Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Ouratea
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 22, records 2101-2200 of 2808

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444510Breteler FJ   1965-11-25
Venezuela, Amazonas, Left bank of Sipapo R. near confluence with Orinoco R., 5.033333 -67.766667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444509Bunting GS; Akkermans LMA; Rooden J van   1969-07-06
Venezuela, Flora de Venezuela. Territorio Federal Amazonas: Depto. Casiquiare: rio Temi: a lo largo de la orilla derecha del rio. 1-2 horas abajo de Yavita, en sabanita.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444508Bunting GS; Akkermans LMA; Rooden J van   1969-07-06
Venezuela, Flora De Venezuela. Territorio Federal Amazonas: Depto. Casiqueare: Alrededores de Yavita (rio Temi) y cerca de la carreiera Yavita PImichin hasta el km 5 hacia Pimichin. En orilla inundata del Rio Temi.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444507Bunting GS; Akkermans LMA; Rooden J van   1969-07-06
Venezuela, Colombia: Depto. Vichada: rio Mataveni (confluente del rio Orinoco) 2 km arriba de la desembocadura (cerca de las palmas), en sabana en la crizilla izquierda.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444506Bunting GS; Akkermans LMA; Rooden J van   1969-07-06
Venezuela, Flora De Venezuela. Territorio Federal Amazonas: Depto. Casiquiare: alrededores de Yavita (rio Temi) u cerca de la carretera Yavita Pimichin hasta el km 5 hacia Pimichin. En Orilla inundata del Rio Temi.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444505Bunting GS; Akkermans LMA; Rooden J van   1969-07-06
Venezuela, Flora De Venezuela. Territorio Federal Amazonas: Depto. Casiquiare: cano Pimichin: entre Pimichin y la desembocadura, en bosque en las margenes inundades del cano.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444438Werdermann E   1926-09-01
Bolivia, Reis durch Ost-Bolivia. Trinidad - Missiones Guarayos.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444437Arbeláez MV; Sueroke F   1997-02-25
Colombia, Flora Colombiana Caqueta. Municipio Solano. Sitio Araracuara, pista de aterrizaje., -0.833333 -72.316667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444436Arbeláez MV; Sueroke F   1997-02-13
Colombia, Flora Colombiana Amazonas, Corregimiento Puerto Santander, Margen derecha del Rio Caqueta, sitio Ciudad Perdida, No de Araracuara., -0.875 -72.375

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444435Arbeláez MV; Pastrana J; Zumaeta G; Castro J   1997-04-07
Colombia, Flora Colombianae, Caqueta, Municipio Solano, Sabanas del Yari. Margen derecha del Chorro de la Gamitana., -0.5 -72.666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444434Schultes RE; Lopez F   1948-06-01
Colombia, Plantae Colombianae, Rio Guainia, below San Antonio.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444433Schultes RE; Lopez F   1948-06-01
Colombia, Plantae Colombianae, Rio Guainia, below San Antonio.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444432Schultes RE; Cabrera I   1952-09-19
Colombia, Plantae Colombianae, Vaupes, Rio Piraparana (tributary of Rio Apeporis): Cano Paca., 0.083333 -70.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444431Schultes RE; Cabrera I   1952-09-01
Colombia, Plantae Colombianae, Vaupes Plantae Clomobianae, Vaupes, Rio Piraparana, middle course.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444430Schultes RE; Baker RED; Cabrera Rodriguez I   1952-10-25
Colombia, Plantae Colombianae, Vaupes, Rio Negro: San Felipe and vicinity (below confluence of Rio Cuainia and Rio Casiquiare)., 1.833333 -67

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444429Steinbach J   1924-10-09
Bolivia, Bosque del Rio Quinery, Sara, Santa Cruz.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444428Schultes RE; Black GA   1946-10-01
Colombia, Amazonas, Trapecio amazónico. Loretoyacu River.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444427Schultes RE; Cabrera I   1952-12-07
Colombia, Plantae Colombianae, Vaupes, Rio Pacoa (tributary of Rio Apaporis)., 0.333333 -71.333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444426Schultes RE; Cabrera I   1952-12-07
Colombia, Plantae Colombianae, Vaupes, Rio Pacoa (tributary of Rio Apaporis)., 0.333333 -71.333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444425Schultes RE; Cabrera Rodriguez I   1952-08-24
Colombia, Vaupés

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444424Schunke Vigo J   1978-03-17
Peru, Peru, San Martin. Prov: Mariscal Caceres. Distrito: Tocache Nueve. Quebrada de Ishichimi, cerca a Tocache.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444423Schunke Vigo J   1978-03-17
Peru, Peru, San Martin. Prov: Mariscal Caceres. Distrito: Tocache Nueve. Quebrada de Ishichimi, cerca a Tocache.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444422Rooden J van; Welle BJH ter; Topper SMC   1979-11-15
Colombia, Flora Colombiana. Departamento Valle Del Cauca: Municipio Buenaventura. Forest Exploitation in the concession of Carton de Colombia., 3.933333 -77.166667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444421Holst BK; Liesner RL   1987-02-22
Venezuela, Venezuela. Terr. Fed. Amazonas: Dpto. Atures. Rio Coro-Coro, W of Serrania de Yutaje, 8 km N of settlement of Yutaje., 5.691667 -66.125

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
U.1444420Dulmen A van; Matapi N   1991-03-13
Colombia, Caquetá

Ouratea Aubl.
U 0294810Maguire B; et al.   

Ouratea Aubl.
U 0294605Maguire B; et al.   

Ouratea Aubl.
U 0294348Maguire B; et al.   

Ouratea Aubl.
U 0294333Maguire B; et al.   

Ouratea Aubl.
U 0294159Prance GT; Maas PJM   
Brazil, Amazonas

Ouratea Aubl.
U 0284662Prance GT; Maas PJM   
Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Purús (Lábrea), Rio Curuquetê

Ouratea Aubl.
U 0284661Rooden J van; Welle BJH ter; Topper SMC   1979-11-15
Colombia, Flora Colombiana. Departamento Valle Del Cauca: Municipio Buenaventura. Forest Exploitation in the concession of Carton de Colombia., 3.933333 -77.166667

Ouratea Aubl.
U 0284658Maguire B; et al.   

Ouratea Aubl.
U 0079841Fuchs HP; et al.   1967-03-06
Colombia, Chocó, Orilla de la quebrada.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
L.4164050Vester H; Román O   1994-04-05
Colombia, Caqueta, Araracuara., -0.616667 -72.383333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
L.4163822Fuchs HP; et al.   1967-03-06
Colombia, Chocó, Orilla de la quebrada.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
L.4149477Chatrou LW; Pirie MD; Saucedo A   2001-11-05
Bolivia, Dept. Beni, Prov. Vaca Diez, Nazaret, 80 km SSW of Riberalta along road to La Paz., -11.366667 -66.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
L.3957358Hahn W; Gopaul D   1989-02-15
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni, N foothills of Roraima, between camps 3 & 4, ± 10-20 km upstream from Kako River., 5.266667 -60.733333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
L.2398714Moreira AG   1983-07-21
Brazil, Distrito Fedral. Resrva Ecológica do IBGE. Arbusto.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
L.2398713Gibbs PE; Semir J; Kinoshita-Gouvêa LS   1976-04-27
Brazil, Estado de São Paolo, Municipio de São João da Boa Vista - Poços de Caldas(Km 12).

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
L.2398712Herzog T   
Bolivia, Charakterstrauch uri Ufer Chaparal der Laguna de Kaaipa ( Rio Blaurogebiet).

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea Aubl.
L.2398709Maas PJM; et al.   2001-10-16
Brazil, Avre, mun. cruzeiro do Sul: Km 6 of Cruzeiro do Sul-Boa Fé road ( Br-307), Ramal dos Carobas., -7.472778 -72.821389

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444517Schunke Vigo J   1972-12-08
Peru, Plants of Peru. Department of San Martin. Palo Blanco, sud oeste del Puente; Mariscal Caceres; Tocache Nueve. En bosque alto.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea aromatica J.F.Macbr.
U.1444520Gentry AH; Vásquez Chávez R; Jaramillo N   1983-01-04
Peru, Loreto, Dept. Loreto. Prov. Maynas, Mishana, Rio Nanay halfway between Iquitos and Santa Maria de Nanay. Tree plot c. 1 km N of Campamento 1., -3.866667 -73.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444467Ellenberg H   1957-09-07
Peru, Vegetation del Peru. Quistacocha la Iquitos.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4164051Vester H; Echeverri A   1992-11-16
Colombia, Caqueta, Araracuara., -0.616667 -72.383333

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4149618Battjes J; Castro B   1986-08-09
Colombia, Amazonas, Araracuara, rastrojo Bartolome Castro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1120290Croat TB   1972-09-18
Peru, Loreto, Rio Tacsha Curaray.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1120289Croat TB   1972-09-18
Peru, Loreto, Rio Tacsha Curaray.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1446270Maas PJM; et al.   
Brazil, Plants of Brazilian Amazonia. Estado do Acre. Cruzeiro do Sul, Rio Jurua & Rio Moa. Vicinity of Aldeota, Rio Jurua-Mirim. Varzea.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444470Pipoly JJ   1991-11-10
Colombia, Colombia. Amazonas: Leticia Municipio. Parqye Nacional Municipio. Quebrada de Agua Pudre, 1.5 km NE de desemboca dura sobre el rio Amacayacu; Muestreo Permanente Estrategica del MO. Bosque muy humedo., -3.783333 -70.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444469Acevedo-Rodríguez P   1997-01-16
Peru, Cuzco

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444595Jansen-Jacobs MJ; et al.   1995-07-26
Guyana, Rupununi Distr, Karanambo, Rupununi River. Along ponds., 3.75 -59.3

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444594Jansen-Jacobs MJ; et al.   1995-07-26
Guyana, Rupununi Distr, Karanambo, Rupununi River. Along ponds., 3.75 -59.3

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444592Edwards PJ   1987-03-17
Brazil, Brasil, Federal Territory of Roraina, Municipality of Alto Alegre, Reserva Ecologica De Maraca. Furo Maraca, On small island consisting of sand bar and boulders. 2km upstream of Casa da Maraca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444591Krukoff BA   1934-08-01
Brazil, Pará, State of Pará: near Boca do Paru.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444590Krukoff BA   1934-08-01
Brazil, Pará, State of Pará: near Boca do Paru.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444589Lemos Fróes R de   1948-12-22
Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Solimoes; Igarapé Belém.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444588Jansen-Jacobs MJ; Welle BJH ter; Gustafsson C; James V   1995-06-05
Guyana, Rupununi District, Rupununi Distr, Dadanawa., 2.816667 -59.516667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444585Maas PJM; Mennega EA; Welle BJH ter; Groen HJ   1981-10-02
Guyana, Margins of Upper Abary River., 6 -57.833333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444582Clarke HD; Watson C; Williams (Guyana) R; Perry C; Clarke J; Hurtubise K   1997-09-25
Guyana, Upper Takutu - Upper Essequibo, Guyana. U.Takutu-U.Essequibo Region. Rewa River, between camp & confluence of Rewa River with Rupununi R., 3.809722 -58.772222

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444581Dionízia F; Coêlho L; Ernesto   1987-08-07
Brazil, Planta de Rondonia. Porto Velho, margem direita do rio Jamari, trecho Samuel lagoa do Feijoal.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444501Liesner RL; Gonzáles A   1978-07-24
Venezuela, Plants of Venezuela. Estado Bolivar: San Pedro de las Dos Bocas, west bank of river, forest along river, adjacent savannah and slopes., 6.983333 -62.983333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444500Liesner RL; Gonzáles A   1978-07-24
Venezuela, Plants of Venezuela. Estado Bolivar: San Pedro de las Dos Bocas, west bank of river, forest along river, adjacent savannah and slopes., 6.983333 -62.983333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444499Davidse G; Gonzáles A   1977-05-16
Venezuela, Plants of Venezuela. Apure: Distrito San Fernando, banks of the Rio Arauca, 5 km directly (in a straight line) ESE of Guirimita. Forest edge of ox-box lake, 1 km from the river., 7.366667 -66.766667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444498Stergios B   1987-05-13
Venezuela, Plantas De Venezuela, Unellez Guanare. Bosque intervenidos y de rebalse en las orillas del Rio Paragua, en las inmediaciones del Municipio Paragua., 6.75 -63.316667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444497Wijninga VM   1990-12-20
Colombia, Amazonas, Along Rio Quinche.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444496Rudas A; Aquila Joaquin F del; Morán G   1991-03-11
Colombia, Colombia, Municipio de Leticia; Parque Nacional Natural Amacayacu; Centro Administartivo Mata-mata (Inderena); a orillas de la quebrada Mata-mata en zona de 'varzea'., -3.783333 -70.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444495Wijninga VM   1990-12-20
Colombia, Amazonas, Along Rio Quinche.

U 0284672Maas PJM; Mennega EA; Welle BJH ter; Groen HJ   1981-10-02
Guyana, Margins of Upper Abary River., 6 -57.833333

U 0284671Jansen-Jacobs MJ; et al.   

U 0284670Jansen-Jacobs MJ; et al.   

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4164039Wijninga VM   1990-12-20
Colombia, Amazonas, Along Rio Quinche.

Image Associated With the Occurence

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2398693Ule EHG   1908-12-01
Brazil, Camp walde de Marcos,Rio Branco.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.1162736Ule EHG   
Brazil, Acre, Rio Branco.

L 0777794Wijninga VM   1990-12-20
Colombia, Amazonas, Along Rio Quinche.

Ouratea williamsii J.F.Macbr.
U 0284666Williams L   

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1446525Wilbur RL; Weaver Jr RE; Foster RB; Correa M   1970-01-24
Panama, Provincia de Panama: forested slopes of Cerro Jefe near large coffee finca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1446524Molina Rositto A; Williams LO; Burger WC; Wallenta B   1966-02-19
Costa Rica, near La Laguna, 6 to 8 km south of Villa Quesada. Prov. of Alajuela.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1446523Knapp SD; Kress WJ; Hammel BE   1982-03-13
Panama, Province of Chiriqui. Windswept ridge 7 miles N of Los Planes de Hornito. IRHE Fortuna Hydroelectric Project. Elfin Forest., 8.75 -82.2

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1446522Zomer H   1990-04-18
Guatemala, Dept. Peten, Puerto Chimono, Laguna Petexbatum 20 km South of Sayaxche., 16.566667 -90.233333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1446521Knapp SD; Mallet J   1982-01-22
Panama, Province of Darien. Ridges on Punta Guayabo Grando, NW of Ensenada El Guayabo., 7.4 -78.116667

L 0708117Nee MH   1973-12-21
Panama, Canal Zone

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea nitida (Sw.) Engl.
WAG.1120274Dwyer JD   
Belize, Belize

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea nitida (Sw.) Engl.
U.1446529Gentle PH   1941-08-25
Honduras, Plants of British Honduras. Toledo District: Monkey Rivier, in broken ridge.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea nitida (Sw.) Engl.
U.1446528Dodge CW; Steyermark JA   1934-12-18
Panama, Plants of the Canal Zone. Drowned forest of Quebrada Ancha.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea nitida (Sw.) Engl.
U.1446527Dwyer JD; Liesner RL   1974-01-25
Belize, District of Orange Walk. Mile 41, Northern Highway.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1446531Knapp SD; Schmalzel R   1982-06-09
Panama, Province of Panama: 8 km from Pan-American Hwy on the El Llano-Cartl Road, Rio Terable Valley., 9.266667 -79

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4149474Huber W; Weissenhofer A   1994-03-06
Costa Rica, Province Puntarenas, Region Golfito Seccion 'Bosque de los Austriacos', Primary forest - Research Plot - La Gamba., 8.683333 -83.216667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444533Liesner RL   1977-11-24
Venezuela, Terr. Fed. Amazonas. Common name Matabe. Study area cleared gy Germans and adjacent forest. IVIC Study Area. 4 km east of San Carlos de Rio Negro., 1.933333 -67.066667

U 0284695Jansen-Jacobs MJ; et al.   

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea polyantha (Triana & Planch.) Engl.
U.1444478Uribe Uribe AL   1957-01-28
Colombia, Colombia, Vaupes: 10 kms.abajo de Mitu, selva a la margen izquierda del rio Vaupes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea polyantha (Triana & Planch.) Engl.
U.1444477Steyermark JA; et al.   1986-01-10
Venezuela, Flora of Venezuela. Territorio Federal Amazonas: Depto. Atures: Cerro Yutaje: riverine forest upstream from Yutaje airstrip, rio Coro Coro at base of mountain., 5.3 -66.05

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea polyantha (Triana & Planch.) Engl.
U.1444476Davidse G   1971-10-31
Venezuela, Plants of Venezuela. Amazonas: 8 km S of Pt. Ayacucho, and just S of the Rio Carinagua; savannas between Rio Orinoco and the road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea polyantha (Triana & Planch.) Engl.
U.1444475Arbeláez MV; Sueroque F   1993-12-02
Colombia, Mpio. Solano, margen izquierda del rio Caquetá, sitio: Paujil (Area Caño Paujil) 10 km NO de Araracuara, colecciones sobre afloramientos rocosos., -0.771667 -72.375

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea polyantha (Triana & Planch.) Engl.
U.1444474Gentry AH; Sánchez S; M   1989-01-27
Colombia, Caquetá

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea polyantha (Triana & Planch.) Engl.
U.1444473Davidse G; Gonzáles A   1978-02-09
Venezuela, Plants of Venezuela. Apure: Distrito San Fernando, 4.5 km airline miles ESE of San Calos del Meta along the banks o the Rio Meta., 6.316667 -67.833333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea polyantha (Triana & Planch.) Engl.
U.1444472Davidse G; Huber O; Tillett SS   1979-04-24
Venezuela, Venzuela. Departamento Atures, 23 km NE of Puerto Ayacucho and 1-10 km E of the highway, area of Rincones de Chacorro., 5.85 -67.4

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea polyantha (Triana & Planch.) Engl.
U.1444471Davidse G; Gonzáles AC   1982-11-08
Venezuela, Plants of Venezuela. Apure: Distrito Paez: Selva de Cutufi, between Cutufi on the Rio Cutifi and the Rio Sanare. Selectively logged, evergreen. lowland forest., 7.153056 -71.949444

Page 22, records 2101-2200 of 2808


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