100149580 2005-02-02
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Parroquia Chillogallo. Chiriboga sector Zapadores, en la propiedad del Sr. Gonzalo Abad junto al rio Saloya., -0.2 -78.75, 1900m
685650 Galo Tipaz, C. Quelal & A. Grijalva 1992-04-13
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Parroquia Alto Tambo. Sector El Cristal. Bosque pluvial Premontano. Bosque Primario., 1.5 -78.5, 600m
683429 Carlos Quelal & J. Luteyn 1992-05-13
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Parroquia Alto Tambo. Frente Finca del Sr. Lalama, a 1,5 Km del sector de El Cristal. Bosque pluvial Premontano, 0.83 -78.5, 650m
684778 Carlos E. Cer 1989-11-24
Ecuador, Napo, Cant, -0.72 -77.32, 450m
686799 Carlos Cer 1987-01-17
Ecuador, Napo, Reserva Biol, -1.07 -77.6, 450m
687523 Armando Grijalva, C. Aulestia & J. Taicuz 1993-02-19
Ecuador, Carchi, Tulc, Reserva Etnica Aw, 1.03 -78.25, 1150m
687754 Carlos Aulestia & M. Aulestia 1993-03-22
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Reserva Etnica Aw, 0.87 -78.43, 250m
694696 Walter Palacios 1990-05-27
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, L, 0.82 -78.48, 1400 - 1500m
912846 Boom 1983-07-07
Ecuador, Tungurahua, -1.25 -78.83, 10m
1297317 David Neill & QCNE botany interns 1998-08-28
Ecuador, Manab, 45 km north of Pedernales along new coastal highway. Tropical moist forest. Low ground in stream valley, with forest remnants, just above tidal estuary of R, 0.3 -79.88, 5m
1297334 David Neill & QCNE botany interns 1998-08-28
Ecuador, Manab, 45 km north of Pedernales along new coastal highway. Tropical moist forest. Low ground in stream valley, with forest remnants, just above tidal estuary of R, 0.3 -79.88, 5m
1482498 A. Gentry, C. Bonifaz & Jorge Loor C. 1981-01-27
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, 9-10 km SE of San Juan Bosco, forest edge along stream., -3.16 -78.46, 1540 - 1600m
1811739 Carlos E. Cer 1993-03-01
Ecuador, Sucumb, Gonzalo Pizarro, Comunidad Cof, 0.13 -77.45, 800m
Piper ottoniifolium C.DC. C.DC.
00191191 B. M. Boom 7766 1987-12-22
Ecuador, Pastaza, 31 km N of Puyo on road to Tena, side road E toward Cajabamba., -1.25 -77.83, 1000 - 1000m
Piper ottoniifolium C.DC. C.DC.
4149928 W. H. Camp E3828 1945-06-08
Ecuador, Junction of the Provinces of Guayas, Cañar, Chimborazo, Bolivar: Foothills of the western cordillera near the village of Bucay, -2.213329 -79.139376, 305 - 381m
Piper ottoniifolium C.DC. C.DC.
4149937 W. H. Camp E3828 1945-06-08
Ecuador, Junction of the Provinces of Guayas, Cañar, Chimborazo & Bolivar: Foothills of the western cordillera near the village of Bucay, -2.213329 -79.139376, 305 - 381m
Piper ottoniifolium C.DC. C.DC.
4149938 D. A. Neill 11418 1998-08-28
Ecuador, Manabí, 45 km north of Pedernales along new coastal highway. Just above tidal estuary of Río Cojimiés, 0.3 -79.88, 5m
Piper ottoniifolium C.DC. C.DC.
4149941 B. Øllgaard 8735 1982-02-02
Ecuador, Pichincha, Old road Quito-Santo - Domingo, 2-9 km NE of turn off to old road out of Alluriquin, -0.33 -78.92, 1100 - 1230m
Piper ottoniifolium C.DC. C.DC.
4149942 W. H. Camp E3767 1945-06-08
Ecuador, Junction of the Provinces of Guayas, Cañar, Chimborazo & Bolivar: Foothills of the western cordillera near the village of Bucay, -2.213329 -79.139376, 305 - 381m
Piper ottoniifolium C.DC. C.DC.
4149945 J. L. Luteyn 9054 1983-02-18
Ecuador, Orellana, [Napo] Añangu. Parq. Nac. Yasuní. Swamp forest along Río Añangu (black water) near jct. with Río Napo, -0.52 -76.38, 270m
Piper ottoniifolium C.DC. C.DC.
4149949 W. H. Camp E3767 1945-06-08
Ecuador, Junction of the Provinces of Guayas, Cañar, Chimborazo & Bolivar: Foothills of the western cordillera near the village of Bucay, -2.213329 -79.139376, 305 - 381m
Piper ottoniifolium C.DC. C.DC.
4149951 J. L. Luteyn 9054 1983-02-18
Ecuador, Orellana, [Napo] Añangu. Parq. Nac. Yasuní. Swamp forest along Río Añangu (black water) near jct. with Río Napo, -0.52 -76.38, 270m
Piper ottoniifolium C.DC. C.DC.
4149952 C. E. Cerón Martínez 673 1987-02-06
Ecuador, Napo, Reserva Biológica Jatun Sacha. Río Napo, 8 km abajo de Misahuallí, -1.07 -77.6, 450m