Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Piper bullosum
Search Criteria: Only include occurrences with coordinates; Ecuador; includes cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-28 of 28

Missouri Botanical Garden

681652Vlastimil Zak & Jaime Jaramillo   1987-12-02
Ecuador, Pichincha, carretera Quito-Aloag- Sto. Domingo de los Colorados, Km 94, sector "La Esperie". En zona h, -0.33 -78.83, 1500 - 1800m

681956Thomas B. Croat   1983-10-09
Ecuador, Pichincha, Along road (mostly graveled) E of Santo Domingo-Quevedo road (beginning 10.5 km N of Patricia Pilar) at Caseria Palmar de Bimbe; 79 12'30"W, 0 35'S; elev. 550-575 m., -0.58 -79.21, 550 - 575m

684161Daniel Rubio, C. Quelal & P. Nastacuaz   1991-06-15
Ecuador, Carchi, Tulc, Reserva Ind, 1.03 -78.23, 1800m

684459Carlos Cer   1989-01-19
Ecuador, Pichincha, Canton Quito. Parroquia Calacal, 0.03 -78.65, 2000m

685300Galo Tipaz, J. Zuleta & N. Guanga   1992-06-19
Ecuador, Carchi, Tulc, Parroquia Tobar Donoso. Sector Sabalera. Reserva Ind, 1 -78.4, 650 - 100m

686861H. van der Werff, B. Gray & P. Fuentes   1994-03-03
Ecuador, Pichincha, Along new road Nanegal-Mindo. Disturbed forest., -0.02 -78.67, 1600 - 1800m

690727Galo Tipaz & Carlos Quelal   1991-05-20
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Nanegal. Reserva Biol, 0.13 -78.58, 1200 - 1700m

691636H. van der Werff, B. Gray & G. Tipas   1991-06-27
Ecuador, Carchi, Border area between Prov. Carchi and Esmeraldas, about 7 km past Lita on road Lita-Alto Tambo. In undulating area., 0.88 -78.48, 550m

692414A   1994-02-10
Ecuador, Napo, Quijos, Sierra Azul (Agr, -0.68 -77.9, 2500 - 2700m

692621A. Gentry & Renato Valencia   1991-02-11
Ecuador, Pichincha, Maquipucuna, 5 km E of Nanegal, mature cloud forest. TRANSECT # 8, 0.12 -78.62, 1550m

692738Henk van der Werff & Edgar Gudi   1989-07-29
Ecuador, Carchi, Near Maldonado, in pastures with scattered trees and along a few wooded streams., 0.92 -78.1, 1400m

693298Jaime Jaramillo & Vlastimil Zak   1985-06-23
Ecuador, Pichincha, Reserva Flor, -0.23 -78.8, 1800 - 2200m

695286Walter Palacios & E. Freire   1991-06-19
Ecuador, Los R, Quevedo, Cerro Centinela. Monta, -0.62 -79.8, 500m

695439Walter Palacios & H. van der Werff   1989-01-24
Ecuador, Pichincha, V, 0.05 -78.58, 2100m

695699A. Gentry, B. Boyle & D. Rubio   1990-05-09
Ecuador, Pichincha, Maquipucuna, 5 km E of Nanegal. Mature cloud forest. TRANSECT No. 2, 0.12 -78.62, 1630m

1082213Margot S. Bass & Nigel Pitman   1994-10-04
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinind, 0.35 -79.73, 400 - 600m

1428252Wilson Rojas & Grupo Post-Grado MO-QCNE   2000-03-13
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Loma Murillo, 1 Km al este del R, -0.05 -78.63, 2300m

1759415Carlos E. Cer   1992-03-17
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Reserva Geobot, 0.08 -78.5, 2200m

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4177380Zak V; Jaramillo Azanza J   1987-12-02
Ecuador, Prov. Pichincha: carretera Quito-Aloag-Sto. Domingo de los Colorados, km 94, sector 'La Esperie'., -0.333333 -78.833333

New York Botanical Garden

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper bullosum C.DC. C.DC.
04136514G. L. Webster   279781990-07-10
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Parroquia Nanegal: Reserva Maquipucuna, secondary rain forest, El Pacchal, S slopes of Cerro Campana, 4-5 km airline SE of Nanegal, 0.13 -78.63, 1300 - 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper bullosum C.DC. C.DC.
4136515W. A. Palacios   35951989-01-24
Ecuador, Pichincha, Vía Calacalí-Nanegalito, 0.05 -78.58, 2100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper bullosum C.DC. C.DC.
4136518V. Zak   31001987-12-02
Ecuador, Pichincha, carretera Quito-Aloag-Sto. Domingo de los Colorados, Km 94, sector "La Esperie"., -0.33 -78.83, 1500 - 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper bullosum C.DC. C.DC.
4136519J. L. Luteyn   143451990-12-14
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito-Santo Domingo old road, Las Palmeras, ca. 59 km WSW of Quito, -0.3 -78.72, 1800 - 1900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper bullosum C.DC. C.DC.
4136521D. C. Daly   51361987-05-07
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Lita. Río Lita and tributaries (affluent of Río Mira), 120 km of Ibarra, 14 km N of Lita, 0.87 -78.48, 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper bullosum C.DC. C.DC.
4136523T. B. Croat   570101983-10-09
Ecuador, Los Ríos, Along road E of Santo Domingo-Quevedo road (beginning 10.5 km N of Patricia Pilar) at Caseria Palmar de Bimbe, -0.58 -79.2083, 550 - 575m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper bullosum C.DC. C.DC.
4136526E. Grijalva P.   5811992-01-16
Ecuador, Pichincha, Reserva Florística-Ecológica "Río Guajalito", Km 59 de la carretera antigua Quito- Sto. Domingo de los Colorados, a 3½ Km al NE de la carretera, estribaciones occidentales del Volcán Pichincha, -0.2314 -78.8028, 1800 - 2200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper bullosum C.DC. C.DC.
4136527J. Jaramillo   136061991-07-21
Ecuador, Pichincha, Reserva Florística-Ecológica "Rio Guajalito", Km. 59 de la carretera antigua Quito-Sto. Domingo de los Colorados, a 3.5 km al NE de la carretera, estribaciones occidentales del Volcán Pichincha, -0.2314 -78.8028, 1800 - 2200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper bullosum C.DC. C.DC.
4136528J. Jaramillo   78321985-06-23
Ecuador, Pichincha, Reserva Florística-Ecológica "Rio Guajalito", Km. 59 de la carretera antigua Quito-Sto. Domingo de los Colorados, a 3.5 km al NE de la carretera, estribaciones occidentales del Volcán Pichincha, -0.2314 -78.8028, 1800 - 2200m

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