Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Mauritiella aculeata (Mauritiella cataractarum)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 127

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
ASU0314902   2009-08-10
Peru, Jenaro Herrera 2; JH2, -4.90308 -73.63323, 124m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
ASU0314794   2011-09-13
Peru, Allpahuayo; ALP-40, -3.94103 -73.44002, 142m

Field Museum of Natural History

H. S. Irwin   246271969-03-17
Brazil, Goiás

T. J. Killeen   27611987-10-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz

Herbario Nacional Colombiano

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
184363M. Pabón   2561977-10-05
Colombia, Guainía, Departamento de Guainía, Santa Rita, Río Guainía. Alt. 55 m., 2.2744444444 -68.3480555556, 55 - 55m

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
184452M. Pabón   2561977-10-05
Colombia, Guainía, Departamento de Guainía, Santa Rita, Río Guainía. Alt. 55 m., 2.2744444444 -68.3480555556, 55 - 55m

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
184453M. Pabón   2561977-10-05
Colombia, Guainía, Departamento de Guainía, Santa Rita, Río Guainía. Alt. 55 m., 2.2744444444 -68.3480555556, 55 - 55m

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
184454M. Pabón   2561977-10-05
Colombia, Guainía, Departamento de Guainía, Santa Rita, Río Guainía. Alt. 55 m., 2.2744444444 -68.3480555556, 55 - 55m

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
25512José Cuatrecasas   73091939-10-25
Colombia, Vaupés, Departamento del Vaupés, Yuruparí, Rio Vaupes., 0.8602777778 -71.0169444444

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
25513José Cuatrecasas   73091939-10-25
Colombia, Vaupés, Departamento del Vaupés, Yuruparí, Rio Vaupes., 0.8602777778 -71.0169444444

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
25514José Cuatrecasas   73091939-10-25
Colombia, Vaupés, Carurú, Departamento del Vaupés, Yuruparí, Rio Vaupes., 0.8602777778 -71.0169444444

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
25515José Cuatrecasas   73091939-10-25
Colombia, Vaupés, Carurú, Departamento del Vaupés, Yuruparí, Rio Vaupes., 0.8602777778 -71.0169444444

29059Richard Evans Schultes   54281943-05-15
Colombia, Vaupés, Upper Apaporis Basin: Macaya River. At base of Mount Chiribiquete. Forest., 1.4308333333 -72.8822222222, 274 - 274m

29060Richard Evans Schultes   55771943-06-01
Colombia, Vaupés, Upper Apaporis basin, rio Ajaju, along the banks of caño del cerro Campana., 1.2919444444 -72.6263888889, 350 - 350m

29061Richard Evans Schultes   55771943-06-01
Colombia, Vaupés, Upper Apaporis basin, rio Ajaju, along the banks of caño del cerro Campana., 1.2919444444 -72.6263888889, 350 - 350m

29062Richard Evans Schultes   55771943-06-01
Colombia, Vaupés, Upper Apaporis basin, rio Ajaju, along the banks of caño del cerro Campana., 1.2919444444 -72.6263888889, 350 - 350m

29063Richard Evans Schultes   54281943-05-15
Colombia, Vaupés, Upper Apaporis Basin: Macaya River. At base of Mount Chiribiquete. Forest., 1.4308333333 -72.8822222222, 274 - 274m

29064Richard Evans Schultes   54281943-05-15
Colombia, Vaupés, Upper Apaporis Basin: Macaya River. At base of Mount Chiribiquete. Forest., 1.4308333333 -72.8822222222, 274 - 274m

29065Richard Evans Schultes   54281943-05-15
Colombia, Vaupés, Upper Apaporis Basin: Macaya River. At base of Mount Chiribiquete. Forest., 1.4308333333 -72.8822222222, 274 - 274m

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
30880José Cuatrecasas   72951939-10-20
Colombia, Vaupés, Mitú, Departamento del Vaupés, Municipio de Mitú. Alt. 200 m., 1.2466666667 -70.2372222222, 200 - 200m

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
30881José Cuatrecasas   72951939-10-20
Colombia, Vaupés, Mitú, Departamento del Vaupés, Municipio de Mitú. Alt. 200 m., 1.2466666667 -70.2372222222, 200 - 200m

33588Richard Evans Schultes   54281943-05-15
Colombia, Vaupés, Upper Apaporis Basin: Macaya River. At base of Mount Chiribiquete. Forest., 1.4308333333 -72.8822222222, 274 - 274m

33589Richard Evans Schultes   54281943-05-15
Colombia, Vaupés, Upper Apaporis Basin: Macaya River. At base of Mount Chiribiquete. Forest., 1.4308333333 -72.8822222222, 274 - 274m

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
330965G. Galeano   1143
Colombia, Amazonas, Departamento del Amazonas, Corregimiento de Araracuara. Alt. 150-200 m., -1.1430555556 -71.5586111111, 150 - 200m

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
333526G. Galeano   11571986-04-26
Colombia, Amazonas, Río Caquetá, frente a la isla Mariñame., -0.7572222222 -72.0483333333, 120 - 180m

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
356237Mauricio Sánchez S. | Abel Rodriguez | Benedicto Plazas   7671988-06-13
Colombia, Amazonas, Río Caquetá, margen izquierda, 1 km arriba punta extremo occidental, isla Mariñame, 2.2 km, tra. 83., -0.7172222222 -72.0833333333

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
545078Rodrigo Bernal | Gloria Galeano | Juan Carlos Garcés   44302009-03-15
Colombia, Guainía, Río Guainía, caño Wempa, ca. 2 km debajo de la comunidad de Tonina., 2.828861 -67.75575, 76 - 76m

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
409210M. P. Córdoba | A. Etter | Y. Muñoz | L. Baptiste | A. Repizzo   3431995-02-20
Colombia, Guainía, Cerro Minas, Sejalito-Bocana., 2.7411111111 -69.1522222222

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
467796Agustín Rudas Lleras   72441998-03-22
Colombia, Guainía, Departamento de Guainía, Municipio de Puerto Inírida, Resguardo Indígena Almidón-La Ceiba. Comunidad La Ceiba. Alt. 80 m. 3ª 32\\ N, 67ª 51 W., 3.5333333333 -67.85, 80 - 80m

Instituto Alexander von Humboldt

FMB-048782Hernández, J.; Barbosa, César; Sánchez, Heliodoro   1701992-08-19
Colombia, Guaviare, Extremo norte cerca de Dos ríos

FMB-051950Hernández, J.; Barbosa, César; Sánchez, Heliodoro   1701992-08-19
Colombia, Guaviare, Extremo norte cerca de Dos ríos

FMB-039039Hernández, J.; Barbosa, César; Sánchez, Heliodoro   2201992-08-19
Colombia, Guaviare, Extremo norte cerca de Dos ríos

FMB-030810Barbosa, César   7538 (220)1992-08-19
Colombia, Guaviare, 500 m SW campamento base

FMB-035085Hernández, J.; Barbosa, César; Sánchez, Heliodoro   2201992-08-19
Colombia, Guaviare, Extremo norte cerca de Dos ríos

FMB-038679Hernández, J.; Barbosa, César; Sánchez, Heliodoro   2201992-08-24
Colombia, Guaviare, Extremo norte cerca de Dos ríos

FMB-006723Barbosa, César; Zarucchi, James   30291985-03-13
Colombia, Vichada, Cumaribo, Línea roja, borde del río Tomo, caño cumbaza

FMB-006724Barbosa, César; Zarucchi, James   30291985-03-13
Colombia, Vichada, Cumaribo, Línea roja, borde del río Tomo, caño cumbaza

FMB-006796Barbosa, César; Zarucchi, James   30291985-03-13
Colombia, Vichada, Cumaribo, Línea roja, borde del río Tomo, caño cumbaza

FMB-006797Barbosa, César; Zarucchi, James   30291985-03-13
Colombia, Vichada, Cumaribo, Línea roja, borde del río Tomo, caño cumbaza

FMB-006798Barbosa, César; Zarucchi, James   30291985-03-13
Colombia, Vichada, Cumaribo, Línea roja, borde del río Tomo, caño cumbaza

FMB-006824Barbosa, César; Zarucchi, James   30291985-03-13
Colombia, Vichada, Cumaribo, Línea roja, borde del río Tomo, caño cumbaza

FMB-006825Barbosa, César; Zarucchi, James   30291985-03-13
Colombia, Vichada, Cumaribo, Línea roja, borde del río Tomo, caño cumbaza

FMB-006826Barbosa, César; Zarucchi, James   30291985-03-13
Colombia, Vichada, Cumaribo, Along caño Hormiga at El Tapón

FMB-043257Hernández, J.; Barbosa, César; Sánchez, Heliodoro   1701992-08-19
Colombia, Guaviare, Extremo norte cerca de Dos ríos

Missouri Botanical Garden

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
290046Balslev et al.   1989-03-26
Ecuador, Sucumb, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno, north of Laguna Grande. Terra firme, tropical rain forest., 0.02 -76.18, 265m

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
1151748J. Richard Abbott   169441995-06-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Nuflo de Chavez, Pascana Ministro; 70 road km E of Cuatro Canadas, then 10-30 km SE of San Miguelito. Roadside through dry, spiny, chaco forest., -17.75 -61.78, 300m

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
1436210Killeen   27611991-10-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
U.1140062Jansen-Jacobs MJ   1989-09-19

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
U.1140061Jansen-Jacobs MJ   1989-09-19

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
U.1140060Jansen-Jacobs MJ   1989-09-19

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
U.1140056Jansen-Jacobs MJ; Welle BJH ter; Gopaul D; James V   1991-02-06
Guyana, Rupununi District

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
U.1140055Prance GT; et al.   1971-10-13
Brazil, Amazonas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
U.1140054Prance GT; et al.   1971-10-13
Brazil, Amazonas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
U.1140053Prance GT; et al.   1971-10-13
Brazil, Amazonas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
U.1140045Wessels Boer JG   1968-01-20
Venezuela, Amazonas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
U.1140044Wessels Boer JG   1968-01-20
Venezuela, Amazonas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
U.1140043Wurdack JJ; Adderley LS   1959-07-02
Venezuela, Amazonas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
U.1140042Wurdack JJ; Adderley LS   1959-07-02
Venezuela, Amazonas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
U.1140041Bunting GS; Akkermans LMA; Rooden J van   1969-07-01
Venezuela, Amazonas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
U.1140040Bunting GS; Akkermans LMA; Rooden J van   1969-07-01
Venezuela, Amazonas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
U.1140039Wessels Boer JG   1967-07-29
Venezuela, Amazonas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
U.1140038Wessels Boer JG   1967-07-29
Venezuela, Amazonas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
U.1140037Wessels Boer JG   1967-07-29
Venezuela, Amazonas

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
U 0273184Wessels Boer JG   1967-07-29
Venezuela, Amazonas

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
U 0273179Jansen-Jacobs MJ; Welle BJH ter; Gopaul D; James V   1991-02-06
Guyana, Rupununi District

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
L.4173165Andel TR van; Moreno E; Matapi N   1989-09-02
Colombia, Amazonas, Rio Caqueta, margen derecho, frente a Villa Azul, Terraza baj, parcela 7.

New York Botanical Garden

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
01136905A. J. Henderson   1176
Brazil, Amazonas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
01136907A. S. Janssen   205
Brazil, Amazonas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret (Kunth) Burret
01136917M. H. Nee   348831987-04-17
Brazil, Rondônia, Porto Velho, Along hwy. BR 364, 6.5 Km ENE of Corrego Raiz and 27 Km ENE of junction with hwy BR 325, 27 Km (by air) E of Abuna., -9.683333 -65.1, 140 - 140m

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
1187620A. J. Henderson   11461989-10-19
Brazil, Acre, Mâncio Lima, Road from Cruzeiro do Sul to Mancio Lima (AC 317). Campina, low vegetation in wet area., -7.6144 -72.8956

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret (Kunth) Burret
01136912M. H. Nee   344831987-03-25
Brazil, Rondônia, Costa Marques, W of rio Cautarinho, 6 km, N of hwy. BR 429., -12.016667 -63.45, 200 - 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
01136921A. O. Scariot   2411988-12-17
Brazil, Rondônia, Guarajá-Mirim, BR 425, 93 Km de Guajará-Mirim vindo de Porto Velho. Floresta tropical úmida, solo arenoso inundado.

Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
01136904G. A. Black   52-145361958-05-27
Brazil, Rondônia, Porto Velho. Ilhas da mata e campo misturados, beira de estrada até Viana, Km 8.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
01136922C. Farney   1904
Brazil, Amazonas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
02320998T. D. McDowell   36741990-11-09
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni, Golden Star Resources Exploration property, ± 3 km E of Eping R. camp., 6.08 -60.12, 76 - 122m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
02320999M. J. Jansen-Jacobs   17041989-09-19
Guyana, Kamoa River. Swamp between camp and Toucan Mountain., 1.53 -58.83, 260m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
02321001W. A. Diaz   74752005-08-02
Venezuela, Amazonas, Rio Negro, Caño Eruvichi, en margen izquierdo del Río Baria, afluente derecho del Río Pasi., 1.2503 -66.47486, 100 - 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
02321002G. A. Galeano   1143
Colombia, Amazonas, Corregimiento de Araracuara, bosque en colinas cercanas., 150 - 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret (Kunth) Burret
02321003H. A. Gleason   7971921-07-15
Guyana, Rockstone., 5.977011 -58.521295

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret (Kunth) Burret
02321004J. J. Wurdack   432821959-07-02
Venezuela, Amazonas, Along cano Pimichin between Rio Guainia and Pimichin., 2.79939 -67.5542

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret (Kunth) Burret
02321005J. J. Wurdack   432821959-07-02
Venezuela, Amazonas, Along cano Pimichin between Rio Guainia and Pimichin., 2.79939 -67.5542

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret (Kunth) Burret
02321006J. J. Wurdack   432821959-07-02
Venezuela, Amazonas, Along cano Pimichin between Rio Guainia and Pimichin., 2.79939 -67.5542

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret (Kunth) Burret
02321007J. J. Wurdack   432821959-07-02
Venezuela, Amazonas, Along cano Pimichin between Rio Guainia and Pimichin., 2.79939 -67.5542

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
02321010J. Velazco   5001989-09-00
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Frente No 2 Hoja NB-20-15, Boca Río Cuao Muestras recolectadas en el río Sipapo aguas arriba de la desemb, del río Cuao., 4.98 -67.68, 80m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
02321011P. von Luetzelburg   22M91928-09-11
Brazil, R. Negro, Macarabi-Cado [illegible]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
02321012D. Philcox   45181968-03-12
Brazil, 1 km. E. of km. 264, Xavantina-Cachimbo road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret (Kunth) Burret
02321024T. J. Killeen   27611987-10-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, José Miguel de Velasco, Parque Nac. Noel Kempf. On top of Meseta., -14.67 -60.67, 750 - 800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
02321025A. J. Henderson   0411984-03-09
Venezuela, Amazonas, Mun. Río Negro, Neblina Base Camp, Río Mawarinuma, 0.83 -66.17, 140 - 140m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
02321026G. A. Galeano   11571986-04-26
Colombia, Amazonas, Río Caquetá, frente a la Isla Meriñamo, 120 - 180m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
02321027A. H. Gentry   523071985-10-12
Peru, Loreto, Alto Amazonas, Ca. Km 14 Yurimaguas-Tarapoto road, -5.97 -76.22, 180m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
02321028R. L. Liesner   208891986-05-15
Venezuela, Bolívar, Piar, Río Acanán, Guarumo. 5 km W of Amaruay-tepui. 0 to 1 km N of base camp at Guadequen, 5.93 -62.28, 470 - 470m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
02321029R. L. Liesner   183551985-03-06
Venezuela, Amazonas, Mun. Atabapo, Slope of Huachamacari, 3.65 -65.7, 850 - 850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret (Kunth) Burret
02321030L. R. Moreno Suárez   211989-11-10
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, José Miguel de Velasco, Los Fierros - Rio San Ramon, 230m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret (Kunth) Burret
02321031R. Guillén   14701994-05-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, José Miguel de Velasco, Campamento EL REFUGIO a 1400 m al sudoeste de la casa yendo hacia la pampa de Las Islas. Pampa húmeda anegada temporalmente con aguas del río Paraguá., -14.7858 -61.0478, 150 - 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
02321049G. Davidse   268441984-06-29
Venezuela, Amazonas, Departmento Río Negro, middle part of the Río Baria, forest around small laja., 1.08 -66.42, 80m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret (Kunth) Burret
02321050W. Hahn   47761988-04-18
Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni region: Kaietur Falls National Park., 5.17 -59.48

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret
02320978G. A. Black   52-145361958-05-27
Brazil, Rondônia, Porto Velho. Ilhas da mata e campo misturados, beira de estrada até Viana, Km 8.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret (Kunth) Burret
02320979A. J. Henderson   9741989-02-04
Venezuela, Amazonas, Sierra Unturan, near base camp, 1.55 -65.2, 1150 - 1150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret (Kunth) Burret
01136924B. W. Nelson   931A1980-12-23
Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, Rio Cuieiras.-Rio Cuieiras, mata de igapó arenoso., -2.7025996 -60.3942275

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret (Kunth) Burret
02320981G. T. Prance   151771971-10-13
Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Negro between Rio Quinini & Moreira. Black water flooded river margin., -0.672589 -63.192283

Page 1, records 1-100 of 127


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