaria (72 ) Matucana (8 ) Melocactus (53 ) Mila (3 ) Monvillea (3 ) Neolloydia (1 ) Neoraimondia (16 ) Nopalea (44 ) Nopalxochia (5 ) Nyctocereus (4 ) Opuntia (426 ) Oreocereus (1 ) Oroya (10 ) Pachycereus (4 ) Parodia (1 ) Peniocereus (8 ) Pereskia (162 ) Pereskiopsis (4 ) Phellosperma (1 ) Pilocereus (1 ) Pilosocereus (77 ) Praecereus (12 ) Pygmaeocereus (1 ) Quiabentia (1 ) Rathbunia (1 ) Rebutia (3 ) Rhipsalis (400 ) Samaipaticereus (1 ) Schlumbergera (2 ) Selenicereus (54 ) Stenocereus (34 ) Stetsonia (2 ) Strophocactus (6 ) Trichocereus (25 ) Weberbauerocereus (3 ) Weberocereus (57 ) Werckleocereus (10 ) Wittia (1 ) Zygocactus (9 )