Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Synechanthus warscewiczianus
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 4, records 301-400 of 477

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1140384Fuchs HP; Zanella E; Torres-Romero JH   1967-02-20
Colombia, Chocó, Chocó, Rio Baudó

U 0273164Cuatrecasas J   
Colombia, Chocó

New York Botanical Garden

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321353B. Boyle   29721994-03-20
Costa Rica, Heredia, P.N.Braulio Carrillo Cantón de Sarapiquí. Puesto El Ceibo. On ridge crest 250 m W of Transect Trail., 10.2958 -84.0769, 765m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321354B. Boyle   29721994-03-20
Costa Rica, Heredia, P.N.Braulio Carrillo Cantón de Sarapiquí. Puesto El Ceibo. On ridge crest 250 m W of Transect Trail., 10.2958 -84.0769, 765m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321358T. B. Croat   110201970-06-22
Panama, Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone. Forest N. of Lutz Creek; S. of Dining Hall.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321359T. B. Croat   110201970-06-22
Panama, Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone. Forest N. of Lutz Creek; S. of Dining Hall.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321360T. B. Croat   70101969-01-08
Panama, Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone. Along banks of Lutz Stream near Donato Trail.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321361T. B. Croat   70101969-01-08
Panama, Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone. Along banks of Lutz Stream near Donato Trail.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321362T. B. Croat   70101969-01-08
Panama, Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone. Along banks of Lutz Stream near Donato Trail.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321380A. Molina Rositto   173331966-02-17
Costa Rica, Thickets and wet forests near Río San Rafael, 2 km. west of La Marina, Llanura de San Carlos, Prov. of Alajuela., 550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321381A. Molina Rositto   173331966-02-17
Costa Rica, Thickets and wet forests near Río San Rafael, 2 km. west of La Marina, Llanura de San Carlos, Prov. of Alajuela., 550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321382L. O. Williams   288071965-01-31
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Rain forest area along Río Sonador, near Panamerican Highway, El General Valley., 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321383L. D. Gómez   19508
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Road to Puerto Jiménez, Osa, 40 km W of I.A. route 2, 100 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321384G. R. Proctor   323281971-06-08
Costa Rica, Heredia, Tirimbina, in tropical wet forest., 213m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321385W. C. Burger   58021968-06-14
Costa Rica, Heredia, Original forest near the Río Puerto Viejo, about 2 km. upstream from the confluence with Río Sarapiquí. Formerly "Finca La Selva" of L.R. Holdridge., 10.43 -84, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321386W. C. Burger   58021968-06-14
Costa Rica, Heredia, Original forest near the Río Puerto Viejo, about 2 km. upstream from the confluence with Río Sarapiquí. Formerly "Finca La Selva" of L.R. Holdridge., 10.43 -84, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321387W. C. Burger   42501967-01-05
Costa Rica, Original wet forest and Cocoa plantation on the property of Dr. L. Holdridge, about 2 km. upstream on the Río Puerto Viejo., 10.42 -83.98, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321388W. C. Burger   42501967-01-05
Costa Rica, Original wet forest and Cocoa plantation on the property of Dr. L. Holdridge, about 2 km. upstream on the Río Puerto Viejo., 10.42 -83.98, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321389W. D. Stevens   50931977-11-08
Nicaragua, Zelaya, Along road to Colonia Yolanda, Colonia La Esperanza, etc, 1.3 km SE of intersection with road between Nueva Guíne and Colonía Verdun, immediately upriver from bridge over Caño Sardína., 11.67 -84.43, 180 - 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321394G. C. de Nevers   50681985-03-09
Panama, San Blás, El Llano-Cartí Road, Km 27.6. Río Pingandi, downstream of road, 9.32 -78.92, 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321395A. J. Henderson   7081987-12-08
Panama, San Blás, Nusagandi, km 22 on Llano-Carti road, 350 - 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321398A. J. Henderson   30341999-05-09
Panama, Coclé, El Copé, 8.6681 -80.5928, 724m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321401G. C. de Nevers   44181984-12-03
Panama, San Blás, El Llano-Cartí Road, 9.32 -78.92, 350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321404A. J. Henderson   0511984-12-12
Costa Rica, Heredia, Finca La Selva on Río Puerto Viejo just E of its junction with Río Sarapiquí

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321405G. C. de Nevers   82711987-10-08
Panama, Darien, Parque Nacional del Darién. Estacion Rancho Frío at N base of Cerro Pirre; ca. 9 km S of El Real; in forest along Quebrada Perisenico, 8.02 -77.73, 70 - 270m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321406E. J. L. Ferreira   6001999-05-14
Panama, Panamá, Parque Nacional Altos de Campana, sendero Panama, 100 m to teh righ, up the hill, 8.6781 -79.9261, 797m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321408A. J. Henderson   0701984-12-27
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, 7 km from Chacarita on road Rincon de Osa, 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321409A. J. Henderson   0941985-01-16
Panama, Darien, Serranía de Pierre, between Lower and Upper Rancho Frio

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321410A. J. Henderson   30521999-05-11
Panama, Colon, Santa Rita Ridge

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321411C. Hubbuch   1321993-04-25
Panama, along stream bank; site past the Fortuna bridge following a gravel road that turns south about 50 yards before the Bocas del Toro border in Chiriqui, trail begins baout 3 km from the main road, after passing a small finca, trail goes over a ridge and then down into a valley, 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
01095699R. Aguilar   121322009-06-14
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Osa, Distr. Palmar, Cortez, 9.0519 -83.5511, 921m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
01095698R. Aguilar   121322009-06-14
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Osa, Distr. Palmar, Cortez, 9.0519 -83.5511, 921m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
01095697R. Aguilar   121322009-06-14
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Osa, Distr. Palmar, Cortez, 9.0519 -83.5511, 921m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl. H.Wendl.
02321351J. L. Clark   87962003-08-19
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Bilsa Biological Reserve. Reserva Ecológica Mache-Chindul, 35 km W of Quinindé. Sendero Cube towards Don Humberto's home and La Cascada de Cyrus/Permanent plot #3., 400 - 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl. H.Wendl.
02321352J. L. Clark   87932003-08-19
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Bilsa Biological Reserve. Reserva Ecológica Mache-Chindul, 35 km W of Quinindé. Sendero Cube towards Don Humberto's home and La Cascada de Cyrus/Permanent plot #3., 0.35 -79.73, 400 - 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321355A. S. Barfod   601171985-08-15
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Río Grande, tributary of Río Cayapas at Zapallo Grande., 0.77 -78.9, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321356A. S. Barfod   601171985-08-15
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Río Grande, tributary of Río Cayapas at Zapallo Grande., 0.77 -78.9, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321357A. S. Barfod   601171985-08-15
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Río Grande, tributary of Río Cayapas at Zapallo Grande., 0.77 -78.9, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl. H.Wendl.
02321363W. H. Camp   E36711945-06-08
Ecuador, Junction of the Province of Guayas, Cañar, Chimborazo & Bilivar: Foothills of the western cordillera near the village of Bucay., -2.213329 -79.139376, 305 - 381m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl. H.Wendl.
02321364W. H. Camp   E36711945-06-08
Ecuador, Junction of the Province of Guayas, Cañar, Chimborazo & Bilivar: Foothills of the western cordillera near the village of Bucay., -2.213329 -79.139376, 305 - 381m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl. H.Wendl.
02321365W. H. Camp   E36711945-06-08
Ecuador, Junction of the Province of Guayas, Cañar, Chimborazo & Bilivar: Foothills of the western cordillera near the village of Bucay., -2.213329 -79.139376, 305 - 381m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321366A. S. Barfod   600761985-07-17
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Hda. Monte Armelo 12 km south of Borbón. Farmland with patches of undisturbed forest., 1.08 -79, 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl. H.Wendl.
02321367J. L. Clark   6701995-04-10
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Bilsa Biological Station. Mache mountains, 35 km W of Quinindé, 5 km W of Santa Isabel. Premontane Wet Forest. Mature and disturbed forest along stream near the Station's shower., 0.35 -79.73, 400 - 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl. H.Wendl.
02321368J. L. Clark   6701995-04-10
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Bilsa Biological Station. Mache mountains, 35 km W of Quinindé, 5 km W of Santa Isabel. Premontane Wet Forest. Mature and disturbed forest along stream near the Station's shower., 0.35 -79.73, 400 - 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl. H.Wendl.
02321369J. L. Clark   6701995-04-10
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Bilsa Biological Station. Mache mountains, 35 km W of Quinindé, 5 km W of Santa Isabel. Premontane Wet Forest. Mature and disturbed forest along stream near the Station's shower., 0.35 -79.73, 400 - 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl. H.Wendl.
02321370J. L. Clark   6701995-04-10
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Bilsa Biological Station. Mache mountains, 35 km W of Quinindé, 5 km W of Santa Isabel. Premontane Wet Forest. Mature and disturbed forest along stream near the Station's shower., 0.35 -79.73, 400 - 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321371G. W. Harling   4519c1959-03-16
Ecuador, Pichincha, Rio Blanco (immediately below the confluence with Rio Toachi)., 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321372A. S. Barfod   600481985-07-14
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito-Plt. Quito road km127. Disturbed vegetation close to road., 0.07 -79.05, 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321373B. Bergmann   621931988-05-13
Ecuador, Pichincha, North of Rio Toachi, near village of Toachi., -0.32 -78.3, 610m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321374B. Bergmann   621931988-05-13
Ecuador, Pichincha, North of Rio Toachi, near village of Toachi., -0.32 -78.3, 610m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321375B. Bergmann   621931988-05-13
Ecuador, Pichincha, North of Rio Toachi, near village of Toachi., -0.32 -78.3, 610m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321376B. Bergmann   621431987-04-06
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Finca of Don Alfredo, 13 km before the village of Borbon., 1.08 -79

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321377B. Bergmann   621431987-04-06
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Finca of Don Alfredo, 13 km before the village of Borbon., 1.08 -79

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321390T. B. Croat   703661990-02-08
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Buenaventura, Bajo Calima Region: along the road between Buenaventura-Malaga at km 51.3, deep gorge in virgin forest., 4.15 -77.18, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321396B. Bergmann   62154
Ecuador, Los Ríos, Sto. Domingo-Quevedo road. Km 36, -0.47 -79.33, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321397C. H. Dodson   146971984-07-07
Ecuador, Pichincha, Km 9, La Independencia a Puerto Quito, 220m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl. H.Wendl.
02321399H. Balslev   620211986-04-02
Ecuador, Pichincha, Hda. Irena 36 km south of Santo Domingo along road to Quevedo, -0.37 -79.33, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl. H.Wendl.
02321400H. Balslev   620151986-03-27
Ecuador, Manabí, Road from El Carmen to Chone km 44, -0.33 -79.67, 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321402R. Bernal-González   2491982-03-18
Colombia, Antioquia, Frontino, Corregimiento de Murrí, carretera Nutibara-La Blanquita, hoya del río Cuevas, 950m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321403B. M. Boom   26101983-08-07
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, 2-4 km SE of San Lorenzo, along railroad track, 1.25 -78.83, 10m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl.
02321407R. Bernal-González   11501986-07-26
Colombia, Córdoba, Municipio de Tierralta, bosques entre los ríos Esmeralda y Sinú, 2 km arriba de la confluencia, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synechanthus warscewiczianus H.Wendl. H.Wendl.
00202259H. T. Beck   22501993-10-10
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Awá Reserve. Comunidad de Mataje. Trail to Tobar Donoso, near inventory site, 1.25 -78.67, 216 - 216m

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

2423Croat, T.B.   46451968-04-11
Panamá, Panamá/Canal, Panamá, Barro Colorado Island: Stream bank near dock, 9.15 -79.85

2424Croat, T.B.   70101969-01-08
Panamá, Panamá/Canal, Panamá, Barro Colorado Island: Along banks of Lutz Sream<br>near Donato Trail., 9.15 -79.85

2427Tyson, E.L.   34061966-02-08
Panamá, Panamá, Panamá, E slope Cerro Jefe at 2700' in Clusia" forest", 9.233333 -79.35, 823m

8427Knudsen, J.T.   6171996-10-12
Panamá, San Blas, Narganá, Nusagandi. El Llano - Cartí road, 19 km from<br>Interamericana highway, 9.316667 -78.916667

United States National Herbarium

3404349.2070082J. L. Clark & Y. Troya   6701995-04-10
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Bilsa Biological Station, W of Quininde, W of Santa Isabel, along stream near the Station's shower., 0.35 -79.7333, 400 - 600m

3404350.2070083J. L. Clark & Y. Troya   6701995-04-10
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Bilsa Biological Station, W of Quininde, W of Santa Isabel, along stream near the Station's shower., 0.35 -79.7333, 400 - 600m

3384977.203W. D. Stevens & G. Herrera Ch.   310371986-09-13
Costa Rica, Limón, Cerro Coronel, E of Laguna Danto, 10.6833 -83.6333

3384978.203W. D. Stevens & G. Herrera Ch.   310371986-09-13
Costa Rica, Limón, Cerro Coronel, E of Laguna Danto, 10.6833 -83.6333

3384979.203W. D. Stevens & G. Herrera Ch.   310371986-09-13
Costa Rica, Limón, Cerro Coronel, E of Laguna Danto, 10.6833 -83.6333

2266643.243O. F. Cook   1561926-05-26
Colombia, Buena Ventura

1251869.243P. C. Standley   410921925-11-18
Panama, Panama, Gatun Lake, 120 - 120m

1252283.244P. C. Standley   414161925-12-07
Costa Rica, Cartago, Finca Las Concavas, 366 - 366m

1252284.244P. C. Standley   414161925-12-07
Costa Rica, Cartago, Finca Las Concavas, 366 - 366m

3129903.244A. J. Henderson & H. Herrera   7081987-12-08
Panama, Nusagandi, 22 km on Llano-Carti road, 350 - 400m

3129904.244A. J. Henderson & H. Herrera   7081987-12-08
Panama, Nusagandi, 22 km on Llano-Carti road, 350 - 400m

2561669.244J. E. Ebinger   2071960-06-28
Panama, Panama, Near dock

2561670.244J. E. Ebinger   2071960-06-28
Panama, Panama, Near dock

1305031.245P. C. Standley & J. Valerio R.   472381926-02-07
Costa Rica, Cartago, Near Pejivalle, 900 - 900m

1305030.245P. C. Standley & J. Valerio R.   472381926-02-07
Costa Rica, Cartago, Near Pejivalle, 900 - 900m

1253158.246P. C. Standley & J. Valerio R.   432561925-12-26
Costa Rica, San José, Near santa maria de dota, 1500 - 1800m

1253157.246P. C. Standley & J. Valerio R.   432561925-12-26
Costa Rica, San José, Near santa maria de dota, 1500 - 1800m

1253168.246P. C. Standley & J. Valerio R.   432711925-12-26
Costa Rica, San José, Near santa maria de dota, 1500 - 1800m

3091940.247W. D. Stevens & B. A. Krukoff   83211978-04-27
Nicaragua, Zelaya, Along new road to mina nueva america, leading westward from 14.3 km n of el empalme on main road to rosita, 10-11 km from road

2854021.248J. L. Reveal & J. A. Duke   49271979-01-30
Panama, Darién, Serrania de Pirre, Trail from Q. Perecingo to Cerro Pirre, 750 - 1300m

3091941.248P. Moreno & J. Sandino   129831981-11-12
Nicaragua, Zelaya, Rio punta gorda, atlanta, ""la richard"" 200 m to the se, 20 - 20m

1252765.248P. C. Standley   424091925-12-14
Costa Rica, San José, Near santa maria de dota, 1500 - 1800m

1252766.248P. C. Standley   424091925-12-14
Costa Rica, San José, Near santa maria de dota, 1500 - 1800m

1252764.248P. C. Standley   424091925-12-14
Costa Rica, San José, Near santa maria de dota, 1500 - 1800m

1252770.248P. C. Standley   424181925-12-14
Costa Rica, San José, Near santa maria de dota, 1500 - 1800m

1252771.248P. C. Standley   424181925-12-14
Costa Rica, San José, Near santa maria de dota, 1500 - 1800m

675221.2485W. R. Maxon   48471911-02-17
Panama, Rio Indio de Gatun, 1 - 1m

675219.2485W. R. Maxon   48471911-02-17
Panama, Rio Indio de Gatun, 1 - 1m

675220.2485W. R. Maxon   48471911-02-17
Panama, Rio Indio de Gatun, 1 - 1m

675222.2485W. R. Maxon   48471911-02-17
Panama, Rio Indio de Gatun, 1 - 1m

2566983.249A. Molina R.   173331966-02-17
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Near Rio San Rafael, W of La Marina, 550 - 550m

1251870.249P. C. Standley   410921925-11-18
Panama, Panama, Gatun Lake, 120 - 120m

1251871.249P. C. Standley   410921925-11-18
Panama, Panama, Gatun Lake, 120 - 120m

2261365.249O. F. Cook   s.n.1939-05-00
Costa Rica

Page 4, records 301-400 of 477


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