Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Solanum umbellatum
Search Criteria: Only include occurrences with coordinates; Ecuador; includes cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-14 of 14

Charles Darwin Research Station Herbarium

52738Escandón, J.L.   1462002-04-01
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santa Cruz, -0.742305 -90.314194, 14m

Missouri Botanical Garden

456275C. Dodson, P. Dodson & W. & P. Clendenin   1981-05-08
Ecuador, Jauneche forest. Km 70 on the Quevedo-Palenque road, via Mocachi., -1.27 -79.7, 70m

460510Dodson et al.   
Ecuador, Los R, R, -0.58 -79.37, 150 - 220m

468703Carlos Aulestia, G. Tipaz, L. Delgado & G. Lao   1992-07-20
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Reserva Etnica Aw, 1.25 -78.67, 80m

470450Thomas B. Croat   1983-04-01
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, GRAVEL ROAD 8: 6 km beyond bridge over Rio Esmeraldas (near San Mateo, road to Esmeraldas airport), ca 6.6 km beyond Univ. Techn. Luis Vargas Torres-Est. Exp. Mutile); R, 0.87 -79.55, 80m

1201929Eggers   1893-07-18
Ecuador, Manab, El Recreo, -0.48 -80.45

1201932Iltis & M. G. Iltis   1977-07-10
Ecuador, Manab, El Recreo, 2 km S along coast from Canoa, 18 km due N of Bahia de Caraquez, -0.45 -80.43, 100 - 200m

1201938Knight, Dennis H.   1965-12-08
Ecuador, El Oro, Along road near Pi, -3.15 -79.13, 1036m

1201940A. Gentry   1974-02-19
Ecuador, Guayas, 2-4 km E from Recinto Olon, ca. 10 km N of Manglaralto., -1.77 -80.75

1759322Carlos E. Cer   1992-03-03
Ecuador, Guayas, Naranjal, Reserva Ecol, -2.45 -79.62, 40m

New York Botanical Garden

Solanum umbellatum Mill. Mill.
01116758J. L. Clark   98502007-06-01
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, San Juan Bosco. Road between San Juan Bosco and the village of Santiago de Panantza (following Río Panantza)., -3.1547 -78.5347, 1500 - 1500m

Solanum umbellatum Mill. Mill.
00722883T. B. Croat   556161983-04-01
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Gravel road 8.6 km beyond bridge over Rio Esmeraldas (near San Mateo, road to Esmeraldas airport), ca. 6.6 km beyond Univ. Techn. Luis Vargas Torres-Est. Exp. Mutile); along Rio Mutile, 0.87 -79.55, 80 - 80m

Solanum umbellatum Mill.
00829312H. Vargas   56562005-05-27
Ecuador, Cañar, La Troncal, Manta Real. Vertientes bajas en la base occidental de los Andes, a 20 km al sureste de La Troncal., -2.5603 -79.3531, 600 - 600m

Solanum umbellatum Mill.
00854429H. Vargas   63882005-10-30
Ecuador, Imbabura, Cotacachi, Parroquia García Moreno. Reserva Biológica Los Cedros. Sendero Estación - Bracilargo., 0.2997 -78.7986, 1700 - 1700m

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