Search Results (List)

Dataset: F-Botany
Search Criteria: VENEZUELA; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 24, records 2301-2400 of 36742

Field Museum of Natural History

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chimantaea lanocaulis Maguire, Steyerm. & Wurdack
V0049194FJ. A. Steyermark   759121953-06-21
Venezuela, Bolívar, Chimanta Massif

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chimantaea mirabilis Maguire, Steyerm. & Wurdack
V0049196FJ. A. Steyermark & J. J. Wurdack   8211955-02-13
Venezuela, Bolívar, Chimanta Massif

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chimantaea mirabilis Maguire, Steyerm. & Wurdack
V0049197FJ. A. Steyermark & J. J. Wurdack   8211955-02-13
Venezuela, Bolívar, Chimanta Massif

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chimantaea espeletoidea Maguire, Steyerm. & Wurdack
V0049193FJ. A. Steyermark & J. J. Wurdack   5741955-02-07
Venezuela, Bolívar, Chimanta Massif

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chimantaea humilis Maguire, Steyerm. & Wurdack
V0049195FJ. A. Steyermark & J. J. Wurdack   7471955-02-11
Venezuela, Bolívar, Chimanta Massif

Image Associated With the Occurence
Senecio mason-halei L. Ruiz-Teran & M. Lopez-Figueiras
V0092368FM. López Figueiras   119051976-02-07
Venezuela, Mérida, El Canaveral

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chimantaea rupicola Maguire, Steyerm. & Wurdack
V0049198FJ. A. Steyermark & J. J. Wurdack   7481955-02-11
Venezuela, Bolívar, Chimanta Massif

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0053635FLl. Williams   148331942-03-22
Venezuela, Amazonas, Victorino, Upper Rio Guainía

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0053636FLl. Williams   148331942-03-22
Venezuela, Amazonas, Victorino, Upper Rio Guainía

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pourouma cucura Standl. & Cuatrec.
V0053643FLl. Williams   158121942-05-06
Venezuela, Amazonas, Capihuara

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pourouma cucura Standl. & Cuatrec.
V0053644FLl. Williams   158121942-05-06
Venezuela, Capihuara, Casiquiare

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0092509FJ. A. Steyermark & G. S. Bunting   1030461970-05-03
Venezuela, Amazonas, Cerro Yapacana, 3.75 -66.75, 125 - 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0092516FJ. J. Wurdack & L. S. Adderley   437741959-08-06
Venezuela, Amazonas, Rio Orinoco, along river just below mouth of Rio Atabapo, 125 - 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0092517FJ. J. Wurdack & L. S. Adderley   432131959-06-27
Venezuela, Amazonas, Along Cano San Miguel near Limoncito, 15 km. from Rio Guainia, 100 - 140m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Navia diffusa L.B.Sm.
V0092527FB. Maguire et al.   42537E1957-12-23
Venezuela, Amazonas, Cerro de la Neblina, Rio Yatua, 1900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Navia diffusa L.B.Sm.
V0092528FB. Maguire et al.   42537E1957-12-23
Venezuela, Amazonas, Cerro de la Neblina, Rio Yatua, 1900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0092529FJ. A. Steyermark   582101944-09-02
Venezuela, Amazonas, summit of Cerro Duida, along rocky banks of Cano Negro, between Brocchinia Hills and Savana Hills, 1050 - 1600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Navia glauca L.B.Sm.
V0092531FJ. A. Steyermark   583201944-09-04
Venezuela, Amazonas, summit of Cerro Duida, 1820 - 2075m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0092532FJ. J. Wurdack & L. S. Adderley   432751959-07-01
Venezuela, Amazonas, Río Guainia, 1 Km E de Maroa, 100 - 140m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0092534FJ. A. Steyermark   580121944-08-26
Venezuela, Amazonas, Cerro Duida, SE facing sandstone bluffs near Cano Negro, 1095 - 1520m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Navia xyridifolia
V0092535FJ. A. Steyermark   581521944-09-01
Venezuela, Amazonas, summit of Cerro Duida, Brocchinia Hills, 1700 - 1980m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0271415FA. C. Gonzalez & F. Ortega   13271977-09-02
Venezuela, Miranda, Dto. Paez. Fila La Tigra, Qda. San Juan. 18 Km al SW de Cupira, 10.07 -65, 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0270076FO. Huber et al.   56721980-09-16
Venezuela, Amazonas, Río Negro. Km 11 de la carretera San Carlos-Solano, área de estudio del IVIC, 15.1 -67, 120m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0270078FO. Huber et al.   56911980-09-16
Venezuela, Amazonas, Río Negro. Km 11 de la carretera San Carlos-Solano, área de estudio del IVIC, 15.1 -67, 120m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0269076FG. Davidse et al.   187605290-09-18
Venezuela, Zulia, Colon, 9-20 Km W? of the intersection of the road to Rio de Oro and the Maracaibo-La Fria Hwy. (Hwy. 6), 9.22 -72, 50 - 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0271039FJ. A. Steyermark & B. J. Manara   1103901974-08-29
Venezuela, Falcón, Distrito Silva, S de la Punta Faustino, 10.9 -68

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum impressum O.E.Schulz in Urb.
V0270087FO. Huber & A. Fernández   116681986-05-12
Venezuela, Bolívar, Piar, Sabana arbustiva sobre colinas de gneiss ubicadas al W de Santa Maria. 10 Km SE de Upata, 7.93 -62, 380m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum P. Browne
V0272195FG. Davidse & A. C. Gonzalez   124141977-04-30
Venezuela, Apure, Distrito Pedro Camejo, S bank of the Rio Cinaruco near the mouth of the unnamed large laguna E of Laguna Larga, 6.53 -67, 35m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum impressum O.E.Schulz in Urb.
V0270099FJ. S. Miller   16111984-06-22
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Oripopos, 7 Km N of Puerto Ayacucho on the road to El Burro, 5.72 -67, 70 - 80m

Erythroxylum impressum O.E.Schulz in Urb.
B. K. Holst et al.   1996
Venezuela, Bolívar, 34-36 Km ESE de Paso de Caruachi, Rio Caroni hacia Upata, 8 -62, 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum P. Browne
V0272227FR. G. T. Ovrebo & J. Robinson   15411979-04-24
Venezuela, Guárico, 300 m W of Cano Caracol, 50 m of N boundray. Finca La Magdalena, just N of Boundary of Fundo Pecuario Masauaral, ca. 39 Km SW of Calabazo, 3.0847 -67, 60m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum P. Browne
V0272187FJ. A. Steyermark et al.   1226211980-05-27
Venezuela, Zulia, Mara, semi-evergreen riverine forest along cano Yolanda, tributary of Rio Socuyo, above Corpozulia Campamento Socuyo, between Cerro La Culebra and Cerro Caracara, 10.92 -72, 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0092681FJ. A. Steyermark & J. J. Wurdack   10531955-02-22
Venezuela, Bolívar, Chimanta Massif. Torono-tepuí. NE escarpment on summit, 2150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0092457FB. Maguire & J. J. Wurdack   346111953-03-20
Venezuela, Amazonas, Alto Rio Orinoco; along Yapacana cano between laguna and Rio Orinoco, 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum impressum O.E.Schulz in Urb.
V0270096FF. J. Guánchez & O. Huber   46701987-03-23
Venezuela, Bolívar, Distrito Cedeno. Planicie aluvial, piedemonte y altiplanicie entre el margen derecho del Rio Orinoco medio y el borde NW de Serrania de Los Pijguaos, Bajo Rio Suapure, 6.3 -66, 130m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum macrophyllum Poepp. ex O.E.Schultz.
V0270358FG. Davidse & A. C. Gonzalez   137211977-06-08
Venezuela, Miranda, Paez, drainage of the Rio Guapo, Cerro Riberon between Rio Guapo and Rio Chiquito, 44.5 Km directly SE of Gaucagua, 10.08 -66, 200 - 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hedyosmum neblinae C. A. Todzia
V0053846FT. C. Plowman & W. W. Thomas   135821984-04-15

Image Associated With the Occurence
Maytenus neblinae J. A. Steyermark
V0053764FT. C. Plowman & W. W. Thomas   136101984-04-15

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0092533FB. Maguire et al.   309701951-01-16
Venezuela, Amazonas, Cerro Moriche, Rio Ventuari, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0045180FJ. J. Wurdack   343241953-02-07

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0045171FB. Maguire & L. P. Politi   275001948-11-27

Image Associated With the Occurence
Navia scirpiflora L.B.Sm., Steyerm. & H.Rob.
V0045175FJ. A. Steyermark et al.   1088801974-02-10

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0045177FB. Maguire et al.   309591951-01-15

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0045178FB. Maguire et al.   302281950-00-00

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum gracilipes Peyr. in Mart.
V0269943FJ. A. Steyermark et al.   1139581977-06-20
Venezuela, Amazonas, Selva alta a lo largo del rio Coro-Coro, vecindades del aeropuerto de Yutaje, 5.58 -66, 250m

H. L. Clark   6825
Venezuela, Amazonas, Río Negro. San Carlos de Río Negro, ca. 20 Km S of confluence of Río Negro and Brazo Casiquiare. IVIC main study site, 4.3 Km NE of San Carlos on Solano road, 15.1 -67, 119m

H. L. Clark   7107
Venezuela, Amazonas, Río Negro. San Carlos de Río Negro, ca. 20 Km S of confluence of Río Negro and Brazo Casiquiare. IVIC main study site, 4.3 Km NE of San Carlos on Solano road, 15.1 -67, 119m

H. L. Clark & P. Maquirino   7341
Venezuela, Amazonas, Río Negro. San Carlos de Río Negro, ca. 20 Km S of confluence of Río Negro and Brazo Casiquiare. IVIC main study site, 4.3 Km NE of San Carlos on Solano road, 15.1 -67, 119m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0270074FH. L. Clark & P. Maquirino   77811980-12-11
Venezuela, Amazonas, Río Negro. San Carlos de Río Negro, ca. 20 Km S of confluence of Río Negro and Brazo Casiquiare. IVIC main study site, 4.3 Km NE of San Carlos on Solano road, 15.1 -67, 119m

H. L. Clark & P. Maquirino   7790
Venezuela, Amazonas, Río Negro. San Carlos de Río Negro, ca. 20 Km S of confluence of Río Negro and Brazo Casiquiare. IVIC main study site, 4.3 Km NE of San Carlos on Solano road, 15.1 -67, 119m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0270073FH. L. Clark   81271981-08-19
Venezuela, Amazonas, Río Negro. San Carlos de Río Negro, ca. 20 Km S of confluence of Río Negro and Brazo Casiquiare. IVIC main study site, 4.3 Km NE of San Carlos on Solano road, 15.1 -67, 119m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0270069FH. L. Clark   81291981-08-19
Venezuela, Amazonas, Río Negro. San Carlos de Río Negro, ca. 20 Km S of confluence of Río Negro and Brazo Casiquiare. IVIC main study site, 4.3 Km NE of San Carlos on Solano road, 15.1 -67, 119m

H. L. Clark   8130
Venezuela, Amazonas, Río Negro. San Carlos de Río Negro, ca. 20 Km S of confluence of Río Negro and Brazo Casiquiare. IVIC main study site, 4.3 Km NE of San Carlos on Solano road, 15.1 -67, 119m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0270077FH. L. Clark   81311981-08-19
Venezuela, Amazonas, Río Negro. San Carlos de Río Negro, ca. 20 Km S of confluence of Río Negro and Brazo Casiquiare. IVIC main study site, 4.3 Km NE of San Carlos on Solano road, 15.1 -67, 119m

H. L. Clark   8186
Venezuela, Amazonas, Río Negro. San Carlos de Río Negro, ca. 20 Km S of confluence of Río Negro and Brazo Casiquiare. IVIC main study site, 4.3 Km NE of San Carlos on Solano road, 15.1 -67, 119m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum williamsii P. C. Standley ex T. Plowman
V0272169FG. Davidse & O. Huber   148891978-04-13
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, 8 km S of Puerto Ayacucho, Estación de Piscicultura de Puerto Ayacucho, 5.6 -67, 85m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0270982FF. Delascio et al.   112951981-12-00
Venezuela, Guárico, Infante, Parque Nacional Aguaro-Guariquito, 8.87 -67, 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum macrophyllum Poepp. ex O.E.Schultz.
V0270387FG. S. Bunting & F. Arboleda   86951980-02-07
Venezuela, Zulia, Bolivar, Via entre El Pensado y Las Tres Marias, trayecto de 8 Km, 10.42 -70

Erythroxylum macrophyllum Poepp. ex O.E.Schultz.
F. J. Breteler   3525
Venezuela, Barinas, Ticoporo Forest Reserve, 8.25 -70, 370m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0269695FG. Davidse & A. C. Gonzalez   197521981-11-27
Venezuela, Anzoátegui, Distrito Libertad: Road from El Vigia to Buenos Aires, 8-15 airline km ENE of Gergantin, 10.02 -64, 500 - 1200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0271334FG. Davidse & A. C. Gonzalez   156061979-02-23
Venezuela, Apure, Distrito Pedro Camejo, eastern side of the Galeras de Cinaruco, near the southern end ca. 47 airline Km NE of Puerto Paez, 6.6 -67, 140m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum cataractarum Spruce ex Peyr.
V0268810FG. Davidse & A. C. Gonzalez   143131978-02-16
Venezuela, Apure, Distrito Pedro Camejo, near the Rio Meta at Fundo El Algarrobo, 25 airline km WNW of Buena Vista, Morichal de La Madera, 6.22 -68, 70m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0270983FF. Delascio et al.   113041981-12-00
Venezuela, Guárico, Infante, Parque Nacional Aguaro-Guariquito, 8.87 -67

G. S. Bunting & A. Stoddart   9702
Venezuela, Lara, Torres, Paramo Agua Linda, en la vecindad de las torres de relevo de TV y en el fundo Orion, arriba de la aldea Palmarito (en la carretera Lara-Zulia ca. 35 Km al E de El Venado), 10.17 -70, 1100 - 1200m

V. Vareschi   7581
Venezuela, Bolívar, Campo Cardona, Alto Rio Suapure, 6.25 -66, 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum macrophyllum Poepp. ex O.E.Schultz.
V0270370FO. Huber   35831979-03-02
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atabapo, Serranía del Paru -Aroko-. Sector Norte. Sabana ubicada en la ribera N del alto Río Paru, 4.6 -65, 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0271342FF. J. Guánchez & E. Melgueiro   41351985-04-13
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, 56 Km al N de Pto. Ayacucho y 400-500 m al W de la vía Pto. Ayacucho-Pto. Nuevo, El Burro, 6.02 -67, 50 - 80m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum macrophyllum Poepp. ex O.E.Schultz.
V0270368FO. Huber   32041979-02-19
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Cerro Moriche. Sabana ubicada al pie SE, 4.72 -66, 120m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum gracilipes Peyr. in Mart.
V0269945FG. Davidse   276971984-07-22
Venezuela, Amazonas, Río Negro, lower part of the Río Baria, 12.12 -66, 80m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0271038FJ. A. Steyermark & B. J. Manara   1105071974-08-31
Venezuela, Falcón, Silva, a lo largo del borde S del Golfete de Guare, SW de Chichiriviche, W de Cueva de Los Indios., 10.9 -68

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum cataractarum Spruce ex Peyr.
V0268804FG. Davidse & A. C. Gonzalez   156261979-02-23
Venezuela, Apure, Distrito Pedro Camejo, just east of the southern tip of the Galeras de Cinaruco, 6.58 -67, 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0270985FO. Huber   62861982-02-27
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Sabanas y bosques en la región de Rincones de Chacorro, 30 Km N de Puerto Ayacucho y 5 Km NE de Galipero, 5.8 -67, 80m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0269089FF. J. Guánchez & O. Huber   45411987-03-19
Venezuela, Bolívar, Distrito Cedeno: Planicie aluvial, piedemonte y altiplanicie entre el margen derecho del Rio Orinoco medio y el borde NW de la Serrania de Los Pijiguaos (Bajo Rio Suapure), 6.3 -66, 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum cataractarum Spruce ex Peyr.
V0268809FF. J. Guánchez   30901984-07-20
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Al S de Raudal Moriche en el Río Guayapo, 4.4 -67, 100 - 120m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum cataractarum Spruce ex Peyr.
V0268796FF. J. Guánchez   30911984-07-20
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Al S de Raudal Moriche en el Río Guayapo, 4.4 -67, 100 - 120m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum cataractarum Spruce ex Peyr.
V0268802FF. J. Guánchez   30921984-07-20
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Al S de Raudal Moriche en el Río Guayapo, 4.4 -67, 100 - 120m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum cataractarum Spruce ex Peyr.
V0268801FF. J. Guánchez   30931984-07-20
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Al S de Raudal Moriche en el Río Guayapo, 4.4 -67, 100 - 120m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum cataractarum Spruce ex Peyr.
V0268818FG. Davidse & A. C. Gonzalez   158141979-02-27
Venezuela, Apure, Distrito Pedro Camejo, Cano (or Morichal) El Caballo, 16 airline km NW of Mata de Guanabana between the Rio Meta and the Rio Cinaruco, 6.32 -68, 75m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum cataractarum Spruce ex Peyr.
V0268808FG. Davidse & A. C. Gonzalez   158141979-02-27
Venezuela, Apure, Distrito Pedro Camejo, Cano (or Morichal) El Caballo, 16 airline km NW of Mata de Guanabana between the Rio Meta and the Rio Cinaruco, 6.32 -68, 75m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0269055FB. G. Stergios D.   100681987-05-13
Venezuela, Bolívar, Campamento Auraima, Rio Paragua. Exp. Proyecto IRNRG a la cuenca media del Rio Paragu(Hoja NB20-6), 6.37 -63, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum gracilipes Peyr. in Mart.
V0269944FF. J. Guánchez & J. Ramirez   45701987-03-20
Venezuela, Bolívar, Distrito Cedeno: Planicie aluvial, piedemonte y altiplanicie entre el margen derecho del Rio Orinoco medio y el borde NW de la Derrania de Los Pijiguaos (Bajo Rio Suapure), 6.3 -66, 640m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0270188FJ. A. Steyermark et al.   1224801980-05-14
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Forested areas and igneous outcrops along Río Coromoto, at Tobogán de la Selva, 35 Km SE of Puerto Ayacucho, 5.37 -67, 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0270835FJ. A. Steyermark et al.   1224561980-05-14
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Forested areas and igneous outcrops along Río Coromoto, at Tobogán de la Selva, 35 Km SE of Puerto Ayacucho, 5.37 -67, 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0271320FJ. A. Steyermark et al.   1231121980-06-02
Venezuela, Zulia, Mara, W of Cerro Caracara, 5 Km SW of Corpozulia Campamento, 10.9 -72, 80 - 90m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0271087FA. C. Gonzalez & G. Davidse   8221977-06-01
Venezuela, Miranda, Dto. Paez. Fila El Guapo cerca represa El Guapo, 10.1 -66

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0354893FH. F. Pittier   60051913-03-00
Venezuela, Miranda, 10.25 -66.4167

J. A. Steyermark & H. Gibson   95767
Venezuela, Bolívar, Selva al lado Rio Bonita, afluente del Ro Cicuta y Rio Nichare, en el cerro hacia Sierra Maigualida y Sierra Cervataa, 6 -65, 300 - 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0269789FJ. A. Steyermark et al.   1225571980-05-14
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Forested areas and igneous outcrop along Rio Coromoto, at Tobogan de la Selva, 35 Km SE of Puerto Ayacucho, 5.03 -67, 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0270813FG. Davidse & J. S. Miller   270771984-07-06
Venezuela, Amazonas, Río Negro. Between Neblina Base Camp and the mouth of Canyon Grande at Puerto Chimo along the Río Mawarinuma, 5 -66, 130 - 200m

J. Jangoux   10132
Venezuela, Amazonas, Banks of cano Majagua. Terr. of cano Parucito, 5.38 -65

Erythroxylum impressum O.E.Schulz in Urb.
F. J. Guánchez   14
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, S del medio cano Galipero aprox. 30 Km al N de Puerto Ayacucho, 5.83 -67, 680m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0270626FG. Davidse & A. C. Gonzalez   161561979-03-07
Venezuela, Apure, Distrito Romulo Gallegos,area between the Laguna del Termino and the jRio Capanparo, 24-32 airline Km SW of Elorza, 6.8 -69, 90m

J. A. Steyermark et al.   108705
Venezuela, Sucre, Mochima, at Ensenada Punto Viejo, 10.33 -64, 5m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0270816FO. Huber & C. Alarcon   79391983-07-28
Venezuela, Bolívar, Roscio, Distrito Roscio. Sabanas de cerro sobre la Piedra de Canaime, aprox. 5 Km SE de Santa Elena de Uairen, 4.58 -61, 1100 - 1200m

Erythroxylum macrophyllum Poepp. ex O.E.Schultz.
G. Davidse & A. C. Gonzalez   21704
Venezuela, Táchira, Distrito Libertador, 10 Km S of El Pinal, 7.45 -71, 250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythroxylum cataractarum Spruce ex Peyr.
V0268800FF. J. Guánchez   2883
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Lugar intervenido en la margen izquierda del Río Guayapo, frente al Salto Moriche, 4.4 -67, 110m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0271049FA. Castillo   11681981-06-15
Venezuela, Caracas, Colinas de Bello Monte. Arboretum de la Escuela de Biologia, 10.47 -66, 1100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0271069FA. Castillo   11771981-06-13
Venezuela, Caracas, Colinas de Bello Monte. Arboretum de la Escuela de Biologia, 10.47 -66, 1100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0271319FO. Huber   6681977-04-17
Venezuela, Amazonas, Terreno situado entre la carretera hacia Samariapo y la pista de aterrizaje del aeropuerto de Puerto Ayacucho, 5.62 -67, 75m

Image Associated With the Occurence
V0270981FO. Huber   5961977-04-14
Venezuela, Amazonas, Terreno situado entre la carretera hacia Samariapo y la pista de aterrizaje del aeropuerto de Puerto Ayacucho, 5.62 -67, 75m

Page 24, records 2301-2400 of 36742


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