Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Pleopeltis wiesbaurii
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-35 of 35

Fundación Jardín Botánico Joaquín Antonio Uribe de Medellín

Image Associated With the Occurence
18778Álvaro Cogollo Pacheco   30941988-05-30
Colombia, Antioquia, Urrao. Parque Nacional Natural "Las Orquídeas" Sector Calles, Margen derecha del río Calles., 6.5333333 -76.3166667, 1250m

Missouri Botanical Garden

Pleopeltis wiesbaurii (Sodiro) Lellinger
32339H.W. Churchill   50121984-04-02
Panama, Chiriquí, Fortuna Dam Area. Stream to W of road near Quebrada Bonito., 8.75 -82.22, 1100m

Pleopeltis wiesbaurii (Sodiro) Lellinger
6072Thomas B. Croat & Michael H. Grayum   604401985-03-12
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Along road between Fortuna and Chiriquí Grande, 1.2 mi N of Continental Divide, 5.3 mi N of bridge over Fortuna Dam 4. [Coordinates on orginal label: 8.44N 82.17W], 8.77 -82.21, 910m

Pleopeltis wiesbaurii (Sodiro) Lellinger
995240Helen Kennedy, Robert L. Dressler & A. H. Gentry   32051973-05-12
Panama, Coclé, Ca. 9 km from El Valle Market beyond Sr. Furlong's finca, at end of the road., 8.65 -80.13

Pleopeltis wiesbaurii (Sodiro) Lellinger
995241Thomas B. Croat   253071974-07-21
Panama, Coclé, La Mesa above El Valle; along road which ends in pasture, 8.63 -80.12, 810m

Pleopeltis wiesbaurii (Sodiro) Lellinger
15792Michael H. Grayum   33851984-07-01
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Along Río Jaba S of San Vito de Coto Brus; alt. 1150 m. 8º47'N, 82º58'W. Collected with Brian Jacobs, George Schatz and John Kress, 8.78 -82.96, 1150m

Pleopeltis wiesbaurii (Sodiro) Lellinger
34870Gerardo Herrera Ch.   661986-10-21
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Isidro de San Ramón, 10.08 -84.44, 1259m

Pleopeltis wiesbaurii (Sodiro) Lellinger
8198Gerardo Varela   1141990-06-20
Costa Rica, Heredia, Parque Nac. Braulio Carrillo Carrillo, Barva, bosque primario, potrero., 10.12 -84.12, 2500m

Pleopeltis wiesbaurii (Sodiro) Lellinger
1809469A. Cogollo&J.G. Ramirez   30941988-05-30
Colombia, Antioquia, Parque Nacional Natural Las Orquideas Sector Calles. Margen derecha del río Calles., 6.53 -76.32, 1250m

Museo Nacional de Costa Rica

225689Gómez Luis Diego   6797
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Ramón, La Balsa., 1500m

131405Grayum Michael   8481
Costa Rica, Heredia, Along trail from Finca El Plástico to future site of Rara Avis (at ca. 670 m along W fork of Río Sardinal) Atlantic slope of Volcán Barva., 10.28 -84.03, 550 - 670m

214436Grayum Michael   108341995-08-10
Costa Rica, Limón, Limón, Headwaters of Quebrada Kakébeta below divide between río Xikiari and rio Boyei., 9.78 -83.34, 1000m

216361Rojas Alexander   25971996-05-02
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Ramón, R.B. Alberto Manuel Brenes Orillas del camino entre Los Angeles Norte y Río Cataratas., 10.2 -84.53, 1000m

144413Hennipman E.   70581986-11-20
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Coto Brus, E.B. Las Cruces San Vito de Java Las Cruces Botanical Garden., 8.83 -82.91, 1150m

113425Grayum Michael   33851984-07-01
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Along Río Jaba S of San Vito de Coto Brus., 8.78 -82.96, 1150m

156073Bittner Jens   15981992-04-13
Costa Rica, Heredia, Reserva Forestal de Virgen de Socorro. Secundary and primary forest., 10.27 -84.17, 700 - 800m

203545Herrera Gerardo   55461992-11-21
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Carlos, Finca Jilguero área aledaña a Arenal Lodge., 10.43 -84.7

146192Herrera Gerardo   20901988-07-14
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Upala, El Pilón alrededores intersección del camino de Argüello con Río Chimurria., 10.72 -85, 600m

195609Rojas Alexander   18071995-05-09
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Carlos, Quebrada Gata a orillas de la quebrada., 10.26 -84.26, 1070m

198426Rojas Alexander   13811994-08-21
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Alajuela, Entre Cariblanco y Virgen del Socorro y orilla del río Sarapiquí., 10.25 -84.17, 800m

38566Brenes Alberto Manuel   84101927-06-17
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Ramón, Colinas de San Pedro de San Ramón.

216620Rojas Alexander   25611996-04-25
Costa Rica, San José, Puriscal, P.N. La Cangreja Orillas del Río Negro. Puente por el cacaotal viejo., 9.68 -84.39, 320m

225690Taylor John W.   116891972-08-05
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Carlos, P.N. Volcán Arenal 3.5 km W of Fortuna on NE slope of Volcán Arenal., 10.46 -84.68, 500m

241078Rojas Alexander   56652004-05-18
Costa Rica, San José, Tarrazú, R. B. Ríos Paraíso Fila al Oeste de Río Negro., 9.55 -84.13, 500m

176554Lellinger David B.   18321975-06-22
Costa Rica, Limón, Flood plain of the Río Toro Amarillo ca. 6-7 km S of Guápiles S of suspension bridge. Undisturbed primary forest., 420 - 440m

41701Jiménez Alfonso   9511963-07-22
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Lugar ventoso a 14 km. al NE. de Ciudad Quesada San Carlos., 1250m

52267Lellinger David B.   12961970-07-25
Costa Rica, Alajuela, W of San Ramón ca. 0.2 km E of Potrerillos and 1 km N along dirt road at ridge top. Secondary forest., 1250m

81607Lent Roy W.   3740
Costa Rica, Cartago, Forest near Río Tepemechin., 9.78 -83.68, 800m

195278Rojas Alexander   19271995-06-08
Costa Rica, San José, Turrubares, P.N. Carara Valle del Tárcoles. Sector Bijagual. Montañas de Jamaica., 9.76 -84.56, 550m

116251Chacón Isidro A.   18641986-04-25
Costa Rica, Limón, Pococí, Borde Laguna Vianey Fernández. Reserva Forestal.

213384Estrada Armando   1390
Costa Rica, San José, Tarrazú, Z.P. Cerro Nara Faldas de Cerro Nara., 9.49 -84.01, 850m

41719Jiménez Alfonso   22801964-08-14
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Carlos, En borde de bosque., 850m

90051Kennedy Helen   32051973-05-12
Panamá, Province of Cocle. Ca. 9 km from El Valle Market beyond Sr. Furlongs' finca at end of the road.

214623Rojas Alexander   1996-09-04
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, La Cruz, P.N. Guanacaste Estación Pitilla sendero los Memos., 10.99 -85.42, 750m

New York Botanical Garden

Pleopeltis wiesbaurii (Sodiro) Lellinger (Sodiro) Lellinger
03960632R. C. Moran   53311991-02-07
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Lita- San Lorenzo road, 5.9 km from Lita. On small tree in middle of river.

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