Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Piper hispidum (Piper scabrum, Piper hispidum var. magnifolium, Piper rivialbi, Lindeniopiper williamsii, Piper alluvicola), Piper hispidum var. ellipticifolium, Piper hispidum var. hispidum, Piper hispidum var. trachydermum
Search Criteria: Only include occurrences with coordinates; Ecuador; includes cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-87 of 87

Missouri Botanical Garden

2384468Gabriela Moya & Diego Reyes   2004-01-26
Ecuador, Sucumb, Shushufindi, Limoncocha. Comunidad Santa Elena, a 8 Km de la v, -0.35 -76.55, 250m

2384111Guerrero Wilian & Herrera Angela   2004-03-25
Ecuador, Orellana, Loreto, Comunidad Shuar Jua, 165 km al sur del Coca por la v, -0.93 -76.97, 280m

2383803Nelson Miranda-Moyano & Gabriela Moya   2004-05-06
Ecuador, Sucumb, Shushufindi, Cuyabeno, Parroquia San Roque, Comunidad Secoya de San Pablo, en la rivera del r, -0.25 -76.43, 300m

3064452C.H. Dodson, A.H. Gentry & F.M. Valverde   1979-10-04
Ecuador, Los R, Jauneche forest, Canton Vinces, between Mocachi and Palenque on the Estero Pe, -1.27 -79.7, 70m

3063735M. Rios & F. Ghia   
Ecuador, Pichincha, Carretera Quito-Puerto Quito, 10 km al N de la carretera principal, Km 113. Reserva Forestal ENDESA. Bosque primario y alrededores de la reserva. Preparaci, 0.08 -79.03, 650 - 700m

3063205Grady L. Webster   1990-07-30
Ecuador, Napo, Tena, Estaci, -1.07 -77.6, 375 - 400m

3062566Brian M. Boom   1982-05-04
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Jos, 1 -78, 350m

3062414Walter Palacios, D. Neill, M. Baker & J. Zaruma   1985-04-03
Ecuador, Napo, 4 km al N de Coca. Bosque Humedo Tropical. Bosque secundario a la orilla de la carretera., 0.43 -76.98, 250m

3062261M. Rios   
Ecuador, Pichincha, "Cordoncillo o Cordoncillo de rastrojo" Carretera Quito-Puerto Quito, 10 Km al N de la carretera principal, Km 113. Reserva Forestal ENDESA. Bosque primario y alrededores de la reserva. Preparaci, 0.08 -79.03, 650 - 700m

3062224David Neill, M. Baker, W. Palacios & J. Zaruma   2006-02-27
Ecuador, Pastaza, Hacienda San Antonio de Baron von Humboldt, 2 km al NE de Mera. Bosque Pluvial Premontano. Bosque perturbado y margenes., -1.45 -78.1, 1100m

3062115A. Gentry   1976-10-02
Ecuador, Los R, Rio Palenque Biological Station. Km 56 Rd. Quevedo-Sto. Domingo., -0.58 -79.37, 150 - 220m

3061798Mark P. McMahon   1971-12-14
Ecuador, Los R, Rio Palenque Biological Station Km. 56. Quevedo to Sto. Domingo., -0.58 -79.37

2974187Diego Naranjo & B. Freire   2005-04-09
Ecuador, Orellana, Loreto, Reserva Etnica Huaorani, comunidad Timpoka. Bloque 16 petrolero de Repsol, Km 3 v, -0.67 -76.37, 240m

2623444B. Eriksen   1985-05-07
Ecuador, Carchi, Railroad between Ibarra and San Lorenzo, near La Carolina. Soil temp.: 22, 0.75 -78.28, 900m

1482456A. Gentry, C. Bonifaz & Jorge Loor C.   1981-01-26
Ecuador, Ca, Guayaguil-Cuenca road, ca. 10 km E of Cochancay., -2.45 -79.11, 1970 - 2000m

1756312Carlos E. Cer   1991-12-31
Ecuador, Guayas, Naranjal, Reserva Ecol, -2.45 -79.58, 700m

680760B. L   1979-05-16
Ecuador, Pastaza, Montalvo, along R, -2.08 -76.97, 250m

685401C. Dodson   
Ecuador, Los R, Quevedo, R, -0.58 -79.37, 150 - 220m

685488Dodson et al.   
Ecuador, Los R, R, -0.58 -79.37, 150 - 220m

686804Flavio Coello   1988-04-02
Ecuador, Napo, Parque Nacional Yasun, -0.72 -76.47, 250m

690284A. Gentry, R. Foster & C. Josse   1991-01-21
Ecuador, Manab, San Sebastian, Machalilla National Park, ridgetop moist forest., -1.6 -80.7, 700 - 750m

690344Bruce A. Stein, D. Neill & J. Zaruma   1985-04-21
Ecuador, Napo, Via de los Aucas, 3 to 15 km S of Coca. Humid tropical forest on red lateritic soil., -0.58 -76.92, 250m

690624Galo Tipaz & Carlos Quelal   1991-05-20
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Nanegal. Reserva Biol, 0.13 -78.58, 1200 - 1700m

692377David Neill   1985-05-25
Ecuador, Napo, Tena, Jatun Sacha Biological Station., -1.07 -77.6, 400m

693910L.B. Holm-Nielsen et al.   1979-08-20
Ecuador, Napo, Road Coca - Auca oilfields, 3 km along the road to Yucca. Rain forest., -0.47 -76.92, 400m

693918L.B. Holm-Nielsen et al.   1980-02-13
Ecuador, Napo, R, -0.28 -76.43, 235m

693920Walter Palacios & David Neill   1985-08-14
Ecuador, Pastaza, R, -1.4 -76.75, 275m

693926L.B. Holm-Nielsen et al.   1980-02-13
Ecuador, Napo, R, -0.28 -76.43, 235m

693933L.B. Holm-Nielsen et al.   1980-09-04
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, R, 1.05 -78.82, 30m

693942Jaramillo et al.   1980-05-24
Ecuador, Pastaza, Lorocachi. Zona oeste del campamento militar a 3 km del R, -1.63 -75.97, 200m

693950J. Brandbyge & Asanza   1980-06-06
Ecuador, Pastaza, Ceil, -1.6 -75.67, 200m

693958J. Brandbyge & Asanza   1980-06-21
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Taisha. Path running along pastures near the military camp., -2.38 -77.5, 444m

693965J. Brandbyge & Asanza   1980-06-27
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Pumpuentza. Semicultivated areas near the village., -2.42 -77.33, 250m

693972J. Brandbyge & Asanza   1980-06-27
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Pumpuentza. Primary forest W-NW of the village., -2.42 -77.33, 250m

693981Andrade   1980-08-01
Ecuador, Napo, Bosque de reserva del Batallon de Selva N, 0.08 -75.87, 200m

693987L.B. Holm-Nielsen et al.   1973-04-04
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Quevedo - Latacunga road, km 46 from Quevedo. NE exposed slopes with rain forest., -0.92 -79.18, 600m

693997   1980-07-24
Ecuador, Pastaza, R, -2.33 -76.92, 285m

694005   1980-07-28
Ecuador, Pastaza, Montalvo, on the R, -2.08 -76.97, 300m

694014   1980-07-28
Ecuador, Pastaza, Montalvo, on the R, -2.08 -76.97, 300m

694022Kvist   1982-06-09
Ecuador, Pichincha, In the Colorado community Congoma Grande at km. 23 on the Santa Domingo - Puerto Lim, -0.35 -79.37, 100m

694028Kvist & Holm-Nielsen   1982-06-10
Ecuador, Pichincha, In the Colorado community Congoma Grande at km. 23 on the Santa Domingo - Puerto Lim, -0.35 -79.37, 100m

694037Kvist & Holm-Nielsen   1982-06-11
Ecuador, Pichincha, Km. 37 on the road from Santa Domingo to Quevedo. Forest remnants on about 10 ha. left. Dominated by tall Ceiba, palms and Cecropia., -0.53 -79.42, 100m

694044Kvist   1982-07-21
Ecuador, Pichincha, In the Colorado community Congoma Grande at km. 23 on the Santa Domingo - Puerto Lim, -0.35 -79.37, 100m

694053Kvist & Asanza   1982-08-01
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, R, 0.8 -78.92, 100m

694061Barfod   1983-01-13
Ecuador, Carchi, Along trail from Chical to Quinyul. Hedgerows and disturbed vegetation., 1.03 -78.22, 1200m

694078B. L   1979-07-08
Ecuador, Pichincha, Old road Quito-Santo Domingo, SW of Chiriboga, km 82-84 from Quito. Disturbed and virgin subtropical rain forest., -0.32 -78.83, 1350 - 1400m

694807Thomas B. Croat   1983-10-10
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Along road between Quevedo and Latacunga, 55.5 km from Quevedo, elev. 930-950 m, 23.5 km E of LaMana, on forested slopes above river. 79 04'W, 0 53'S., -0.88 -79.07

694886Thomas B. Croat   1984-04-27
Ecuador, Sucumb, Along road between Baeza and Puerto El Carmen de Putomayo (on R, 0.12 -76.65, 240m

694910Thomas B. Croat   1984-05-02
Ecuador, Napo, Along road between Puerto Napo and Misahuall, -1.03 -77.7, 370m

1232135Efra   1997-12-08
Ecuador, Sucumb, Shushufindi, Parroquia Pa, -0.35 -76.12, 200m

1352016Efra   1998-12-10
Ecuador, Sucumb, Shushufindi, Parroquia Limoncocha. Comunidad R, -0.38 -76.67, 300m

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1478083Kvist LP; Holm-Nielsen LB   1982-06-11
Ecuador, Prov. Pichincha: Km. 37 on the road from Santa Domingo to Quevedo., -0.533333 -79.416667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1478080Øllgaard B; Asanza C E; Brandbyge J; Roth S; Sperling CR   1980-07-28
Ecuador, Pastaza, -2.083333 -76.966667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1478079Øllgaard B; Asanza C E; Brandbyge J; Roth S; Sperling CR   1980-07-28
Ecuador, Pastaza, -2.083333 -76.966667

New York Botanical Garden

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
556656L. P. Kvist   402731982-06-11
Ecuador, Pichincha, Km. 37 on the road from Santa Domingo to Quevedo, -0.53 -79.42, 100 - 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
00200349M. A. Baker   59741986-04-10
Ecuador, Napo, Estacion Experimental de INIAP, San Carlos 6 km al SE de Los Sachas., -0.340522 -76.874317, 250 - 250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
251592Y. E. J. Mexia   84071936-12-06
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Parroquia Concepcion; Playa Rica, 0.833312 -78.783301, 91 - 91m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum var. lanceolatum Trel. & Yun Trel. & Yun
4138586A. F. Skutch   43931939-08-00
Ecuador, Napo-Pastaza: Vicinity of Puyo (Eastern foot-hills of the Andes), -1.490813 -77.999278, 750 - 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138316J. B. Watson   521980-01-05
Ecuador, Los Ríos, Rio Palenque Science Center. Km 56 on the Quevedo-St. Domingo Rd., -0.5866 -79.3647, 150 - 220m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138317J. Zaruma   431985-04-04
Ecuador, Napo, Estación Experimental de INIAP, San Carlos; 6 km al SE de Los Sachas, -0.340522 -76.874317, 250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138319M. A. Baker   59741985-04-10
Ecuador, Napo, Eastacion Experimental de INIAP, San Carlos, 6 km al SE de Los Sachas, -0.340522 -76.874317, 250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138321A. F. Skutch   44781939-09-00
Ecuador, Napo-Pastaza: Vicinity of Puyo (Eastern foot-hills of the Andes), -1.490813 -77.999278, 750 - 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138326J. Jaramillo   109391989-09-14
Ecuador, Napo, Parque Nacional Yasuní, Bloque 16, (Campanía Petrolera CONOCO), localidad Daimi 1, -0.9892 -79.2017, 250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138329H. Balslev   22821982-04-10
Ecuador, Napo, Carretera Lago Agrio-Coco al 'Proyecto', salida al Shushufindi, -6.25 -76.83, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138331B. M. Boom   13481982-05-04
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San José, km 321 along railroad from Ibarra to San Lorenzo, 1 -78, 350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138332L. J. Dorr   58571988-10-24
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Vieja Cordillera de Cutucú-Santiago road, E of the Rio Namangoza; km 40.8, -2.67 -78.2, 600 - 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138333L. J. Dorr   58781988-10-25
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Vieja Cordillera de Cutucú. Patuca-Santiago road, E of the Rio Namangoza; km 64.5, -2.67 -78.2, 600 - 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138338T. B. Croat   588981984-05-02
Ecuador, Napo, Along road between Puerto Napo and Misahuallí (jct. of Río Misahuallí and Río Napo) at Vereda Venesia, 3.8 km W of Misahuallí, -1.03 -77.7, 370m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138343L. P. Kvist   402221982-06-10
Ecuador, Pichincha, In the Colorado community "Congoma Grande" at km. 23 on the Santa Domingo-Puerto Limón road, -0.35 -79.37, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138349J. Jaramillo   75971985-03-24
Ecuador, Pichincha, Reserva Forestal ENDESA, Río Silanche: "Corporación Forestal Juan Manuel Durini", km 113 de la carretera Quito-Pto. Quito, faldas occidentales, a 10 km al Norte de la carretera principal, 0.08 -79.03, 650 - 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138350H. Balslev   4729
Ecuador, Pichincha, Carretera Quito - Puerto Quito, Km 113, 10 Km al Norte de la carretera principal, 0.08 -79.03, 800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138351J. Brandbyge   354011980-07-28
Ecuador, Pastaza, Montalvo, on the Río Bobonaza, -2.08 -76.97, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138352B. Øllgaard   354011980-07-28
Ecuador, Pastaza, Montalvo, on the Río Bobonaza, -2.08 -76.97, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138353B. Øllgaard   351871980-07-24
Ecuador, Pastaza, Río Pastaza, between Destacamento Chiriboga and Apachi Entza, -2.33 -76.92, 285m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138354J. Brandbyge   322971980-06-27
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Pumpuentza. Semicultivated areas near the village, -2.42 -77.33, 250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138355L. B. Holm-Nielsen   259561980-09-04
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Río Santiago at Concepción, 1.05 -79.82, 30m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138356J. Jaramillo   65321984-04-06
Ecuador, Pichincha, Reserva Forestal ENDESA, Río Silanche: "Corporación Forestal Juan Manuel Durini", km 113 de la carretera Quito-Pto. Quito, faldas occidentales, a 10 km al Norte de la carretera principal, 0.08 -79.03, 650 - 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138357M. Rios   711984-08-16
Ecuador, Pichincha, Carretera Quito-Puerto Quito, 10 km al N de la carretera principal, Km 113. Reserva Forestal ENDESA, 0.08 -79.03, 650 - 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138358J. Jaramillo   75971985-03-24
Ecuador, Pichincha, Reserva Forestal ENDESA, Río Silanche: "Corporación Forestal Juan Manuel Durini", km 113 de la carretera Quito-Pto. Quito, faldas occidentales, a 10 km al Norte de la carretera principal, 0.08 -79.03, 650 - 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138359T. B. Croat   585941984-04-27
Ecuador, Napo, Along road between Baeza and Puerto El Carmen de Putomayo (on Río Putomayo at Colombian frontier), 43.7 km SE of Lago Agrio, 16.9 km SE of Dureno, 2.1 km W of Guarumo, 0.12 -76.65, 240m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138360D. A. Neill   64761985-05-27
Ecuador, Napo, 8 km rio abajo de Puerto Misahualli, por el Rio Napo, -1.07 -77.6, 450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138361B. A. Stein   25591985-04-21
Ecuador, Napo, Via de los Aucas, 3 to 15 km S of Coca, -0.58 -76.92, 250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138362M. A. Baker   58891985-04-05
Ecuador, Napo, Estacion Experimental de INIAP, San Carlos 6 km al SE de Los Sachas, -0.340522 -76.874317, 250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138363L. B. Holm-Nielsen   196401979-08-20
Ecuador, Napo, Road Coca - Auca oilfield, 3 km along the road to Yucca, -0.47 -76.92, 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138366J. Jaramillo   65051984-03-02
Ecuador, Pichincha, Reserva Forestal ENDESA, Río Silanche: "Corporación Forestal Juan Manuel Durini", km 113 de la carretera Quito-Pto. Quito, faldas occidentales, a 10 km al Norte de la carretera principal, 0.08 -79.03, 650 - 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138367J. Jaramillo   64411984-02-25
Ecuador, Pichincha, Reserva Forestal Endesa, Río Silanche: "Corporación Forestal Juan Manuel Durini", km 113 de la carretera Quito-Pto. Quito, faldas occidentales, a 10 km al Norte de la carretera prinicial, 0.08 -79.03, 650 - 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper hispidum Sw. Sw.
4138498J. Jaramillo   64211984-02-23
Ecuador, Pichincha, Reserva Forestal ENDESA, Río Silanche: "Corporación Forestal Juan Manuel Durini", km 113 de la carretera Quito-Pto. Quito, faldas occidentales, a 10 km al Norte de la carretera principal, 0.08 -79.03, 650 - 700m

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