Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Piptocarpha lechleri
Search Criteria: Only include occurrences with coordinates; Ecuador; includes cultivated/captive occurrences

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Missouri Botanical Garden

Piptocarpha lechleri (Sch. Bip.) Baker
154754Carlos Cer   1986-11-03
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Parroquia Bomboiza, Misi, -3.42 -78.58, 800m

Piptocarpha lechleri (Sch. Bip.) Baker
567102Walter Palacios, G. Aymard & E. Freire   1991-10-19
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Pachicutza. Camino al Hito. Cordillera del C, -4.12 -78.62, 1000 - 1100m

Piptocarpha lechleri (Sch. Bip.) Baker
579055Jorge Zaruma   1986-10-02
Ecuador, Napo, Puerto Misahualli, 8 Km. r, -1.07 -77.6, 450m

Piptocarpha lechleri (Sch. Bip.) Baker
583924   1980-07-28
Ecuador, Pastaza, Montalvo, on the R, -2.08 -76.97, 300 - 350m

Piptocarpha lechleri (Sch. Bip.) Baker
585362Al Gentry   1993-07-29
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Miazi, flood plain forest along Rio Nangaritza., -4.3 -78.67, 850m

Piptocarpha lechleri (Sch. Bip.) Baker
593511David Neill C.Cer   1986-11-06
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Bomboiza. Colinas, arriba de la Misi, -3.42 -78.58, 800 - 1000m

Piptocarpha lechleri (Sch. Bip.) Baker
919121Milton Aulestia   1994-08-08
Ecuador, Napo, Orellana, Parque Nacional Yasun. Carretera y oleoducto de Maxus, Km 40. Parcela permanente # 10, de 1 hectrea. Bosque h, -0.65 -76.43, 250m

Piptocarpha lechleri (Sch. Bip.) Baker
1351668Efra   1998-09-03
Ecuador, Pastaza, Cant, -1.45 -77.6, 700m

Piptocarpha lechleri (Sch. Bip.) Baker
1557981Wagner Ram   2000-12-15
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Cresta de la Cordillera del C, -3.64 -78.39, 2000m

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piptocarpha lechleri (Sch.Bip.) Baker
U.1141235Øllgaard B; et al.   1980-07-28
Ecuador, Prov. Pastaza: Montalvo, on the Rio Bobonaza. Slightly disterbed rain forest along the trail to Chiriboga., -2.083333 -76.966667

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