Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Cyperus virens (Cyperus virens var. drummondii, Cyperus virens var. minarum), Cyperus virens subsp. drummondii, Cyperus virens var. virens
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 112

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0006324S. L. Friedman   349-941994-09-22
Mexico, Sinaloa, Tierra y Libertad vicinity 4.0 km N on Bacocho Rd. from Diez de Abril Rd. at Arroyo Bacamocha; 8 km (by air) NW of Melchor Ocampo, 5 km (by air) NE of Camahuiroa

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0006434M. M. Arbo   70201996-05-12
Argentina, Corrientes, Dep. San Roque. Estancia San Antonio, ca. 30 km al NE de Chavarria, camino a Concepcion, 4 km al E de la ruta, al E del casco., -28.7833 -58.3167

Charles Darwin Research Station Herbarium

12613Tobar, F.   G812001-12-13
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santa Cruz; Cerro Crocker, alrededor de las antenas. Cuadrante BA1., -0.642222 -90.325833, 820m

12666Jäger, H.   4722001-01-24
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santa Cruz; Camino desde Media Luna hacia Cerro Crocker.., -0.642722 -90.325055, 800m

12675Jäger, H.   4632001-12-12
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santa Cruz; Camino desde Media Luna hacia Cerro Crocker. Cuadrante BS #6, -0.645 -90.327194, 750m

12676Jäger, H.   4622001-12-10
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santa Cruz; Camino hacia Media Luna. Cuadrante BS #2., -0.65875 -90.328805, 560m

12710Peña, B.   492002-01-19
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santa Cruz; Media Luna., -0.660972 -90.319305, 875m

12866Jäger, H.   5082002-01-08
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santa Cruz; Camino desde Media Luna hacia el Cerro Crocker, cuadrante BS#7., -0.643333 -90.324638, 775m

12893Jäger, H.   2922000-11-03
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santa Cruz; Camino hacia Media Luna, justo antes del 'Y' entre Media Luna y El Puntudo., -0.662083 -90.327611, 570m

1494Adsersen, H.   1221974-04-21
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santa Cruz; Between Coralon and El Puntudo., -0.662083 -90.327611, 570m

1497Adsersen, H.   10501974-10-15
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santiago; Central Highland., 900m

1501Adsersen, H.   1301974-04-21
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santa Cruz; Between Coralon and El Puntudo., -0.632907 -90.329767, 650m

15674Aldaz, I.   7021997-12-06
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santiago; Norte de la parte alta de la isla. Parcela Abierta "La Pampa"., -0.21325 -90.775666, 835m

1939Miño, J.   s.n.1977-01-09
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santa Cruz; Cerro Calsoncillo., -0.6425 -90.310777, 670m

2956de Vries, T.   s.n.1974-04-08
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santiago; Highlands.

42559Guézou, A.   4492006-12-04
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla San Cristóbal; Zona agrícola, al este del cerro San Joaquín. Propiedad de Alfonso López (FC120-inventario)., -0.892788 -89.510444, 593m

43545Aldaz, I.   22092006-03-24
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santiago; Parcela abierta La Pampa, -0.21325 -90.775666, 835m

43713Aldaz, I.   19962003-03-23
Ecuador, Galápagos, Volcán Alcedo, Isabela; Cima sureste del volcán Cercado grande de protección del helecho arbóreo, -0.451444 -91.098111, 1040m

44214Aldaz, I.   12831997-12-06
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santiago; Parcela abierta La Pampa, -0.21325 -90.775666, 835m

44280Aldaz, I.   6631994-11-29
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santiago; Cercado La Pampa, -0.21325 -90.775666, 835m

4596Lawesson, J.E.   25601985-11-30
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santa Cruz; Area around Puntudo and Cerro Crocker., -0.650268 -90.324207, 724m

4662Lawesson, J.E.   25131985-11-21
Ecuador, Galápagos, Volcán Sierra Negra, Isabela; Caldera floor. 900 msnm. and areas close to the rim os Sierra Negra., 1050m

5073de Vries, T.   s.n.1973-09-28
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santa Cruz; Quadrant D near Media Luna., -0.662083 -90.327611, 570m

5074de Vries, T.   s.n.1973-09-28
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santa Cruz; Quadrant D near Media Luna., -0.662083 -90.327611, 570m

5338Nowak, J.B.   9261988-04-02
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santa Cruz; Cerca a los Gemelos., -0.623996 -90.383947, 611m

5347Nowak, J.B.   7281986-09-01
Ecuador, Galápagos, Volcán Sierra Negra, Isabela

5387Nowak, J.B.   7671986-12-05
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Isabela; Bajando de Poza Colorada hacia las torres., -0.92155 -90.975425, 140m

5558Nowak, J.B.   6141986-02-13
Ecuador, Galápagos, Volcán Sierra Negra, Isabela; Línea de fuego desde Santo Tomas hasta 2 Km hacia el Norte.

5830Lawesson, J.E.   32931986-10-20
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santiago; Zona de los aguacates.

6688Prado, L.   2011993-04-22
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santiago; Cuadrante Scalesia.

6702Aldaz, I.   3751995-05-12
Ecuador, Galápagos, Volcán Sierra Negra, Isabela; La Trocha.

6885Aldaz, I.   4121996-02-24
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santiago; Cuadrante Cinco Cerros.

7956Prado, L.   1211994-01-26
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santiago; Cuad. Encañada.

818de Vries, T.   s.n.1968-01-03
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santa Cruz; En-dessus du Media Luna., -0.594194 -90.3575, 600m

8731Valdebenito, H.   s.n.1991-03-14
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santiago; Cuadrante la Pampa.

8748Valdebenito, H.   s.n.1991-03-14
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santiago; Cuadrante El Muñeco.

8753Valdebenito, H.   s.n.1991-03-14
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santiago; Fuera del cuadrante Jaboncillo.

915de Vries, T.   s.n.1968-01-03
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santa Cruz; Area of Media Luna., -0.594194 -90.3575, 600m

Field Museum of Natural History

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus virens Willd. ex Kunth
M. Cházaro B.   34681985-06-02
Mexico, Veracruz

Herbario Nacional Colombiano

102854Hernándo García Barriga   177401962-12-31
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Mosquera, Cerros de Fute, sur de la laguna de La Herrera., 4.622467041 -74.2776184082, 2500 - 2800m

143012J. Ballesteros G.   021973-07-05
Colombia, Boyacá, Tunja, Sin Datos., 2820 - 2820m

163557SIN   921

167302SIN   37169

29714Jesús María Duque-Jaramillo   27741946-03-06
Colombia, Bogotá, D.C., Bogotá, D.C., Suba, al pié del Cerro., 2700 - 2700m

295053H. Murphy   6041982-06-26
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Guadalajara de Buga, Finca opposite El Vinculo preserve owned by INCIVA., 1000 - 1000m

441820M. Bernal   461999-09-23
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Mosquera, Cienaga de Guali - Tres Esquinas., 2545 - 2545m

Herbario Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia

HPUJ-Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ):HPUJ
8324Schmidt-Mumm U.   9381989-10-07
Colombia, Meta, Puerto López, Laguna de Menegua, 4.083001 -72.924287

Missouri Botanical Garden

Ecuador, Galapagos

2036328Mireya D. Correa A. & Robert L. Lazor   14861969-04-26
Panama, Chiriquí, Más a menos 5.4 Km. del Hato de Volcán en el camino a Las Lagunas., 8.77 -82.68

3010231Otto Zöllner   138531988-01-21
Chile, In province Concepciön in Coronel.

266755Garrett Crow & Dora Ingrid Rivera   75331990-08-09
Costa Rica, Cartago, Paraiso, Reserva Río Macho, ca. 6 km South, 1 km south of Orosí, Embalse El Llano, (artificial pond below reserve), wet soil at edge of pond, 9.77 -83.86, 1600m

1521075M. Nee   461121994-12-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 12.5 km (by air) ENE of center of Santa Cruz, 3 km N of Jardín Botánico de Santa Cruz. Flat, probably formerly grassland, now mostly pastures. Grassy and brushy roadside, soil very sandy., -17.74 -63.08, 380m

935310Killeen, Saldías, Guillén, Gutiérrez & Menacho   57981993-10-21
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado. Pampa húmeda Los Fierros; 18 km al S. Islas de bosque en zona inundada. En pampa inundada., -13.64 -60.8, 155m

939247R. Guillén & S. Coria   16341994-05-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Campamento EL REFUGIO a 2500 m al N de la casa. Bosque ribereño anegado temporalmente. Suelos arcillo limosos., -14.76 -61.05, 160m

Museo Nacional de Costa Rica

Cyperus virens Willd. ex Kunth
36137Rodríguez Rafael Lucas   4241957-05-05
Costa Rica, Cartago, Rocas al pie de la catarata de Orosí.

Cyperus virens Willd. ex Kunth
112923Gómez Laurito Jorge   98901984-02-03
Costa Rica, Heredia, Frente al restaurant Vara Blanca., 1800m

Cyperus virens Willd. ex Kunth
50841Burger William   75601971-07-14
Costa Rica, Cartago, Very steep slopes with open forest andmany epiphytes about 10 km south of Tapantí along the new road on the east slope above the río Grande de Orosí at about 1600 m., 9.7 -83.76, 1600m

Cyperus virens Willd. ex Kunth
47303Davidse Gerrit   14811969-03-11
Costa Rica, Cartago, 2 km N of Santiago., 2050m

Cyperus virens Willd. ex Kunth
112924Gómez Laurito Jorge   98901984-02-03
Costa Rica, Heredia, Vara Blanca. Frente al restaurant., 1800m

Cyperus virens Willd. ex Kunth
112778Gómez Laurito Jorge   100661984-06-25
Costa Rica, Cartago, Parque Industrial., 1400m

Cyperus virens Willd. ex Kunth
112918Gómez Laurito Jorge   98901984-02-03
Costa Rica, Heredia, Frente al restaurant Vara Blanca., 1800m

Cyperus virens Willd. ex Kunth
46992Davidse Gerrit   11941968-08-08
Costa Rica, Cartago, Turrialba, Sedge marshes at Moravia de Chirripó., 1100m

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1767626Camargo O   1957-12-08
Brazil, Flora Brasiliae australis. Rio Grande do Sul. Taquari, in humidis arenosis.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1767625Terribile M   1946-12-06
Argentina, Santa Fé, Provincia Santa Fé. Dep. Colonias. Pilar.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1767624Bruijn J de   1967-02-03
Venezuela, Venezuela. State of Zulia. ± 20 km N. of Santa Barbara-San Carlos del Zulia. Pioneer-vegetation on fertile soil along the Rio Catatumbo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1767623Pedersen TM   1964-10-18
Argentina, Estancia 'Las Tres Marias' Dep. Empedrado Prov. Corrientes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1767622Pedersen TM   1974-12-18
Argentina, Argentinenses, isla Soto, Pdo. San Fernando, Prov. Chaco.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus virens subsp. drummondii (Torr. & Hook.) T.Koyama
U.1299402Werff HH van der   1974-05-23
Ecuador, Galapagos, Insularum Galapagensium, Isabela, E. rim of Vulcan Alcedo, open terrain.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1299401Werff HH van der   1974-09-01
Ecuador, Galapagos, Insularum Galapagensium, Isabela, SE. rim of the Caldera of Alcedo. On open terrain.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1299400Bruijn J de   1967-02-03
Venezuela, Venezuela. State of Zulia. ± 20 km N. of Santa Barbara-San Carlos del Zulia. Pioneer-vegetation on fertile soil along the Rio Catatumbo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus virens subsp. drummondii (Torr. & Hook.) T.Koyama
U.1299399Werff HH van der   1974-07-01
Ecuador, Galapagos, Insularum Galapagensium, Santa Cruz, in pampa zone above Schiess'farm. Plant with short creeping rhizone.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1299335Pedersen TM   1951-11-24
Argentina, On low, wet land, often growing in uo to 20 cm. of water, estancia 'Santa Teresa', dep mbrucuya, prov. corrientes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1299334Pedersen TM   1957-11-25
Argentina, Wet ground, estancia 'La Yela', dep empedrado, prov. corrientes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1239038Harley RM; et al.   1974-02-01
Brazil, Brazil: Estado de Bahia, Lagoa Encantada, 19km N.E. of Ibicoara near Brejac. Lakeside marsh with standing water, and disturbed vegetation near culttivation., -13.333333 -41.216667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1239037Lindeman JC; Haas JH de   1966-11-23
Brazil, Brasiliae australis, Est. Parana. Parque Nacional do Iguacu. N. edg, 2 1/2 km W. of Road to Capanema, S. of Jardinopolis.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.3781597Pedersen TM   1975-01-22
Argentina, near Eldorado, by the A Piray-mini, prov. Misiones.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.3781596Pedersen TM   1975-01-22
Argentina, near Eldorado, by the A Piray-mini, prov. Misiones.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.3776269Pedersen TM   1964-10-18
Argentina, Estancia 'Las Tres Marias' Dep. Empedrado Prov. Corrientes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.3776268Pedersen TM   1964-10-18
Argentina, Estancia 'Las Tres Marias' Dep. Empedrado Prov. Corrientes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.1383493Pedersen TM   1961-10-21
Argentina, Wet ground ('malezal'), Estancia 'Buena Esperanza', Dep. Federación, Prov. Entre Rios.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.1383492Pedersen TM   1967-03-31
Argentina, Argentinenses, (Isla Cupalén), Estancia 'La Selmira', Dep. Uruguay, Prov. Entre Ríos.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.1383491Pedersen TM   1967-03-31
Argentina, Argentinenses, (Isla Cupalén), Estancia 'La Selmira', Dep. Uruguay, Prov. Entre Ríos.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus virens var. montana
L.1383490Smith LB; Klein RM   1957-02-08
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Mun. Caçador-Curitibanos: ruderal, 11 km southeast of Caçador on the road to Lebon Regis (47 km).

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus virens var. montanus
L.1383489Reitz R; Klein RM   1962-12-17
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Morro Pinheiro Sêco, Lajes, Campo úmido.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus virens var. montanus
L.1383488Smith LB; Klein RM   1956-12-07
Brazil, Santa Catarina, km 151 Erf, Mun. Papanduva: Bog north of Papanduva on the Estrada de Rodagem Federal.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.1383487Pedersen TM   1965-12-27
Paraguay, West ground, Estancia 'La Soledad' (Isla Carpincho), Santiago, Dep. Misiones.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.1383486Ule EHG   1909-10-01
Brazil, An einem Bashe riv, Serra do Utelu, Serra do Banco, Rio Branco; !. *.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.1383483Pedersen TM   1974-12-18
Argentina, Argentinenses, isla Soto, Pdo. San Fernando, Prov. Chaco.

New York Botanical Garden

Cyperus virens Michx. var. virens Michx.
668640J. M. Tucker   11901942-04-01
El Salvador, Chalatenango, Wheat field, southeast-facing slope of Los Esesmiles., 14.35 -89.15, 2160 - 2250m

Cyperus virens Michx. Michx.
668635J. A. Steyermark   993741967-07-21
Venezuela, Falcón, Sierra de San Luis: Montaña de Paraguariba, sabanas naturales alternando con áreas boscosas, entre el Hotel Parador y Curimagua., 1300 - 1300m

Cyperus virens Michx. Michx.
668633G. H. H. Tate   9651926-04-00
Bolivia, Okara. Rio Tipuani., -15.65 -68.4, 2286 - 2286m

Cyperus virens Michx. var. virens Michx.
668641T. M. Pedersen   70971964-10-18
Argentina, Corrientes, Empedrado, Estancia "Las Tres Marias". Low, frequent flooded ground by the R. Paraná.

Cyperus virens Michx.
668634E. M. Zardini   292321991-12-09
Paraguay, Central, Tavarory, 3 km S from administration, 1 km E of Río Paraguay., -25.5 -57.5

Cyperus virens Michx. var. virens Michx.
668643J. A. Steyermark   1035561970-08-07
Venezuela, Lara, Jiménez, Selva nublada, entre la Encrucijada y el camino al Parque Nacional Yacambú de El Blanquito, 10-15 Kms. SSE de Sanare., 1750 - 1800m

Cyperus virens Michx. var. virens Michx.
668642H. H. Rusby   14071921-03-11
Bolivia, El Beni, Lake Rogagua., 305 - 305m

Cyperus virens var. montanus (Boeckeler) Denton (Boeckeler) Denton
668639E. R. Guaglianone   30011995-11-21
Argentina, Misiones, General Manuel Belgrano, Ruta Nac. 101, 12 km al N de San Antonio, Arroyo Toro., -26.03 -53.77, 480 - 480m

Cyperus virens var. drummondii (Torr. & Hook.) Kük. (Torr. & Hook.) Kük.
668638F. H. F. Oldenburger   ON511968-09-03
Suriname, Sipaliwini, West Sip.sav. N. of '4-Gebroeders' creek. Sipaliwini savanna area on Brazilian frontier., 260 - 260m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus virens Michx. Michx.
02618664L. F. Coêlho   s.n.1968-02-06
Brazil, Amazonas, Ilha do Marapatá, próximo de Manaus. Margem alagada do rio., -3.1619547 -59.9622095

Cyperus virens var. drummondii (Torr. & Hook.) Kük. (Torr. & Hook.) Kük.
668637I. L. Wiggins   6801967-02-18
Ecuador, Galápagos, Foot of steep ridge, S slope of Mt. Crocker, Isla Santa Cruz (Indefatigable Island)., 630 - 630m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus virens Michx. Michx.
1016178C. L. Abreu   3451980-10-22
Brazil, São Paulo, São Paulo, Capital, rodovia Presidente Dutra km 226, -23.5403 -46.63

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