Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Bomarea densiflora (Bomarea porphyrophila)
Search Criteria: Only include occurrences with coordinates; Ecuador; includes cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-7 of 7

Missouri Botanical Garden

618272Carlos E. Cer   1987-12-05
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Cant, -0.92 -79.15, 1800 - 2500m

1705859Jorge Caranqui, Melampy M., Lara J.   2002-03-08
Ecuador, Imbabura, Cotacachi, Parroquia Intag, Comuna Santa Rosa de Pucur, 0.37 -78.47, 1850m

912028P.M. J   1994-11-23
Ecuador, Loja, Cordillera de Las Lagunitas. Amaluza-Jimbura-Zumba, Km 36. Shrubby forest and p, -4.72 -79.44, 3420m

913188P.M. J   1994-11-25
Ecuador, Loja, Cordillera de Las Lagunitas. Amaluza-Jimbura-Zumba, Km 37. Upper montane forest. 50 X 10 m plot., -4.73 -79.43, 3390m

1705377Jorge Caranqui,D.Neill, E.Toapanta.   2001-11-28
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Ba, Bosque montano no perturbado., -1.36 -78.13, 2740m

New York Botanical Garden

Bomarea densiflora Herb.
01068197P. M. Jørgensen   8331994-11-23
Ecuador, Loja, Cordillera de Las Lagunitas. Amaluza-Jimbura-Zumba, km 36., -4.7219 -79.4356, 3420 - 3420m

Bomarea densiflora Herb.
01090937B. Øllgaard   89741976-08-28
Ecuador, Chimborazo, Road Pallatanga - Cajabamba, 29-30 km from Pallatanga., -1.9 -78.9, 2950 - 2950m

Page 1, records 1-7 of 7


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