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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Podostemum irgangii
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-19 of 19

Missouri Botanical Garden

Podostemum irgangii C. Philbrick & Novelo
2481252Lyman B. Smith   139921964-12-15
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Irani, Campo de Irani, -26.95 -51.83333, 700 - 900m

Podostemum irgangii C. Philbrick & Novelo
1559161C. Thomas Philbrick   5466A1999-01-13
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Quedad do Rio Chapecó, a series of waterfalls ca. 5 km W of the city of Abelardo Luz (a popular tourist/picnic place); water level too high and dangerous to go into rapids between falls, submerged along edge of rapids in swift current., 667m

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Podostemum irgangii Philbrick & Novelo
U 0084226Lindeman JC; Haas JH de   1966-05-01
Brazil, Paraná

Image Associated With the Occurence
Podostemum irgangii Philbrick & Novelo
L.1857956Smith LB; Reitz PR   1957-01-03
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Mun. Joaçaba: Bed of the Rio Irani, 23 km east of Ponte Serrada.

New York Botanical Garden

Image Associated With the Occurence
Podostemum irgangii C.T.Philbrick & Novelo
527542L. B. Smith   138921964-12-08
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Abelardo Luz, On ledge in Rio Chapeco at Abelardo Luz, -26.58 -52.33, 900 - 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Podostemum irgangii C.T.Philbrick & Novelo
686587J. C. Lindeman   11511966-05-01
Brazil, Paraná, In rapids in Rio Chopim, ca. 2.5 km W of ferry 15 km N of Clevelândia, 650 - 650m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Podostemum irgangii C.T.Philbrick & Novelo
686588L. B. Smith   96191956-12-29
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Dionísio Cerqueira, 2 km west of Rio Capetinga on the road to Dionísio Cerqueira, -26.255 -53.6394, 900 - 1000m

Western Connecticut State University Herbarium - Podostemaceae

Image Associated With the Occurence
Podostemum irgangii C.T.Philbrick & Novelo
WCSU-04632C.T.Philbrick; A.Novelo R., B.E.Irgang, Senna Gastal   54491999-01-12
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Rio Chapecozinho, large waterfall; called 'Cascata Manela'., -26.763333 -52.4675, 618m

Podostemum irgangii C.T.Philbrick & Novelo
WSCU-04633C.T.Philbrick; A.Novelo R., B.E.Irgang, Senna Gastal   54501999-01-12
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Rio Chapecozinho, large waterfall (a large river); waterfall called 'Cascata Manela', -26.763333 -52.4675, 618m

Podostemum irgangii C.T.Philbrick & Novelo
WCSU-04634C.T.Philbrick; A.Novelo R., B.E.Irgang, Senna Gastal   54561999-01-13
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Rio Chapecó, at a location called 'Prainha'; a broad river (ca. 600m) flowing across horizontal outcrops; with a small (ca. 5-10 m) waterfall, ca. 10-15 km E of city of Abelardo Luz., -26.580278 -52.291667, 734m

Podostemum irgangii C.T.Philbrick & Novelo
WCSU-04635C.T.Philbrick; A.Novelo R., B.E.Irgang, Senna Gastal   54571999-01-13
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Rio Chapecó, at a location called 'Prainha'; a broad river (ca. 600m) flowing across horizontal outcrops; with a small (ca. 5-10 m) waterfall, ca. 10-15 km E of city of Abelardo Luz., -26.580278 -52.291667, 734m

Podostemum irgangii C.T.Philbrick & Novelo
WCSU-04641C.T.Philbrick; A.Novelo R., B.E.Irgang, Senna Gastal   54741999-01-13
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Small polluted stream (name unknown) along BR-282, near town of Ponte Serrana, -26.868333 -52.026111, 1085m

Podostemum irgangii C.T.Philbrick & Novelo
WCSU-04636C.T.Philbrick; A.Novelo R., B.E.Irgang, Senna Gastal   54581999-01-13
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Rio Chapecó, at a location called 'Prainha'; a broad river (ca. 600m) flowing across horizontal outcrops; with a small (ca. 5-10 m) waterfall, ca. 10-15 km E of city of Abelardo Luz., -26.580278 -52.291667, 734m

Podostemum irgangii C.T.Philbrick & Novelo
WCSU-04637C.T.Philbrick; A.Novelo R., B.E.Irgang, Senna Gastal   54591999-01-13
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Rio Chapecó, at a location called 'Prainha'; a broad river (ca. 600m) flowing across horizontal outcrops; with a small (ca. 5-10 m) waterfall, ca. 10-15 km E of city of Abelardo Luz., -26.580278 -52.291667, 734m

Podostemum irgangii C.T.Philbrick & Novelo
WCSU-04638C.T.Philbrick; A.Novelo R., B.E.Irgang, Senna Gastal   54641999-01-13
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Rio Chapecó, Quedad do Rio Chapecó', a series of waterfalls ca. 5 km W of the city of Abelardo Luz (a popular tourist/picnic place); water level too high and dangerous to go into rapids between falls, ca. 5 km W of the city of Abelardo Luz, -26.553889 -52.325556, 667m

Podostemum irgangii C.T.Philbrick & Novelo
WSCU-04639C.T.Philbrick; A.Novelo R., B.E.Irgang, Senna Gastal   54721999-01-13
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Rio Chapecó, Quedad do Rio Chapecó', a series of waterfalls ca. 5 km W of the city of Abelardo Luz (a popular tourist/picnic place); water level too high and dangerous to go into rapids between falls, ca. 5 km W of the city of Abelardo Luz, -26.553889 -52.325556, 667m

Podostemum irgangii C.T.Philbrick & Novelo
WCSU-04640C.T.Philbrick; A.Novelo R., B.E.Irgang, Senna Gastal   54731999-01-13
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Small polluted stream (name unknown) along BR-282, near town of Ponte Serrana., -26.868333 -52.026111, 1085m

Podostemum irgangii C.T.Philbrick & Novelo
WCSU-05183C.T.Philbrick; A.Novelo R., B.E.Irgang, Senna Gastal   54411999-01-12
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Rio Chapecozinho, large waterfall (a large river); waterfall called 'Cascata Manela', -26.7633 -52.467517, 618m

Podostemum irgangii C.T.Philbrick & Novelo
WCSU-05638C. Thomas Philbrick; Alejandro Novelo R., Bruno E. Irgang, Claudio V. de Senna Gastal   5466A1999-01-13
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Rio Chapecó. Quedad do Rio Chapecó, this location is a series of waterfalls, ca. 5 km west of city of Abelardo Luz

Page 1, records 1-19 of 19


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