Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Thelypteris
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 43, records 4201-4300 of 7764

Missouri Botanical Garden

Thelypteris conspersa (Schrad.) A.R. Sm.
1806605A. Uribe, N. Bedoya y C. Carmona   791988-07-14
Colombia, Antioquia, Cocorná, Vía a San Luis, Autopista Medellín-Bogotá Vegetación de taludes, 6.07 -75.18, 890m

Thelypteris conspersa (Schrad.) A.R. Sm.
1806606R. Fonnegra, J. Betancur, F.J. Roldan&et al   19231987-04-28
Colombia, Antioquia, Mutatá, 2 km. carretera Hacienda El Darien hacia Mutatá, 150m

Thelypteris conspersa (Schrad.) A.R. Sm.
1806621L. Atehortua   11891984-11-15
Colombia, Antioquia, Guatapé, Vereda Santa Rita Bosque húmedo, 1850m

Thelypteris corazonensis (Baker) A.R. Sm.
804585J.M. MacDougal, F.J. Roldán&J. Betancur   42451989-02-27
Colombia, Antioquia, Mpio. de Urrao: road between Urrao and Caicedo, 18 km NE of centro of Urrao, in cañada, disturbed shady primary forest. Specimen treated with ethanol., 6.38 -76.05, 2570m

Thelypteris curta (H. Christ) C.F. Reed
1220027Thomas B. Croat   380301976-07-29
Panama, Darién, Vicinity of airstrip at Cana gold mine. Disturbed forest; tropical wet forest (Holdridge Life Zone System), 7.75 -77.68, 480m

Thelypteris curta (H. Christ) C.F. Reed
1220023Tonduz   11323
Costa Rica

Thelypteris curta (H. Christ) C.F. Reed
1220025McAlpin   2335
Costa Rica

Thelypteris curta (H. Christ) C.F. Reed
14843Michael Grayum   100751992-01-28
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, R. N. Fauna Silv. Golfito Drainage of Quebrada Rancho (E tributary of Q. Gamba), at W base of Fila Gamba., 8.66 -83.2, 120m

Thelypteris curta (H. Christ) C.F. Reed
15231Michael Grayum Bill Haber & Erick Bello   102101992-02-29
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Monteverde Cloud Forest Res. Valley of Río Peñas Blancas, Cordillera de Tilarán., 10.3 -84.74, 850 - 900m

Thelypteris curta (H. Christ) C.F. Reed
20169Michael Grayum   44961984-11-19
Costa Rica, Limón, Headwaters of Quebrada Mata de Limón, central fork, and hills between central and westernmost forks, Finca Anai. [original coord. 9º35'N 82º39'W]. (Sixaola region)., 9.58 -82.65, 25 - 40m

Thelypteris deflexa (C. Presl) R.M. Tryon
1219325L.D. Gómez P., I.A. Chacón G., G. Davidse & G. Herrera C.   226681984-03-08
Panama, Bocas del Toro, NW slopes of Cerro Bine, Fábrega massif., 9.1 -82.9, 2800 - 3000m

Thelypteris deflexa (C. Presl) R.M. Tryon
11730G. Davidse, G. Herrera Ch. & M.H. Grayum   286891984-09-08
Costa Rica, Limón, Cordillera de Talamanca, Atlantic slope, Valle de Silencio, area just N of Cerro Hoffman, 4 1/2 airline km W of the Costa Rican-Panamanian border., 9.13 -82.97, 2350 - 2450m

Thelypteris deflexa (C. Presl) R.M. Tryon
1219324Mickel   3308
Costa Rica

Thelypteris deflexa (C. Presl) R.M. Tryon
15968Michael H. Grayum & John Dickie   65851986-02-18
Costa Rica, Cartago, Paraiso, Ridge heading northward from continental divide east of Quebrada Siberia, ca. 2 km east of Villa Mills, Cordillera de Talamanca, 9.55 -83.7, 2600 - 2750m

Thelypteris deflexa (C. Presl) R.M. Tryon
13361D. N. Smith   67001984-04-03
Peru, Junin, Satipo, 3-5 km NW of Chequitavo. Disturbed primary forest., -10.75 -74.38, 1200m

Thelypteris deflexa (C. Presl) R.M. Tryon
16421D. N. Smith, Robin Foster & Manuel Palacios   26131982-10-15
Peru, Junin, Chanchamayo, Rio Rondayacu, 45 km from San Ramón. Forest dominated by Podocarpus montanus, severely damaged by logging., -11.33 -72.33, 1880 - 1950m

Thelypteris deflexa (C. Presl) R.M. Tryon
5381H. van der Werff, G. Zúñiga, R. Arce & W. Pariona   84931986-03-06
Peru, Pasco, Oxapampa, San Alberto, Cordillera de Yanachaga. Wet cloud forest with much bamboo, rich in ferns., 2300 - 2500m

Thelypteris deflexa (C. Presl) R.M. Tryon
1219321Julian A. Steyermark   50013

Thelypteris deflexa (C. Presl) R.M. Tryon
34315James L. Zarucchi&Beatriz Echeverry   51181987-03-30
Colombia, Antioquia, Marinilla, Mpio. de Medellín; Cerro del Padre Amaya, 9.4 km from Medellín-Santa Fé de Antioquia highway on road to summit. Disturbed subpáramo vegetation., 6.27 -75.68, 2860m

Thelypteris deflexa (C. Presl) R.M. Tryon
804083J.M. MacDougal&F.J. Roldán   35911989-01-29
Colombia, Antioquia, Mpio. de Jardín: road between Jardín and Río Sucio, ca. 9 km from Jardín; bosque primario o poco perturbado, muy húmedo, y a orillas del bosque. Specimen treated with ethanol., 2300 - 2400m

Thelypteris deflexa (C. Presl) R.M. Tryon
914797R. Fonnegra, et al.   35641991-04-23
Colombia, Antioquia, Frontino, Municipio Frontino: Corregimiento Nutibara, Vereda Alto de Cuevas, Quebrada el so., 1900 - 2000m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
1219498Helen Kennedy & Joyce Redemsky-Young   18171972-10-21
Panama, Canal Area, Pipeline road near Río Agua Salud, 9.2 -79.78, 100m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
27707C. Hamilton & K. Krager   32331983-03-03
Panama, Panamá, Panama, Remnant woods near Lago Cerro Azul (Goofy Lake). [original coord. 79º25'W, 9º10'N], 9.17 -79.42, 500 - 600m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
34590Greg de Nevers & Heraclio Herrera   41691984-11-04
Panama, San Blas, El Llano-Cartí Road. Km 16.7 Trail west to Río Cartí Grande. [Coordinates on original label: 9º19'N, 78º55'W], 9.35 -78.98, 250 - 350m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
40131Thomas B. Croat   673061987-07-15
Panama, Colón, Along road between Portobelo and Nombre de Dios, 8.8 mi E of Río Cascajal, 4.1 mi W of Nombre de Dios. [Coordinates on original label: 9.35N 79.33W], 9.58 -79.55, 50m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
999609G. Davidse & C.W. Hamilton   237311983-02-07
Panama, Coclé, Cerro Moreno, between Molejon and Coclecito, ca. 13 km NW of Cascajal. Steep hill with remnants of lowland wet, evergreen forest., 8.78 -80.53, 130 - 250m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
11105G. Davidse, L.D. Gomez, M. Sousa, C.J. Humphries, N. Garwood, R. Hampshire & M. Gibby   233181983-01-27
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Parque Nacional Rincón de la Vieja, the SE slopes of Volcán Santa María, above Estación Hacienda Santa María. Evergreen montane forest., 10.78 -85.3, 900 - 1200m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
11643G. Davidse, G. Herrera Ch. & M.H. Grayum   282351984-09-04
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Foothills of the Cordillera de Talamanca, just north of Santa Elena on Fila Cotón, south of Agua Caliente., 8.95 -82.93, 1100m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
1219496Tim McDowell   5321982-10-20
Costa Rica, Heredia, Finca La Selva, the OTS field station on the Río Puerto Viejo just E of its junction with the Río Sarapiquí., 10.43 -84, 100m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
1302204W.D. Stevens   133241979-07-23
Costa Rica, Heredia, Along Starkey Road, 4.5 km SE of bridge at Puerto Viejo; roadside thickets and remnant patches of tall evergreen forest., 10.43 -83.96, 50m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
19095Gerardo Herrera   35011989-09-20
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Buenos Aires, Ujarrás, cabeceras de Río Kuiyé, siguiendo las Filas que dan a Olán, 9.3 -83.25, 1450m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
21248Gustavo Induni   251991-01-12
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Osa, Reserva Indígena Guaymí Alto Laguna. Osa., 8.61 -83.52, 200m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
23459Michael Grayum   47381985-01-11
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Forests along S side of Quebrada Bonita, to ca. 1 km E of Costanera highway, Carara Reserve. Elev. ca. 30-40 m. 9º47'N, 84º37'W. Collected with Richard Warner, José Berrocal and Valdimar Bjornson., 9.78 -84.61, 30 - 40m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
24005Michael Grayum   47771985-01-20
Costa Rica, San José, Montes de Oca, Weedy ground in and near old cafetal along south side of Route 202, ca. 0.5 km west of Cristo, Sabanilla de Montes de Oca, 9.95 -84.03, 1310m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
2468J.Carlos Saborío   771990-10-01
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Parque Nacional Corcovado Golfito; Estación Sirena, al borde de bosque primario., 8.48 -83.6, 2m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
28260Gerardo Mora   1801990-10-21
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Zona Protectora Las Tablas. Finca Cafrosa. Sector casa de la montaña., 8.88 -82.84, 1600 - 1800m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
32804Geovanny Cordero   841991-01-15
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Dos Brazos de Río Tigre. Jiménez. A orilla de Quebrada Pizote., 8.48 -83.46, 100m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
33759Warren Douglas Stevens   241291986-01-26
Costa Rica, Limón, Barra del Colorado, N side, between town and ocean beach; swamp forest, 10.78 -83.58, - 2m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
34053Warren Douglas Stevens & Olga Martha Montiel   242051986-09-12
Costa Rica, Limón, Barra del Colorado, N side, between town and ocean beach;[Coordinates on original label: 10º47'N, 83º35'W]. Swamp forest, 10.78 -83.58, - 2m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
40575Jens Bittner   12721992-02-25
Costa Rica, Limón, Camp by the Río Lari. Ca. 100-200 m down the river. Area with rocks. Secondary forest., 9.43 -83.05, 310m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
41823Norman Obando en el Curso II de Parataxonomos   661990-06-15
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Parque Nacional Corcovado Estación Sirena., 8.48 -83.6, 5m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
5672Thomas B. Croat & Michael H. Grayum   598461985-03-04
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Along abandoned high road W of Rincón de Osa., 8.7 -83.52, 250 - 540m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
6097Gerardo Herrera Ch.   3711986-12-28
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Esperanza, Macacona, finca de José Herrera C. Miramar., 10.02 -84.6, 300 - 400m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
903562Sary Rojas   1401992-11-18
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Buenos Aires, R.I. Boruca; Valle del Térraba. Rey Curré. Quebrada Hato Viejo., 9 -83.29, 200m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
999379G. Davidse et al.   232881983-01-26
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Intersection of Río Ahogado and the Interamerican Hwy., 10.75 -85.52, 110m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
999380G. Davidse et al.   232891983-01-26
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Intersection of Río Ahogado and the Interamerican Hwy., 10.75 -85.52, 110m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
12748Camilo Díaz & N. Jaramillo   13641979-09-13
Peru, Loreto, Alto Amazonas, Andoas, carretera Oleoducto secundario entre Andoas y Capahuari Sur., -2.83 -76.47

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
13647Alice & Louis Fay   2288A1989-07-08
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Carrasco, Projecto Valle del Sacta, 241 km W of Santa Cruz, 219 km E of Cochabamba off new road between Cochabamba and Santa Cruz., -17.2 -64.72, 290m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
13667Alice & Louis Fay   23041989-07-09
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Carrasco, Projecto Valle del Sacta, 241 km W of Santa Cruz, 219 km E of Cochabamba off road between Cochabamba and Santa Cruz. Deep forest., -17.2 -64.72, 290m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
1525707M. Nee & E. Chávez   514642000-11-18
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Ichilo, 6 km SW of Villa San Germán, vic. Campamento Moile, along north side of Río Moile. Sandy soil, disturbed by annual floods, open grassy areas, and brushy and wooded areas with Piper aduncum, Gynerium sagittatum., -17.4 -64.13, 275m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
1527164M. Nee   35730
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The llanura, at the Jardin Botanico de Santa Cruz, -17.78 -63.07, 375m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
1527176M. Nee   432531992-12-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Ichilo, The floodplain of Río Ichilo, downstream (N) of highway bridge. Disturbed secondary brush and woods, with Cecropia, Gynerium sagittatum, banana plantations., -17.27 -64.33, 240m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
1219490Gayle C. Jones, George R. Proctor & Lynden Facey   30411966-04-23
Guatemala, Izabal, Vicinity of Lago Izabal, 15.4 -89.14, - 600m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
2277651Elias Contreras   61671966-09-20
Guatemala, Petén, La Cumbre, 16.08 -89.35

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
2278218D.B. Dunn, C. Dziekanowski, S. Trott, D. Thurm, P. Case & L. Hess   232391979-07-27
Guatemala, Jutiapa, 8 miles SW of San Cristóbal along CA-2, near a picnic area. Along clear stream in a canyon with tropical forest and large Ceiba trees, Dichoriandra 5-6 feet tall, citrus (limes) wild, 14.13 -89.76, 487m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
38314Thomas B. Croat & Dylan P. Hannon   636791987-01-25
Guatemala, Baja Verapaz, Along Highway CA14 between El Progreso and Cobán, 20 mi N of junction with highway 17 to Salamá and San Jerónimo, 2 mi E of Purulhá on farm road leaving center of Purulhá., 15.26 -90.21, 1480m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
1279886T. Ohba, C. Barbosa&M. Hara   12201992-01-27
Colombia, Meta, La Macarena, Río Duda. P.N.N. Tiniguas., 2.55 -73.9, 400 - 500m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
1827188J. Denslow   21971974-04-22
Colombia, Antioquia, Anorí, Vic. Planta Providencia, 7.22 -75.13, 400 - 700m

Thelypteris eggersii (Hieron.) C.F. Reed
1220033W.D. Stevens   184291980-11-11
Panama, Chiriquí, Fortuna dam site, ca. 4.6 mi. above main campamento; disturbed hillside below road., 8.75 -82.25, 1100 - 1200m

Thelypteris eggersii (Hieron.) C.F. Reed
1811811A. Gentry & S. Mori   140701975-02-01
Panama, Darién, Cerro Tacarcuna Expedition. Vicinity of Cerro Tacarcuna summit camp, along stream N of camp., 8.15 -77.32, 1550 - 1650m

Thelypteris eggersii (Hieron.) C.F. Reed
31256B. Hammel, G. de Nevers, H. Cuadros & H. Herrera   162631987-10-17
Panama, Darién, Parque Nacional del Darién, ridge between Río Topalisa and Río Pucuro, ca. 17 km E of Pucuro; La Laguna area along small draw and in secondary growth on ridge near lake, 8.06 -77.28, 850m

Thelypteris eggersii (Hieron.) C.F. Reed
1220029McAlpin   2387B
Costa Rica

Thelypteris eggersii (Hieron.) C.F. Reed
15613Michael Grayum, G. Herrera, O. Segura & P. Sleeper   49621985-01-25
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Forest along Río San Juan (incorrectly identified on Mirava- lles quadrangle as Quebrada Sanguijue- la), lower western (Pacific) slopes of Volcán Tenorio, Hda. Montezuma., 10.68 -85.05, 600 - 700m

Thelypteris eggersii (Hieron.) C.F. Reed
18397Gerardo Herrera   31201989-07-03
Costa Rica, Limón, Talamanca, Amubri. Camino entre Amubri y Soki. Siguiendo el Río Ñabri hacia Alto Soki, 9.49 -82.98, 150m

Thelypteris eggersii (Hieron.) C.F. Reed
20207Michael H. Grayum, Nelson Zamora & José Berrocal   76851986-10-04
Costa Rica, Limón, Along Quebrada Diablo, E tributary of Río Pacuare, ca. 2.5 km E of Siquirres., 10.1 -83.47, 80 - 160m

Thelypteris eggersii (Hieron.) C.F. Reed
23359Michael Grayum & Barry Hammel   55271985-07-03
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Forest along Río Sarapiquí upstream from crossing of road to Colonia Virgen del Socorro, 10.09 -84.17, 740m

Thelypteris eggersii (Hieron.) C.F. Reed
32178B. Hammel & M. Grayum   141781985-07-12
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, San Vito de Coto Brus to Ciudad Neily; northeastern slopes of Fila de Cal; forest on limestone ridge. 8º41'N, 82º56.5'W, 8.68 -82.94, 500 - 620m

Thelypteris eggersii (Hieron.) C.F. Reed
42011Thomas B. Croat   700831990-01-27
Colombia, Antioquia, Along road between Caramanta and Supia (Risaralda), ca. 4 mi S of Caramanta., 5.53 -75.65, 2030m

Thelypteris eggersii (Hieron.) C.F. Reed
42230Thomas B. Croat   706201990-02-16
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Along road between Tulua and Santa Lucia (via La Marina, La Moralia, Venus and Monteloro) SE of Tulua, at Hacienda Piedritas, 6.8 km S of Monteloro, along margins of virgin forest and pasture., 3.92 -76.07, 2080 - 2100m

Thelypteris elegantula (Sodiro) Alston
1274041H.G. Barclay   73101959-04-07
Colombia, Boyacá, El Cocuy, 3900m

Thelypteris elegantula (Sodiro) Alston
1827189W. D. Rodriguez&R. Parra   31602000-11-20
Colombia, Antioquia, Medellín, Corregimiento Santa Elena, Vereda El Placer, 6.22 -75.5, 2580m

Thelypteris ensiformis (C. Chr.) R.M. Tryon
1220475Tonduz   12533
Costa Rica

Thelypteris ensiformis (C. Chr.) R.M. Tryon
1220476Moran , Robbin C.   33411983-08-03
Costa Rica, Cartago, Paraiso, Forests near the entrance to Parque Nacional Tapantí, 9.66 -83.71, 1270m

Thelypteris euchlora (Sodiro) C.F. Reed
803968G. Davidse, L.D. Gómez P., A. Grijalva P., I.A. Chacón G., R. Chacón & G. Herrera C.   240001983-08-23
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Cordillera de Talamanca, upper slopes of Cerro Echandi., 9.03 -82.82, 2700 - 3000m

Thelypteris euchlora (Sodiro) C.F. Reed
999830G. Davidse, L.D. Gómez P., A. Grijalva P., I.A. Chacón G., R. Chacón & G. Herrera C.   240011983-08-23
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Cordillera de Talamanca, upper slopes of Cerro Echandi., 9.03 -82.82, 2700 - 3000m

Thelypteris euchlora (Sodiro) C.F. Reed
14293D. N. Smith, Alfredo & Herman Bötlger   78571984-07-17
Peru, Pasco, Oxapampa, trail to summit of Cordillera Yanachaga via Río San Daniel. Primary high montane forest, quite moist, heavy epiphyte and bryophyte load on trunks., -10.38 -75.45, 2500m

Thelypteris euchlora (Sodiro) C.F. Reed
25951James C. Solomon   173671987-11-11
Bolivia, La Paz, Nor Yungas, 12.8 km al NE (abajo) de Chuspipata. Bosque muy húmedo de 8-15 m de alto, -16.27 -67.78, 2200m

Thelypteris euchlora (Sodiro) C.F. Reed
43177Alice & Louis Fay   24621989-07-27
Bolivia, La Paz, Nor Yungas, Cotapata, roadside behind gas station., -16.25 -67.83, 3225m

Thelypteris euchlora (Sodiro) C.F. Reed
1110400P. Silverstone&J. Giraldo   64611991-11-11
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Buga, Finca El Diluvio, carretera Buga-El Placer a 33 km al este de Hotel Guadalajara (Buga), Cordillera Central, vertiente occidental, bosque nublado perturbado (parcialmente primario)., 3.9 -76.02, 2450m

24402D. N. Smith   44261983-07-27
Peru, San Martín, Rioja, Pedro Ruíz-Moyobamba road, Km 390, Venceremos. Lightly disturbed highmontaine rain forest; NW-facing, moderate slopes. Habitat analysis for Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey study., -5.83 -77.75, 1800m

Thelypteris falcata (Liebm.) R.M. Tryon
1220483Lewis et al.   5234

Thelypteris falcata (Liebm.) R.M. Tryon
23251Gordon McPherson   75161985-11-19
Panama, Panamá, Along trail to Cerro Brewster from Río Pacora valley, 9º20'N, 79º15'W. Forest slopes c. 670 m., 9.33 -79.25, 670m

Thelypteris falcata (Liebm.) R.M. Tryon
25986Gordon McPherson   124241988-04-08
Panama, Coclé, North of El Cope near continental divide, mostly along trail west of old road., 8.63 -80.58, 750m

Thelypteris falcata (Liebm.) R.M. Tryon
27752Clem Hamilton & H. Stockwell   14461982-09-22
Panama, Darién, Near airstrip at Cana, base of Cerro Pirre. [Coordinates on original labels 77º40'W, 7º55'N], 7.75 -77.68, 500m

Thelypteris falcata (Liebm.) R.M. Tryon
27851C. Hamilton, A. Gentry & H. Stockwell   32461983-03-10
Panama, Panamá, Pipeline Road. 79º45'W, 9º15'N. Elev. 50 m., 9.25 -79.75, 50m

Thelypteris falcata (Liebm.) R.M. Tryon
37095Heraclio Herrera   8491991-02-06
Panama, Darién, Parque Nacional Darién, Campamento Rancho Frío No. 2, subiendo hacia Cerro Pirre., 8 -77.75, 600 - 750m

Thelypteris falcata (Liebm.) R.M. Tryon
11415Gerrit Davidse & G. Herrera Ch.   263021984-03-29
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Foothills of the Cordillera de Talamanca, vicinity of Helechales, along the Río Guineal. Premontane wet forest along river., 9.08 -83.08, 1100 - 1200m

Thelypteris falcata (Liebm.) R.M. Tryon
1220482Brade   485
Costa Rica

Thelypteris falcata (Liebm.) R.M. Tryon
14900Michael Grayum, Hammel, Formoso, Martín & U. Chavarría   101021992-02-01
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Golfito, Near and along trail leading from Kilo- metro 3/Torres rd. to Quebrada Culebra (tributary of Río Sorpresa), ca. 2.5 km (by air) NE of Golfito. * & J. Marín., 8.65 -83.15, 300 - 380m

Thelypteris falcata (Liebm.) R.M. Tryon
22116Michael Grayum, Andrew Henderson & Tom Ranker   46321984-12-14
Costa Rica, Heredia, Finca El Bejuco, at southern end of Cerros Sardinal (N of Río Sarapiquí), Chilamate de Sarapiquí. 10º27'N, 84º04'W. Elev. ca. 100 m., 10.45 -84.06, 100m

Thelypteris falcata (Liebm.) R.M. Tryon
24597Michael Grayum, Gerardo Herrera & Rafael Robles   88231988-09-06
Costa Rica, Limón, Cordillera de Talamanca Along ridge descending to main fork of Quebrada Cañabral from divide between basin of Río Madre de Dios and that of Río Barbilla., 10.03 -83.41, 280m

Thelypteris falcata (Liebm.) R.M. Tryon
9301Rafael Robles   14121987-12-01
Costa Rica, Limón, Parque Tortuguero 600 m al Suroeste de Tortuguero sobre el Río Tortuguero, se toma al Oeste sobre tierra. Zona cenagosa. Arboles más abun- dantes: Pentaclethra, Prioria, Dypterix., 10.51 -83.5, 2m

Thelypteris falcata (Liebm.) R.M. Tryon
14936R. Vásquez   158681991-01-18
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Dtto. Iquitos, Allpahuayo. Estación Experimental del Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana (IIAP). Bosque primario (lecho de quebrada)., -4.17 -73.5, 150 - 180m

Thelypteris falcata (Liebm.) R.M. Tryon
1530632M. Nee   504121999-11-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, On road to Bella Vista, 4.5 km S of turnoff at Cuevas of Bermejo-Samaipata highway. Steep-sided valley between massive red sandstone hills, disturbed srubby forest, with some Alnus acuminata along stream, much Myrsine., -18.2 -63.68, 1250m

Thelypteris falcata (Liebm.) R.M. Tryon
1220479Cook & Griggs   667

Thelypteris falcata (Liebm.) R.M. Tryon
2085445Pedro Tenorio L., E. Martínez S., H. Droege & M. Díaz   145311988-07-17
Guatemala, Izabal, El Estor, La Cumbre, al NE del Estor, camino a la Finca Moca. Bosque mesófilo. Suelo arcilloso rojizo, 15.53 -89.39, 450m

Thelypteris falcata (Liebm.) R.M. Tryon
2272052Thomas B. Croat   416771977-07-20
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, 9 miles up road to Oxec along gravel road which turns N off Highway 7E between Tucurú and El Estor, ca. 6 km NE of Panzós, 15.49 -89.67, 800m

Thelypteris falcata (Liebm.) R.M. Tryon
3461259Ava N. Díaz   s.n.1986-03-16
Guatemala, Izabal, Biotopo Chocón-Machacas, 15.79 -89.84

Thelypteris falcata (Liebm.) R.M. Tryon
3461263Efraín Gómez   73021975-12-28
Guatemala, Izabal, El Estor, Montaña El Chico, 15.53 -89.41

Thelypteris falcata (Liebm.) R.M. Tryon
4766Thomas B. Croat   559461983-04-15
Colombia, Chocó, Along road between Quibdo and Las Animas, ca 1 km N of Las Animas; disturbed forest with large trees missing., 5.23 -76.67, 100m

Page 43, records 4201-4300 of 7764


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