Dataset: NY
Search Criteria: Honduras; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 25, records 2401-2500 of 2837

New York Botanical Garden

Protium multiramiflorum Lundell
1189415G. Davidse   343451991-05-11
Honduras, Comayagua, Southern end of Lago Yojoa., 14.78 -88, 610 - 610m

Selaginella porphyrospora A.Braun
435387   55221991-11-11
Honduras, Lempira, Celaque National Park: Along Río Arcágual, between visitor´s center and dam (water intake for the town of Gracias), 7.5 km WSW of Gracias, 14.57 -88.65, 1400 - 1400m

Calliandra molinae Standl.
01491531S. F. Glassman   17761948-06-26
Honduras, Department of Morazán. Drainage of Rio Yeguare., 14 -87, 853m

Heteranthera reniformis Ruiz & Pav.
439493S. F. Glassman   18031948-06-28
Honduras, Department of Morazán. Drainage of Rio Yeguare., 14 -87, 853m

Protium confusum (Rose) Pittier
1189187T. Hawkins   8521995-04-26
Honduras, Yoro, Quebrada el Aguacatal. West tributary of Rio Guán., 15.5 -87.4639, 300 - 300m

Protium confusum (Rose) Pittier
1189190J. G. Saunders   12271981-04-06
Honduras, Gracias a Dios, Camp Tiro, 2 mi. NW of Bulebar on third northern branch of Quebrada Tiro, tributary of Rio Platano., 15.72 -84.83, 91 - 91m

Protium confusum (Rose) Pittier
1189199J. G. Saunders   12271981-04-06
Honduras, Gracias a Dios, Camp Tiro, 2 mi. NW of Bulebar on third northern branch of Quebrada Tiro, tributary of Rio Platano., 15.72 -84.83, 91 - 91m

Bursera graveolens (Kunth) Triana & Planch.
1241916G. Davidse   349491991-06-03
Honduras, Intibucá, Valle de Otoro, ca. 10 km W of Jesús de Otoro, vicinity of the Río Sirima., 14.55 -88.1, 800m

Bursera Jacq. ex L.
1242008R. Evans   10801993-02-05
Honduras, Colón, base of Cerro Piedra Blanca, along Boniro Oriental-Limón road, ca. 5 km NE of Bonito Oriental, ca. 50 m SW of Río Piedra Blanca., 15.775 -85.6833, 40m

Bursera Jacq. ex L.
1242085S. F. Glassman   17191948-06-23
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, Pedregal. Drainage of Río Yeguare., 14 -87, 792m

Bursera Jacq. ex L.
1242088G. Davidse   349311991-06-02
Honduras, Comayagua, Canyon of the Río Lima, ca. 12 km SSE of Siguatepeque., 14.5 -87.82, 1120 - 1400m

Eschweilera nitida (honduras) ined.
715097R. Evans   16501993-05-14
Honduras, Atlántida, Base of N slope of Pico Bonito, E of new CURLA (Centro Universitario Regional de Litoral Atlantico) camp building on the Quebrada Grande, ca. 1/3 km above its confluence with the Río Bonito, ca. 10 km SW of La Ceiba, Parque Nacional Pico Bonito., 15.7 -86.83, 240 - 240m

Eschweilera nitida (honduras) ined.
728526R. Evans   16501993-05-14
Honduras, Atlántida, Base of N slope of Pico Bonito, E of new CURLA (Centro Universitario Regional de Litoral Atlantico) camp building on the Quebrada Grande, ca. 1/3 km above its confluence with the Río Bonito, ca. 10 km SW of La Ceiba, Parque Nacional Pico Bonito., 15.7 -86.83, 240 - 240m

Eschweilera coriacea (DC.) S.A.Mori
728512R. L. Liesner   263931993-05-16
Honduras, Atlántida, Campamento Quebrada Grande ca. 10 km SW of La Ceiba. At base of N slope of Pico Bonito. Slope NE of camp., 15.7 -86.85, 80 - 180m

Eschweilera nitida (honduras) ined.
715098R. L. Liesner   263931993-05-16
Honduras, Atlántida, Campamento Quebrada Grande ca. 10 km SW of La Ceiba. At base of N slope of Pico Bonito. Slope NE of camp., 15.7 -86.85, 80 - 180m

Eschweilera aguilarii S.A.Mori
728703G. Davidse   345231991-05-18
Honduras, Yoro, Cordillera Nombre de Díos, Cerro Aguacatales, along road between El Guaymon and San José de Texiguat., 15.48 -87.62, 830 - 830m

Clidemia dentata Pav. ex D.Don
01165076T. F. Daniel   94972000-04-27
Honduras, Yoro, Along road from San José de Texíguat to Campo Nuevo in Cordillera Nombre de Dios, ca. 28 km SW of Tela-La Ceiba hwy. (#13)., 15.48 -87.45, 530m

Clidemia fulva Gleason
01165129T. F. Daniel   94962000-04-27
Honduras, Yoro, Along road from San José de Texíguat to Campo Nuevo in Cordillera Nombre de Dios, ca. 28 km SW of Tela-La Ceiba hwy. (#13)., 15.48 -87.45, 530m

Miconia neomicrantha Judd & Skean
01165490J. M. MacDougal   33211988-11-07
Honduras, Atlántida, Lancetilla near Tela: cerca la Río Lancetilla, arriba del Estación Experimental., 15.7167 -87.4583, 40 - 180m

Protium glabrum (Rose) Engl.
1189389A. F. Clewell   42491973-05-17
Honduras, Gracias a Dios, La Mosquitia. Alrededores del Río Plátano. Dentro de 10 kms. de la costa atlántica., 15.708 -84.833

Eschweilera hondurensis Standl.
766T. G. Yuncker   88291938-08-06
Honduras, Atlántida, Lower slopes of Mt. Cangrejal, 15.69989 -86.871

Eschweilera hondurensis Standl.
767T. G. Yuncker   88291938-08-06
Honduras, Atlántida, Lower slopes of Mt. Cangrejal, 15.69989 -86.871

Grias cauliflora L.
728235P. Wilson   4821903-02-19
Honduras, Atlántida, Common along Highland Creek, Puerto Sierra, 15.6575 -87.06481

Grias cauliflora L.
728237P. Wilson   3701903-08-08
Honduras, Atlántida, Highland Creek near Puerto Sierra, 15.6575 -87.06481

Capparidastrum discolor (Donn.Sm.) Cornejo & Iltis
00985793T. G. Yuncker   85811939-07-21
Honduras, Atlántida, vicinity of La Ceiba. Slope back of Roma siding of the S.F.Co. R. R, about 15 miles east of Ceiba, 15.767031 -86.553675, 305 - 305m

Turbinaria turbinata (L.) Kuntze
02283393P. C. Standley   53823a1927-12-14
Honduras, Atlántida, vicinity of Tela., 15.765019 -87.454739

Turbinaria turbinata (L.) Kuntze
02283394P. C. Standley   542401927-12-14
Honduras, Atlántida, vicinity of Tela., 15.765019 -87.454739

Stigeoclonium subsecundum (Kütz.) Kütz.
02110718P. C. Standley   1811946-11-26
Honduras, Morazán, Vicinity of El Zamorano, 780 - 900m

Cephaleuros virescens Kunze
02118317P. C. Standley   551901927-12-06
Honduras, Lancetilla Valley, near Tela, Dept. of Atlantida

Stigeoclonium tenue (C.Agardh) Kütz.
02110729P. C. Standley   59021947-03-12
Honduras, vicinity of Comayagua

Clathrus crispus Turpin
01938975   7401993-03-22
Honduras, Cusuco National Park, ca. 22 km W of San Pedro Sula, mountain slope past saddle., 1900m

Entyloma australe Speg.
3022267P. C. Standley   540861927-12-06
Honduras, Atlántida, Lancetilla Valley, near Tela, 20 - 600m

Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd. ex Mart.
02128551M. J. Balick   17541987-07-21
Honduras, Cortés, La Sabana Ticamaya area, off road from San Pedro to La Lima, 15.5 -88

Melaleuca citrina (Curtis) Dum.Cours.
561535C. García   1161985-03-20
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, El Hatillo, 15 km N de Tegucigalpa., 1400 - 1400m

Endophyllum circumscriptum (Schwein.) Whetzel & Olive
3013283T. G. Yuncker   84171938-07-00

02322387M. J. Balick   1727
Honduras, Cortés, La Sabana Ticamaya area, off road from San Pedro to La Lima, 15.5 -88

Chamaedorea oblongata Mart.
02321420M. J. Balick   1730
Honduras, Cortés, La Sabana Ticamaya area, off road from San Pedro to La Lima, 15.5 -88

Bactris major Jacq. var. major Jacq.
02385571M. J. Balick   1713
Honduras, Cortés, La Sabana Ticamaya area, off road from San Pedro to La Lima, 15.5 -88

Chamaedorea costaricana Oerst.
02321419M. J. Balick   1747
Honduras, Cortés, La Sabana Ticamaya area, off road from San Pedro to La Lima, 15.5 -88

Brahea salvadorensis H.Wendl. ex Becc.
02319964M. J. Balick   1740
Honduras, Cortés, La Sabana Ticamaya area, off road from San Pedro to La Lima, 15.5 -88

Acoelorrhaphe wrightii (Griseb. & H.Wendl.) H.Wendl. ex Becc.
02319701M. J. Balick   1719
Honduras, Cortés, La Sabana Ticamaya area, off road from San Pedro to La Lima, 15.5 -88

Fissidens flaccidus Mitt. Mitt.
1837458M. E. R. Robertson   s.n.1961-09-03
Honduras, Maya Mountains, Hummingbird Highway, branch, St. Margaret Creek., 411m

Phellinus nilgheriensis (Mont.) G.Cunn.
3023298M. E. Peck   s.n.
Honduras, [No precise loc.]

Quararibea yunckeri Standl.
133624T. G. Yuncker   80101938-06-25
Honduras, Atlántida, Vicinity of La Ceiba.

Quararibea yunckeri Standl.
133625T. G. Yuncker   80101938-06-25
Honduras, Atlántida, Vicinity of La Ceiba.

Mortoniodendron membranaceum Standl. & Steyerm.
259911T. G. Yuncker   85191938-07-19
Honduras, Atlántida, Mountain slope near Puente Alto stop on S. F. Co. R.R, east of Ceiba, 244 - 244m

Mortoniodendron membranaceum Standl. & Steyerm.
259912T. G. Yuncker   85191938-07-19
Honduras, Atlántida, Mountain slope near Puente Alto stop on S. F. Co. R.R, east of Ceiba, 244 - 244m

Ayenia simulatrix Cristóbal
222166S. F. Glassman   21051948-07-30
Honduras, Aqua Amarilla, along Rio Trigulapa. Drainage of the Rio Yeguare. Dept. Morazán, 14 -87, 1158 - 1158m

Cola acuminata (P.Beauv.) Schott & Endl.
627134T. G. Yuncker   50311934-08-17
Honduras, Lancetilla Experimental Station

Piper firmifolium Trel.
250897T. G. Yuncker   60481936-07-24
Honduras, Comayagua, Near El Rincon, about 10 miles west of Siguatepeque, 1400 - 1500m

Piper koepperi Trel.
250925T. G. Yuncker   86311938-07-26
Honduras, Yoro, Aguan River Valley, vicinity of Coyoles. Upland near the village of Medina, 198 - 198m

Piper koepperi Trel.
250926T. G. Yuncker   86311938-07-26
Honduras, Yoro, Aguan River Valley, vicinity of Coyoles. Upland near the village of Medina, 198 - 198m

Piper siguatepequense Trel.
251009T. G. Yuncker   60421936-07-23
Honduras, Comayagua, Vicinity of Siguatepeque, 1050 - 1050m

Piper siguatepequense var. subrhombifolium Trel. Trel.
251010T. G. Yuncker   56171936-07-03
Honduras, Comayagua, Vicinity of Siguatepeque, 1050 - 1050m

Ustilago holwayana Henn.
03017620P. C. Standley   543081927-12-06
Honduras, Atlántida, Lancetilla Valley, near Tela, 20 - 600m

Begonia hondurensis Burt-Utley & Utley
1085516T. G. Yuncker   87731938-08-02
Honduras, Atlántida, Along Danto River, slopes of Mt. Cangrejal, 366 - 366m

Funaria calvescens Schwägr. Schwägr.
1836427T. G. Yuncker   64041936-06-00
Honduras, Comayagua, near Siguatepeque., 1050m

Selaginella sertata Spring
446955A. Molina Rositto   219351968-08-21
Honduras, Santa Bárbara, Between Ceguaca Abajo and Concepción del sur, road to Taulabé, 400 - 400m

Schizophyllum commune Fr.
1985351F. Dyer   A181915-12-22
Honduras, Ceiba.

Melioliphila melioloides (Speg.) Piroz.
02989409P. C. Standley   537811927-12-28
Honduras, Atlántida, Triunfo, near Tela

Acetabularia crenulata (J.V.Lamour.) Kuntze
02023862C. L. Lundell   18581933-03-00
Honduras, Belige, British Honduras

Chloroleucon mangense var. leucospermum (Brandegee) Barneby & J.W.Grimes (Brandegee) Barneby & J.W.Grimes
01419343G. Neiderlein   s.n.1898-00-00
Honduras, Valley of Comayagua.

Parodiella perisporioides (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Speg.
2986227P. C. Standley   538281927-12-14
Honduras, Atlántida, Vicinity of Tela

Hieracium abscissum Less.
422439A. Molina Rositto   128121963-07-19
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, Montaña Uyuca, 1600 - 1600m

Bryothamnion triquetrum (S.G.Gmel.) M.Howe
02155468F. Dyer   s.n.1916-09-26
Honduras, Atlántida

Mykosyrinx cissi (DC.) G.Becker
03019010T. G. Yuncker   84181938-07-14
Honduras, Atlántida, vicinity of LaCeiba

Mykosyrinx cissi (DC.) G.Becker
3019051T. G. Yuncker   84181938-07-14
Honduras, Atlántida, vicinity of LaCeiba

Clidemia urceolata DC.
01130005L. O. Williams   102341946-08-04
Honduras, El Paraíso, About 3 Kms. west of Guinope., 1400 - 1400m

Clidemia urceolata DC.
01130030L. O. Williams   103501946-08-18
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, Sta. Clara Creek, Rio Yeguare Valley., 850 - 850m

Clidemia urceolata DC.
01130031L. O. Williams   110521946-12-04
Honduras, El Paraíso, Along Rio Yeguare near Casitas., 900 - 900m

Clidemia urceolata DC.
01131101A. Molina Rositto   117041963-03-29
Honduras, Copán, 5 Kms. al S.O. de Santa Rosa de Copán., 1200 - 1200m

Clidemia urceolata DC.
01131127A. Molina Rositto   116781963-03-29
Honduras, Copán, 5 Kms. S.O. de Santa Rosa de Copán., 1200 - 1200m

Clidemia urceolata DC.
01131195L. O. Williams   232551962-12-28
Honduras, El Paraíso, Cerro Montserrat near El Zarzal, about 10 km. north of the village of Yuscarán., 1000 - 1000m

Clidemia urceolata DC.
01131196A. Molina Rositto   141331964-06-02
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, Cerca del Cementerio de San Antonio de Oriente., 1000 - 1000m

Clidemia urceolata DC.
01131197A. Molina Rositto   111821962-12-28
Honduras, El Paraíso, Entre La Vistada de San José y Fátima, carretera a Yuscarán., 900 - 900m

Clidemia novemnervia (DC.) Triana
01131335I. Padilla   2021984-01-30
Honduras, Gracias a Dios, Mocorón 60 Km. S.O. de Pto. Lempira., 70 - 70m

Leandra regnellii (Triana) Cogn.
3107706A. Molina Rositto   240511969-03-06
Honduras, La Paz, Between Las Marias and Montaña Verde Cordillera Guajiquiro, 1900 - 1900m

Leandra multiplinervis (Naudin) Cogn.
3107707A. Molina Rositto   137351964-04-23
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, Montaña La Tigra S.O. de San Juancito., 2000m

Albizia leucocalyx (Britton & Rose) L.Rico
01299424N. A. Zamora Villalobos   28361998-11-30
Honduras, Gracias a Dios, Puerto Lempira, Mocorón, Zuliakian, Río Layasycsa., 15.08 -84.3, 82m

Polygonum hispidum Kunth
485034S. Solabarrieta   1731985-05-12
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, Santa Lucía, 10 km NE de Tegucigalpa, 1400 - 1400m

Solanum phaseoloides Pol.
00753389W. C. Holmes   44071982-08-16
Honduras, Yoro, Ca. 16 km from Yarucha on Quebrada de Oro to Cerro Bufalo, 900 - 950m

Solanum lanceifolium Jacq.
00751776C. Thieme   53761889-02-00
Honduras, Santa Bárbara, San Pedro Sula., 300 - 300m

Solanum volubile Sw.
00744217A. Molina Rositto   118271963-03-31
Honduras, Cortés, Orillas del Río Lindo., 150 - 150m

Solanum L.
00828754J. Renfrow   581989-04-01
Honduras, Lempira, Mount Celaque National Park: 8 km SW of Gracias, along road 500 m NE of Visitors Center to the Visitors Center and between river and Visitors Center., 1380 - 1380m

Solanum L.
00828755C. H. Nelson   97181986-06-10
Honduras, Islas de la Bahía, Isla Santillana o de Swan., 17.405 -83.9366667

Solanum L.
00828694T. G. Yuncker   55601936-07-01
Honduras, Comayagua, Plain near Siguatepeque., 1350 - 1350m

Solanum L.
00828696J. M. Berríos   1481984-02-18
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, Santa Lucía, 11 km. NE de Tegucigalpa., 1400 - 1400m

Solanum edwardsii Standl. Standl.
138983J. B. Edwards   6391933-08-06
Honduras, Comayagua, Temagua, 610 - 610m

Grias cauliflora L. L.
728231T. G. Yuncker   46991934-07-21
Honduras, Atlántida, Puerto Arturo, 12 km W of Tela, 15.72 -87.5

Solanum schlechtendalianum Walp. Walp.
00745788A. Molina Rositto   80031957-04-06
Honduras, Comayagua, Quebrada El Rincón, 15 Kms. al sur de Siguatepeque camino a Jesús de Otoro, 1600 - 1600m

Solanum cordovense Sessé & Moc. Sessé & Moc.
00750844A. Molina Rositto   305771974-07-29
Honduras, Comayagua, 10 kms. west of Siguatepeque., 1200 - 1200m

Miconia schlimii Triana Triana
01127080T. G. Yuncker   87801938-08-02
Honduras, In forest, slopes of Mt. Cangrejal, 335 - 335m

Chara braunii C.C.Gmel. C.C.Gmel.
01020146R. D. Wood | L. Canaca   66-2-3-131966-02-03
Honduras, Comayagua, Comayagua, E of Comayagua-Tegucigalpa road in river 21.8 km. S of (gasoline station toward S end of town) Comayagua., 14.273886 -87.557925

Chara zeylanica Klein ex Willd. Klein ex Willd.
01192193R. D. Wood | L. Canaca   66-2-3-101966-02-03
Honduras, Comayagua, 14.597354 -87.832916

Chara haitensis Turpin Turpin
01192194R. D. Wood | L. Canaca   66-2-3-11966-02-03
Honduras, Comayagua, Lago de Yajoa, Agua Azul., 14.878328 -87.981765

Nitella cernua A.Braun A.Braun
01192281R. D. Wood | L. Canaca   66-2-3-31966-02-03
Honduras, Comayagua, Lago de Yajoa, Agua Azul., 14.878328 -87.981765

Nitella tenuissima (Desv.) Kütz. (Desv.) Kütz.
01192318R. D. Wood | L. Canaca   66-2-3111966-02-03
Honduras, Comayagua, River in Siguatepeque, 14.599953 -87.833243

Miconia desmantha Benth. Benth.
01397560A. Molina Rositto   242131969-03-19
Honduras, La Paz, Pine forest area 5 Kms. to chinacla., 1300m

Nitella tenuissima var. tenuissima f. transilis (Allen) R.D.Wood (Allen) R.D.Wood
02285522R. D. Wood | L. Canaca   66-2-3-111966-02-03
Honduras, Comayagua, river in Siquatepeque

Nitella cernua A.Braun A.Braun
02285969R. D. Wood   66-2-3-31966-02-03
Honduras, Comayagua, bay c. 500 yd. N of Aqua Azul Motel, Aqua Azul, Largo de Yajoa

Page 25, records 2401-2500 of 2837

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