Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Astragalus geminiflorus
Search Criteria: Only include occurrences with coordinates; Ecuador; includes cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-19 of 19

iNaturalist Plant Observations - Colombia

Image Associated With the Occurence
ripleyrm   2013-06-24
Ecuador, Chimborazo, Riobamba, Chimborazo Province, Ecuador, -1.5210704828 -78.8318424806

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1264608Ollgaard B; Balslev H   1976-08-21
Ecuador, Prov. Napo: Lake at origin of Rio Antisana on SW slope of Volcan Antisana (Laguna Micacocha), surrounding paramos, swampy and rocky areas, heavily grazed by cattle, sheep and rabbits., -0.516667 -78.183333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1264607Hekker F; Hekking WHAM   1987-11-13
Ecuador, Provincia de Pichincha; Western slope of the volcano Antisana, superparamo, ca. 2.5 km W. of the volcano., -0.333333 -78.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1264606Hekker F; Hekking WHAM   1987-11-13
Ecuador, Provincia de Pichincha; Western slope of the volcano Antisana, superparamo, ca. 2.5 km W. of this volcano., -0.333333 -78.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1264605Lewis GP   1996-09-25
Ecuador, Chimborazo - Bolivar, Province: Chimborazo / Bolivar. Road Ambato - Guaranda, km 55, western slopes of Chimborazo., -1.416667 -78.866667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1264604Holm-Nielsen LB; Ollgaard B; Sperling C   1980-08-13
Ecuador, Prov. Pichincha, Volcan Iliniza, NE slope below the refugio, Spordiac vegetation in arenal., -0.65 -78.7

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1264603Holm-Nielsen LB; Ollgaard B; Sperling C   1980-08-13
Ecuador, Prov. Pichincha, Volcan Iliniza, NE slope below the refugio, Lee side of loma with cushion plants and arenal., -0.633333 -78.7

New York Botanical Garden

Astragalus geminiflorus Bonpl.
01267287G. P. Lewis   25681996-09-25
Ecuador, Province: Chimborazo/Bolivar. Road Ambato-Guaranda, km 55, western slopes of Chimborazo, -1.42 -78.87, 3995m

Astragalus geminiflorus Bonpl.
01267288G. P. Lewis   24641996-08-10
Ecuador, Province Chimborazo/Bolivar. 25 km NNE of Guaranda on road to Ambato, -1.42 -78.87, 3920m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Astragalus geminiflorus Bonpl.
01267289L. J. Dorr   64841989-06-25
Ecuador, Bolívar, 28-29 km NE of Guaranda on the Guaranda-Ambato Hwy, -1.6 -79, 4185m

Astragalus geminiflorus Bonpl.
01267290B. Øllgaard   88381976-08-21
Ecuador, Napo, Lake at origin of Rio Antisana on SW slope of Volcán Antisana (Laguna Micacocha), -0.52 -78.18, 3900 - 4100m

Astragalus geminiflorus Bonpl.
01267291P. Sklenár   7-11995-05-13
Ecuador, Pichincha, NE slopes of Rucu Pichincha, -0.17 -78.57, 4500m

Astragalus geminiflorus Bonpl.
01267292L. B. Holm-Nielsen   249901980-08-13
Ecuador, Pichincha, Volcán Ilinniza, NE slope below the refugio, -0.63 -78.7, 4300m

Astragalus geminiflorus Bonpl.
01267293L. B. Holm-Nielsen   248811980-08-13
Ecuador, Pichincha, Volcán Ilinniza, NE slope below the refugio, -0.65 -78.7, 4430m

Astragalus geminiflorus Bonpl.
01267294L. B. Holm-Nielsen   66381973-05-30
Ecuador, Pichincha, Base of Volcán Sincholahua. Flat, stony plateau along Rio Pita, -0.6 -78.38, 3600m

Astragalus geminiflorus Bonpl. Bonpl.
01267297H. Balslev   41291983-01-27
Ecuador, Pichinca (Napo): Falda occ. del Cerro Antisana, origen del Río Antisana, -0.47 -78.2, 4200m

Astragalus geminiflorus Bonpl.
01267303P. J. Grubb   5091960-07-16
Ecuador, Western slopes of Antisana, near Hacienda Antisana, -0.5 -78, 4050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Astragalus geminiflorus Bonpl.
01267304J. L. Luteyn   110811985-01-16
Ecuador, Bolívar, Superpáramo area W. of Volcán Chimborazo, ca. 33 km N of Guaranda, -1.5 -78.93, 4120m

Astragalus geminiflorus Bonpl. Bonpl.
01267306B. Løjtnant   153171979-07-01
Ecuador, Napo, SW slopes of Volcán Antisana, 2-3 km N of Hacienda El Hato and 5-6 km NNE of Laguna Micacocha., -0.48 -78.15, 4200 - 4300m

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