Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Lindackeria paludosa (Mayna paludosa)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 7, records 601-671 of 671

New York Botanical Garden

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154569C. C. Berg   5431977-10-15
Brazil, Pará, Serra dos Carajas, Serra Norte, 5 km NE of AMZA Exploration Camp., -6 -56

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154572W. A. Rodrigues   51901963-04-13
Brazil, Pará, Capanema, Quatipuru ramal a esquerda da estrada da Taperinha

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154573D. W. Stevenson   10481987-11-25
Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Negro, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, top of hill on east side of the town., -0.166667 -67.083333, 220 - 220m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154576B. A. Krukoff   51011933-06-30
Brazil, Amazonas, Near mouth of Rio Embira (tributary of Rio Tarauaca)., -7.5 -70.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154578E. G. Holt   5361930-12-16
Brazil, Amazonas, Cachoeira Caranguejo, Rio Cauabury, -0.25 -65.92

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154579E. G. Holt   4191930-10-24
Brazil, Amazonas, Cachoeira Caranguejo, Rio Cauabury., -0.25 -65.92

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154580M. H. Nee   345271987-03-28
Brazil, Rondônia, Costa Marques, 9.5 km. E of Forte Principe da Beira. (Between road from Costa Marques to Forte Principe da Beira and Rio Guapore.), -12.433333 -64.333333, 150 - 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154581W. A. Ducke   4241937-03-19
Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, Estrada do Aleixo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154582B. A. Krukoff   51011933-06-30
Brazil, Amazonas, Near mouth of Rio Embira (tributary of Rio Tarauaca)., -7.5 -70.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154583J. M. Pires   701946-11-30
Brazil, Amazonas, Maués, -3.3920171 -57.711871

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154584L. Riedel   s.n.
Brazil, Borba

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154586W. A. Ducke   14241943-11-06
Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, Flores., -3.0587534 -60.0134075

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154600C. A. Cid Ferreira   68321986-03-18
Brazil, Amazonas, Presidente Figueiredo, Rio Uatumã, entre os rios Pitinga e Uatumã (localidade Nazaré).

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
02154601G. T. Prance   45931967-02-21
Brazil, Roraima, Lower southwestern slopes of Serra Tepequem., 3.756087 -61.759655, 600 - 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154606W. Milliken   M.7751988-01-05
Brazil, Roraima, SEMA Ecological Reserve, Ilha de Maracá. Forest regeneration plots., 3.37 -61.43

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154607J. A. Ratter   R.5397V1987-02-24
Brazil, Roraima, SEMA Ecological Station, Ilha de Maracá. On road to Santa Rosa, ca. 1/2 Km from the station, 3.366667 -61.416667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154608W. C. Steward   4221978-01-19
Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Negro, Cachoeira Bani

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154610M. G. Vieira   2361979-10-04
Brazil, Rondônia, Porto Velho, Vila Caneco-Minaração Jacundá a 106 km de Porto Velho BR-164, -9.12347 -62.08, 112 - 112m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154611M. G. Vieira   8691979-11-02
Brazil, Rondônia, A 13 Km de Vilhena, Km 20, base da Chapada dos Parecis, -12.75 -60.166667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154614C. A. Cid Ferreira   35471982-11-09
Brazil, Amazonas, Novo Japurá, Ao lado do rio Acanauê, rio Japurá, afluente do rio Solimões., -1.866667 -66.633333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154617C. A. Cid Ferreira   34401982-10-31
Brazil, Amazonas, Maraã, Colonia dos Indios Canamarís, rio Japurá, afluente do rio Solimões, -1.85611 -65.5811

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154618J. J. Strudwick   3207A1981-07-19
Brazil, Pará, Lageira, Airstrip on Rio Maiciri. Forest, broken canopy, within 100 m of Maicuru river bank., -0.916667 -54

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
02154624S. A. da M. Souza   11091987-02-07
Brazil, Pará, Altamira, Rio Xingu, fazenda dos Araras., -3.20333 -52.2064

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154625S. A. da M. Souza   7841987-01-24
Brazil, Pará, Altamira, rio Xingu. Morro do Piranhaquara á margem direita, subindo o rio.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154626E. L. Sette Silva   728
Brazil, Roraima, Mucajaí, Margem do Rio Mucajaí, 2.5 -60.92

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154627L. M. M. Carreira   4661983-02-01
Brazil, Rondônia, Porto Velho, Estrada Guajará-Mirim-Abunã, trecho compreendido entre os km 45-60., -8.76194 -63.9039

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154628W. A. Archer   83801943-04-15
Brazil, Pará, 1 K. N. of Fazenda Urucurituba, opposite Fordlandia, on Rio Tapajós.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154629M. R. dos Santos   171977-02-13
Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Negro, Rio Jauaperi, Estirão do Lasca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154630W. W. Benson   103581979-08-11
Brazil, Amazonas, Lagoa Januacá, -3.4 -60.35

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154631N. A. Rosa   31001979-02-08
Brazil, Roraima, Arredores da estação ecológica de Aracá., 3.37 -61.43

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154635C. A. Cid Ferreira   42061983-07-19
Brazil, Amazonas, Maués, Rio Urupadi, margem direita, igarapé Quininha, -3.75 -57.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154637W. W. Benson   103581979-08-11
Brazil, Amazonas, Lagoa Januacá, -3.4 -60.35

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154639W. W. Benson   103581979-08-11
Brazil, Amazonas, Lagoa Januacá, -3.4 -60.35

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
756092D. C. Daly   72311991-11-08
Brazil, Acre, Xapurí, Rio Acre @ 3 hours by boat downstream from Xapuri and 1 hr walking inland from left bank, -10.75 -68.33

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
756091D. C. Daly   71601991-11-05
Brazil, Acre, Xapurí, Rio Acre @ 3 hours by boat downstream from Xapuri and 1 hr walking inland from left bank, -10.75 -68.33

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
756093D. C. Daly   72271991-11-08
Brazil, Acre, Xapurí, Rio Acre @ 3 hours by boat downstream from Xapuri and 1 hr walking inland from left bank, -10.75 -68.33

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
756098C. A. Cid Ferreira   101091989-10-15
Brazil, Acre, Mâncio Lima, Upper Rio Moa, Serra do Divisor, hill behind Fazenda Boa Vista, -7.42 -73.63

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
00897396W. W. Thomas   40991985-09-29
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Alta Floresta, Ca. 3 km N of rd from Alta Floresta to Rio Apiacá (MT208), 44.5 km E of Rio Apiacá, -9.93 -56.63

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
00897397B. A. Krukoff   16481931-12-21
Brazil, Rondônia, Machadinho d'Oeste, Source of the Jatuarana River, Machado River region

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
00897398C. A. Cid Ferreira   62911985-09-29
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Alta Floresta, Rod. J-1, entre os Povoados Alto Paraíso e Monte Verde, a 151 km de Alta Floresta, -10.12 -57.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
00897399C. C. Berg   P186921973-10-20
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Forest along margin of Rio Aripuanã, above Andurina Falls., -10.2 -59.35

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
00897400C. C. Berg   P185101973-10-14
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Near Humboldt Centre, along road to Rio Aripuanã, downstream from Salto dos Dardanelos., -10.2 -59.35

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
756094G. T. Prance   75451968-09-24
Brazil, Acre, Sena Madureira, Vicinity of Sena Madureira, -9.05 -68.67

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154549G. T. Prance   176851973-11-28
Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, Campus of INPA, Estrada do Aleixo., -3.097461 -59.986249

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154531B. A. Krukoff   61591934-09-19
Brazil, Amazonas, Humaitá, Near Tres Casas. Basin of Rio Madeira., -6.9876421 -62.6839542

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154587O. C. Nascimento   5521978-10-05
Brazil, Amazonas, Margem direita do rio Negro, entre o rio Arara e rio Cueira, -2.923979 -60.46754

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154634M. T. Madison   60191978-10-05
Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Negro, N margin, between Rio Arará and Rio Cuieiras., -2.923979 -60.46754

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
02154613G. Martinelli   71991980-06-21
Brazil, Pará, Oriximiná, Rio Cachorro, Cachoeirado Varador, 21 km NW de Cachoeira Porteira., -0.9495084 -57.1850512, 90 - 90m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154538G. Martinelli   68111980-06-09
Brazil, Pará, Oriximiná, Caminhoa para os Campos do Ariramba, Serra da Preciosa., -1.0904875 -55.8290809

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
02154568G. T. Prance   254971977-11-16
Brazil, Pará, BR 163, Cuiabá-Santarém Highway, km 1133; Vicinity of Igarapé Natal, -6.7139599 -55.4820299

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154570G. T. Prance   254971977-11-16
Brazil, Pará, BR 163, Cuiabá-Santarém Highway, km 1133; Vicinity of Igarapé Natal, -6.7139599 -55.4820299

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
2154561G. T. Prance   229921974-10-17
Brazil, Amazonas, BR 319, Km 510, Manaus-Porto Velho Road, 6 Km north of Rio Purusinho, -6.4207733 -62.8566885

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
756097C. A. Cid Ferreira   30031980-10-22
Brazil, Acre, Rio Branco, Estrada para Quixadá Km 23, próximo ao Rio Acre., -9.9101808 -67.634494

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
756095D. G. Campbell   92791985-09-27
Brazil, Acre, Fazenda Bom Sossego. Entre Igarapé do Cujubim e Igarapé Jacamin., -7.67 -73.15

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
756096D. G. Campbell   62751985-10-10
Brazil, Acre, Upper Río Moa near Fazenda Arizona., -7.48 -73.15

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
02154633S. A. Mori   89951977-02-15
Brazil, Amazonas, Coarí, Rio Solimões. Vicinity of Coari, -4.085 -63.1414

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
02154602S. A. Mori   90781977-02-24
Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Solimões, mouth of Rio Iça., -3.1427443 -67.9750729

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
196700W. L. Balée   17881985-11-04
Brazil, Pará, Altamira, Igarapé Ipixuna, affluent of Rio Xingu; 5 km S of settlement, Araweté Indian Reserve.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
00897389R. de Lemos Fróes   19121932-09-15
Brazil, Maranhão, Maracassumé River Region, Mata da Cachoeira., -1.8926301 -45.8917809

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
194245W. L. Balée   25181986-06-13
Brazil, Pará, Xingu River. Assurini Indians, -7.2040035 -52.5854588

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
194250W. L. Balée   24331986-06-12
Brazil, Pará, Xingu River. Assurini Indians, -7.2040035 -52.5854588

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
194251W. L. Balée   23431986-06-10
Brazil, Pará, Xingu River. Assurini Indians, -7.2040035 -52.5854588

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
00194253W. L. Balée   2269a1986-05-09
Brazil, Maranhão, Monção, Ka'apor Indian Reserve. Inventory of 80 year old fallow, -3.5 -45.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
00089756W. L. Balée   22141986-05-08
Brazil, Maranhão, Monção, Ka'apor Indian Reserve. Inventory of 80 year old fallow, -3.5 -45.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
02691745N. Castaño Arboleda   31132011-04-26
Colombia, Caquetá, La Montañita, vereda Itarca, Reserva Natural Itarca., 1.542916667 -75.47194, 330m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg (Benth.) Gilg
03698729D. Cárdenas-López   462152016-03-16
Colombia, Caquetá, Belén de Los Andaquíes, Camino Andaquí, comunica Acevedo-Belén de Los Andaquíes, vegetación a orilla de camino, 1.710778 -75.901389, 1500 - 1500m

United States National Herbarium

Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg
USw38426.2772803B. A. Krukoff   8530
Brazil, Minas Gerais

Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg
1741620.105B. A. Krukoff   82091936-09-11
Brazil, Amazônas, Rio Solimoes

Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg
10469797B. A. Krukoff   82091936-09-11
Brazil, Amazônas, Rio Solimoes

Image Associated With the Occurence
702979.2153M. R. Schomburgk   9201840-00-00
Guyana, Pedrero, Rio Negro.

Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg
3355096.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & J. A. Cedeño M.   74261995-06-20
Ecuador, Napo, Napo Province: Yasuni Forest Reserve; E of Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Scientific Station., -0.6808 -76.395, 225m

Page 7, records 601-671 of 671


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