ASU0017650 Judith Canne; Jose Schunke V. 211 1972-09-02
Peru, Huanuco, La Esperanza. Ca. 5 km N of Huanuco on the road to Tingo Maria., -9.9294 -76.239, 1916m
ASU0300453 C.R. Salgado 272 2004-05-04
Argentina, Chaco, Comandante Fernández, Pcia. Roque Saenz Pena. 2 km S de la ciudad., -26.785221 -60.438761
A. H. Gentry 22797 1978-06-12
Peru, Amazonas
V0082179F M. Binder & A. Daxberger 1999/353 1999-12-01
Peru, Ica, Nasca
M. Acosta Solis 13376 1949-08-15
Ecuador, Imbabura, 0.3667 -78.4167
I. G. Vargas C. 999 1991-05-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz
M. Nee 47898 1998-01-11
Bolivia, Santa Cruz
A. H. Gentry et al. 22797 1978-06-12
Peru, Amazonas, 11 km E of Bagua Chica on road to La Peca, 570m
A. H. Gentry et al. 22752 1978-06-10
Peru, Cajamarca, Jaen, 29 km E of Pucara on road to Bagua, along Río Huancabamba, 710m
577529 Madsen 1981-10-28
Ecuador, Imbabura, R, 0.48 -78.07, 1300m
577535 Filskov et al. 1981-11-24
Ecuador, Imbabura, Pimampiro, along path towards Carpuela. Fields and roadbanks., 0.4 -77.93, 1800m
577544 L.B. Holm-Nielsen 1979-04-04
Ecuador, Pichincha, R, -0.05 -78.38, 2200m
577844 Adrian Juncosa 1984-02-21
Ecuador, Imbabura, N of Salinas (N of Ibarra). 10-20 km from Pan-Americana. Elev. 1500-1550 m. 0, 0.62 -78.3, 1500 - 1550m
577894 L.B. Holm-Nielsen 1979-04-04
Ecuador, Pichincha, R, -0.05 -78.38, 2200m
578711 Carlos Cer 1990-12-07
Ecuador, Imbabura, Ibarra, Parroquia Ambuqu, 0.43 -77.98, 1800m
578945 Carlos Cer 1990-12-08
Ecuador, Imbabura, Ibarra, Parroquia Ambuqu, 0.43 -77.98, 1800m
581262 Carlos E. Cer 1988-10-15
Ecuador, Pichincha, Cant, 0.02 -78.15, 2070m
588336 Vlastimil Zak & Jaime Jaramillo 1987-07-18
Ecuador, Imbabura, Valle del R, 0.05 -78.17, 1650 - 1900m
589940 Vlastimil Zak & Jaime Jaramillo 1988-03-12
Ecuador, Carchi, Carretera Las Calderas-Monte Olivo. Vegetaci, 0.33 -77.83, 2500m
3323753 Robert Merrill King & Robert M. Garvey 1976-01-26
Ecuador, Loja, along the road to Loja ca 16 kms W of Catamayo, 5600m
3322572 Mary Fallen & Linda Escobar 1979-06-14
Ecuador, Imbabura, Road between Tabucundo & Otivalo, near outskirts of Otovalo, 2150m
3322259 Grady L. Webster 1978-08-07
Ecuador, Imbabura, dry slopes c 12 km by raod N of Ibarra, 0.47 -78.1, 6600m
3324701 Dr. E. Werdermann 425
Chile, Prov. Atacama. Dep. Capiapo., 500m
3327984 M. Menzies s.n.
Chile, St. Jago.
580291 A. Gentry, J. Solomon, D. Daly 19924 1977-04-30
Peru, Cusco, Lima. Above Chosica, on Lima-La Oroya Road. Dry desert hillsides and adjacent roadside., -11.93 -76.69, 1100m
582616 Alfredo Tupayachi H. 175
Peru, Cusco, Urubamba, Valle de Pumahuanca a 2 km de Urubamba. Río Pumahuanca., -13.3 -72.12, 2900 - 3200m
582981 A. Tupayachi 1022B 1989-05-19
Peru, Cusco, Urubamba, Dist. Huayllabamba, entre quebrada de Huayoccari y laguna de Yanacocha hacia el Sur-Oeste (Huaran)., -13.35 -72.07, 3000 - 3600m
587553 Camilo Díaz, H. Osores de Díaz 1014A 1979-04-14
Peru, Ucayali, Coronel Portillo, Carretera Huánuco-Tingo Maria, entre Acomayo y Tingo Maria. (Carpish)., -9.58 -76.02
587830 A. Sagastegui A. 7609 1972-04-04
Peru, La Libertad, Trujillo, Alrededores de Huamán., 10m
595744 Percy Núñez 7441 1987-03-11
Peru, Cusco, Urubamba, Pumawanca, 72 km de Cusco al Norte, cerca de El Valle, el río y el cerro quebrada Pumawanca., -13.31 -72.12, 3100m
1522951 M. Nee 47898
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2, 250m
1523207 M. Nee 48917
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2
1526237 M. Nee 43193 1992-12-20
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.77 -62.98, 360m
1527094 M. Nee 37924
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2, 350m
1528212 M. Nee 45114 1994-02-20
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.06 -63.13, 340m
1528559 M. Nee 51694
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2, 240m
1537057 M. Nee 44644 1994-01-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -18.22 -62.9, 340m
1721932 Israel G. Vargas C., Julio Balcazar & Jan Erihsson 2416 1997-05-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Manuel Maria Caballero, Saipina, Cerro Buena Vista y Monte Grande (5-8 Km al N del valle de Saipina). Bosque seco con Cactáceas colunnares; vegetación natural disturbada; valles dedicados a la explotación agrícola. Remanente de la vegetación original en algunas laderas y márgene, -18.05 -64.62, 1500m
572010 Israel G. Vargas C. & A. Lowrense 999 1991-05-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Mairana, Centro Regional de Investigación (CRI) mejoramiento de variedades de maiz., -18.1 -63.95, 1400m
581927 Marko Lewis, Michael Nee & James Solomon 8872 1988-03-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Río Khatu Bridge. About 0.5 km above the Río Khatu where the Inquisivi-Licoma Pampa road crosses it ca. 2 km N of Inquisivi and thence down to the bridge. Mostly deciduous legume forest in rain shadow area., -16.88 -67.15, 2050 - 2200m
582271 Marko Lewis 35349 1989-03-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Roadside weeds and shrubs along fence rows in waste areas and around town in Licomapampa., -16.8 -67.2, 2000m
583065 Marko Lewis 35433 1989-03-30
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Along the Río Khatu and on the lower slopes near the Río Khatu in the area of the Río Khatu Bridge ca. 3 km N of Inquisivi. Semi-arid to seasonally humid forests., -16.88 -67.15, 2200 - 2350m
589750 James C. Solomon & M. Nee 18155 1988-03-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, 10 km al N de Inquisivi por el camino a Suri. Alrededores del puente sobre el Río Kato. Bosque seco con Prosopis, Acacia, Schinopsis y Pereskia., -16.8 -67.18, 2100 - 2200m
598748 James C. Solomon y M. Nee 16078 1987-02-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, Mecapaca, ca. 20 km al sudeste de La Paz (La Florida) a lo largo del Río La Paz. Margen de arroyo., -16.63 -68.05, 2950m
U.1600525 Steinbach J 1929-04-10
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Bolivia. Wageränder. Valle. Prov. Chapare, Depart. Cochabamba.
U.1130275 Ruiz Leal A 1944-02-01
Argentina, Prov. de Mendoza. Dep: Sodoy Cruz. carprób de Yevilla.
U.1130274 Huidobro AMR 1944-05-13
Argentina, Salta, Prov. Salta. Rio Piedra.
U.1130273 Huidobro AMR 1944-05-11
Argentina, Salta, Estac. Juramento., -25.15 -64.95
U.1130272 O'Donell CA; Rodriguez JM 1944-03-28
Argentina, Prov. Córdoba. Dep. Cruz del Eje.
U.1130269 Huidobro AMR 1944-05-15
Argentina, Salta, Lumbrera., -25.2 -64.916667
U.1130268 Huidobro AMR 1944-05-11
Argentina, Salta, Estac. Juramento., -25.15 -64.95
U.1130265 Huidobro AMR 1944-05-13
Argentina, Salta, Prov. Salta. Mira Flores.
U.1130259 Steinbach RF 1977-02-25
Bolivia, Borde de camino lugares húmedos. Mizque Prov. Campero Depto. Cochabamba.
U.1130258 Hekker F; Hekking WHAM 1987-10-31
Ecuador, Provincia de Pichincha; Guayllabamba, 20 km NE of Quito.
U.1130257 Solomon JC; Nee MH 1988-03-12
Bolivia, La Paz: Prov. inquisivi. 10 km al N de Inquisivi por el camino a Suri. Alrededores del puente sobre el Rio Kato., -16.8 -67.183333
U.1130256 Lewis M 1989-03-30
Bolivia, La Paz: Inquisivi. Alongthe Rio Khatu and on the lower slopes near the Rio Khatu in the area of the Rio Khatu Bridge ca. 3 km N of Inquisivi., -16.883333 -67.15
U.1130217 Huidobro AMR 1944-04-11
Argentina, Córdoba, Alta Córdoba., -31.383288 -64.18291
U.1130216 O'Donell CA; Rodriguez JM 1944-03-22
Argentina, Prov. de Córdoba. Dep. S. Alberto. Entre M. Clavero J Nono.
U.1130215 O'Donell CA; Rodriguez JM 1944-03-09
Argentina, Prov. Córdoba. Dep. Capital. Observatorio.
U.1130214 O'Donell CA; Rodriguez JM 1944-03-17
Argentina, Prov. Córdoba. Dep. Capital. Barrio S. Martin.
U.1115923 Ellenberg H 1957-03-06
Peru, Lima, Küstenwüste Mittelperus. Entwassertes Maisfeld nahe Rohricht, Villa sudl. von Lima.
L.3766698 Holm-Nielsen LB; Jaramillo Azanza J 1980-12-05
Ecuador, Imbabura. Between Salinas and Carchi., 0.55 -78.133333
L.1299096 Sota AV de la 1951-02-09
Argentina, Provincia Cordoba. Dep. Cruz del Eje. Ruta 38 km 855.
L.1299095 Meyer T 1947-05-03
Argentina, Provincia Salto. Dep. Chicoana. Chicoana.
L.1299094 Rocha R 1951-02-15
Argentina, Provincia Tucuman, Dep Tafi. San Agustin.
L.1299093 García E 1948-01-05
Argentina, Provincia Mendoza. Dep. Lujan. Potrerillos.
L.1299092 Zöllner O 1970-01-11
Chile, Chile, Prov. Atacama im Jorqueratal.
L.1299091 Zak V; Jaramillo Azanza J 1988-03-12
Ecuador, Ecuador. Carchi. Carretera Las Calderas-Monte Olivo. Vegetacion de zona seca. Bosque seco Montano Bajo. Suelo arenoso., 0.333333 -77.833333
L.1299090 Zak V; Jaramillo Azanza J 1988-03-12
Ecuador, Ecuador. Carchi. Carretera Las Calderas-Monte Olivo. Vegetacion de zona seca. Bosque seco Montano Bajo. Suelo arenoso., 0.333333 -77.833333
Flaveria bidentis var. angustifolia Kuntze Kuntze
169353 C. Galander s.n. 1878-03-15
Argentina, Córdoba, Córdoba
Flaveria bidentis (L.) Kuntze (L.) Kuntze
306243 M. H. Nee 48917 1998-04-10
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, South of ridge with oleoducto, just W of the main, wide valley of Mairana, 1.2 km W of Todos Santos., -18.1417 -64, 1350 - 1350m
27039.10064 Wilkes Explor. Exped. s.n. 1838-00-00
Peru, Callao, Peru and Lima
3579571.105 P. Acevedo-Rodriguez 11146 2000-07-25
Bolivia, La Paz, LaPaz: Inquisivi; along road to Suri, vic. of Bridge over Rio Kato.