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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Marathrum minutiflorum (Marathrum minutiflorum f. diversifolium)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-36 of 36

Field Museum of Natural History

Image Associated With the Occurence
W. C. Burger   103261977-02-10
Costa Rica, Limón, 10 -83.8667

A. F. Skutch   46041940-01-15
Costa Rica, Cartago, 9.8333 -83.75

Harvard University Herbaria

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00042405J. Donn. Smith   49211894-03-00
Costa Rica, San José, San Francisco, alt. 3400 feet, 1036m

Marathrum minutiflorum f. intermedium P. Royen P. Royen
barcode-00042408A. F. Skutch   25981936-02-00
Costa Rica, San José, Vicinity of El General, alt. 925 m

Missouri Botanical Garden

61888Gordon McPherson   107071987-03-20
Panama, Veraguas, Along road toward Calovebora., 8.5 -81.12, 380m

61897Barry Hammel   135131985-04-13
Panama, Colón, Río Boquerón, ca. 14 mi from highway forest along river. [Coordinates on original label: 9.23N 79.34W], 9.36 -79.57, 100m

2029883Alejandro Novelo R.   014231995-05-06
Mexico, Oaxaca, Río Usila, en población llamada Paso de Escalera de Usila, a 39 km al sur de Jalapa de Díaz. San Felipe Usila. creciendo sobre las piedras, en río limpio y con fuerte corriente; las plantas estaban a la mitas del río. Río permanente. rocoso. Acuática, riparia. Otros datos: Muestra de agua 27; en este sitio las flores tenían una hilera completa con 7 estambres. Nombre vulgar. Usos;., 120m

2028242Alejandro Novelo R.   20611998-02-09
Mexico, Tabasco, Huimanguillo, Río Pedregal a la altura de la población llamado Carlos A. Madrazo en los limites de los estados de Veracruz y Tabasco. Huímanguillo. Creciendo adherida sobre las rocas en río limpio y con corriente, Acuática, riparia. Suelo; rocoso. Herbacea, Hidrófita enraizada sumergia de 0.10-0.20m, escasa, asociada, 17.40055 -93.67083, 127m

1366652Socorro Ávila   181995-02-01
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Coto Brus, P.I. La Amistad. Cordillera de Talamanca. Estación Pittier. Agua caliente. Rivera de Río Coton y alrededor aguas termales., 9.025 -82.9611111, 1680m

1794259Luis Diego Gómez P.   219071984-02-13
Costa Rica, San José, Vazquez de Coronado, Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo, Quebrada Molinete., 10.15 -83.92, 600m

3468334Reinaldo Aguilar   RA0084792004-03-14
Costa Rica, Heredia, Sarapiqui, La Selva Biological Station., 10.43138 -84.00361, 100m

3463003Gordon McPherson   202612008-02-27
Panama, Colón, Donoso, Teck Cominco Petaquilla mining concession. Along Caimito River, near first confluence and rapids., 8.9761111 -80.6708334, 5m

3269796Alexander F. Skutch   25981936-02-00
Costa Rica, San José, Perez Zeledon, Vicinity of El General, 9.3894444 -83.6405555, 915m

3469215Orlando Vargas   16862006-11-10
Costa Rica, Heredia, Sarapiqui, La Selva Biological Station. Sendero: SR 2500m. en río Peje., 10.43138 -84.00361, 100m

3269793Alexander F. Skutch   46041940-01-00
Costa Rica, Cartago, Jiménez, Vicinity of Pejivalle., 9.81 -83.7, 600 - 850m

3463040Gordon McPherson   202862008-02-27
Panama, Colón, Donoso, Teck Cominco Petaquilla mining concession. Along Rio Caimito, near first rapids., 8.9761111 -80.6708334, 5m

2030123Luis Diego Gómez P.   210971984-02-13
Costa Rica, San José, Vazquez de Coronado, Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo, Quebrada Molinete., 10.15 -83.92, 600m

Museo Nacional de Costa Rica

51052Bumby M. J.   2971973-02-08
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Found uçin Río Barú - Attached to rocks in curret in Río Barú near Barú., 10m

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
Marathrum minutiflorum f. indifferens (P.Royen) P.Royen
U.1517196Steyermark JA; Allen PH   1934-12-30
Panama, Canal Zone, Panama Canal Zone. around base of Boqueron Waterfall. between Peluca Hydrographic Station and quebrada Peluca, along R. Boqueron.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Marathrum minutiflorum f. indifferens (P.Royen) P.Royen
U.1517188Fassett NC   1951-01-15
El Salvador, Las Cataractas, Panchimalco, dept. San Salvador, El Salvador.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1517187Jimenez Canotta; Suttkus RD   1960-02-16
Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Marathrum minutiflorum f. minutiflorum
L.1858074Liebmann FM   1848-01-01
Nicaragua, Matagalpa, near Segovia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Marathrum minutiflorum f. indifferens (P.Royen) P.Royen
L.1858073Steyermark JA; Allen PH   1934-12-30
Panama, Canal Zone, Panama Canal Zone. around base of Boqueron Waterfall. between Peluca Hydrographic Station and quebrada Peluca, along R. Boqueron.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Marathrum minutiflorum f. allenii (Woodson) P.Royen
L.1858072Woodson RE; Schery RW   1940-06-30
Panama, North river of El Valle de Anton, near Cerro Turega.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Marathrum minutiflorum f. minutiflorum
L 0204562Rothschuh E   1894-02-22
Nicaragua, Matagalpa, River near Muy-Muy.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Marathrum minutiflorum f. minutiflorum
L 0204561Rothschuh E   1894-02-22
Nicaragua, Matagalpa, River near Muy-Muy.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L 0204560Skutch AF   1936-02-01
Costa Rica, San José, On rocks in small stream.

New York Botanical Garden

Image Associated With the Occurence
387812A. F. Skutch   25981936-02-00
Costa Rica, San José, Vicinity of El General., 915 - 915m

Image Associated With the Occurence
387811J. D. Smith   49211894-03-00
Costa Rica, San José, 1036 - 1036m

United States National Herbarium

Marathrum minutiflorum f. allenii (Woodson) P. Royen
715670.2441H. F. Pittier   54431911-12-00
Panama, Chiriquí, Remedios and vicinity, eastern Chiriquí, 0 - 100m

Marathrum minutiflorum f. allenii (Woodson) P. Royen
715669.2441H. F. Pittier   54431911-12-00
Panama, Chiriquí, Remedios and vicinity, eastern Chiriquí, 0 - 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
796922.209J. Donnell Smith   49211894-03-00
Costa Rica, San José, San Francisco., 1036 - 1036m

Image Associated With the Occurence
796923.1008J. Donnell Smith   49211894-03-00
Costa Rica, San José, San Francisco., 1036m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1955565.101J. Donnell Smith   49211894-03-00
Costa Rica, San José, San Francisco., 1036m

Marathrum minutiflorum f. indifferens (P. Royen) P. Royen
715654.2467H. F. Pittier   54301911-12-00
Panama, Chiriquí, Vicinity of San Felix, Eastern Chiriqui., 0 - 120m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1642503.212A. F. Skutch   25981936-02-00
Costa Rica, San José, Vicinity of El General.

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