Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Blechnum fragile
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 2, records 101-187 of 187

Missouri Botanical Garden

Blechnum fragile (Liebm.) C.V. Morton & Lellinger
20384Michael Grayum   92891989-01-24
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Jardín Botánico Wilson Primary forest on slopes and ridges to W of Río Jaba, 1.5-2 km SW of Las Cruces de Coto Brus., 8.78 -82.96, 1140m

Blechnum fragile (Liebm.) C.V. Morton & Lellinger
33758Robbin C. Moran   41521988-02-27
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Ramon, University of San Ramón's Biological Field Station, ca 20 km north of San Ramón, along Río San Lorencito, cloud forest, 10.25 -84.5, 800 - 900m

Blechnum fragile (Liebm.) C.V. Morton & Lellinger
36797Gerardo Herrera   19041988-04-28
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Upala, Colonia Libertad Subiendo hasta el Llano Aguacatales, 10.83 -85.26, 1500m

Blechnum fragile (Liebm.) C.V. Morton & Lellinger
777319Ronald Liesner & Emmet Judziewicz   145061983-04-21
Costa Rica, Cartago, El Guarco, Ca 6 km south of Cartago by air, Quebrada Cangreja, 3 km south of Pan American Highway, remnant forest, 9.76 -83.95, 1620 - 1650m

Blechnum fragile (Liebm.) C.V. Morton & Lellinger
41751Percy Núñez V.   83921987-10-26
Peru, Cusco, Urubamba, Machupicchu, a 107 km de Cusco. Bosque de ceja de selva entre Wiñayhuayna e Intipunco; presencia de Clethra, Podocarpus y Alnus., -13.15 -72.52, 2900m

Blechnum fragile (Liebm.) C.V. Morton & Lellinger
1087021Thomas B. Croat   413271977-07-17
Guatemala, Baja Verapaz, Along dirt road 4 miles NE of Purulhá. Disturbed primary forest on steep slopes, 15.27 -90.22, 1500m

Blechnum fragile (Liebm.) C.V. Morton&Lellinger
786195Thomas B. Croat   715231990-03-16
Colombia, Narino, Ricaurte, Vicinity Ricaurte; Along Río Imbí, ca 2-3 km above Ecopetrol Campamento Palmar, located 3 km NW of Ricaurte, along trail to Ramos (indigenous settlement)., 1.13 -77.93, 1150m

Blechnum fragile (Liebm.) C.V. Morton&Lellinger
1084543P.A. Silverstone, et al.   38071988-03-30
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, El Cairo, Cordillera occidental, Serranía de Los Paraguas, cerca de frontera Valle-Chocó, a 1 hora en jeep de El Cairo (Valle), bosque secundario dominado por Tibouchina., 2250m

Blechnum fragile (Liebm.) C.V. Morton&Lellinger
1819362Linda Albert de Escobar et al   84021988-04-28
Colombia, Antioquia, Guatapé, Vereda Santa Rita, 6.28 -75.13, 1850m

Museo Nacional de Costa Rica

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
32960Brenes Alberto Manuel   120291930-03-08
Costa Rica, La Palma de San Ramón., 1275m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
240268Rojas Alexander   59482004-08-24
Costa Rica, San José, Dota, rea no protegida Zapotal de Providencia. Finca Montaña Fría sendero a la fila., 9.53 -83.83, 1950m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
38907Bertolini Humberto   1912-05-12
Costa Rica, San José, Bajo de la Hondura.

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
237431Rojas Alexander   42371998-02-04
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, La Cruz, P.N. Guanacaste Volcán Orosí Pitilla Fila Oroslito entre la estación y el cerro más alto., 10.97 -85.44, 900m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
38531Brenes Alberto Manuel   14880
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Ramón

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
214329Quesada Francisco   15251996-05-07
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Ramón, R.B. Alberto Manuel Brenes Cordillera de Tilarán., 10.21 -84.58, 900m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
235167Lent Roy W.   
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Ramón, La Palma de San Ramón., 1500m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
161892Herrera Gerardo   54551992-03-22
Costa Rica, Limón, Talamanca, Amubri Alto Lari Kivut. Siguiendo la fila divisoria entre Ríos Lari y Dapari., 9.37 -83.1, 1900m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
129572Herrera Gerardo   19041988-04-28
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Upala, Colonia Libertad. Subiendo hasta el Llano Aguacatales., 1500m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
173198Jeanine Kosher   1221989-05-08
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Coto Brus, Ridgetop of Fila Cruces e. of Cerro Anguciana and Río Caño Bravo drainage. Understory in cloud forest on ridgetop., 1525m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
241706Rojas Alexander   63412005-01-06
Costa Rica, San José, Escazú, Z.P. Cerros de Escazú Camino a Pico Blanco entre la zona de acampar y la cúspide del Cerro., 9.87 -84.15, 2100m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
123542Smith Alan R.   22961986-02-03
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Ca. 1 km SE of La Bals de San Ramón (ca. 16 km NW of San Ramón). Disturbed primary rain forest on hilltop., 10.16 -84.48, 1160m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
34989Jiménez Otón   592
Costa Rica, Orillas Río La Hondura. La Palma., 1500m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
180945Evans A. M.   2501987-07-12
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Vicinity of Lago Arenal., 800m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
116143Pipoly John J.   52451979-04-17
Nicaragua, Department Zelaya. Cerro La Pimienta of 2 peaks northernmost and central., 13.75 -84.98, 1000m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
196255Herrera Gerardo   90571996-05-28
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Puntarenas, Rincón. Margen izquierda de río Aranjuez y el bosque entre éste y la quebrada Vueltas., 10.25 -84.68, 1100m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
32759Brenes Alberto Manuel   40411924-08-08
Costa Rica, Bois a la Palma de San Ramón., 1275m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
95937Chacón Isidro A.   15221983-10-25
Costa Rica, Cartago, Paraíso, En el Cañón del Río Grande de Orosí.

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
196893Bittner Jens   2421991-01-10
Costa Rica, Alajuela, R.B. Alberto Manuel Brenes Near of the station primary rain forest., 10.21 -84.6, 1050m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
194449Rodríguez Alexánder   8151995-06-23
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Alajuela, Llanura de San Carlos. Cinchona., 10.25 -84.17, 1100m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
132758Grayum Michael   73071986-04-20
Costa Rica, Heredia, Forest along ridge between Río Sardinal and headwaters of Quebrada Arrayanes N slope of Volcán Barva., 10.2 -84.11, 1900m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
100229Liesner Ronald   145061983-04-21
Costa Rica, Cartago, El Guarco, Quebrada Cangreja 3km S of Pan American Highway. Remnant forest., 9.76 -83.95, 1650m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
116149Thomas Antonio   18681979-09-17
Panamá, Veraguas. Cerro Tote slopes up to 4000 ft. Trail past agricultural school near Santa Fe.

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
44818Burger William   56991968-06-10
Costa Rica, Cartago, Very steep with open forest and many epiphyte about 10 km. south of Tapantí along the new road on the east slope above the Río Grande de Orosi., 9.7 -83.78, 1500m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
144258Hennipman E.   66771986-11-03
Costa Rica, Alajuela, R.B. Monteverde Along camino. On steep clayi bank ruderal places along path., 10.25 -84.83, 1300m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
112709Grayum Michael   34731984-07-12
Costa Rica, Cartago, In forest along creek debouching into Río Grande de Orosi from the east ca. 1 km upstream from confluence of Quebrada Salta Tapantí., 9.71 -83.78, 1600m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
195077Martínez Kattia   4251995-05-03
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Ramón, R.B. Monteverde Cordillera de Tilarán. Estación La Casona sendero Orquídeas., 10.33 -84.73, 1000m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
32758Brenes Alberto Manuel   71091922-10-23
Costa Rica, La Palma de San Ramón.

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
146158Kappelle Maarten   32741988-11-18
Costa Rica, San José, P.N. Chirripó Bosque de Quercus spp. Lauraceae Mollimedia Saurania Meliosma Oreopanax. Limite P. N. Lev. 52., 2020m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
123375Smith Alan R.   21351986-02-01
Costa Rica, Cartago, Along trail leading eastward into mountains from road into Tapantí Reserve ca. 1 km S of junction of Quebrada Salto and Río Grande de Orosi. Montane rain forest., 9.71 -83.78, 1650m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
233715Gómez Luis Diego   554
Costa Rica, Cartago, Paraíso, P.N. Tapantí - Macizo Cerro de la Muerte Tapantí.

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
184624Bittner Jens   4421991-02-02
Costa Rica, Alajuela, R.B. Alberto Manuel Brenes Near of the station. G 3., 10.21 -84.6, 950m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
150733Herrera Gerardo   28621989-04-29
Costa Rica, Limón, Limón, El Progreso. Cabeceras de Río Aguas Zarcas. Fila Matama., 9.79 -83.14, 1350m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
140532Zogg E.   121421988-11-11
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, R.B. Monteverde Sendero Chomogo. Premontane rain forest with high broad-leaved trees; dense undergrowth of shrubs and many ferns plenty of epiphytes., 1580m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
184623Bittner Jens   7751991-03-20
Costa Rica, Alajuela, R.B. Alberto Manuel Brenes South of the Station in the mountains 2-3 km of the Station., 10.21 -84.6, 1300m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
194367Rodríguez Gladys   3711995-06-27
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Tilarán, Cordillera de Tilarán. Río San Lucas., 10.38 -84.9, 850m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
83247Gómez Luis Diego   6347
Nicaragua, Matagalpa, Sta. María de Ostuma. carretera Matagalpa- Jinotega. Bosque nuboso alterado., 1500m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
196805Döbbeler Peter   161995-10-06
Costa Rica, Cartago, Paraíso, Borde de Río Grande de Orosí. Sendero Oropéndola. Al sur de la entrada al Parque., 1300m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
64729Stolze Robert G.   14351973-03-23
Costa Rica, San José, Pasture land and forested areas above the La Hondura Valley. La Palma area approx. 9 km NE of San Jerónimo., 10.03 -84, 1500m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
44814Burger William   60931968-06-10
Costa Rica, Cartago, Very steep with open forest and many epiphyte about 10 km. south of Tapantí along the new road on the east slope above the Río Grande de Orosi., 9.7 -83.78, 1500m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
116559Hammel Barry E.   22831978-03-23
Panamá, Province of Chiriquí. La Fortuna hydroelectric project; in cloud forest on ridge behind camp., 1350m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
133863Moran Robbin C.   41521988-02-27
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Univ. of San Ramón's Biological Field Station ca 20 km N of San Ramón along Río San Lorencito. Cloud forest., 10.25 -84.5, 850m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
38537Brenes Alberto Manuel   178101933-02-20
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Ramón, El Silencio.

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
137893Seth Bigelow   1121988-05-10
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, R.B. Monteverde Pantanoso trail.

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
81284Susanne Koptur   3211980-04-21
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Monteverde. Nuboso trail. Lower montane wet., 1550m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
128736McAlpin   23321973-08-16
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Coto Brus, Las Cruces Tropical Botanical Garden 6 km south of San Vito de Java.

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
241626Rojas Alexander   61252004-09-21
Costa Rica, San José, Tarrazú, rea no protegida Del cruce de la calle a San Carlos 100 m hacia San Marcos., 9.57 -84.16, 1700m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
131992Smith Alan R.   17151986-01-18
Costa Rica, San José, Along Río Zurquí (dowstream from Guápiles highway) Cordillera Central., 10.05 -84.01, 1450m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
139355Grayum Michael   92891989-01-24
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Jardín Botánico Wilson Primary forest on slopes and ridges to W of Río Jaba 1.5-2 km SW of Las Cruces de Coto Brus., 8.78 -82.96, 1250m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
192649Rojas Alexander   21761995-08-10
Costa Rica, Limón, Limón, R.I. Chirripó Fila de Matama. Admirante., 9.77 -83.33, 1150m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
106555Chacón Isidro A.   711982-04-08
Costa Rica, Cerro Las Nubes Macizo Miravalles., 1200m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
191015Alfaro Evelio   3031995-08-03
Costa Rica, San José, Pérez Zeledón, Cordillera de Talamanca. Las Nubes. Santa Elena., 9.39 -83.59, 1210m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
88098Ocampo Rafael A.   35231982-02-23
Costa Rica, Cordillera de Talamanca. Quebrada Kuisa.

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
116557Grijalva Alfredo   3341979-04-14
Nicaragua, Departamento de ZELAYA. Cerro La Pimienta. Bosque enano., 13.74 -84.99, 1100m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
198485Karla Taylor   2081994-07-20
Costa Rica, Cartago, Paraíso, P.N. Tapantí Valle de Reventazón. Bosque primario en las faldas del Alto El Jaular., 9.71 -83.78, 1400m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
116147Thomas Antonio   18521979-09-17
Panamá, Veraguas. Cerro Tote slopes up to 4000 ft. Trail past agricultural school near Santa Fe.

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
107532Croat Thomas B.   498231980-04-08
Panamá, Along road between Gualaca and Fortuna dam site 10.1 mi NW of Los Planes de Hornito., 8.75 -82.28, 1300m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
238683Kluge Jurgen   4418
Costa Rica, Heredia, Barva, Transect Trail between Volcan Barva y Finca La Selva., 10.17 -84.12, 2000m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
136166Merz   2701989-02-17
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Ramón, R.B. Alberto Manuel Brenes, 10.21 -84.6, 800m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
202447Bittner Jens   19031993-03-19
Costa Rica, Limón, Talamanca, Near of the Camp Río Lori. Dowstream of the river. Primary open forest. CORDILLERA DE TALAMANCA., 9.35 -83.23, 1780m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
116556Grijalva Alfredo   3841979-04-16
Nicaragua, Departamento de ZELAYA. Cerro La Pimienta., 13.74 -84.99, 900m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
140518Zogg E.   121801988-11-13
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, R.B. Monteverde Sendero Río. Premontane rain-forest with big broadleaved trees; dense undergrowth of shrubs and many ferns plenty of epiphytes., 1580m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
32959Brenes Alberto Manuel   37671922-11-18
Costa Rica, Alajuela, San Ramón, Picada de San Antonio en El Socorro de San Ramón. Near San Ramón.

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
107952Moran Robbin C.   33331983-08-03
Costa Rica, Cartago, Forests near the entrance to Parque Nacional Tapantí., 1270m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
148687Zogg E.   122021988-11-15
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, R.B. Monteverde Sendero Brillante Continental Divide. Premontane rainforest with high broad-leaved trees; dense undergrowth of shrubs and many ferns plenty of epiphytes., 1530m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
225475Gómez Luis Diego   3711967-06-17
Costa Rica, Entre La Palma y la Hondura.

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
116148Thomas Antonio   48811980-05-30
Panamá, Cerro Colorado Mine near higher elevation camp., 1500m

Blechnum fragile C.V. Morton & Lellinger
204551Bittner Jens   5401991-02-04
Costa Rica, Alajuela, R.B. Alberto Manuel Brenes Near of the station 1 km norte above the station., 10.21 -84.6, 1200m

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum fragile (Liebm.) C.V.Morton & Lellinger
U.1004540Øllgaard B; Laegaard S; Thomsen K; et al.   1985-02-22
Ecuador, Loja, -4.083333 -79.166667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum fragile (Liebm.) C.V.Morton & Lellinger
U.1004233Evans AM; Bowers F   1967-07-27
Costa Rica, Alajuela Prov.: 7 mi. N of San Ramon square along ridge road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum fragile (Liebm.) C.V.Morton & Lellinger
U.1004228Maas PJM; Dressler RL   1980-10-19
Panama, Hab.: Prov. Chiriqui, 25 km W of El Hato del Volcan, forest on farm on Mr. R. Hartman.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum fragile (Liebm.) C.V.Morton & Lellinger
U.1004227Hennipman E; Roos MC; Verduyn GP; Veldhoen P   1986-11-11
Costa Rica, Heredia. Braulio Carillo National Park., 10.25 -84.166667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum fragile (Liebm.) C.V.Morton & Lellinger
U.1004226Hennipman E; Roos MC; Verduyn GP; Veldhoen P   1986-10-28
Costa Rica, Cartago. Dirt road to Tapanti., 9.75 -83.833333

New York Botanical Garden

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum fragile (Liebm.) C.V.Morton & Lellinger (Liebm.) C.V.Morton & Lellinger
01347278R. Callejas Posada   78561989-04-08
Colombia, Antioquia, Urrao, Corregimiento Encarnación, 1 hora S del Páramo de Frontino, sitio El Río, bosque húmedo montano., 6.45 -76.77, 3000 - 3150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum fragile (Liebm.) C.V.Morton & Lellinger (Liebm.) C.V.Morton & Lellinger
02701783I. Huamantupa Chuquimaco   98322007-06-10
Peru, Cusco, Calca, Distrito Yanatile, -12.9794 -72.0358, 2800m

Blechnum fragile (Liebm.) C.V.Morton & Lellinger (Liebm.) C.V.Morton & Lellinger
04057176R. C. Moran   67422004-02-05
Ecuador, Pichincha, ca. 34 km NW of Quito, Maquipucuna Biological Station, along Camino del Río trail., 8.13 -78.58, 1230m

United States National Herbarium

Blechnum fragile (Liebm.) C.V. Morton & Lellinger
3375478.204B. G. Stergios & L. Zambrano   166811996-01-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Fila de Agua Fria, 9.2783 -70.1442, 2700 - 2800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum fragile (Liebm.) C.V. Morton & Lellinger
3370441.204B. G. Stergios & L. Zambrano   166651996-01-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Fila de Agua Fria, 9.2783 -70.1442, 2700 - 2800m

Page 2, records 101-187 of 187


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