Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Polygonum hispidum
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 109

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0030439A. Schinini   262661988-05-26
Argentina, Chaco, Dep. San Martín. Ea. La Leonor., -26.354536 -59.564237

Field Museum of Natural History

Image Associated With the Occurence
S. T. McDaniel   222691979-05-14
Peru, Loreto

I. G. Vargas C.   5991990-06-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz

E. P. Killip   145701926-11-16
Colombia, Bolívar

Herbario Nacional Colombiano

1650José J. Triana   19861853-07-01
Colombia, Prov. de Mariquita i del Cauca., 240 - 900m

14716O. Haught   24201938-11-05
Colombia, Tolima, Piedras, Sin Datos., 300 - 300m

130031SIN   2797

178277Herbario Nacional Colombiano   65671973-07-10
Colombia, Córdoba, Ciénaga de Ayapel., 8.343274 -75.091791, 50 - 50m

31706O. Haught   47681946-06-10
Colombia, Bolívar, Zambrano, Sin Datos., 100 - 100m

79181Rafael Romero-Castañeda   23321951-04-08
Colombia, Antioquia, Cáceres, Alrededores.

79187Rafael Romero-Castañeda   23321951-04-08
Colombia, Antioquia, Cáceres, Alrededores.

583067Denisse Cortés Castillo   2512010-03-02
Colombia, Córdoba, San Bernardo del Viento, Sin Datos., 5 - 5m

4426H. H. Smith   13451898-01-01
Colombia, Magdalena, Santa Marta, Sin Datos., 11.117704 -73.88942, 30 - 30m

4427Enrique Pérez Arbeláez   25811933-01-01
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Tocaima, Sin Datos.

4428Enrique Pérez Arbeláez   25811933-01-01
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Tocaima, Sin Datos.

Missouri Botanical Garden

1345376S. Knapp & B. Hammel   43951982-03-21
Panama, Panamá, Tocumen Marsh, S of La Siesta Hotel near Aeropuerto Omar Torrijos H. (Tocumen). Marshes and ponds., 9.08 -78.45, - 10m

1888190E.L. Tyson   59121969-07-25
Panama, Marsh area 2 mi S of Tocuman Airport

2057401C.W. Dodge, A.A. Hunter, Julian A. Steyermark & P.H. Allen   166721934-11-29
Panama, Panamá, Panama, Along road between Panamá and Chepo., 8.99 -79.52, 106 - 66m

2058040Helen Kennedy, C. von Chong & J. Steiner   23131973-02-07
Panama, Canal Area, Hyacinth control dock on Chagres River ca. 2 miles above Gamboa, 9.14 -79.68, 50 - 100m

2058539M. Nee   67811973-09-04
Panama, Colón, Small tributary of Quebrada Ancha, 4 km E of Buena Vista, 3 km N of Cement plant, 9.3 -79.65, 80m

2059032Thomas B. Croat   225301973-03-03
Panama, Chiriquí, Distrito Guanabano. Burica Peninsula. Disturbed areas along Quebrada Quanabano., 8.24 -82.88, - 100m

2059457Melvin M. Boreham   s.n.1971-04-27
Panama, Canal Area, Río Chagres arriba de Gamboa, 9.23 -79.54, - 10m

2059533E.L. Tyson   67501972-09-21
Panama, Panamá, Chepo, 3 miles west Chepo near Inter American Highway, 9.17 -79.12, 20m

2059820H.H. Bartlett & Tobias Lasser   163561940-07-02
Panama, Canal Area, Chagres River near Juan Mina, 9.17 -79.65, - 5m

2060315S.C. Rodríguez   501974-08-25
Panama, Panamá, Panama, Las Cumbres, 9.09 -79.53, 100m

2060384E.L. Tyson, John D. Dwyer & K.E. Blum   45861966-07-14
Panama, Canal Area, Gamboa, 9.12 -79.7, 50m

2060737E.L. Tyson   67501972-09-21
Panama, Panamá, Chepo, 3 miles west Chepo near Inter American Highway, 9.17 -79.12, 20m

2094517Kurt E. Blum, R. Blum & David   39901975-07-09
Panama, Panamá, Panama, Between Tocumen and Chepo, 2.5 mi. toward Panama City from the turn off to El Llano, 9.08 -79.38, 20 - 50m

1345630G.E. Crow & D.I. Rivera   59691984-09-06
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Bagaces, Palo Verde National park. Swamp at Catalina, ca. 2 km from park headquarters, along levee built out into swamp. Water ca. 1.5 m deep, 10.33 -85.26, 20m

892954Ulises Chavarria   10201994-07-31
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Bagaces, P.N. Palo Verde; Valle del Tempisque. Estación Catalina., 10.35 -85.21, 10 - 100m

731544R. Vásquez, N. Jaramillo y S. Espiritu   48551984-01-11
Peru, Loreto, Requena, Yarina (Río Tapiche). Bosque inundable., -5.08 -73.83, 180m

1155166A. Carrión, L. Saucedo & E. Banegas   4791997-01-04
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, San Ignacio. Bosque semideciduo, inundado temporalmente, faja de monte, orilla del camino; 500 m de la represa, dominado por Leguminosae., -16.28 -61.98, 180m

1321983A. Fuentes & G. Navarro   22171998-02-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Cordillera, Parque Nacional Kaa Iya del Gran Chaco, Fortín Ravelo, lagunas de paleocauce y potreros al NE del fortín. Complejo de bosques chaqueños mal drenados a freatofilos, matorrales y herbazales secundarios psammofilos, secos a higrófilos, producidos por quemas, -19.3 -60.59, 300m

1521314M. Nee   461261994-12-24
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 2 km (air) NW of center of Bermejo, around Laguna Volcán, a small lake set in the massive red sandstone hills. Open areas around lake and forest remnant on the east side., -18.12 -63.65, 1125 - 1175m

1523039M. Nee   463971995-12-20
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Sarah, roadside through flat land cleared for fields and mostly for pasture, with Scheela princeps left from original evergreen forest, 5.5 km. S of abandoned railroad line, 8 km. N of Portachuelo on road to Loma Alta., -17.28 -63.38, 270m

1523352M. Nee   479211998-01-11
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Puente El Empalme, 10 km WSW of Colonia Okinawa No. 1, along highway from Okinawa to Montero. Flat. Forest remnant., -17.23 -62.98, 250m

1523669M. Nee   39767
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that lies within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, -17.5 -63.6, 400m

1523798M. Nee   464411995-12-21
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Ichilo, 2 km. S of Estancia La Enconada. Very flat, clay soil, mostly fields of rice, with brushy strips between with remnants of former evergreen forest., -17.08 -63.9, 250m

1526972M. Nee   37916
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2, 350m

1527340M. Nee   389851990-09-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 7 km SE of Naranjillos on road from Santa Cruz to Abapo, at junction with railroad. Flat, sandy soil, disturbed subtropical deciduous forest with some chaco forest species., -18.04 -63.2, 480m

1528091M. Nee   379891989-12-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Warnes, 11 km SE of Montero on road to Warnes, 0.5 km S of turnoff to El Carmen. Disturbed brushy area with artificial ponds and damp roadside, with Salix humboldtiana, Tessaria integrifolia, Equisetum giganteum., -17.42 -63.2, 310m

1529134M. Nee   467721996-01-07
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Warnes, 10 km. WSW of Colonia Okinawa No. 1, and 1.5 km. ENE of El Tajibo along hwy. from Montero to Colonia Okinawa No. 1, grazed and disturbed semi-deciduous forest remnant at bridge construction site., -17.23 -62.98, 250m

1529149M. Nee   467731996-01-07
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Warnes, 10 km. WSW of Colonia Okinawa No. 1, and 1.5 km. ENE of El Tajibo along hwy. from Montero to Colonia Okinawa No. 1, grazed and disturbed semi-deciduous forest remnant at bridge construction site., -17.23 -62.98, 250m

1531212M. Nee   442971994-01-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 1.5 km. NW of center of Cotoca. Chaco scrub vegetation along the railroad. With Prosopis chilensis, Tabebuia nodosa, Phyllostylon rhamnoides, Acacia albocorticata., -17.75 -63, 365m

1533211M. Nee   475291997-12-26
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Warnes, 2.5 km NW of La Esperanza and 2 km SE of junction with Montero-Okinawa highway. Pasture with scattered trees and edge of disturbed forest remnant, flat, rather swampy, with much Acrocomia aculeata, Copernicia, Samanea tubulosa, Prosopis chilensis., -17.28 -63.05, 270m

1533884M. Nee   458921994-12-11
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 3 km W of Puerto Pailas, along old dirt road to Santa Cruz and railroad. Flat, disturbed scrubby Chaco vegetation; soil fine sand and clay. With Acacia albocorticata, Acrocomia totai, Caesalpinia pluviosa, Trichilla stello-tomentosa, Capparis retusa, C. p, -17.67 -62.82, 290m

1536275M. Nee   335731987-01-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, W side of Santa Cruz, between 2nd and 3rd Anillos. Weedy areas, flat, sandy., -17.78 -63.2, 420m

731796James C. Solomon, M. Balick, D. Daly, C. Sperling & S. King   81361982-07-27
Bolivia, Beni, Cercado, Loma Suarez, ca. 15 km NW of Trinidad. Trail along Río Ibare. Annually inundated, mostly open and disturbed., -14.77 -64.97, 230m

732113Israel G. Vargas C.   5991990-06-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Nuflo de Chavez, Perseverancia, Riberas del Río Negro, 5 km al S, Río arriba., -14.63 -62.62, 257m

732132R. Frey, P. Bettella & R. Quevedo   5121990-05-05
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Chiquitos, Southern border of Laguna Cáceres. Las Piedritas, zona militar, 500 m NNE of the plaza central of Puerto Suarez., -18.97 -57.79, 80m

1345633Heyde & Lux   2971
Guatemala, Quiché, Uspantan, San Miguel Uspantán, 15.46 -91.24, 1828m

3459256Matilde de Castillo   s.n.1957-06-07
Guatemala, Chiquimula, Esquipulas, Esquipulas, 14.57 -89.35

3587588K.T. Hartweg   611
Guatemala, In stagnis in valle Guatemalense

1125750F.J. Roldan&E. Arevalo   17071991-11-01
Colombia, Bolivar, San Martin de Loba, Corregimiento La Ribona, Isla de Monpós, finca Buenaventura., 9 -74.08, 5 - 10m

1125754F.J. Roldan   16521991-09-03
Colombia, Cordoba, Purisima, Sistema cenagoso de Lorica,áreas invadidas por vegetación acuática., 9.22 -75.73, 6m

Museo Nacional de Costa Rica

219441Rodríguez Alexánder   16321996-10-12
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Los Chiles, R. N. V. S. Caño Negro Cuenca del Río Frío. En pequeñas islas formadas en la laguna., 10.89 -84.77, 40m

108332Zamora Nelson   9111985-02-13
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Bagaces, P.N. Palo Verde Cerca de Piedra Hueca, 3 - 5m

145455Crow Garrett   69361987-08-01
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Bagaces, P.N. Palo Verde Large swamp overflow of Río Tempisque.Along levee built out into swamp. Very shallow water rains/flooding early stages.

171107Piepenbring M.   6251992-11-08
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Ramón, Pantano cerca de la Universidad, 10.13 -84.47, 1000m

108331Zamora Nelson   9111985-02-13
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Bagaces, P.N. Palo Verde Cerca de Piedra Hueca, 3 - 5m

86109Glassman S. F.   206331948-04-27
Honduras, Along Jicarito River in river. Drainage of the Río Yeguare Dep. of Morazán, 14 -87

108330Zamora Nelson   9111985-02-13
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Bagaces, P.N. Palo Verde Cerca de Piedra Hueca, 3 - 5m

108333Zamora Nelson   9111985-02-13
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Bagaces, P.N. Palo Verde Cerca de Piedra Hueca, 3 - 5m

148409Zamora Nelson   15621990-09-27
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Cañas, P.N. Palo Verde Laguna Bocana, 9.9 -85.63, 2m

128303Zamora Nelson   13721987-07-08
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Los Chiles, R.V.S. Caño Negro Caño Negro, 10.88 -84.78, 30m

191256Martínez Kattia   1511993-06-22
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Los Chiles, R.V.S. Caño Negro Llanura Guatuso. Boca del Río Caño Negro., 10.91 -84.76, 40m

185621Chavarría Ulises   10201994-07-31
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Bagaces, P.N. Palo Verde Sector Catalina, 10.35 -85.21, 10 - 100m

163219Piepenbring M.   1983-05-22
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Los Chiles, R.V.S. Caño Negro, 30m

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1449921Aguilar D   1983-05-30
Honduras, Colonia La Primavera, Comayaguela, D.C.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1531914Nee MH   1973-09-04
Panama, Prov. Colon, small tributary of Quebrada Ancha 4 km E of Buena Vista 3 km N of Cement plant.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1531722Prance GT; et al.   
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia territory of Rondonia basin of Rio Madeira. Vicinity of Cadeira Madeira Rio Madeira.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1531721Prance GT; et al.   1968-06-27
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia territory of Rondonia basin of Rio Madeira. Island in Rio Madeira opposite Jaiparana.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1531720Harley RM   1974-02-20
Brazil, Estado de Bahia. Lagoa de Eugenia southern end near Camaleao., -10.666667 -39.716667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1531719Harley RM   1977-03-26
Brazil, Estado da Bahia Serra do Rio de Contas. Ca.0.5 km SW of Jussiape by the Rio do Contas on the road to Marcolino Moura., -13.516667 -41.616667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1531718Harley RM   1980-04-17
Brazil, Bahia, -13.116667 -43.183333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1531690Idrobo JM; Cleef AM   1973-07-10
Colombia, Departamento de Cordoba Cienaga de Ayapel.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1531689Idrobo JM; Cleef AM   1973-07-10
Colombia, Departamento de Cordoba Cienaga de Ayapel.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1531688Smith HH   1898-03-01
Colombia, Santa Marta, United States of Colombia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1531686Cuatrecasas J   1946-11-17
Colombia, Departamento del Valle.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1531685Solomon JC; et al.   1982-07-27
Bolivia, Dpto. Beni prov. Cercado Loma Suarez ca. 15 km NW of Trinidad., -14.766667 -64.966667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1531641Meyer T   1944-01-26
Argentina, Prov. de Corrientes dep Capital Corrientes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1531640Meyer T   1944-01-26
Argentina, Prov. de Corrientes dep Capital Corrientes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.1662924Smith HH   1898-03-01
Colombia, Santa Marta, United States of Colombia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
AMD.95572Herter WG   1934-03-31
Uruguay, Plantae Uruguayenses. Dep. de Lavalleja, Aigua.

New York Botanical Garden

Polygonum hispidum Kunth
485034S. Solabarrieta   1731985-05-12
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, Santa Lucía, 10 km NE de Tegucigalpa, 1400 - 1400m

Polygonum hispidum Kunth Kunth
485024R. M. Harley   162251974-02-20
Brazil, Bahia, Lagoa da Eugenia southern end near Camaleao, -10.67 -39.72, 300 - 300m

Polygonum hispidum Kunth Kunth
485021R. M. Harley   258641988-11-02
Brazil, Bahia, Livramento do Brumado, Lagoa da Jurema, 10 km ao oeste da cidade, -13.63 -41.77, 500 - 520m

Polygonum hispidum Kunth Kunth
485020G. C. P. Pinto   97831983-05-25
Brazil, Bahia, Itiúba, Fazenda Experimental da EPABA. Folha SC.24-Y-B, -10.72 -39.83

Polygonum hispidum Kunth Kunth
485025R. M. Harley   258641988-11-02
Brazil, Bahia, Livramento do Brumado, Lagoa da Jurema, 10 km ao oeste da cidade, -13.63 -41.77, 500 - 520m

Polygonum hispidum Kunth Kunth
485022G. Gardner   1122
Brazil, Pernambuco

Polygonum hispidum Kunth Kunth
485030G. Gardner   11221838-00-00
Brazil, Pernambuco

Polygonum hispidum Kunth Kunth
485026G. Gardner   11221838-01-01
Brazil, Pernambuco

Polygonum hispidum Kunth Kunth
485023G. Gardner   11221837-03-00
Brazil, Pernambuco

Image Associated With the Occurence
Polygonum hispidum Kunth Kunth
02433470G. T. Prance   52521968-06-27
Brazil, Rondônia, Island in Rio Madeira opposite Jaciparaná, -9.194036 -64.397038

Image Associated With the Occurence
Polygonum hispidum Kunth Kunth
02433472R. Spruce   15841851-06-00
Brazil, Ad oran meridionalem flum. Amazonum ad ostium flum Solimoes

Polygonum hispidum Kunth Kunth
485029P. von Luetzelburg   40351913-00-00
Brazil, Bahia, -15.159747 -39.039072

Polygonum hispidum Kunth Kunth
485019P. W. Lund   1825-00-00
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

Polygonum hispidum Kunth Kunth
485031R. Vásquez Martínez   48551984-01-11
Peru, Loreto, Requena, Yarina (Río Tapiche), -5.08 -73.83, 180 - 180m

Polygonum hispidum Kunth Kunth
485032T. Rojas   123621944-09-24
Argentina, Chaco, Dep. Resistencia

Polygonum hispidum Kunth Kunth
485028R. M. Harley   200221977-03-26
Brazil, Bahia, Ca. 0.5 m SW of jussiape by the Rio do Contas, on the road to Marcolino Moura, -13.52 -41.62, 500 - 500m

Page 1, records 1-100 of 109


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