Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Hypopterygium
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 2, records 101-200 of 220

Herbario Nacional Colombiano

440718M. Pinzón   8261998-01-09
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Mosquera, Región Subxerofítica de La Herrera, cerro Las Cátedras., 4.6555555556 -74.285, 2700 - 2700m

440722M. Pinzón | E. Linares   8331998-01-09
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Mosquera, Región Subxerofítica de La Herrera, cerro Las Cátedras., 4.6580555556 -74.2738888889, 2700 - 2700m

440989M. Pinzón   8531998-01-09
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Mosquera, La Herrera., 4.6638888889 -74.2869444444, 2700 - 2700m

441042M. Pinzón   8131998-01-09
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Mosquera, Región Subxerofítica de La Herrera, cerro Las Cátedras., 4.6555555556 -74.285, 2700 - 2700m

449832H. Sipman   335221986-06-15
Colombia, Nariño, Ricaurte, South of Ricaurte, on road Pasto - Tumaco, along road from San Isidro to Reserva Natural La Planada., 1.142022 -77.977463, 1700 - 1700m

456690O. Orrego   ORR 6492000-04-15
Colombia, Quindío, Armenia, Bosque de San Pedro., 4.5833333333 -75.6333333333, 1450 - 1450m

462830E. Linares   94792001-06-09
Colombia, Boyacá, Villa de Leyva, Sector El Carrizal., 5.712642 -73.482156, 2100 - 2900m

462887aM. Pinzón   8531998-01-09
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Mosquera, Región Subxerofítica de La Herrera, cerro Las Cátedras., 4.6555555556 -74.285, 2700 - 2700m

465148O. Orrego   ORR 3962000-04-15
Colombia, Quindío, Circasia, Finca San Agustín, 4.63 -75.65, 1700 - 1700m

465181O. Orrego   ORR 3982000-04-15
Colombia, Quindío, Circasia, Finca San Agustín, 4.63 -75.65, 1700 - 1700m

467885L. Katib   LK 5171994-07-29
Colombia, Risaralda, Santa Rosa de Cabal, Vereda La Paloma. Cerca al camino que conduce a la Mina del Chaquiro., 4.8425 -75.5716666667, 2000 - 2000m

Hypopterygium tamarisci Bridel ex C. Müller, 1850
125178cM. Nee | S. Mori   38641971-03-31
Colombia, Antioquia, Medellín, Piedras Blancas area. Cool, humid rolling higlands above Medellín., 6.266667 -75.5, 2200 - 2600m

Hypopterygium tamarisci Bridel ex C. Müller, 1850
203610cD. Griffin III   500361977-07-01
Colombia, Magdalena, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Transecto del Alto Buritaca, Alrededores del Campamento I., 1600 - 1700m

Hypopterygium tamarisci Bridel ex C. Müller, 1850
261707cK. Magdefrau   11501967-01-17
Colombia, Magdalena, Santa Marta, Unterhalb der Forststation San Lorenza., 11.083333 -74.033333, - 1800m

Hypopterygium tamarisci Bridel ex C. Müller, 1850
263128cRichard Evans Schultes   112741950-12-01
Colombia, Meta, Extremo nor oriental de la Sierra de La Macarena., 3.25 -73.916667

Hypopterygium tamarisci Bridel ex C. Müller, 1850
268196cE. Linares | S.R. Gradstien | B. van Zanten   15451984-09-24
Colombia, Meta, Villavicencio, Bosque perteneciente a Bavaria. Alrededores de la fábrica., 4.15 -73.65, - 600m

Hypopterygium tamarisci Bridel ex C. Müller, 1850
272337cG. Lozano   44241984-10-02
Colombia, Huila, La Plata, Finca Meremberg., 2.215903 -76.121121, 2450 - 2450m

Hypopterygium tamarisci Bridel ex C. Müller, 1850
303499cJ. Wolf   2971985-10-23
Colombia, Risaralda, Santa Rosa de Cabal, Vereda La Colina., 4.933333 -75.7, - 1725m

Hypopterygium tamarisci Bridel ex C. Müller, 1850
307424cS. P. Churchill   139111986-06-28
Colombia, Antioquia, Medellín, Ca. 25 Km NO de Medellín carretera a Boquerón., 6.333333 -75.166667, 2400 - 2600m

Hypopterygium tamarisci Bridel ex C. Müller, 1850
309927cS.P. Churchill | Nubia | H. Hollaender   151791987-06-22
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Cali, San Antonio., 3.5 -76.583333, 1980 - 2000m

Hypopterygium tamarisci Bridel ex C. Müller, 1850
334709cS.P. Churchill | J. Betancur   168191990-11-23
Colombia, Caquetá, Transecto Neiva- San Viciente del Caguán. Cordillera oriental. Valle de Balsillas., 2.783333 -75.033333, - 2100m

Hypopterygium tamarisci Bridel ex C. Müller, 1850
334731cS.P. Churchill | W. Rengifo   173331991-01-12
Colombia, Cauca, Popayán, Ca. 8 km E de Popayán, Orilla de Quebradita., 2.433333 -76.516667, - 2000m

215718A. M. Cleef   84721973-01-29
Colombia, Bogotá, D.C., Bogotá, D.C., Páramo de Sumapaz, San Juan., 4.0491666667 -74.3383333333, 3160 - 3160m

Hypopterygium tenellum Müller, Carl
320449K. Larsen | T. Smitinand | E. Warncke   10621966-07-01
Thailandia, Puh Mieng Mountain., 1300 - 1300m

Herbario Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia

HPUJ-Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ):HPUJ
14832Ortíz-Díaz C.   111993-02-27
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Granada, El Soche, 4.535512 -74.338483, 2650 - 2650m

HPUJ-Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ):HPUJ
17934Pinzón M | Linares E.   8181998-01-09
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Mosquera, Reserva Hídrica Humedal Laguna de La Herrera, cerro Las Cátedras, región subxerofítica, 4.664911 -74.275433

HPUJ-Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ):HPUJ
20232Ramírez B.   79421995-07-30
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Tena, Laguna de Pedro Palo, patio bonito, 4.685553 -74.38795

HPUJ-Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ):HPUJ
21242Ortíz C.   41993-02-27
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Granada, El Soche, 4.535512 -74.338483, 2650 - 2650m

Missouri Botanical Garden

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex M
90209384S. Churchill, D. Neill, et al.   2005-12-09
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Regi, -3.62 -78.48, 1480 - 1520m

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex M
90201261J. Caranqui   2002-03-04
Ecuador, Imbabura, Cotacachi, Intag, comuna Santa Rosa bde Pucur, -0.37 -78.47, 1850m

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex M
90201251E. Toapanta   2002-12-12
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Lim, Warints, Cordillera del Condor, cruzando el r, -3.22 -78.25, 1811m

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex M
90201250E. Toapanta & C. Morales   2001-10-03
Ecuador, Pichincha, Nono, Cerro Castillo - La Bola Pi 90 rumbo al Campanario. Trayecto OCP. Bosque muy h, -2.57 -78.63, 2740m

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex M
90063997Marshall R. Crosby   1975-06-07
Ecuador, Pichincha, Vicinity of R, -0.08 -78.5, 2320m

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex M
90114090S. Laegaard, Z. Aguirre et al.   1999-11-30
Ecuador, Loja, Sozoranga, "El Tundo", near Sozoranga. Trail to Bosque ASOPAFT., -4.33 -79.83, 1650m

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll. Hal.
90112104Louis O. Williams et al.   421011973-01-04
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Ca. 10 km north of Cobán., 15.57 -90.37, 1200m

90004765Marshall R. Crosby   161591992-02-23
Chile, Aisen, Peninsula Taitao. Vicinity of Raleigh International hut, located on S bank of Brazo Desague near its junction with Brazo Norte, Lago Presidente Rios., -46.43 -74.35

90004777Marshall R. Crosby   162031992-02-25
Chile, Aisen, Peninsula Taitao. West shore of Brazo Norte, opposite large island west of mouth of Estero Larrain., -46.35 -74.43

90004779Marshall R. Crosby   162421992-02-27
Chile, Aisen, Peninsula Taitao. East shore of Brazo Norte, about half way between junction with Brazo Desague and Estero Larrain, below Mount Optimist, Lago Presidente Rios., -46.38 -74.37

90004781Marshall R. Crosby   163601992-03-09
Chile, Aisen, Peninsula Taitao. Dense, mature forest near eastern lake shore of west fork at northern end of Brazo Norte, Lago Presidente Rios., -46.27 -74.5

90004783Marshall R. Crosby   164051992-03-10
Chile, Aisen, Peninsula Taitao. Degraded forest near western shore of Brazo Sur, Lago Presidente Rios., -46.62 -74.43

90004784Marshall R. Crosby   164151992-03-12
Chile, Aisen, Peninsula Taitao. Broad, open, northwest-facing stream cut and nearby forest on south shore of Brazo Desague, Lago Presidente Rios., -46.37 -74.17

90004786Marshall R. Crosby   164481992-03-13
Chile, Aisen, Peninsula Taitao. Degraded forest immediately behind beach, north shore at junction of Brazo Norponiente and Brazo Sur, Lago Presidente Rios., -46.47 -74.52

90004787Marshall R. Crosby   164871992-03-17
Chile, Aisen, Cutover forest at extreme eastern end of Estero Chasco., -46.35 -73.8

90004788Marshall R. Crosby   165031992-03-17
Chile, Aisen, Shit Creek Island, located at junction of Rio Presidente Rios and Estero Thompson., -46.25 -73.95

90010314Marshall R. Crosby   124291976-02-05
Chile, Los Lagos, Chiloé, Well shaded forest on steep slope along Rio Puidi, near aserradero at San Pedro, Isla Chiloe, Cordillera San Pedro., -42.42 -73.83, 320m

90010315Marshall R. Crosby   122561976-01-30
Chile, Los Lagos, Osorno, Near Prov. Valdivia boundary: Anticura, vicinity of Salto del Indio, 19 km. by road east of Termas de Puyehue along international highway., -40.65 -72.17, 300m

90010316Marshall R. Crosby   119231976-01-21
Chile, Araucania, Cautin, Forested rather narrow gorge at Salto Palgui|n, 6.7 km. aalong road to Termas de Palguín., -39.37 -71.73, 580m

90010344Manuel Mahú   21226a1985-12-22
Chile, Los Lagos, Osorno, Puyehue., -40.7 -72.3

90010345Manuel Mahú   94201969-01-20
Chile, Los Lagos, Valdivia, La Union, Reserva Forestal. Llancacura., -40.28 -73.08

90010346Manuel Mahú   8590
Chile, Los Lagos, Valdivia, La Union, Reserva Forestal Llancacura., -40.28 -73.08

90010347M. Mahu   216791986-01-11
Chile, Los Lagos, Osorno, Yerbas Buenas, Centro de Recreacion Las Cascadas, bosque de Nothofagus al E de Las Cabanas, sobre hojarasca., -41.12 -72.53, 20m

90010348Manuel Mahú   212461985-12-22
Chile, Los Lagos, Osorno, Parque Nacional Puyehue, Aguas Calientes., -40.7 -72.3

90010349Manuel Mahú   212301985-12-22
Chile, Los Lagos, Osorno, Parque Nacional Puyehue, Agaus Calientes., -40.7 -72.3

90010350Manuel Mahú   28511969-01-22
Chile, Los Lagos, Valdivia, La Union, Reserva Forestal de Llancaaura., -40.28 -73.08

90149644Marshall R. Crosby   118151976-01-19
Chile, Araucania, Cautin, Parque Nacional Villarrica, north slope of Volcán Villarrica very near upper limit of forest and near Refugio Villarrica, 6.1 km by road south of park entrance., -39.37 -71.95, 1150m

90150007Marshall R. Crosby   120431976-01-27
Chile, Los Lagos, Osorno, Agua Caliente, margin of Rio Chanleufu near falls, 4 km. by road from Termas de Puyehue along road to Refugio Antillanca, -40.72 -72.33, 400m

90150152Marshall R. Crosby   121381976-01-28
Chile, Los Lagos, Osorno, Waterfalls near road to Refugio Antillanca, 12.1 km by road below Refugio., -40.75 -72.32, 550m

90150235Marshall R. Crosby   122031976-01-29
Chile, Los Lagos, Valdivia, Forest reserve at Planta Hydroelectrica Pilmaiquen, along Rio Pilmaiquen, 2 km. by road west of Entre Lagos., -40.67 -72.67, 100m

90150605Marshall R. Crosby   123611976-02-03
Chile, Los Lagos, Chiloé, Forest at Chepu, S side of RIo Chepu, Isla Chiloe., -42.05 -74.03

90151246Marshall R. Crosby   124731976-02-06
Chile, Los Lagos, Chiloé, Forest at Chadmo Central, just north of Puente San Juan along Ruta 5, 20.9 km. by road north of Quellon, Isla Chiloe., -42.95 -73.77, 50m

90151699Marshall R. Crosby   125161976-02-07
Chile, Los Lagos, Chiloé, Cocauque area, across Estero Yaldad from village of Yaldad, Isla Chiloe., -43.12 -73.73

90152290Marshall R. Crosby   126251976-02-10
Chile, Los Lagos, Chiloé, Forest (mostly Drimys, Laurelia and Berberis) E of Cucao near SW end of Lago Cucao, Loncomilla (Alto de la Virgen), Isla Chiloé., -42.65 -74.1, 75m

90152726Marshall R. Crosby   126931976-02-12
Chile, Los Lagos, Chiloé, Aguas Buenas area, 4.7 km. east along Aguas Buenas road from Ancud-Quemchi road, Isla Chiloé., -42.08 -73.58, 100m

90153591Marshall R. Crosby   128941976-02-19
Chile, Los Lagos, Valdivia, Forest of mostly Nothofagus and Drimys with some Saxegothaea on E slope of Cordillera Pelada, 7.1 km by road E of El Mirador on road between La Union and Punta Hueicolla., -40.12 -73.5, 840m

90156815M. Barrandeguy   3331979-01-11
Chile, Prov. Osorno near Prov. Valdivia boundary; Anticura, camino Internacional Puyehue - Argentina.

90195945R.R. Ireland & G. Bellolio   327812001-10-19
Chile, Biobio, Concepcion, Park Jorge Alessandri (Compañía Manufacturera de Paples y Cartones)., -36.93 -73.15, 200 - 490m

90195946R.R. Ireland & G. Bellolio   327802001-10-19
Chile, Biobio, Concepcion, Park Jorge Alessandri (Compañía Manufacturera de Paples y Cartones)., -36.93 -73.15, 200 - 490m

90225648R.R. Ireland & G. Bellolio   343272002-11-13
Chile, Biobio, Biobio, 12 km SE of Ralco., -37.98 -71.63, 650m

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471181Lewis MA   1984-10-06
Bolivia, Tarija, Following slope of Cerro Nogal parallel to, and 0.5 km north of Quebrada Nogal. 2-5 km NW of Communidad La Mamora., -22.15 -64.683333

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471180Lewis MA   1984-05-27
Bolivia, Chuquisaca, Depto. Chuquisac. Prov. Hernando Siles; South-facing slopes dropping into Rio Heredia from mouth of Rio Bateon to point 1 km west of this junction. 8 km west of Monteagudo., -19.783333 -64.033333

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471179Lewis MA   1983-03-24
Bolivia, Cochabamba, 'Rio Monte Puncu', Yungas de Totora following the Rio Monte Puncu from the cumbre to 5 km N of Estancia Sehuenca., -17.45 -65.266667

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471178Herb Van den Bosch   

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471176Puiggari JI   1879-04-01
Brazil, Sao Paulo, prope Apiahy, S. Paulo

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471175Puiggari JI   1879-01-01
Brazil, Sao Paulo, prope Apiahy, S. Paulo

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471174Puiggari JI   1879-06-01
Brazil, Sao Paulo, prope Apiahy, S. Paulo

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471173Lindberg GA   1854-07-01
Brazil, Minas Gerais

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471172Ule EHG   1891-04-01
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Prov. S. Catharina, Serra Geral

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471171Ule EHG   1893-07-01
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471170Balansa B   1881-06-01
Paraguay, Paraguarí, Cordillère de Mobatobi, près de Paraguari

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471169Puiggari JI   1878-05-01
Brazil, Sao Paulo, prope Apiahy, S. Paulo

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471168Unknown   
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471166Frahm J-P   1977-09-02
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Serra do Espigao 17 km N of Dr Pedrinho, along road BR477

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471163Dal Pont V; et al.   1985-08-25
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, RS - Sâo Roque - Farroupilha

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471162Poloni M; et al.   1987-02-21
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, RS - Sâo Francisco de Paula - Carapina

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471161Lewis MA   1984-10-12
Bolivia, Tarija, Along trail from Communidad Saldo to Cambari 3.5 km N of YPFB Campamento Conchas and 53 km N of Bermejo., -22.266667 -64.4

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471160Lewis MA   1984-10-07
Bolivia, Tarija, South 15° west of summit of Cerro La Puñalada on slopes between Rio Bermejo and summit., -22.2 -64.616667

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471159Lewis MA   1984-10-07
Bolivia, Tarija, South 15° west of summit of Cerro La Puñalada on slopes between Rio Bermejo and summit., -22.2 -64.616667

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471158Lewis MA   1984-10-06
Bolivia, Tarija, Following slope of Cerro Nogal parallel to, and .5 km north. of Quebrada Nogal. 2 - 5 km NW of Communidad La Mamora., -22.15 -64.683333

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471157Herzog T   1911-04-01
Bolivia, Florida de San Mateo

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471156Herzog T   1911-06-01

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471155Rossato M; et al.   1987-09-12
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, RS - Esmeralda - Fazenda da Guabiroba

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471154Hatschbach GG   1967-10-11
Brazil, Paraná

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471151Schiffner VF   1901-08-01
Brazil, S. Paulo, pr. vob. Itapetininga

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471150Schiffner VF   1901-06-01
Brazil, S. Paulo, Barra Mansa

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471148Gaudichaud-Beaupré C   
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471147Moritz JWK   
Venezuela, Distrito Federal

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0471141Allen BH   1990-05-03
Panama, Darien, Pierre Massif just W of Cana, along trail to summit 800-1200 m and at summit 1200 -1350 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal.
L 0064876Moritz JWK   
Venezuela, Distrito Federal, Merida, Caripe, Calona Tovar, Cooolar, Caracas

L 0471522Hooker JD   1839-01-01
Chile, Hermite Island, Cape Horn

L 0471521Dusén PKH   1896-12-15
Chile, Chile australis ad lac. Llanquihue

Page 2, records 101-200 of 220


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