Senna septemtrionalis (Viv.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby
658427 S. F. Glassman 1960 1948-07-18
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, Mt. San Jacinto, 1981 - 1981m
Solanum torvum Sw.
00745052 T. B. Croat 64110 1987-02-04
Honduras, Olancho, Along RÃo Olancho, W of main Tegucigalpa-Catacamas Highway, ca. 1 km up stream from and NW of Puente Boquerón, 8.6 mi SW of Catacamas, 6 mi SW of Sta. Maria del Real, 14.75 -86, 400 - 400m
Solanum torvum Sw.
00745077 T. B. Croat 64328 1987-02-07
Honduras, Olancho, Along RÃo Olancho, on road between Gualaco and San Bonito Oriental, 7.4 mi NE of San Estéban, 15.33 -85.7, 540 - 540m
Solanum circinatum (Miers) Bohs
00750739 T. Hawkins 790 1995-04-21
Honduras, Yoro, Cascada de RÃo Guán Guán. On the east slopes of the RÃo Guán Guán waterfall., 15.4944444 -87.4544444, 420 - 420m
Solanum circinatum (Miers) Bohs
00750744 R. L. Liesner 26129 1993-05-09
Honduras, Atlántida, Campamento Quebrada Grande ca. 10 km south west of La Ceiba. At base of north slope of Pico Bonito, from camp to 2 km east of camp., 80 - 150m
Clidemia hirta (L.) D.Don
01165108 A. Molina Rositto 11842 1963-04-09
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, Entre Las Mesas y Guayabillas al S.E. de El Zamorano., 900m
Conostegia icosandra (Sw. ex Wikstr.) Urb.
01119603 A. Molina Rositto 7331 1956-05-28
Honduras, Cortés, Bosque lluvioso entreAgua Azul y Pito Solo, Lago de Yojoa, 600 - 600m
Conostegia icosandra (Sw. ex Wikstr.) Urb.
01119608 G. Davidse 2228 1970-06-30
Honduras, Comayagua, 14 km SE of Taulabé, 1180 - 1180m
Miconia neomicrantha Judd & Skean
01165492 L. O. Williams 13004 1947-04-00
Honduras, Atlántida, Lancetilla., 50m
Solanum candidum Lindl.
00805764 A. Molina Rositto 13108 1963-10-21
Honduras, Choluteca, Entre Monjarás y Cedeños., 5 - 5m
Solanum hirtum Vahl
00751597 A. Molina Rositto 22001 1968-08-22
Honduras, Santa Bárbara, Sesecapa River, vicinity of Sta. Bárbara town., 500 - 500m
Solanum volubile Sw.
00744213 J. G. Saunders 313 1980-06-09
Honduras, Colón, Trujillo, Old airport road to Castillo, 3 km east Trujillo.
Solanum lanceifolium Jacq.
00751774 A. Molina Rositto 13256 1963-11-19
Honduras, Olancho, A lo largo de la carretera cerca de RÃo El Boquerón., 300 - 300m
Monnina ferreyrae C.M.Taylor
02343641 A. Molina Rositto 16995 1966-02-02
Honduras, Morazán, On mountain La Tigre, south west of San Juancito, 1800 - 2100m
Eugenia farinacea Barrie
1043487 A. Molina Rositto 22586 1968-09-03
Honduras, Comayagua, Between San Antonio Siguatepeque and El Cedral, 1300 - 1300m
Eugenia intibucana Barrie
1043489 A. Molina Rositto 22596 1968-09-03
Honduras, Intibucá, Vicinity of Mazaguara Valley of Jesús de Otoro, 600 - 600m
Solanum atitlanum K.E.Roe
00805616 C. von Hagen 1042 1937-08-21
Honduras, Yoro, El Portillo Grande., 1372 - 1372m
Echeandia williamsii Cruden Cruden
1795795 A. Molina Rositto 12947 1963-09-25
Honduras, Lempira, Faldas Montaña Puca entre Guatá y Cuábanos, 1600m
Saurauia molinae Soejarto
803942 A. Molina Rositto 23296 1969-01-09
Honduras, Comayagua, 3 km. South of Siguatepeque., 1300 - 1300m
Solanum hirtum Vahl
00751592 H. H. Iltis 30887 1991-10-19
Honduras, Yoro, Lowest S-slopes of Montaña Los Liquidabos de Cordillera de San Antonio (Cordillera Coastal), in valley of RÃo Aguan: lower reaches of Quebrada Las Coyolas, ca 1-2 km WNW of Chorrera, on main road to Valle de Aguan, 20 km WSW of Olanchito., 15.47 -86.72, 400 - 500m
Polystachya lineata Rchb.f.
02473376 T. G. Yuncker 5923 1936-07-17
Honduras, Comayagua, Near El Achote, hills above the plain of Siguatepeque., 14.549294 -87.902289, 1350 - 1350m
Anthurium lucens Standl.
133700 T. G. Yuncker 5844 1936-07-13
Honduras, Comayagua, Near El Achote, hills above the plain of Siguatepeque., 14.549294 -87.902289, 1350 - 1350m
Prosthechea rhynchophora (A.Rich. & Galeotti) W.E.Higgins
01056375 T. G. Yuncker 5965 1936-07-19
Honduras, Comayagua, Near El Achote, hills above the plain of Siguatepeque., 14.549294 -87.902289, 1350 - 1350m
Gloeophyllum striatum (Sw.:Fr.) Murrill
1964477 P. C. Standley 1922-02-14
Honduras, Vicinity of Amapala, Isla Tigre, 250m
Fomitopsis dochmia (Berk. & Broome) Ryvarden
1966627 M. E. Peck s.n. 1907-00-00
Gloeophyllum mexicanum (Mont.) Ryvarden
1964012 M. E. Peck s.n. 1907-00-00
Gloeophyllum striatum (Sw.:Fr.) Murrill
1964478 P. Wilson s.n. 1903-00-00
1964936 L. J. K. Brace s.n. 1921-10-01
1964938 M. E. Peck s.n. 1906-00-00
Caripia montagnei (Berk.) Kuntze
1987652 T. G. Yuncker 8866 1938-08-02
Honduras, vicinity of La Ceiba, Atlantida
Rigidoporus microporus (Sw.:Fr.) Overeem
01969779 M. E. Peck s. n. 1906-09-00
Honduras, [No further locality information provided with specimen]
Gloeoporus candidus Speg.
1931352 M. E. Peck s. n. 1907-00-00
Honduras, [ No additional collection information available]
Albugo tragopogonis (Pers.) Gray
2767269 P. C. Standley 55049 1928-01-24
Honduras, Near Progreso, Dept. of Yoro, 30m
Ganoderma nitidum Murrill
3028809 P. Wilson 448 1903-02-17
Honduras, Along Rio Esperanza, Punta Suina
Ganoderma nitidum Murrill
02776711 M. E. Peck s. n. 1906-09-00
Honduras, [No further locality information provided with specimen]
Rigidoporus lineatus (Pers.) Ryvarden
01969612 M. E. Peck s. n.
Honduras, [No further locality information specified]
Rigidoporus microporus (Sw.:Fr.) Overeem
1969482 T. G. Yuncker 8860 1938-06-00
Honduras, Atlantida, vicinity of LaCeiba
Rigidoporus microporus (Sw.:Fr.) Overeem
1969782 M. E. Peck s. n. 1907-00-00
Honduras, [No further locality information provided with specimen]
Rigidoporus lineatus (Pers.) Ryvarden
1969613 M. E. Peck s. n. 1907-00-00
Honduras, [No further locality information provided with specimen]
Rigidoporus lineatus (Pers.) Ryvarden
1969614 M. E. Peck s. n. 1907-00-00
Honduras, [No further locality information provided with specimen]
Armillaria alphitophylla (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Murrill
1997811 Peck s.n.
Marasmius stenophyllus Mont.
2757472 M. E. Peck s. n.
Honduras, [No further locality information provided with specimen]
Ganoderma nitidum Murrill
3028810 M. E. Peck s. n. 1907-00-00
Honduras, [No further locality information provided with specimen]
Ganoderma oerstedii (Fr.) Murrill
02776716 M. E. Peck s. n.
Honduras, [No further locality information provided with specimen]
Ganoderma stipitatum (Murrill) Murrill
2776758 M. E. Peck s. n.
Honduras, [No further locality information provided with specimen]
Ganoderma lucidum s. lato
3028717 M. E. Peck s. n.
Honduras, [No further locality information provided with specimen]
Ganoderma stipitatum (Murrill) Murrill
3028924 M. E. Peck s. n. 1907-00-00
Honduras, [No further locality information provided with specimen]
Hymenochaete luteobadia (Fr.:Fr.) Höhn. & Litsch.
3026304 M. E. Peck s. n. 1907-00-00
Honduras, [No further locality information provided with specimen]
Trichopilia galeottiana A.Rich.
01393395 A. Molina Rositto 25574 1970-03-13
Honduras, Intibucá, Along Huise river, 9 Kms. east of La Esperanza., 1600m
Thuidium tomentosum Schimp. ex Besch. Schimp. ex Besch.
2163663 P. H. Gentle 7157 1950-11-20
Honduras, Toledo District. On hill slope, beyond Pate's Camp, Edwards Road, beyond Columbia.
Nitella gracilis (J.E.Sm.) C.Agardh
02285841 W. A. Schipp 668 1930-01-07
Solieria tenera (J.Agardh) M.J.Wynne & W.R.Taylor
02266577 F. Dyer A115 1916-09-30
Honduras, [illegible]
Gelidium rigidum (C.Agardh) Grev.
02209604 G. W. Lichtenthaler s.n.
Eucheuma gelidium J.Agardh
02180016 F. Dyer A116 1916-09-30
Honduras, Atlántida
Syrrhopodon leprieurii Mont.
2046240 B. H. Allen 13477 1993-03-04
Honduras, Yoro, Cordillera Nombre de Dios. N slope, ridge between Rio Guán Guán and Quebrada Aguacatal., 15.5 -87.47, 100 - 300m
Peperomia mollipubis Trel.
222570 T. G. Yuncker 6367 1936-00-00
Honduras, Comayagua, Near El Achote; hills above the plains of Siguatepeque, 1350 - 1350m
Peperomia tremuliformis Trel.
222621 T. G. Yuncker 8722 1938-07-30
Honduras, Atlántida, Vicinity of La Ceiba. Along the Danto River, slopes of Mt. Cangrejal, back of Ceiba
Peperomia tremuliformis Trel.
222622 T. G. Yuncker 8722 1938-07-30
Honduras, Atlántida, Vicinity of La Ceiba. Along the Danto River, slopes of Mt. Cangrejal, back of Ceiba
Senna occidentalis (L.) Link
1584381 S. Avila 132 1985-04-09
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, Colonia Kennedy, Tegucigalpa D. C., 1000m
Chloroleucon mangense var. leucospermum (Brandegee) Barneby & J.W.Grimes (Brandegee) Barneby & J.W.Grimes
01419348 C. E. Hughes 1446 1991-03-25
Honduras, Yoro, Towards the western end of the lower part of the Aguan Valley close to the main road W form Olanchito between the villages of San Lorenzo and Las Delicias about 11 km. SW of San Lorenzo., 15.42 -86.95, 300m
Calliandra rubescens (M.Martens & Galeotti) Standl.
01491562 D. J. Y. Macqueen 518 1993-01-25
Honduras, Comayagua, 35 km. to the south east of Comayagua towardsTegucigalpa, 1 km. to the south of the ridge of hills., 14.27 -87.07, 1080m
Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl.
01491370 D. J. Y. Macqueen 490 1993-01-15
Honduras, Copán, 50 km. to the east of Copan on road to San Pedro Sula., 15 -88.93, 300m
Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl.
01491371 D. J. Y. Macqueen 511 1992-01-23
Honduras, Copán, Santa Rosa de Copán, 2 km. to the east of Santa Rosa de Copán on road to Gracias Lempira., 14.75 -88.83, 710m
Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl.
01491372 D. J. Y. Macqueen 517 1993-01-25
Honduras, Comayagua, 30 km. to the south east of Comayagua on the road to Tegucigalpa, on the rise into the first mountains., 14.27 -87.07, 850m
Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl. var. houstoniana (Mill.) Standl.
01491389 D. J. Y. Macqueen 505 1993-01-23
Honduras, Comayagua, 30 km. to the south east of Comayagua on the road to Tegucigalpa, on the rise into the first mountains., 14.27 -87.07, 850m
Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl.
01491373 D. J. Y. Macqueen 524 1993-01-26
Honduras, Olancho, 9 km. to the north of Gualaco on the road from San Francisco de La Paz to Trujillo., 15.07 -85.93, 700m
Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl.
01491369 D. J. Y. Macqueen 520 1993-01-25
Honduras, Olancho, 67 km. to the north east of Tegucigalpa on the road to Juticalpa., 14.53 -87, 1000m
Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl.
01491368 T. D. Pennington 13402 1991-02-13
Honduras, Atlántida, RÃo Cangreja above La Ceiba., 15.75 -86.75, 100m
Conostegia xalapensis (Bonpl.) D.Don ex DC.
01126176 S. F. Glassman 1872 1948-06-07
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, Drainage of the RÃo Yeguare, 1 mi. S of Casa Grande., 14 -87, 884m
Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl. var. houstoniana (Mill.) Standl.
01491402 S. F. Glassman 1872 1948-06-07
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, Drainage of the RÃo Yeguare, 1 mi. S of Casa Grande., 14 -87, 884m
Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl.
00040956 M. J. Balick 1741 1987-07-16
Honduras, Distrito Central: Escueka Panamericana de Agrucultura Forest Reserve, 5 km. east of Zamorano on road to Tegucigalpa., 14 -87, 1600m
Calliandra houstoniana var. anomala (Kunth) Barneby (Kunth) Barneby
01491443 D. J. Y. Macqueen 519 1993-01-25
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, 14 km. to the north east of Tegucigalpa on the road which bypasses Tegucigalpa from Siguatepeque heading towards Juticalpa., 14.17 -87.17, 870m
Calliandra houstoniana var. anomala (Kunth) Barneby (Kunth) Barneby
01491444 D. J. Y. Macqueen 514 1993-01-24
Honduras, Intibucá, 66 km. to the east of Gracoa Lempira on the road to Esperanza, 14 km. to the west of the town., 14.27 -88.22, 1380m
Calliandra houstoniana var. calothyrsus (Meisn.) Barneby (Meisn.) Barneby
01491455 D. J. Y. Macqueen 532 1993-01-27
Honduras, Cortés, 36 km. to the west of Puerto de Cortés,on the road from Omoa to Guatemala., 15.18 -88.17
Calliandra houstoniana var. calothyrsus (Meisn.) Barneby (Meisn.) Barneby
01491474 D. J. Y. Macqueen 529 1993-01-26
Honduras, Colón, On the road from Trujillo to Punta Piedra, just past the turnoff to Limon, 36 km. to the east of Trujillo., 15.9 -85.43
Calliandra houstoniana var. calothyrsus (Meisn.) Barneby (Meisn.) Barneby
01491478 D. J. Y. Macqueen 523 1993-01-26
Honduras, Olancho, 2 km. to the sourth of Gualacoin Olancho, 28 km. to the north of San Francisco de La Paz., 15.03 -86.1, 610m
Calliandra houstoniana var. calothyrsus (Meisn.) Barneby (Meisn.) Barneby
01491479 D. J. Y. Macqueen 516 1993-01-24
Honduras, Intibucá, 23 km. to the north of La Esperanza in a river valley on the road to Siguatepeque., 14.3 -88, 900m
Calliandra houstoniana var. calothyrsus (Meisn.) Barneby (Meisn.) Barneby
01491483 D. J. Y. Macqueen 581 1993-03-20
Honduras, Colón, 2 km. from the turnoff to Coroncito towards Paleque on the coastal road 10 km. to the south ofTrujillo., 15.8 -85.67, 20m
Calliandra houstoniana var. calothyrsus (Meisn.) Barneby (Meisn.) Barneby
01491484 D. J. Y. Macqueen 525 1993-01-26
Honduras, Olancho, 6 km. to the north of San Estéban on the road from Gualaco to Trujillo., 15.28 -85.7, 420m
Calliandra houstoniana var. calothyrsus (Meisn.) Barneby (Meisn.) Barneby
01491486 D. J. Y. Macqueen 525 1993-01-26
Honduras, Olancho, 6 km. to the north of San Estéban on the road from Gualaco to Trujillo., 15.28 -85.7, 420m
Calliandra houstoniana var. calothyrsus (Meisn.) Barneby (Meisn.) Barneby
01491485 D. J. Y. Macqueen 512 1993-01-23
Honduras, Copán, 13 km. to the east of Santa Rosa de Copán on the road to Gracias Lempira on hills overlooking a river valley., 14.7 -88.73, 580m
Calliandra houstoniana var. calothyrsus (Meisn.) Barneby (Meisn.) Barneby
01491487 D. J. Y. Macqueen 533 1993-01-27
Honduras, Cortés, 36 km. to the west of the petrol station to the south of Puerto Cortés,on the road past Omoa towards Guatemala., 15.18 -88.17
Calliandra rhodocephala Donn.Sm.
01491543 D. J. Y. Macqueen 526 1993-01-26
Honduras, Olancho, 24 km. to the north of the petrol station at San Estéban on the road to Trujillo., 15.33 -85.7, 550m
Calliandra tergemina var. emarginata (Willd.) Barneby (Willd.) Barneby
01491591 D. J. Y. Macqueen 580 1993-03-19
Honduras, Copán, 140 km. to the east of the Copán Ruins on road to San Pedro Sula. Quimistan to Santa Cruz Minas, 2 km. to the east of the turnoff to Santa Barbara., 15.35 -88.17, 180m
Dalea scandens var. vulneraria (Oerst.) Barneby (Oerst.) Barneby
01305574 D. J. Y. Macqueen 535 1993-01-28
Honduras, Comayagua, On the road from San Pedro Sula to Siguatepeque, 5 km to the south of the end of Lago Yojoa., 14.72 -87.98, 550m
Calliandra trinervia var. arborea (Standl.) Barneby (Standl.) Barneby
01491613 D. J. Y. Macqueen 534 1993-01-28
Honduras, Comayagua, On the road from San Pedro Sula to Siguatepeque, 5 km to the south of the end of Lago Yojoa., 14.72 -87.98, 550m
Eschweilera hondurensis Standl.
00682466 A. E. Brant 2855 1994-04-17
Honduras, Atlántida, Mpio. de Esparta: 41.5 km E of Tela on the Tela-Ceiba Hwy. then 2.7 km N along old timber road., 100 - 100m
Protium confusum (Rose) Pittier
1189184 G. Davidse 34495 1991-05-17
Honduras, Yoro, Cordillera Nombre de Dios, hills S of San José de TexÃguat., 15.48 -87.43, 300 - 400m
Protium confusum (Rose) Pittier
1189182 D. L. Hazlett 8100 1994-04-26
Honduras, 1-2 km NNW of Cabeza del Negro., 15.48 -87.45, 200 - 500m
Protium confusum (Rose) Pittier
1189183 J. M. MacDougal 3412 1988-11-09
Honduras, Atlántida, Southern boundary of Lancetilla Valley (near Tela), on ridge separating Lancetilla watershed from that to the S, W of San Francisco, halfway to Cerro Peña Blanca., 15.6917 -87.475, 450 - 590m
Eschweilera hondurensis Standl.
00682465 R. Evans 1645 1993-05-14
Honduras, Atlántida, Base of N slope of Pico Bonito, E of new CURLA (Centro Universitario Regional del Litoral Atlantico) camp building on the Quebrada Grande, ca. 1/3km above its confluence with the RÃo Bonito, ca. 10km SW of La Ceiba, Parque Nacional Pico Bonito, 15.7 -86.85, 160 - 160m
Eschweilera hondurensis Standl.
00682468 R. Evans 1055 1993-02-03
Honduras, Atlántida, Base of N slope of Pico Bonito, E of new CURLA (Centro Universitario Regional del Litoral Atlantico) camp building on the Quebrada Grande, ca. 1/3 km above its confluence with the RÃo Bonito, ca. 10 km SW of La Ceiba, Parque Nacional Pico Bonito, 15.7 -86.83, 260 - 260m
Protium confusum (Rose) Pittier
1189186 J. M. MacDougal 3374 1988-11-08
Honduras, Atlántida, Southern boundary of Lancetilla Valley. On ridge separating Lancetilla watershed from the watershed to the South, around San Francisco., 15.6917 -87.4667, 380 - 420m
Protium confusum (Rose) Pittier
1189188 T. Hawkins 843 1995-04-25
Honduras, Yoro, Abandoned logging road between Lomas Largas and Las Letras., 15.48 -87.45, 760 - 860m
Protium confusum (Rose) Pittier
1189189 T. Hawkins 802 1995-04-23
Honduras, Atlántida, El Eden stream watershed. NW slopes of the Cerro Los Mangungos., 15.5528 -87.3792, 120 - 195m
Protium confusum (Rose) Pittier
1189193 J. G. Saunders 1221 1981-04-06
Honduras, Gracias a Dios, Camp Tiro, 2 mi. NW of Bulebar on third northern branch of Quebrada Tiro, tributary of Rio Platano., 15.72 -84.83
Protium confusum (Rose) Pittier
1189202 A. E. Brant 2920 1994-04-24
Honduras, Atlántida, Esparta, 41.5 km E of Tela on the Tela-Ceiba Hwy. then 6 km N along old timber road., 15.65 -87.27, 100 - 200m
Protium confusum (Rose) Pittier
1189203 A. E. Brant 2928 1994-04-26
Honduras, Atlántida, Esparta, above El RÃo Texiguat., 15.5 -87.45, 200 - 300m
Protium glabrum (Rose) Engl.
1189386 P. House s.n. 1994-00-00
Honduras, Gracias a Dios, proposed reserva de la Biosfére Tawahka Asangni, middle drainage of RÃo Patuca., 15 -84, 200 - 200m
Tetragastris panamensis (Engl.) Kuntze
1065622 R. L. Liesner 26297 1993-05-14
Honduras, Atlántida, Campamento Quebrada Grande ca. 10 km south west of La Ceiba. At base of north slope of Pico Bonito, from camp to 2 km south of camp., 15.7 -86.85, 80 - 140m