Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Tibouchina alpestris
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-46 of 46

Field Museum of Natural History

Image Associated With the Occurence
I. G. Vargas C.   61988-10-10
Bolivia, Santa Cruz

Image Associated With the Occurence

Missouri Botanical Garden

1521321M. Nee   406561991-06-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 7 km. by air Ne of Mairana. CLoud forest along southern limit of expanded Parque nacional Amboro, entering from Mairana., -18.07 -63.92, 2200m

1524561M. Nee & D. Atha   499991998-07-10
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Carrasco, ALong highway from Cochabamba to Comarapa, about 8 km by road SE of turnoff to Pogo., -17.76 -64.82, 2560m

1531808M. Nee   453351994-07-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Moist forest, some with recent clearings on slopes and along Quebrada El Durazno and a tributary stream and their canyons 7 km. NE of Mairana., -18.06 -63.92, 2100m

1701303M. Kessler, T. Kromer, I. Jimenez, et al   61631996-05-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Vallegrande, 1 Km de Loma Larga a Masicuri., -18.77 -63.9, 1900m

1701308M. Kessler, I. Jimenez, T. Kromer   63391996-06-07
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Vallegrande, 5 Km de Loma Larga a Valle Grande., 2100m

1701310M. Kessler, J. Gonzales, K. bach, A. Acebey   94371997-05-10
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Ayopaya, 10 Km Cocapata- Cotacajes., -16.63 -66.68, 2850m

1701313M. Kessler, A. Portugal, et al   491998-07-16
Bolivia, Chuquisaca, Belisario Boeto, 5 Km pasando Nuevo Mundo., -19 -64.32, 2300m

316446Irasel G. Vargas C.   61988-10-10
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Vallegrande, Huasacañada, 5 km al S de Vallegrande., -18.53 -64.1, 2050m

318501James C. Solomon y M. Nee   160261987-02-11
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Carrasco, 12.8 km al oeste del puente sobre el Río Pojo por el camino entre Santa Cruz y Cochabamba (4 km al oeste de La Habana). Lugares arbustivos, disturbidos a lo largo del camino., -17.73 -64.97, 2700m

319051James C. Solomon   109981983-10-02
Bolivia, Tarija, O'Connor, 1.5 km E of (below) Narvaez on road to Entre Rios. Moist sub-tropical forest with many Myrtaceae, Podocarpus, Legumes, abundant epiphytes., -21.42 -64.27, 1700m

323201Marko Lewis   374521990-07-13
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Río Sara - - Along the slopes between the Sita-Frutallani Road and the Río Sara. 5 km NNW of Inquisivi. East facing slope, mostly semi-arid mattoral with some mimosoid dominated woodlands., -16.87 -67.12, 2400 - 2550m

323498T. Killeen & I. Vargas   41101992-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Manuel Maria Caballero, Entre 15 y 25 km al norte de San Juan de Potrero hacia, Cerro Bravo. Bosque de neblina con Podocarpus, Prumnopitis, Cedrille, y helechos arboreas. Muestras preservadas en alcohol., -17.8 -64.25, 2000 - 2500m

326146Marko Lewis   889011988-06-22
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, North facing slope of Loma El Abra just below ridgeline. Ca. 5 km NW from Inquisivi. Semi-cloud forest and extensive shrub- lands and small trees., -16.87 -67.17, 2840m

326161Marko Lewis   8811341988-08-23
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Along the first creek E of and 1 km E of Loma El Abra. Ca. 6 km NW of Inquisivi. Dense woodland along creek., -16.85 -67.17, 2800m

335666D.N. Smith, G. Quintana & V. García   133291989-05-25
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Manuel Maria Caballero, 50 km al norte de Mataral (en la carretera Santa Cruz-Comarapa) pasando por San Juan del Potrero y bajando a la cuenca del alto Río Ichilo. Bosque pluvial montano, estado primario, en fondo del valle. Especimenes preservados en alcohol., -17.88 -64.27, 2000m

969128A. Jardim   20741995-06-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Manuel Maria Caballero, P.N. Amboro, Cerro Bravo, cerca Comarapa. Bosque nublado con Blepharocalyx salicifolius, varios Weinmannia, Orenopanax, Prumnopitys exigua, Podocarpus rusbyi, Dicksonia, Alsophila... Suelos con mucho humus., -17.9 -64.48, 2600m

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1420862Brooke WMA   1950-08-12
Bolivia, Incachaca., -17 -65

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2559076Herzog T   1911-04-01
Bolivia, Boliviam, In vuvalp, Gebisch an feuchter Stellen, bei Comarapa.

New York Botanical Garden

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn.
02571838A. Lourteig   12231947-10-10
Argentina, Tucumán, Tafi, quebrada del Angostura, km 33-31.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn.
2571839Collector unspecified   30051962-09-12
Argentina, Tucumán, Dep. Tafi. Quebrada de Los Sosa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn.
2571841N. R. Ledezma   422002-08-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, [No precise loc.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn.
2571842M. A. Lewis   8811341988-08-23
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Along the first creek E of and 1 km E of Loma El Abra. ca 6 km NW of Inquisivi., -16.85 -67.17, 2800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn. Cogn.
2571843M. H. Nee   453351994-07-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Moist forest, some with recent clearings, on slopes and along Quebrada El Durazno and a tributary stream and their canyons, 7 km NE of Mairana., -18.0639 -63.92, 2100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn.
2571844I. G. Vargas Caballero   48731996-07-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Manuel María Caballero, Khara Huasi. Márgenes del Río Khara Huasi, subiendo 2 km arriba del pueblo., -17.73 -64.7417, 1850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn. Cogn.
2571845M. Saldías Paz   44701996-07-20
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Manuel María Caballero, Loc. K'arawasi. Barbecho., -17.75 -64.75, 1900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn. Cogn.
2571846M. H. Nee   524312003-08-03
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Manuel María Caballero, 6.5 km (by air) N of Comarapa, cloud forest along old logging road in Cerro Bravo area., -17.86 -64.535, 2380m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn. Cogn.
2571847M. H. Nee   525492003-08-07
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Manuel María Caballero, 0.5 km down from and S of El Empalme (at the Comarapa-Cochabamba highway)., -17.8467 -64.69, 2500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn. Cogn.
2571848J. Solomon   109981983-10-02
Bolivia, Tarija, Burnet O'Connor, 1.5 km E of (below) Narvaez, on road to Entre Rios., -21.42 -64.27, 1700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn. Cogn.
2571849J. Steinbach   57441921-09-02
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Sacaba, Faldas del Cerro Tucachaca., 2500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn.
2571850W. M. A. Brooke   66541950-08-12
Bolivia, Incachaca., 2438m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn. Cogn.
2571851A. Lliully   73
Bolivia, Chuquisaca, Sud Cinti, Puca Pampa. Cercanias de una quebrada con agua que desemboca al rio Alborniyoj., 1690m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn. Cogn.
2571852M. H. Nee   499991998-07-10
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Carrasco, Along highway from Cochabamba to Comarapa, about 8 km by road SE of turnoff to Pojo., -17.7583 -64.82, 2560m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn. Cogn.
2571853I. G. Vargas Caballero   061988-10-10
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Vallegrande, Huasacañada, 5 km al S de vallegrande., -18.5317 -64.0975, 2050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn.
2571854P. Acevedo-Rodríguez   46141991-08-15
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Camarapa Road; 28 km from Camarapa., 2650m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn.
2571855I. G. Vargas Caballero   45301996-07-25
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Loc. Barrientos, 8 km al N de Paredones (Achira Camping)., -18.1 -63.8, 1800 - 1900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn.
2571856R. Renjel   91990-09-04
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Carrasco, Chua Khocha., -17.8 -64.72, 2300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn. Cogn.
2571857M. H. Nee   524042003-08-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Manuel María Caballero, 1.5 km down from El Empalme (on Comarapa-Cochabamba highway) on road to Khara Huasi., -17.84 -64.7033, 2475m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn. Cogn.
2571858N. R. Ledezma   422002-08-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, [No precise loc.], -18.1136 -63.8011, 2120m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn. Cogn.
2571859G. Coimbra S.   6241989-07-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Vallegrande, Cantón Postervalle. Camino a la Pajchita., 2050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn. Cogn.
2571860M. H. Nee   406561991-06-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 7 k (by air) NE of Mairana. Cloud forest along the southern limit of expanded Parque Nacional Amboró, entering from Mairana., -18.07 -63.92, 2200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn. Cogn.
02676005D. Villarroel   2292005-08-11
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Bella Vista, cerro las yungas, con arboles como T lapacho, -18.25 -64.6736, 1755m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina alpestris Cogn. Cogn.
2571840Collector unknown   8595 C1971-09-12
Argentina, Jujuy, Valle Grande, De Abra de Cañas, 4 km camino a Valle Grande., 1670m

United States National Herbarium

10213720J. L. Clark & E. Rodriguez   067162002-07-30
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Carrasco, Serranias Siberia. Old highway (via Antigua) between Santa Cruz and Cochabamba, km # 209 (from Cochabamba)., -17.76119 -64.8175, 2500m

10493950P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, L. Arroyo & B. Mostacedo   46141991-08-15
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Depart. Santa Cruz, Provincia Florida. Camarapa Road; 28 km from Camarapa., 2650m

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