Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Thelypteris
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 42, records 4101-4200 of 7764

Missouri Botanical Garden

Thelypteris arborescens (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) C.V. Morton
1092058M. Peña-Chocarro   941996-07-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado. Huanchaca II. Orilla del arroyo que separa la pampa y el bosque galeria. Sobre suelo no saturado. 200 m N del campamento base., -14.52 -60.74, 700m

Thelypteris arborescens (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) C.V. Morton
1722723Israel G. Vargas C., R.Foster, M.Peña, A.Fuentes, N.Paniagua, A.Gonçalves, J. Baldiviezo, E.Anibarro, C. Flores, M.Velasco, M.Toledo & R. Guillen   40681999-10-07
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Parque Nal. Noel Kempff Mercado. Campamento Las Torres; 1 km al W del campamento en las márgenes del Río Iténez; 24 km al S de Flor de Oro. Isla de Bosque., -13.66 -60.82, 250m

Thelypteris arborescens (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) C.V. Morton
939283L. Arroyo & Gutiérrez   3781993-11-21
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado.; campamento La Torre, bosque de pie de monte inundado estacionalmente. Muestra alcoholizada, -13.66 -60.82, 200m

Thelypteris arborescens (Humb.&Bonpl. ex Willd.) C.V. Morton
1806656R. Fonnegra, J. Betancur, F.J. Roldan&et al   19221987-04-28
Colombia, Antioquia, Mutatá, 2 km. carretera Hacienda El Darien hacia Mutatá, 150m

Thelypteris arcana (Maxon & C.V. Morton) C.V. Morton
13793D.N. Smith   12741982-04-13
Peru, Huanuco, Pachitea, Puerto Inca, carretera marginal, ca. 14 km from a point across the Río Pachitea from Puerto Inca. Primary forest which has had the highest value species removed. This region is quite wet, low spots are rich in palms (Mauritia & Jessenia) & land toward a, -9.52 -74.97, 350m

Thelypteris arcana (Maxon&C.V. Morton) C.V. Morton
43410J. Pipoly, A. Rudas&P. Palacios   151641991-04-12
Colombia, Amazonas, Parque Nacional Natural Amacayacu. Centro Administrivo Amacayacu INDERENA; a la orilla del Río Amacayacu; vegetación dominada por Botryospora. Bosque alto sobre maduro sobre suelos arcillosos., -3.78 -70.25, 100m

Thelypteris aspidioides (Willd.) R.M. Tryon
1219002J.P. Folsom   39931977-06-27
Panama, Chiriquí, 2.5 km from Questa Piedra along Río Monte road., 8.74 -82.61, 900m

Thelypteris aspidioides (Willd.) R.M. Tryon
1219001Alexander F. Skutch   4789
Costa Rica, San José, Perez Zeledon, Basin of El General, 9.37 -83.65, 675 - 900m

Thelypteris aspidioides (Willd.) R.M. Tryon
13266Alice & Louis Fay   20321989-06-20
Bolivia, Beni, Gral. Ballivian, Ravine and roadside, 138 km N of Caranavi., -15.33 -67.2, 700m

Thelypteris aspidioides (Willd.) R.M. Tryon
13326Alice & Louis Fay   20491989-06-20
Bolivia, Beni, Gral. Ballivian, Ravine and roadside, 138 km N of Caranavi., -15.33 -67.2, 700m

Thelypteris aspidioides (Willd.) R.M. Tryon
13356Alice & Louis Fay   2055A1989-06-20
Bolivia, Beni, Gral. Ballivian, Ravine and roadside, 138 km N of Caranavi., -15.33 -67.2, 700m

Thelypteris aspidioides (Willd.) R.M. Tryon
8634Thomas B. Croat   715521990-03-16
Colombia, Narino, Ricaurte, Vicinity Ricaurte; Along Río Imbí, ca 2-3 km above Ecopetrol Campamento Palmar, located 3 km NW of Ricaurte, along trail to Ramos (indigenous settlement)., 1.13 -77.93, 1150m

Thelypteris aspidioides (Willd.) R.M. Tryon
1121471P. Silverstone&N. Paz   73601995-01-04
Colombia, Risaralda, Pereira, Hacienda Córcega, extremo norte de parte ancha del Valle del Río Cauca, 7 km al oeste de carretera Cerritos-La Virginia por camino hacia El Trapiche, lomas bajas, bosque., 4.83 -75.88, 970m

Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
1219017R.L. Liesner   4361973-03-05
Panama, Chiriquí, Burica Peninsula. Along stream; few remnant forest in pasture; Quebrada Mellize, 6 mi (10 km) south of Puerto Armuelles, 8.18 -82.88, - 150m

Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
2066331R.L. Liesner   1251973-02-20
Panama, Chiriquí, Burica Peninsula. Quebrada Quanabanito beyond La Repressa 2 mi. (5 km) southwest of Puerto Armuelles, 8.25 -82.88, - 200m

Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
24687Gordon McPherson   121691988-02-25
Panama, Coclé, Above El Cope and Barrigon, near continental divide., 8.63 -80.58, 850m

Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
6089Thomas B. Croat & Michael H. Grayum   604801985-03-12
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Along road between Fortuna and Chiriquí Grande, 1.2 mi N of Continental Divide, 5.3 mi N of bridge over Fortuna Dam 4. [Coordinates on orginal label: 8.44N 82.17W], 8.77 -82.21, 910m

Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
781656H.W. Churchill   50301984-04-04
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Oleoducto road, NE of Continental Divide. On ridge between Ríos Guabo and Guabito., 8.8 -82.2, 1000m

Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
1219016Mickel   2775
Costa Rica

Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
15517Michael Grayum & Jim Affolter   81391987-03-10
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Coto Brus, Somewhat disturbed primary forest along Río Jaba, ca. 1 km SW of Las Cruces Botanical Garden., 8.78 -82.97, 1150m

Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
24390M. Grayum, G. Herrera, G. Schatz & F. Chavarría   40221984-10-07
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Rincón de Osa; along ridge between Quebrada Aparicio and Quebrada Aguabuena., 8.7 -83.51, 200 - 400m

Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
7275Thomas B. Croat   681221987-09-27
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Cordillera de Tilarán. Along road from San Ramón to Bajo Rodríguez, at Río Cataratas [coordinates on original label 10.13N 84.16W], 10.21 -84.26, 600 - 700m

Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
41469Percy Núñez   64841986-11-09
Peru, Madre de Dios, Tambopata, Río Tambopata, near Puerto Maldonado., 280m

Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
1950Alice & Louis Fay   27001990-07-15
Bolivia, Beni, Gral. Ballivian, 25 km from Yucumo on Yucumo-Quiquibey road, in the Pilón Lajas., -15.28 -67.07, 950m

Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
1219013Brenckle   47-165

Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
2274192Thomas B. Croat   407701977-07-11
Guatemala, San Marcos, Near San Rafael, disturbed roadsides near coffee fincas, 14.93 -91.98, 600m

Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
2981549Thomas B. Croat   40790A1977-07-12
Guatemala, San Marcos, Finca Armenia near La Trinidad above San Rafael, 14.91 -91.9, 1100 - 1250m

Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
4846Thomas B. Croat   562661983-04-22
Colombia, Chocó, Along road between Quibdo and Medellin, 15 km E of Tutunendo, 5 44'N, 76 43'W; elev. 300 m., 5.73 -76.72, 300m

Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
37888J. Espina, E. Forero&E. Agualimpia   38401990-04-23
Colombia, Chocó, Bahia Solano, Parque Nacional Natural de Utria, riberas del Río San Pichí., 6.35 -76.43, - 100m

Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
1806647R. Fonnegra, J.Betancur, F.J. Roldan&et al   19211987-04-28
Colombia, Antioquia, Mutatá, 2 km. carretera Hacienda El Darien hacia Mutatá, 150m

Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
1826794L. Atehortua&H. Hoyos   1751976-05-17
Colombia, Antioquia, Mutatá, Finca El Darien, 200m

Thelypteris biformata (Rosenst.) R.M. Tryon
12857José Schunke-V.   10411
Peru, Loreto, Provincia Coronel Portillo; Dtto. Calleria; Bosque Nacional Alexander Von Humboldt, carretera a Pucallpa, km 86., 250 - 300m

Thelypteris biformata (Rosenst.) R.M. Tryon
2362Thomas B. Croat   193951972-08-21
Peru, Loreto, Varadero de Mazan from Río Amazonas to Río Napo; primary forest.

Thelypteris biformata (Rosenst.) R.M. Tryon
3180Thomas B. Croat   204911972-09-19
Peru, Loreto, Río Tacsha Curaray., -2.67 -73.75

Thelypteris biformata (Rosenst.) R.M. Tryon
8144H. van der Werff, R. Vásquez & N. Jaramillo   98601988-07-30
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Yanamono, Explorama Tourist Camp, halfway between Indiana and mouth of Río Napo, non- flooded forest on rather fertile soil., -3.24 -72.93, 130m

Thelypteris biformata (Rosenst.) R.M. Tryon
9021Al Gentry, R. Vasquez, N. Jaramillo & P. Stern   291251980-07-27
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Yanamono, Explorama Tourist Camp, Río Amazonas between Indiana and mouth of Río Napo. Seasonally inundated tahuampa., -3.47 -72.8, 120m

Thelypteris biformata (Rosenst.) R.M. Tryon
13376Alice & Louis Fay   20671989-06-20
Bolivia, Beni, Gral. Ballivian, Río Colorado, Collegio Tecnico Agropecuario de Río Colorado., -15 -67.17, 235m

Thelypteris biformata (Rosenst.) R.M. Tryon
8146J. Pipoly y J. Murillo   154541991-10-28
Colombia, Amazonas, Leticia, Mpio. de Leticia, Parque Nacional Natural Amacayacu, Trocha de Matamatá a Amacayacu., -3.78 -70.25, 110 - 120m

Thelypteris biformata (Rosenst.) R.M. Tryon
1826876L. Atehortua&H. Hoyos   1661976-05-16
Colombia, Antioquia, Mutatá, Finca El Darien, 200m

Thelypteris biolleyi (Christ) Proctor
1220001Onesis Vásquez   294
Panama, Prov. Zona del Canal. Parque Nacional Soberanía, Camino del Oleoducto.

Thelypteris biolleyi (Christ) Proctor
30474B. Hammel, G. de Nevers, H. Cuadros & H. Herrera   165211987-10-25
Panama, Darién, Parque Nacional del Darién, along S branch of Río Pucuro; forest and ridge S of river and up river from old village of Tacarcuna; ca. 18 km E of Pucuro, 8.08 -77.27, 600 - 800m

Thelypteris biolleyi (Christ) Proctor
1219993Pittier   11243
Costa Rica

Thelypteris biolleyi (Christ) Proctor
1220000Dewolf   274
Costa Rica

Thelypteris biolleyi (Christ) Proctor
22711Michael Grayum, B. Hammel, N. Zamora & M. M. Chavarría   94601989-05-16
Costa Rica, Cartago, Turrialba, Forested slope leading down to Río Reventazón, behind main building of CATIE, Turrialba, 9.89 -83.65, 510 - 600m

Thelypteris biolleyi (Christ) Proctor
43010Martín Timana y N. Jaramillo   36521991-12-02
Peru, Madre de Dios, Tambopata, Las Piedras. Cusco Amazónico. Inventario Permanente. Plantas colectadas en la trocha D., -12.48 -69.05, 200m

Thelypteris biolleyi (Christ) Proctor
1219997Rojas   536

Thelypteris brachypus (Sodiro) R.M. Tryon & A.F. Tryon
16916C. Hamilton & H. Stockwell   33411983-03-16
Panama, Chiriquí, Path above Cerro Punta to Boquete. Moist forest., 8.83 -82.5, 2500m

Thelypteris brachypus (Sodiro) R.M. Tryon & A.F. Tryon
986477Luis Diego Gómez, Isidro Chacón, Gerrit Davidse & Gerardo Herrera   222831984-03-01
Panama, Bocas del Toro, SE slope of Cerro Echandi (between Jilguero & Danta Camps)., 9.03 -82.81, 2600 - 2800m

Thelypteris brachypus (Sodiro) R.M. Tryon & A.F. Tryon
17409Michael H. Grayum   74571986-04-28
Costa Rica, Heredia, Northwestern slope of Volcán Barva between Laguna del Barva and base of Cerros Las Marías. 10º08.5'N 84º07'W 2450-2800 m, 10.14 -84.11, 2450 - 2800m

Thelypteris brausei (Hieron.) Alston
3407H. van der Werff, G. Zúñiga, R. Arce & W. Pariona   84351986-03-06
Peru, Pasco, Oxapampa, San Alberto, Cordillera de Yanachaga. Wet cloud forest with much bamboo, rich in ferns., 2300 - 2500m

Thelypteris brausei (Hieron.) Alston
1726894Alba L. Arbeláez & Steven P. Churchill   8822001-11-23
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Chapare, Cantón Tablas. Camino a Tablas, ca. 6 Km N de carretera nueva (Cochabamba/Santa Cruz). Bosque montano (Yungas) secundario., -17.15 -65.9, 2600m

Thelypteris brausei (Hieron.) Alston
26123James C. Solomon   84571982-10-10
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, Río Zongo Valley. 27 km below dam at Lago Zongo. Moist forest with extensive disturbed and burned places., -16.13 -68.1, 2600m

Thelypteris brausei (Hieron.) Alston
29677James C. Solomon   187061988-07-29
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, Valle del Río Zongo, 28.5 km al norte de la cumbre (cerca de la Escuela Cambaya). Bosque nuboso., -16.13 -68.1, 2400m

Thelypteris canadasii (Sodiro) Alston
27443James C. Solomon   175361988-01-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 5.2 km al SE de Lambate. Bosque bajo, húmedo, disturbido, a lo largo del Río Chiquilaque Muriyaqui., -16.62 -67.68, 3100m

Thelypteris caucaensis (Hieron.) Alston
1219293Thomas B. Croat   8411965-08-04
Costa Rica, Cerro de la Muerte; Pension Georgiana.

Thelypteris caucaensis (Hieron.) Alston
13034D. N. Smith, R. Valencia, M. Buddensiek   121721986-04-17
Peru, Ancash, Huaraz, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Rajucolta. Brushfields on moderate S-facing slopes; soil of granitic morainal material, bouldery., -9.53 -77.37, 4000 - 4150m

Thelypteris caucaensis (Hieron.) Alston
24348D.N. Smith, L. Sanchez & H. Vidaurre   91951985-01-13
Peru, Ancash, Yungay, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Huaripampa between Que- brada Paria and Morococha. Grassland with rare scattered shrubs or stands of Polylepis., -8.93 -77.55, 3950 - 4500m

Thelypteris caucaensis (Hieron.) Alston
24738D. N. Smith   22761982-08-21
Peru, La Libertad, Sanchez Carrion, señal Huaylliyas. Grassland dominated by Festuca, jalca vegetation, many rock outcrops, NW- facing. Freezing nightime temperatures. Rockiest sites, few grasses. Streamside., -7.88 -78.03, 4200m

Thelypteris caucaensis (Hieron.) Alston
41269Percy Núñez V. y J. Arque   83171987-10-14
Peru, Cusco, Urubamba, Machupicchu, a 88 km y 112 km de Cusco; Santuario Histórico de Machupicchu y en Camino Inca, en Qorihuayrachina Llulluchayoc, Ronkurakay, Phuqupatamarca, Wiñayhuayna e Intipunco., -13.15 -72.52, 2060 - 4150m

Thelypteris caucaensis (Hieron.) Alston
42423Percy Núñez V., P. Pacheco y N. Salinas   84931987-10-30
Peru, Cusco, Paucartambo, Km 130 hacia Kosñipata; incluye Acjanacu, Pillahuata, parte alta del Parque Nacional del Manu y ceja de selva hacia Kosñipata., -13.08 -71.5, 2600m

Thelypteris caucaensis (Hieron.) Alston
1219292Julian A. Steyermark   35978

Thelypteris caucaensis (Hieron.) Alston
1219291Lehmann   3102

1219315Ruby Caballero   1161982-04-21
Panama, Chiriquí, Guadalupe-Cerro Punta, Finca Eleta., 8.87 -82.57, 2000m

13251D. N. Smith   45121983-07-21
Peru, San Martín, Rioja, Pedro Ruíz-Moyobamba road, Km 390-394, Venceremos. Disturbed edgeof high montaine rain- forest, roadsides, and young second growth, 'purma'., -5.83 -77.75, 1910 - 2040m

17557D. N. Smith   59761984-02-17
Peru, San Martín, Rioja, Km 385-390 on Moyobamba-Bagua road, Venceremos to Campamento Garcia. Heavily disturbed areas passing through high montane rain forest., -5.68 -77.65, 1700 - 1850m

19907D. N. Smith, A. Pretel & L. Acosta   18171982-06-03
Peru, Pasco, Oxapampa, Rio Boqueria, ca. 26 km from Oxapampa via Rio Yamaquizu. Open rocky roadcut, NE aspect, Cladonia and bryophytes., -10.5 -75.28, 1800m

20776Ken Young & Mark Eisenberg   2651981-04-20
Peru, Cusco, La Convención, Just east of Quillabamba. Finca Chichima; cocoa, coffee, yuca, mangoes, bananas, corn crops grown., -12.82 -72.78, 1300 - 1400m

24608D. N. Smith & J. Alban   55411984-01-02
Peru, Pasco, Oxapampa, Río El Tunqui. High montane rain forest, some distur- bance. Collecting along streamsides and trails., -10.25 -75.52, 1720m

32696A. Gentry   192941977-04-13
Peru, Huanuco, 10 km S of Chinchao on Huanuco-Tingo Maria road, ceja de la montaña., 2350m

9557Al Gentry & D. N. Smith   448601984-02-03
Peru, Huanuco, Huanuco - Tingo María road, steep slopes near Carpish divide above mouth of tunnel., -9.7 -76.25, 2650 - 2700m

3489Alice & Louis Fay   28241990-07-27
Bolivia, La Paz, Nor Yungas, On La Paz-Caranavi road, 116.9 km from Yucumo, 7 km west of Tea Plantation., -15.67 -67.46, 1140m

5448Alice & Louis Fay   24171989-07-15
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Chapare, 136 km W of El Sacta, (Projecto Valle del Sacta) 83 km E of Cochabamba., -17.17 -65.58, 1740m

2273952Louis O. Williams, Antonio Molina R., Terua P. Williams & Albertina de Molina   407201969-01-31
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, On hills along Río Chió, about 2-4 km SW of Cobán. Pastures, mixed and secondary forests, 15.39 -90.42, 1300 - 1400m

38324Thomas B. Croat & Dylan P. Hannon   637481987-01-26
Guatemala, Baja Verapaz, Along highway CA-14 between El Progreso and Cobán, 3 mi S of Purulhá; 17 mi N of junction with Hwy. 17 to Salamá and San Jerónimo, vicini of km marker 160. Virgin forest on steep slopes W of highway, 15.22 -90.21, 1620 - 1720m

Thelypteris chrysodioides (Fée) C.V. Morton
26097James C. Solomon   76991982-05-19
Bolivia, Beni, Vaca Diez, 3 km E of Riberalta on road to Guayaramarín, then 2 km SE on side road. Secondary forest with some large trees., -11 -66.08, 230m

Thelypteris chrysodioides (Fée) C.V. Morton
939588L. Arroyo, Killeen, Quevedo, Gutiérrez & Jardim   6051993-11-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado.; campamento La Torre, isla de bosque inundada estacionalmente, manchas de Maranthaceae, el estrato herbaceo con abundante Lindasae, regeneración de Euterpe precatoria y palmeras de Geonoma; parcela permanente de estudi, -13.66 -60.82, 200m

Thelypteris cinerea (Sodiro) A.R. Sm.
1219297William R. Maxon   5294

Thelypteris cinerea (Sodiro) A.R. Sm.
14004Henk van der Werff & J. Herrera   71361985-02-26
Panama, Chiriquí, Santa Clara; Hartmann's Finca. Montane forest with distinct dry season, 8.83 -82.73, 1300m

Thelypteris cinerea (Sodiro) A.R. Sm.
1946273Thomas M. Antonio   27391979-11-22
Panama, Chiriquí, Vicinity of Monte Azul, 1.4 mi. N of Entre Rios on east slopes of Cerro Punta. 3 mi. by road from the town of Cerro Punta., 8.89 -82.58, 2250m

Thelypteris cinerea (Sodiro) A.R. Sm.
1219296Stolze   1575
Costa Rica

Thelypteris cinerea (Sodiro) A.R. Sm.
22375Michael H. Grayum, R. Warner, P. Sleeper & L. Warner   54501985-06-23
Costa Rica, Cartago, Paraiso, Forested slope above river, and riparian habitats along Río Grande de Orosi, just downstream from Quebrada Salto, Tapantí Reserve, 9.73 -83.78, 1300m

Thelypteris cinerea (Sodiro) A.R. Sm.
13568Alice & Louis Fay   21951989-06-27
Bolivia, La Paz, Nor Yungas, 19.8 km from Yolosa toward Chuspipata., -16.25 -67.75, 2280m

Thelypteris cinerea (Sodiro) A.R. Sm.
40725Alice & Louis Fay   22261989-06-27
Bolivia, La Paz, Nor Yungas, 29.6 km from Yolosa toward Chuspipata., -16.25 -67.75, 2900m

Thelypteris cinerea (Sodiro) A.R. Sm.
1219295Paul C. Standley   65316

Thelypteris cinerea (Sodiro) A.R. Sm.
19574Olga de Benavides   91831988-02-13
Colombia, Narino, Ricaurte, Trayecto San Isidro-La Planada., 1.17 -77.97, 1500 - 1800m

Thelypteris cinerea (Sodiro) A.R. Sm.
1826877W. Rodriguez   31512000-11-09
Colombia, Antioquia, Envigado, Vereda Perico. bh-MB, 6.17 -75.5, 2450m

Thelypteris concinna (Willd.) Ching
1219307Cornman   966

Thelypteris concinna (Willd.) Ching
2086089George R. Proctor   319721971-05-18
Panama, Chiriquí, Boquete, Boquete, 8.78 -82.43, 1066 - 1158m

Thelypteris concinna (Willd.) Ching
1219306Brade   413
Costa Rica

Thelypteris concinna (Willd.) Ching
13281D. N. Smith   45131983-07-21
Peru, San Martín, Rioja, Pedro Ruíz-Moyobamba road, Km 390-394, Venceremos. Disturbed edgeof high montaine rain- forest, roadsides, and young second growth, 'purma'., -5.83 -77.75, 1910 - 2040m

Thelypteris concinna (Willd.) Ching
17647D. N. Smith   59821984-02-17
Peru, San Martín, Rioja, Km 385-390 on Moyobamba-Bagua road, Venceremos to Campamento Garcia. Heavily disturbed areas passing through high montane rain forest., -5.68 -77.65, 1700 - 1850m

Thelypteris concinna (Willd.) Ching
18772D. N. Smith   60721984-02-20
Peru, Amazonas, Chachapoyas, along Chachapoyas-Leymebamba road. Second growth, agricultural land in valley bottoms., -6.47 -77.83, 1900 - 2100m

Thelypteris concinna (Willd.) Ching
8537Felix Woytkowski   6199
Peru, San Martín, Rioja, Rio Negro, Rio Seco and Trapiche, some 25 kms. along the old trail to Chachapoyas. Southwest of Rioja. The trail (some 18 years ago), a splendid collecting region is used no more. An impenetrable thicket has covered the ancient mule trail, and thus this v, -6.13 -77.23, 1400m

Thelypteris concinna (Willd.) Ching
3628Alice & Louis Fay   23981989-07-15
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Chapare, 131 km W of El Sacta, (Projecto Valle del Sacta) 88 km E of Cochabamba., -17.17 -65.58, 1380m

Thelypteris concinna (Willd.) Ching
1219303Brenckle   47-198

Thelypteris concinna (Willd.) Ching
2274195E.T. Heyde & E. Lux   6286
Guatemala, Guatemala, Amatitlan, Los Verdes, 14.39 -90.45, 1066m

Thelypteris concinna (Willd.) Ching
1827185D. Echeverri   4151990-10-21
Colombia, Antioquia, Santo Domingo, Corregimiento de Santiago

Thelypteris conspersa (Schrad.) A.R. Sm.
1219481M. Nee   80701973-11-17
Panama, Veraguas, Santa Fe, Pasture, fence rows and roadside just south of Santa Fé. Tropical moist forest, 8.52 -81.08, 450m

Thelypteris conspersa (Schrad.) A.R. Sm.
22496D. N. Smith, S. Knapp & J. Mallet   64581984-03-22
Peru, Junin, Chanchamayo, Río Colorado. Disturbed primary vegetation and secondary vegetation; dry, N-facing aspect in moist forest; granitic soil., -10.97 -75.3, 760m

Thelypteris conspersa (Schrad.) A.R. Sm.
1152098J. Richard Abbott   167731995-05-10
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, Santa Cruz Botanical Garden; 12 km east of town center, on road to Cotoca., -17.77 -63.07, 400m

Page 42, records 4101-4200 of 7764


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