Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Peperomia saligna (Peperomia allagotacta, Peperomia saligna var. majuscula)
Search Criteria: Only include occurrences with coordinates; Ecuador; includes cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-34 of 34

Missouri Botanical Garden

2689650B. Ollgaard, Madsen, J. E. & Ellemann, L.   1989-03-12
Ecuador, Loja, Road Loma del Oro (S of Saraguro) toward Fierro Urcu, c. km 9., -3.95 -79.58, 3400m

2679059B. Ollgaard, Holm-Nielsen, L. B. & Andreasen, N. H. B. & Larsen, B. B. & Kvist, L. P.   1982-05-06
Ecuador, Chimborazo, Road c. 10 km NE of Alao, at Cuspipaccha. Elfin forest on steep slope, dominated by Escallonia, Weinmannia, Osteomeles, and Gaiadendron. Understorey dominated by Miconia and Centropogon., -1.8 -78.43, 3500m

2669298P. M. Jorgensen   1986-11-01
Ecuador, Imbabura, Ibarra - Mariano Acosta road, app. 6 km before Mariano Acosta. High montane forest of Hedyosmum, Miconia ssp, Axinaea, Oreopanax and Myrcianthes., 0.33 -78, 3100m

2664763L. B. Holm-Nielsen, Jaramillo, J. & Coello, F.   1980-12-28
Ecuador, Sucumb, SE of El Play, 0.58 -77.63, 3300 - 3700m

2664761L. B. Holm-Nielsen, Jaramillo, J. & Coello, F.   1980-12-28
Ecuador, Sucumb, SE of El Play, 0.58 -77.63, 3300 - 3700m

2664171L. B. Holm-Nielsen, Jaramillo, J. & Coello, F.   1980-12-14
Ecuador, Azuay, P, -3.15 -78.82, 3150m

2658921P. M. Jorgensen, Ulloa, C. & Luteyn, J. L.   1990-12-04
Ecuador, Azuay, Jima - San Miguel de Cuyes, km 17.2. P, -3.27 -78.93, 3140m

2655758P. M. Jorgensen, Madsen, J. E.   1988-12-30
Ecuador, Loja, Loja-Saraguro, at Loma del Oro turnoff towards Fierro Urcu, 9 km from turnoff., -3.7 -79.28, 3550m

681229   1980-07-10
Ecuador, Pichincha, Road Olmedo - Laguna San Marcos, W of the pass. Elfin forest on ridge and in ravine S of the road., 0.08 -78.02, 3600m

681245   1976-08-09
Ecuador, Imbabura, Road Ibarra - Mariano Acosta, E of the pass. Montane forest with large trees., 0.33 -78, 3500 - 3600m

681289B. L   1979-04-29
Ecuador, Napo, S side of Cerro Sumaco, 100-200 m S of the main crater. Ravines in paramo with steep rocks and seepages., -0.58 -77.65, 3700 - 3800m

683025W. Palacios & G. Tipaz   1992-03-03
Ecuador, Imbabura, Pimampiro, Ibarra-Mariano Acosta. Loma Yanalpacunga. Ceja de P, 0.3 -78.02, 3400m

683987Daniel Rubio & Carlos Quelal   1990-08-08
Ecuador, Imbabura, Pimampiro, Carretera de Ibarra a Mariano Acosta. Vegetaci, 0.33 -78, 3500m

687238   1980-07-10
Ecuador, Pichincha, Road Olmedo - Laguna San Marcos, W of the pass. Elfin forest on ridge and in ravine S of the road., 0.08 -78.02, 3600m

687268B. L   1979-04-09
Ecuador, Carchi, Above La Esperenza, 5 km W of El Carmelo on road to Tulc, 0.68 -77.63, 3200 - 3450m

687277B. L   1979-04-10
Ecuador, Carchi, About 3 km E of Frailej, 0.7 -77.67, 3300m

687285B. L   1979-04-12
Ecuador, Carchi, Summit of road from Play, 0.63 -77.63, 3200m

687292B. L   1979-04-14
Ecuador, Carchi, Summit of road from Play, 0.63 -77.63, 3200m

687301B. L   1979-04-16
Ecuador, Carchi, N-facing slopes c. 3 km SW of El Carmelo. Virgin and disturbed cloud forest., 0.65 -77.65, 3150 - 3350m

687309B. L   1979-05-27
Ecuador, Napo, San Miguel (Salcedo)-Puerto Nuevo (Napo) road (under construction), km 52 from Salcedo. Elfin forest and shrub-covered slopes along road., -0.98 -78.3, 3400 - 3500m

687333Sara Mar   1988-10-29
Ecuador, Pichincha, Bosque Protector Pasochoa, 30 km SE de Quito. Vegetaci, 0.45 -78.47, 2850 - 3900m

688330Walter Palacios   1993-11-01
Ecuador, Carchi, Espejo, Reserva Ecol, 0.67 -77.87, 3500m

691657Henk van der Werff & Edgar Gudi   1989-08-08
Ecuador, Carchi, Paramo and low forest along road Tulcan, 0.7 -77.63, 3300m

694815Walter Palacios & D. Rubio   1990-08-02
Ecuador, Sucumb, El Mirador, a 15 km al sur de San Francisco. Bosque intervenido; suelos regios de origen volc, 0.62 -77.52, 3300m

917171Walter Palacios   
Ecuador, Carchi, Tulc, Camino Tufio. Aguas Hediondas en la base del volc, 0.8 -77.9, 3500 - 3650m

1486052Bibiana Cuamaca14s & E. Gudi   1996-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Cayambe, Bosque h, 0.12 -77.95, 3420m

New York Botanical Garden

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia saligna Kunth Kunth
04124406L. B. Holm-Nielsen   295311980-12-14
Ecuador, Azuay, Páramo de Matanga, km 25 on road Sigsig - Gualaquiza (old muletrack) W of the pass, -3.15 -78.82, 3150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia saligna Kunth Kunth
4124407B. Øllgaard   381451982-05-06
Ecuador, Chimborazo, Road c. 10 km NE of Alao, at Cuspipaccha, Elfin forest on steep slope, -1.8 -78.43, 3500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia saligna Kunth Kunth
4124408M. Jörgensen   615661986-11-01
Ecuador, Imbabura, Ibarra - Mariano Acosta road, app. 6 km before Mariano Acosta, 0.33 -78, 3100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia saligna Kunth Kunth
4124409A. B. Alvarez   28652001-01-13
Ecuador, Carchi, San Pedro de Huaca, Parroquia Mariscal Sucre, Estación Biológica Guandera. Ca. al Sendero Auto Autoguiado Clusia, 0.5953 -77.6992, 3550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia saligna Kunth Kunth
4124410A. B. Alvarez   29372002-05-24
Ecuador, Carchi, San Pedro de Huaca, Parroquia Mariscal Sucre. Estación Biológica Guandera. Sendero Clusia. Cerca a las Islas de Páramo, 0.5953 -77.6961, 3421m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia saligna Kunth Kunth
4124412A. Freire Fierro   14201989-03-25
Ecuador, Carchi, Carretero San Gabriel-Chután Alto. Veg. secundaria, veg. de páramo y restos de bosque montano, 0.48 -77.9, 3500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia saligna Kunth Kunth
4124421B. Løjtnant   122801979-04-12
Ecuador, Carchi, Summit of road from Playón de San Francisco to El Carmelo, 0.63 -77.63, 3200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia saligna Kunth Kunth
4124423J. L. Luteyn   133171989-11-02
Ecuador, Imbabura, Otavalo - Selva Alegre rd, 19 km W of PanAmerican Hwy. jct. just below IETEL towers, 0.25 -78.42, 3400m

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