Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Cyperus iria
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-83 of 83

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0006244T. R. Van Devender   94-8101994-09-25
Mexico, Sonora, Rancho La Palroa, Arroyo La Palma, southeast of Rio Cuchujaqui, 26.9444 -108.883, 260m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0006243T. R. Van Devender   94-8101994-09-25
Mexico, Sonora, Rancho La Palroa, Arroyo La Palma, southeast of Rio Cuchujaqui, 26.9444 -108.883, 260m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0006242N. Diego   2000-05-01
Mexico, Yucatán, Peninsula de Yucatan, 20.689512 -88.692383

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0006241T. R. Van Devender   93-14101993-11-27
Mexico, Sonora, Along Arroyo Alamos between junctions with Arroyo Potrero and Rio Cuchujaqui between Rancho El Barazon and Rancho los Norotes, 9.0 km (by air) southeast of Alamos, 26.961111 -108.875, 280m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0006418A. Schinini   344291998-03-21
Argentina, Corrientes, Dep. Empedrado. Ruta 12, 28 km SE de Corrientes., -27.95 -58.8

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0006419A. Schinini   275351993-01-18
Argentina, Chaco, Dep. Bermejo. Isla del Cerrito, confluencia de los rios Paraguay y Parana., -27.316 -58.647

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0295043Sue Carnahan   SC 9002014-11-10
Mexico, Sonora, Guaymas, San Carlos, drainage N of El Esterito de San Carlos, 27.96543 -111.06049, 15m

Field Museum of Natural History

Image Associated With the Occurence
A. Sagástegui A.   145991992-05-28
Peru, Tumbes, Tumbes, La Cruz (alrededores de Tumbes), 10m

Image Associated With the Occurence
A. Schinini   275351993-01-18
Argentina, Chaco, -26.4167 -60.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
R. L. Wilbur   365531984-08-09
Mexico, Guerrero

Herbario Nacional Colombiano

111911Armando Dugand Gneco   61151962-08-05
Colombia, Atlántico, Cerca de Ponedera, carretera a Martillo., 6 - 10m

201115Armando Dugand Gneco   61121962-08-15
Colombia, Atlántico, Cerca de Ponedera, carretera a Martillo., 6 - 6m

342505Julio César Betancur-Betancur   19531990-09-18
Colombia, Sucre, Santiago de Tolú, Arroyo Palo Blanco, 7.5 km Tolu-Coveñas, Litoral Caribe, Golfo de Morrosquillo., - 5m

353781Armando Dugand Gneco   61121962-08-05
Colombia, Atlántico, Cerca de Ponedera, carretera a Martillo., 6 - 6m

545853Jimena Forero   831998-06-09
Colombia, Arauca, Arauca, Caño Limón, campo petrolero de la Occidental de Colombia, Inc., 6.933333 -71.166667, 230 - 230m

545868Jimena Forero   1671998-11-19
Colombia, Arauca, Arauca, Caño Limón, campo petrolero de la Occidental de Colombia, Inc., 6.933333 -71.166667, 230 - 230m

558526   T1-1212011-09-01
Colombia, Cesar, Chiriguaná, Caño de 2m de aguas lentas., 70 - 70m

582969J. Hernández-R.   282015-03-26
Colombia, Huila, Agrado, Vereda Pedernal. Finca Comejenes., 771 - 771m

390328Y. Flórez   0021996-11-20
Colombia, Meta, Castilla, Vda. San Lorenzo, finca Guamites.

444321Herbario Nacional Colombiano   SIN1987-09-01
Colombia, Atlántico, Corregimiento de Povedero.

Instituto Alexander von Humboldt

FMB-050783Stancik, D.   17731998-12-24
Colombia, Huila, Villavieja, Desierto de la Tatacoa, between village and El Cardón, 430m

Missouri Botanical Garden

269051L.B. Holm-Nielsen & J. Jaramillo   1980-12-06
Ecuador, Imbabura, Between Guayupe and Pe, 0.73 -78.23, 1050m

270402Molau & Ohman   
Ecuador, Napo

270996L.B. Holm-Nielsen, S. Jeppesen, B. L   1973-03-23
Ecuador, Guayas, Marshy area near Palmar, 20 km S of Manglaralto, temporarily very humid., -2.02 -80.72, 0 - 2m

271005L.B. Holm-Nielsen, S. Jeppesen, B. L   1973-03-30
Ecuador, Los R, Surroundings of Montalvo (foothills of the Andes, c. 40 km E of Babahoyo). Rain forest with coffee and cocoa-plantations., -1.78 -79.28, 100 - 200m

271014S. L   1984-04-21
Ecuador, Napo, Road between Puerto Napo and Misahualli., -1.05 -77.73, 600m

271023S. L   1985-12-14
Ecuador, Napo, Napo. Archidona. Roadside and swamp., -0.93 -77.83, 600m

271032Madsen   1987-04-17
Ecuador, Guayas, Isla Pun, -2.8 -80

271041Madsen   1987-04-17
Ecuador, Guayas, Isla Pun, -2.8 -80

271049Madsen   1987-04-18
Ecuador, Guayas, Isla Pun, -2.73 -79.92

271058S. L   1988-02-25
Ecuador, Guayas, Km 5 Rio Inca - Troncal. Roadside., -2.42 -79.33, 30m

271066S. L   1988-03-07
Ecuador, Los R, On road Puebloviejo - Puerto Pechiche. Roadside, disturbed ground, swamps., -1.5 -79.57, 30m

1127061C.H. & P.M. Dodson   1981-09-20
Ecuador, Capeira. Km 21 on the Guayaquil to Daule road. Tropical Dry Forest.

1759012Carlos E. Cer   1992-03-02
Ecuador, Guayas, Naranjal, Reserva Ecol, -2.42 -79.73, 5m

2031689Thomas B. Croat   166801971-08-14
Panama, Canal Area, Pipeline Road near gate, 9.12 -79.7, 50m

2033924E.L. Tyson, John D. Dwyer, K.E. Blum & J.A. Duke   46421966-07-15
Panama, Darién, 3 m N of Santa Fe, 8.7 -78.15

2034595E.L. Tyson, John D. Dwyer, K.E. Blum & J.A. Duke   48071966-07-16
Panama, Darién, 2 mi E of Santa Fe. Woods, 8.67 -78.13

2035268J.T. & F. Witherspoon   84171975-09-15
Panama, Canal Area, Madden Lake shore around small boat launching area, 9.2 -79.62, 50m

269114Daniel Hernández & Rafael Chacón   89571989-09-10
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Refugio Rafael L. Rodríguez Bagaces, Guanacaste, Laguna Palo Verde, 10.34 -85.34, 1m

1195750J. Richard Abbott & Bonifacio Mostacedo   160041995-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Chiquitos, Ca. 1 km SE of Roboré on road to Santiago de Chiquitos; disturbed roadside. Soil sandy., -18.35 -59.73, 300m

1523671M. Nee   422841991-12-25
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, Along Ave. Piraí, SW side of city of Santa Cruz. Weedy, sandy areas., -17.78 -63.2, 420m

1531906M. Nee   474461997-12-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, NE side Viru-Viru pampa, 1 km W of Chuchío, 4.5 km E of turnoff from highway from Santa Cruz to Warnes., -17.62 -63.12, 360m

1532421M. Nee   474791997-12-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 7 km S of junction with Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway, on old road from Santa Cruz to Camiri., -17.93 -63.25, 475m

1534686M. Nee   476121997-12-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, On Brecha 5, km 38, 3 km E of new highway from Santa Cruz to Camiri, the turnoff 29 km S of junction with highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata. Slightly rolling, sandy soil, mostly open soybean, etc. fields to the east, still remnant forest to the west. B, -18.07 -63.17, 460m

1536570M. Nee   487241998-03-21
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 2.5 km eastwards along Brecha 5, leaving the Santa Cruz-Abapó highway at km 38. Brushy remnants of chaco forest near edge of cleared fields for Mennonite colony., -18.07 -63.17, 480m

264026Marko Lewis   379431990-11-08
Bolivia, La Paz, Nor Yungas, Puente de Sapecho - - Along the Río Alto Beni from the new bridge at Sapecho about 1 km E, on the N. bank. Mostly weedy scrub, river gravel shrubs in probably the stinkiest walk I have made, due to polluted mud of the river banks., -15.53 -67.33, 550m

1486266J. Forero&J. Betancur   1671998-11-19
Colombia, Arauca, Arauca, Caño Limón, campo petrolero de La Occidental de Colombia, Inc., 6.93 -71.17, 230m

1486267J. Forero&J. Betancur   831998-06-09
Colombia, Arauca, Arauca, Caño Limón, campo petrolero de la Occidental de Colombia, Inc., 6.93 -71.17, 230m

Museo Nacional de Costa Rica

216906Sanders A. C.   193591996-07-21
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Nicoya Península. Curú. Semideciduous forest in uplands; evergreen forest in canyons and wet areas; deciduous forest on exposed bluffs;pasture and orchards on central flat. Mangroves at río Curú mouth. This from pasture on central flats., 9.78 -84.93, 15m

230017Sánchez Joaquín   10972001-08-09
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Aguirre, 9.38 -84.09, 26m

78289Gómez Laurito Jorge   56191980-07-05
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, P. N. Santa Rosa En sendero entre el área de acampar y la Casona., 290m

130987Gómez Laurito Jorge   117311988-09-21
Costa Rica, San José, Goicoechea, Detrás del cementerio junto a la nueva carretera de circunvalación., 9.94 -84.05, 1200m

228770Quesada Alonso   6922001-08-09
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Aguirre, 9.41 -84.1, 49m

145811Hernández Daniel   90331990-07-27
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Bagaces, P. N. Palo Verde Lagunas Palo Verde., 10.34 -85.34, 1m

83035Gómez Laurito Jorge   70821981-08-22
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Guadalupe ca. 3.5 km al N de Liberia., 130m

147866Hernández Daniel   89571989-09-10
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Bagaces, P. N. Palo Verde Laguna Palo Verde., 10.35 -85.31, 1m

83036Gómez Laurito Jorge   70811981-08-22
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Guadalupe ca. 3.5 km al N de Liberia., 130m

232461Chavarría Ulises   17571997-08-26
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Bagaces, P. N. Palo Verde Cuenca del Tempisque. Laguna Palo Verde., 10.33 -85.35, 10m

89911Gómez Laurito Jorge   1982-08-22
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Puntarenas, Chomes., 10.04 -84.91, 3m

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1749695Pedersen TM   1984-02-08
Argentina, Estancia Las Tres Marias, dep. Emperado, prov. Corrientes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1299507Wingfield RC   1978-06-25
Venezuela, Estado Falcon, Venezuela, F2. 6km O de Mene de Maurca, cerca del Rio cocuisa, a lo largo de la carretera, en y cerca de aguas someras.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1299481Schinini A   1993-01-18
Argentina, Chaco, dep. Bermejo. Isla del Cerrito, confluencia de los rios Paraguay y Parana.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1299480Schinini A   1998-03-21
Argentina, Corrientes

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.3759273Pedersen TM   1984-02-08
Argentina, Estancia Las Tres Marias, dep. Emperado, prov. Corrientes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.1380337Pedersen TM   1978-02-06
Brazil, Mato Grosso: Diamantino.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.1380335Pedersen TM   1978-02-06
Brazil, Mato Grosso: Diamantino.

New York Botanical Garden

Cyperus iria L. L.
305994M. H. Nee   488221998-04-03
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andrés Ibáñez, Far SW side of city of Santa Cruz. Along avenue, radial 17-1/2[18-1/2?] and ca. 6th. anillo., -17.83 -63.22, 430 - 430m

Cyperus iria L. L.
668469B. Trujillo   113271972-08-07
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Sistema de riego río Guanare. Canal B-M.- 62. de 900 lts/seg. Parcela 50.

Cyperus iria L.
668468L. B. Holm-Nielsen   24981973-03-23
Ecuador, Santa Elena, Marshy area near Palmar, 20 km S of Manglaralto., -2.02 -80.72, 2 - 2m

Cyperus iria L.
668467E. R. Guaglianone   18161986-03-14
Argentina, Jujuy, Ledesma, R. 34, río Zora.

Cyperus iria L. L.
44124D. E. Williams   9751989-09-13
Bolivia, El Beni, José Ballivián, Carmen Florida. Tacana Indian village 7 km upstream of Rurrenabaque on Río Beni, -14.5 -67.5, 230 - 230m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus iria L. L.
622620T. S. dos Santos   36261981-08-11
Brazil, Bahia, Ilhéus, Area do CEPEC (Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau), km 22 da Rodovia Ilhéus/Itabuna (BR 415). Quadra E., -14.771874 -39.2273659, 50 - 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus iria L. L.
622618J. L. Hage   11281981-07-22
Brazil, Bahia, Ilhéus, Area do CEPEC (Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau), km 22 da Rodovia Ilhéus/Itabuna (BR 415). Quadra E'., -14.771874 -39.2273659, 50 - 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus iria L. L.
622619J. L. Hage   11891981-08-12
Brazil, Bahia, Ilhéus, Area do CEPEC (Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau), km 22 da Rodovia Ilhéus/Itabuna (BR 415). Quadra I'., -14.771874 -39.2273659, 50 - 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus iria L. L.
622624D. S. D. de Araújo   16161977-04-18
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Silva Jardim, Poço d'Anta., -22.583352 -42.283141

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus iria L. L.
01175403B. V. Rabelo   3304
Brazil, Amapá

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus iria L. L.
622622S. M. de Campos   1871960-03-15
Brazil, São Paulo, Itapetininga, Fazenda Santa Luzia do Campo Largo, SSE da cidade de Itapetininga., -23.5903 -48.0497

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus iria L. L.
622625M. Kramer   s.n.1961-12-00
Brazil, São Paulo, Pindamonhangaba: Cult. no Campo Experimental do Instituto Biológico.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus iria L. L.
622621Collector unspecified   s.n.1964-09-14
Brazil, São Paulo, Santo Antônio do Pinhal, -22.82 -45.6597

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus iria L. L.
622623M. Sobral   15681983-03-00
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Serrinha, Dom Pedrito.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus iria L. L.
00919120T. C. Plowman   82841980-02-02
Brazil, Tocantins, Presidente Kennedy, Road from highway BR-153 to Itaporã, 12 km west of village of Presidente Kennedy. Fazenda Primavera along Ribeirão Feínho., -8.5006 -48.6008, 400 - 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus iria L. L.
622617S. A. Mori   116501979-04-02
Brazil, Bahia, Ilhéus, CEPEC, km 22 da Rodovia Ilhéus/Itabuna. Quadra E'., -14.771874 -39.2273659

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

1157Tyson, E.L.   46421966-07-15
Panamá, Darién, Chepigana, 3 miles N Santa Fé., 8.65 -78.15

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