Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Thelypteris
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 32, records 3101-3200 of 7764

Instituto Alexander von Humboldt

Thelypteris Schmidel
114489Croat Thomas B.   241601973-06-11
Belize, District of Toledo. Columbia Forest Reserve ca. 1-2 mi. north of entrance.

Thelypteris Schmidel
115100Whitefoord Caroline   31141981-06-03
Belize, District of Belize. Western Highway near Belmopan.

Thelypteris Schmidel
114445Robleto Walter   5051984-05-01
Nicaragua, Departamento de RIVAS: Isla Ometepec Volcán 'Maderas'-Balgüe. Bosque Nebliselva muy húmedo casi puro en Clusia y Cavendishia., 11.43 -85.5, 1200 - 1260m

Thelypteris Schmidel
123366Smith Alan R.   17971986-01-21
Costa Rica, Heredia, Cerros Sardinal ca. 2-2.5 km N of Chilamate de Sarapiquí (Finca La Martita)., 10.46 -84.06, 80 - 160m

Thelypteris Schmidel
123781Smith Alan R.   18161986-01-21
Costa Rica, Heredia, Cerros Sardinal ca. 2-2.5 km N of Chilamate de Sarapiquí (Finca La Martita)., 10.46 -84.06, 80 - 160m

Thelypteris Schmidel
134347Grayum Michael   54721985-06-26
Costa Rica, San José, Turrubares, P.N. Carara Hills at SW part of Montañas Jamaica ca. 2.5 km NE of Bijagual de Turrubares. (Lower slopes and small creek draining to Río Tarcolitos system), 9.75 -84.55, 460 - 520m

Thelypteris Schmidel
122492Givens Florence M.   34471984-01-08
Costa Rica, Heredia, Barva, Along trail above where road ends. Volcan Barva., 2500m

Thelypteris Schmidel
132761Stevens Warren D.   242051986-09-12
Costa Rica, Limón, Barra del Colorado N side between town and ocean beach. Swamp forest., 10.78 -83.58

Thelypteris Schmidel
242693Acosta Luis   15712000-06-07
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Golfito, P.N. Piedras Blancas Sendero Paralelo a Quebrada Nicuesa aguas arriba., 8.69 -83.23, 200m

Thelypteris Schmidel
FMB-090608Galán, Sandra; Cárdenas, Klaudia   252003-11-24
Colombia, Caldas, Riosucio, Resguardo Cañamomo Lomaprieta, comunidad Cañamomo, 1500m

Thelypteris Schmidel
116063Whitefoord Caroline   3201982-02-24
Panamá, Province of Darien. Rio Cocalito. Up river; up to ridge.

Thelypteris Schmidel
226593Lellinger David B.   3701971-02-13
Colombia, CHOCÓ: Quebrada in low hills ca. 2 km NE of El Valle near the road to Bahía Solano. Secondary lowland rain forest., 25 - 50m

Thelypteris Schmidel
226634Lellinger David B.   6901971-03-18
Colombia, CHOCÓ: Along the Río Monomacho (tributary of the Río Guale) in the foothills of the Serranía de Darien ca. 8-10 km W of Acandí. Muddy and rocky banks., 100 - 150m

Thelypteris Schmidel
234865Azofeifa Alejandro   3891997-09-08
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Golfito, R. F. Golfo Dulce Península de Osa Río Tigre Finca de Ramón Bellido 2 km O del Tigre., 8.51 -83.38, 200m

Thelypteris Schmidel
217532Gómez Luis Diego   570
Costa Rica, Cartago, P. N. Tapantí-Macizo Cerro de La Muerte Tapantí., 9.75 -83.78, 1200m

Thelypteris Schmidel
108087Stevens Warren D.   212221982-01-20
Nicaragua, Matagalpa, Macizos de Peñas Blancas SE side drainage of Quebrada El Quebradon peak WNW of Hda. San Martín. Cloud forest somewhat reduced in height at summit., 13.25 -85.65, 1400 - 1600m

Thelypteris Schmidel
219818Estrada Armando   16471998-07-21
Costa Rica, San José, Tarrazú, Z.P. Cerro Nara, 9.49 -84.01, 900 - 1000m

Thelypteris Schmidel
197890Bittner Jens   8041991-03-20
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Ramón, R.B. Alberto Manuel Brenes South of the Station in the mountains 2-3 km of the Station., 10.21 -84.6, 1200 - 1400m

Thelypteris Schmidel
187327Mehltreter Klaus   4391993-06-16
Costa Rica, Cartago, Turrialba, P.N. Volcán Turrialba Volcán Turrialba., 3100m

Thelypteris Schmidel
188061Rojas Sary   1401992-11-18
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Buenos Aires, Rey Curré. Quebrada Hato Viejo., 9 -83.29, 200m

Thelypteris Schmidel
224027Blanco Mario   11992000-01-11
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Osa, Uvita. San Josecito. Faldas de la fila Alivio. Lado Pacífico de la fila Costeña. Finca Oro Verde., 9.2 -83.76, 350m

Thelypteris Schmidel
226597Chater A.   601982-05-07
México, QUINTANA ROO. 8 km N of Union 110 km by road SW of Chetumal. Tall semi-deciduos forest., 100m

Thelypteris Schmidel
235670González José   11991996-08-21
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Puntarenas, P.N. Isla del Coco Bahía Wafer aguas arriba del río Genio., 5.54 -87.05, 1 - 100m

Thelypteris Schmidel
114839Gómez Luis Diego   15267
Costa Rica, Heredia, Sarapiquí, In sylvis humidis Sarapiquensis Prope Los Gavilanes., 350m

Thelypteris Schmidel
116061Moreno Pedro P.   129321981-11-12
Nicaragua, Departamento de ZELAYA: Río Punta Gorda Atlánta Caño Negro en la desembocadura del Río Chiquito., 11.58 -84, 30m

Thelypteris Schmidel
134118Grayum Michael   71131986-04-14
Costa Rica, Heredia, Somewhat disturbed forest along headwaters of Río Santo Domingo ca. 3 km E of San Rafaelde Vara Blanca N slope of Volcán Barva., 10.18 -84.11, 2060m

Thelypteris Schmidel
129141Gómez Luis Diego   6215
Nicaragua, Matagalpa, Finca San José de la Montaña camino Matagalpa Tuma. Matorrales y vegetación secundaria., 800m

Thelypteris Schmidel
199790Bello Erick   43951992-02-19
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Ramón, R.B. Monteverde Cordillera de Tilarán. Río Peñas Blancas Refugio Aleman's., 10.29 -84.75, 1000m

Thelypteris Schmidel
226644Lellinger David B.   911971-01-27
Colombia, CHOCÓ: Near Punta San Francisco Solano ca. 10 km NE of Puerto Mutis (Bahía Solano). Open relatively dry lowland forest dominated by palms., 10 - 100m

Thelypteris Schmidel
38810Godfrey R. K.   658691965-07-01
Estados Unidos, Florida. Magnola-beach forest Woodyard Hammock Tall Timbers Research Station N of Tallahassee.

Thelypteris Schmidel
137920Bigelow Seth   251988-04-14
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, R.B. Monteverde Road to Peñas Blancas wet of continental divide.

Thelypteris Schmidel
191098Alfaro Evelio   1161995-02-11
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Liberia, P.N. Guanacaste Cordillera de Guanacaste. Estación Cacao; Sendero a Est. Maritza Quebrada Florsita bosque primario ripario., 10.92 -85.46, 1100m

Thelypteris Schmidel
207898Gallardo Gerardina   1921994-06-15
Costa Rica, Limón, Talamanca, R.I. Talamanca Valle de Talamanca. Amubri., 9.51 -82.95, 70m

Thelypteris Schmidel
120341Grayum Michael   4607
Costa Rica, Heredia, Sarapiquí, Finca La Selva at confluence of Río Sarapiquí and Río Puerto Viejo., 10.43 -84.01, 50m

Thelypteris Schmidel
134779Gómez Luis Diego   
Costa Rica, San José, 1100m

Thelypteris Schmidel
116071Hammel Barry E.   36701978-06-28
Panamá, Province of Colón. Santa Rita Ridge in wet forest ca. 12 km from Trans Istmian Highway.

Thelypteris Schmidel
117594Guzmán M.   21851981-11-24
Nicaragua, Matagalpa, Lado E del Macizo de Peñas Blancas Finca Los Jilgueros (Pablo Valenzuela)., 13.23 -85.65, 900 - 1000m

Thelypteris Schmidel
130865Stevens Warren D.   184291980-11-11
Panamá, Province of Chiriquí. Fortuna dam Site ca 4.6 mi above main campamento; disturbed hillside below road.

Thelypteris Schmidel
131793Lellinger David B.   5431971-03-03
Colombia, Chocó. 0.5-2.5 Km N of the Inderena Camp on the Río Truando near Caserio La Teresita. Undisturbed secondary submontane forest., 75m

Thelypteris Schmidel
134692Grayum Michael   70121986-04-12
Costa Rica, Heredia, Barva, Primary forest along Río San Rafael Atlantic slope of Volcán Barva., 10.21 -84.08, 1500m

Thelypteris Schmidel
226543Sytsma Kenneth   19541980-10-27
Panamá, Canal Zone. Pipeline Road. 10.5 km along road., 9.21 -79.71, 100 - 200m

Thelypteris Schmidel
181152Cordero Geovanny   2671991-02-17
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, P.N. Corcovado Los Planes. Bosque comunal La Gloria. A orilla de Río Claro., 8.62 -83.68, 100 - 120m

Thelypteris Schmidel
182864Quesada Francisco   531990-09-01
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Golfito, P.N. Corcovado Estación Sirena., 8.46 -83.58, 1 - 20m

Thelypteris Schmidel
198432Rojas Alexander   13951994-08-21
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Alajuela, Cordillera Central. Entre Cariblanco y Virgen del Socorro y orillas del Río Sarapiquí., 10.25 -84.17, 720 - 870m

Thelypteris Schmidel
213128Azofeifa Alejandro   1691996-05-08
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Ramón, R.B. Alberto Manuel Brenes Cordillera de Tilarán. Estación Río San Lorenzo., 10.21 -84.6, 800 - 1000m

Thelypteris Schmidel
226484Gómez Luis Diego   7013
Honduras, Extremo NW Montaña El Tiburón Estación Experimental de Lancetilla. Atlántida., 50 - 300m

Thelypteris Schmidel
226496Gómez Luis Diego   7008
Honduras, Extremo NW Montaña El Tiburón Estación Experimental de Lancetilla. Atlántida., 50 - 300m

Thelypteris Schmidel
230198Rojas Alexander   37971997-09-03
Costa Rica, Cartago, Paraíso, P. N. Tapantí Sendero Palmitos o T6, 9.75 -83.78, 1200m

Thelypteris Schmidel
241394Jones Mirkka   1362001-07-19
Costa Rica, Heredia, Sarapiquí, E. B. La Selva Slope. Soil type: oxisol (residual), 10.43 -84.01, 50 - 150m

Thelypteris Schmidel
123815Smith Alan R.   18381986-01-21
Costa Rica, Heredia, Finca El Bejuco at south end of Cerros Sardinal (N of Río Sarapiquí). Chilamate de Sarapiquí., 10.45 -84.06, 60 - 100m

Thelypteris Schmidel
125499González Jesús   1201
San Ignacio San Javier. Ferreros de Balvoa.

Thelypteris Schmidel
146573Grayum Michael   72731986-04-19
Costa Rica, Heredia, Barva, North end of Cerros Las Marías N slope of Volcán Barva., 10.17 -84.1, 2200m

Thelypteris Schmidel
116760Gómez Luis Diego   6851
Honduras, Lago Yojoa Carretera vieja a S. Pedro Sula entre Taubebe y Peña Blanca. Comayagua-Cortés., 900m

Thelypteris Schmidel
119102Stevens Warren D.   238591986-01-16
Costa Rica, Limón, Cerro Coronel E of Laguna Danto. Tall evergreen forest on gentle to moderately steep slopes., 10.68 -83.63, 20 - 170m

Thelypteris Schmidel
112936Montoya Dilia   131982-07-18
Honduras, Departamento de: Francisco Morazán. Cruz Blanca Lepaterique campo abierto Bosque húmedo subtropical., 1700 - 1800m

Thelypteris Schmidel
123474Smith Alan R.   22451986-02-03
Costa Rica, Alajuela, North slope of ridge along quebrada draining eastward to Río Cataratitas ca. 20 km NW of San Ramón. Montane rain forest., 10.21 -84.53, 850m

Thelypteris Schmidel
226482Gómez Luis Diego   6935
Honduras, Quebrada Potrero Cerro Azul de Meambar Comayagua., 800 - 1000m

Thelypteris Schmidel
155301Bittner Jens   8461991-03-26
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Ramón, R.B. Alberto Manuel Brenes North of the Station in the mountains., 10.21 -84.6, 1300 - 1400m

Thelypteris Schmidel
116248Croat Thomas B.   467791979-02-02
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Ramón, Below the Cataracts of San Ramón 3.5-4 miles west of center of San Ramón., 800m

Thelypteris Schmidel
118950Skutch Alexánder F.   5088
Costa Rica, San José, Basin of El General., 700 - 950m

Thelypteris Schmidel
131828Smith Alan R.   16651986-01-18
Costa Rica, San José, Along unnamed north fork of Río Zurquí (upstream from highway north of tunnel) Cordillera Central., 10.06 -84.01, 1500 - 1600m

Thelypteris Schmidel
121165Madison M.   46611978-05-29
Ecuador, Prov. CARCHI environs of Chical 12 km below Maldonado on the Rio San Juan. Wet montane forest., 1.06 -78.28, 1200m

Thelypteris Schmidel
236501Rojas Alexander   45441998-05-12
Costa Rica, Limón, Limón, R.B. Hitoy Cerere Cuenca del Estrella. Sendero a la Cascada orillas del Río Cerere., 9.65 -83.04, 150m

Thelypteris Schmidel
242332Rojas Alexander   38321997-10-16
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Alajuela, rea no protegida Cuenca del Sarapiquí., 10.2 -84.16, 1500m

Thelypteris Schmidel
221992Fletes Eida   3581996-10-05
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Golfito, Estación Río Bonito camino al Cerro Gamba bosque primario intervenido. Serranias de Golfito., 8.69 -83.21, 450m

Thelypteris Schmidel
226456Wagner Warren H.   790091979-03-01
Costa Rica, San José, Pérez Zeledón, R.F. Los Santos 4km antes de La Georgina Cerro de La Muerte. En bosquecillo de Escallonia poasana., 9.59 -83.75, 3400m

Thelypteris Schmidel
110355Chacón Isidro A.   8161983-05-24
Costa Rica, Heredia, Z.P. La Selva Finca La Selva the OTS Field Station on the Río Puerto Viejo just E of its juction with the Río Sarapiquí. Creciendo en las rocas de la catarata de la Quebrada el Salto., 100m

Thelypteris Schmidel
120277Gómez Luis Diego   
Costa Rica, San José, Barrio Dent acequia., 1100m

Thelypteris Schmidel
122666Smith Alan R.   19241986-01-24
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, P.N. Rincón de la Vieja South and east slopes of ridge SE of Quebrada Zopilote lower SE slope of Volcán Santa María. Montane rain forest., 10.76 -85.3, 850 - 1000m

Thelypteris Schmidel
214338Grayum Michael   107821995-08-07
Costa Rica, Cartago, Turrialba, Cordillera de Talamanca. Slope on W side of Río Chirripó between Quebrada Bolori (Chirripó Abajo) and Quebrada Dikeclari., 9.78 -83.38, 575 - 650m

Thelypteris Schmidel
118324Chacón Isidro A.   20121986-07-26
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Cerro El Hacha. Detrás de la casa de Santos., 400 - 500m

Thelypteris Schmidel
131795Gómez Luis Diego   18356
Costa Rica, San José, Dota, R. F. Los Santos Páramo de Estaquero., 9.6 -83.76, 3200m

Thelypteris Schmidel
150723Herrera Gerardo   32721989-07-13
Costa Rica, Limón, Talamanca, Fila de exploración minera entre Río Sukut y Río Carbri siguiendo el sendero entre Cerro Schtomat y Cerro Bribeta., 9.37 -82.94, 1190m

Thelypteris Schmidel
119586Chacón Isidro A.   22871986-09-21
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Region del Volcan Cacao Bosque Finca Pedro Jose., 1000 - 1400m

Thelypteris Schmidel
121806Gómez Luis Diego   
Costa Rica, San José, Santa Ana, El Brasil de Santa Ana., 9.93 -84.23, 900 - 1200m

Thelypteris Schmidel
133260Gómez Luis Diego   
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Ramón, Vec. de San Ramón., 1200m

Thelypteris Schmidel
143863Grayum Michael   90241988-11-13
Costa Rica, Limón, R.V.S. Barra del Colorado Forests and pastures between Río Chirripocito and Río Sardina ('Sardinal' on Chirripó Atlántico quadrangle)., 10.63 -83.75, 10 - 15m

Thelypteris Schmidel
111643Grayum Michael   27571980-04-06
Costa Rica, Heredia, Finca La Selva the OTS Field Station on the Río Puerto Viejo just E of its juction with the Río Sarapiquí. Clumper in dense litter on large fallen log lying parallel to trail N end of 1973. Plot near Holdridge Trail., 100m

Thelypteris Schmidel
120911Hammel Barry E.   141781985-07-12
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Coto Brus, to Ciudad Neily; northeastern slopes of Fila de Cal; forest on limestone ridge., 8.68 -82.93, 500 - 620m

Thelypteris Schmidel
123316Garwood N.   9101983-02-02
Costa Rica, Heredia, North of Puerto Viejo. 10 km down road then 7-8 km west in forest.

Thelypteris Schmidel
142021Hennipman E.   65901986-10-31
Costa Rica, Alajuela, R.B. Monteverde Sendero Rio + Sendero Chomogo., 10.25 -84.83, 1575m

Thelypteris Schmidel
143792Grayum Michael   88261988-09-06
Costa Rica, Limón, Talamanca, Along ridge descending to main fork of Quebrada Cañabral from divide between basin of Río Madre de Dios and that of Río Barbilla., 10.03 -83.41, 280m

Thelypteris Schmidel
160372Russell G. F.   6901988-07-28
Costa Rica, Alajuela, South of middle flow. Pre-montane wet forest.

Thelypteris Schmidel
208137Espinoza Roberto   7341992-11-10
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, La Cruz, P.N. Guanacaste Cordillera de Guancaste. Cerro El Hacha; puesto los Almendros., 11 -85.55, 300 - 600m

Thelypteris Schmidel
142027Hennipman E.   68641986-11-12
Costa Rica, Heredia, P.N. Braulio Carrillo Primary rainforest on clayi soil., 10.33 -84.16, 1000m

Thelypteris Schmidel
186502Espinoza Roberto   3381992-05-24
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, La Cruz, P.N. Guanacaste Estación Cacao., 10.92 -85.49, 1100m

Thelypteris Schmidel
200849Rojas Alexander   18431995-05-20
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Ramón, R.B. Monteverde Cordillera de Tilarán. Estación Aleman's., 10.36 -84.8, 1200 - 1500m

Thelypteris Schmidel
215723Gallardo Gerardina   3331996-04-10
Costa Rica, Limón, Talamanca, R.I. Talamanca Valle de Talamanca. Soki. Amubri., 9.5 -82.96, 80 - 150m

Thelypteris Schmidel
217558Rojas Alexander   30871996-09-06
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, La Cruz, P.N. Guanacaste Volcán Orosí. La Cruz Martza. área de Conservación Guanacaste., 10.99 -85.42, 700 - 800m

Thelypteris Schmidel
226516Burger William   52771968-05-27
Costa Rica, San José, Pasture land and wooded areas near the scarpment with frequent wind and rain from the Caribben. La Palma area northeast of San Jerónimo above the La Hondura valley., 10.03 -84, 1500m

Thelypteris Schmidel
163403Whitefoord Caroline   1381982-02-10
Panamá, Province of Darien. Rio Cocalito. In shade at edge of felled plantation.

Thelypteris Schmidel
114484Dwyer John D.   114211973-06-26
Belize, District of Cayo. Along Hummingbird Highway at mile 28; roadside and fleshy logged forest.

Thelypteris Schmidel
114501Stevens Warren D.   191891981-03-03
Nicaragua, Matagalpa, Along E side of Río Tuma between bridge and Río Yasica. River margin and tall evergreen forest., 13.05 -85.73, 310 - 350m

Thelypteris Schmidel
125501Armond Paul   21970-05-28
Panamá, PROVINCIA DE CHIRIQUÍ: Trail from Cerro Punta to Bajo Grande., 1800m

Thelypteris Schmidel
128944Gómez Luis Diego   6213
Nicaragua, Matagalpa, Finca San José de la Montaña camino Matagalpa Tuma. Depto. Matagalpa. Matorrales y vegetación secundaria., 800m

Thelypteris Schmidel
120054Hammel Barry E.   142911985-07-31
Costa Rica, Limón, R.B. Hitoy Cerere And vicinit y in Valle La Estrella S of Finca Concepción; in woods on slope along Río Cerere., 9.7 -83.03, 100 - 200m

Thelypteris Schmidel
121868Gómez Luis Diego   
Costa Rica, Entre S. Ramón y Esparta Bellavista., 1500m

Thelypteris Schmidel
133290Grayum Michael   74411986-04-27
Costa Rica, Heredia, Slopes and ridges above Laguna del Barva and summit of Volcán Barva., 10.13 -84.1, 2840 - 2900m

Thelypteris Schmidel
116068Thomas Antonio   11651979-06-23
Panamá, Provincia de Cocle. El Cope; collected on the Atlantic side., 1200m

Thelypteris Schmidel
125290Davidse Gerrit   286421984-09-08
Costa Rica, Limón, Cordillera de Talamanca. Atlantic slope Valle de Silencio area just N of Cerro Hoffman 4 1/2 airline km W of the Costa Rica-Panamanian border. Gently sloping valley dominated completely by oak forest., 9.13 -82.96, 2350 - 2450m

Page 32, records 3101-3200 of 7764


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