Search Results (List)

Dataset: USAC-USCG
Search Criteria: Guatemala; Alta Verapaz; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 4, records 301-368 of 368

Herbario de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Image Associated With the Occurence
Arachnothryx belizensis (Standl.) Borhidi
37959M.Pérez   57742012-05-16
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cahabón, Montaña de Tambul, 15.537778 -89.611944, 652m

M.Pérez   2012-05-16
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Santa María Cahabón, Montaña de Tambul, 15.604892 -89.812648

Image Associated With the Occurence
37960M.Pérez   57532012-05-16
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cahabón, Montaña de Tambul, 15.537778 -89.611944, 652m

Image Associated With the Occurence
37974M.Pérez   53202012-05-20
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Panzós, Chinahasir, 15.522778 -89.698889, 677m

Image Associated With the Occurence
37994M.Pérez   57402012-03-13
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cahabón, Río Sumonkok, Taquinco La Esperanza, 15.530833 -89.647778

M.Pérez   2012-03-13
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Santa María Cahabón, Río Sumonkok, 15.607184 -89.811607

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lacistema aggregatum (Berg.) Rusby
38025M.Pérez   53702012-05-08
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Senahú, Bosque Sajomté, 15.2931 -89.3856, 1044 - 1044m

Image Associated With the Occurence
38027M.Pérez   53602012-05-10
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Senahú, Bosque Sajomté, 15.491944 -89.648889, 1044m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dioscorea convolvulacea Cham. & Schltdl.
38066M.Pérez   53692012-04-10
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Senahú, Bosque Sajomté, 15.2931 -89.3856, 1044 - 1044m

Image Associated With the Occurence
38067M.Pérez   57742012-04-10
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Senahú, Bosque Sajomté, 15.493889 -89.648889

Image Associated With the Occurence
38068M.Pérez   53732012-04-10
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Senahú, Bosque Sajomté, Senahú, 15.2931 -89.3856, 1044 - 1044m

Image Associated With the Occurence
38069M.Pérez   54872012-04-11
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Senahú, Bosque Sajomté, entrando por la iglesia Mormona, 15.493889 -89.648889

Image Associated With the Occurence
38070M.Pérez   54952012-04-11
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Senahú, Bosque Sajomté, entrando por la iglesia Mormona, 15.2938 -89.3856, 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris minor (C. Chr.) A. R. Sm.
38116M.Pérez   54812012-04-12
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Senahú, Bosque Sajomté, entrando por la Iglesia Mormona, 15.493889 -89.648889, 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sphaeropteris horrida (Liebm.) R. M. Tryon
38139M.Pérez   53032012-04-20
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Panzós, Chinahasir, 15.522778 -89.698889, 677m

Image Associated With the Occurence
38142M.Pérez   52772012-04-20
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Panzós, Nueva concepción, 15.517778 -89.653889, 1065 - 1065m

Image Associated With the Occurence
38143M.Pérez   58342012-04-20
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cahabón, Montaña Seasir, 15.545833 -89.703889, 531 - 531m

Image Associated With the Occurence
38194M.Pérez   55852012-04-26
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Senahú, Río Chiquc, 15.485 -89.633889, 764 - 764m

Image Associated With the Occurence
38195M.Pérez   55902012-02-08
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Senahú, Río Chinquc, 15.485 -89.633889, 764 - 764m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Coccocypselum herbaceum P.Browne ex Aubl.
38196M.Pérez   56382012-04-23
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cahabón, Chiiz, 15.518889 -89.678889, 850 - 850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
38197M.Pérez   56442012-04-23
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cahabón, Chiiz, 15.318 -89.4044, 850 - 850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium serrulatum (Sw.) L. E. Bishop
38198M.Pérez   55662012-04-23
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Senahú, Río Chiqhc, 15.485 -89.633889, 764 - 764m

Image Associated With the Occurence
38199M.Pérez   57482012-05-09
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cahabón, Río Sumkok, Taquinco La Esperanza, 15.530833 -89.647778, 133 - 133m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Odontonema callistachyum (Cham. & Schltdl.) Kuntze
38200M.Pérez   57522012-05-09
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cahabón, Río Sumkok, Taquinco La Esperanza, 15.530833 -89.647778, 133 - 133m

Image Associated With the Occurence
38201M.Pérez   58682012-05-09
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cahabón, Bosque a la orilla de la carretera antes de llegar al puente del río cahabón, 15.51 -89.62, 123 - 123m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Heterocentron subtriplinervium (Link & Otto) A. Braun & Bouche
38202M.Pérez   55702012-05-09
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Senahú, Río Chiqhc, 15.485 -89.533889, 764 - 764m

Image Associated With the Occurence
38203M.Pérez   55672012-04-30
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Senahú, Río Chiqhc, 15.485 -89.633889, 764 - 764m

Image Associated With the Occurence
18191Pedro Tenorio L.; E. Martinez S., H Droege, M. Díaz   144431988-07-12
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Panzós, Finca Mercedes, Telemán., 15.3 -89.616667, 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
40258R. Ávila   3012002-03-27
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cobán, Parque Nacional Laguna Lachuá, 15.888116 -90.672783, 300 - 650m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Calathea lutea (Aubl.) E.Mey. ex Schult.
16722Esteban M. Martínez; P. Tenorio, H. Droege, M. Díaz   229621988-07-20
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Panzos, A 2 Km. al S de Jolomylix, Telemán, Panzós; Sierra de las Minas., 15.253513 -89.777212, 750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
16706Esteban M. Martínez; P. Tenorio, H. Droege, M. Díaz   229941988-07-20
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Panzós, A 2 km al S de Jolomylix, Telemán, sierra de las minas, 15.241497 -89.779728, 750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
13539J. Morales   12632002-02-04
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cobán, Zona de Influencia Parque Nacional Laguna de Lachuá, 15.92055 -90.655, 173m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1159Francisco Guzmán   1973-12-12
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, San Juan Chamelco, 15.42391 -90.324085

Image Associated With the Occurence
11403Jorge Ervin López   631990-06-19
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Senahú, 15.412638 -89.8269

Image Associated With the Occurence
11886Rafael Ávila   
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Zona de Influencia Parque Nac. Laguna Lachuá, 15.883863 -90.649794, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechum pyramidatum (Lam.) Urban
12061Rafael Ávila   3182002-03-28
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Zona de influencia Parque Nac. Laguna Lachuá, 15.894324 -90.660975, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
12081Rafael Ávila   12382002-00-00
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Zona de Influencia Parque Nac. Laguna Lachuá, 15.888123 -90.65777, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
12198Rafael Ávila   2002-00-00
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Zona de Influencia Parque Nac. Laguna Lachuá, 15.880297 -90.658575, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
12205Sindy Hernández   4132002-04-18
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Zona de Influencia Parque Nac. Laguna Lachuá, 15.880191 -90.65997, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechum pyramidatum (Lam.) Urban
12233Rafael Ávila   4002002-04-07
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Zona de Influencia Parque Nac. Laguna Lachuá, 15.878957 -90.666503, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechum pyramidatum (Lam.) Urban
12306Rafael Ávila   4132002-03-26
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Zona de Influencia Parque Nac. Laguna Lachuá, 15.886096 -90.658434, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
12313R. Ávila; J. Morales   12692002-02-04
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Zona de Influencia Parque Nac. Laguna Lachuá, 15.882849 -90.660884, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechum pyramidatum (Lam.) Urban
12438Sindy Hernández   3532002-00-00
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Zona de Influencia Parque Nac. Laguna Lachuá, 15.895786 -90.687682, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
37905J. J. Vega; M. Pérez   58822012-03-14
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cahabón, Bosque a orilla de la carretera antes de llegar al puente del Río Cahabón, 15.51 -89.62, 123 - 123m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ouratea lucens (Kunth) Engl.
37907M. Pérez   58892012-03-15
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cahabón, Bosque a orilla de la carretera antes de llegar al puente del Río Cahabón, 15.51 -89.62

Image Associated With the Occurence
37908M. Pérez   58662012-03-15
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cahabón, Bosque a orilla de la carretera antes de llegar al puente del Río Cahabón, 15.51 -89.62, 123 - 123m

Image Associated With the Occurence
37909M. Pérez   58752012-03-14
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cahabón, Bosque a la orilla de la carretera antes de llegar al puente del Río Cahabón, 15.51 -89.62, 123 - 123m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Smilax mollis Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
37910M. Pérez   56742012-03-28
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Panzós, Río Chiquil, 15.521944 -89.615, 84 - 84m

Image Associated With the Occurence
37911M. Pérez   56882012-03-26
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Panzós, Río Chiquil, 15.521944 -89.615, 84 - 84m

Image Associated With the Occurence
37912M. Pérez   57012012-03-26
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Panzós, Río Chiquil, 15.521944 -89.615, 84 - 84m

Image Associated With the Occurence
37914M. Pérez   56672012-03-26
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Panzós, Río Chiquil, 15.521944 -89.615, 84 - 84m

Image Associated With the Occurence
37933M. Pérez   58692012-03-14
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cahabón, Bosque a la orilla de la carretera antes de llegar al puente del Río Cahabón, 15.51 -89.62, 123 - 123m

Image Associated With the Occurence
37934M. Pérez   56802012-03-14
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cahabón, Bosque a la orilla de la carretera antes de llegar al puente del Río Cahabón, 15.51 -89.62, 123 - 123m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria amplifolia Triana & Planch.
37936M. Pérez   51202012-03-08
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Panzós, Campamento Maya Niquel, 15.500833 -89.673889, 760 - 795m

Image Associated With the Occurence
37937M. Pérez   51142012-03-08
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Panzós, Campamento Maya Niquel, 15.500833 -89.673889, 760 - 795m

Image Associated With the Occurence
37939M. Pérez   51092012-03-09
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Panzós, Campamento Maya Niquel, 15.500833 -89.673889, 760 - 795m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Neomarica gracilis (Herb.) Sprague
37941M. Pérez   51402012-03-09
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Panzós, Campamento Maya Niquel, 15.500833 -89.673889, 760 - 795m

Image Associated With the Occurence
selaginella P. Beauv.
37946M. Pérez   51122012-03-12
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Panzós, Campamento Maya Níquel, 15.507222 -89.673889, 760 - 795m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper cayoense Trel.
37947M. Pérez   51172012-03-12
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Panzós, Campamento Maya Níquel, 15.507222 -89.673889, 760 - 795m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lycianthes synanthera (Sendtn.) Bitter
37949M. Pérez   51102012-03-12
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Panzós, Campamento Maya Níquel, 15.507222 -89.673889, 760 - 795m

Image Associated With the Occurence
37950M. Pérez   51162012-03-12
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Panzós, Campamento Maya Níquel, 15.507222 -89.673889, 760 - 795m

Image Associated With the Occurence
37952M. Pérez   54832012-05-16
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Senahú, Bosque Sajomté, entrando por la iglesia Mormona, 15.493889 -89.648889, 900 - 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
37953M. Pérez   51642012-03-02
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Panzós, Campamento Maya Niquel., 15.503889 -89.667778, 992 - 992m

Image Associated With the Occurence
37954M. Pérez   58862012-05-15
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cahabón, Bosque a orilla de la carretera antes de llegar al puente del Río Cahabón, 15.51 -89.62, 123 - 123m

Image Associated With the Occurence
37955M. Pérez   53112012-05-16
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Panzós, Chinahasir, 15.522778 -89.698889, 677 - 677m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Clidemia petiolaris (Schltdl. & Cham.) Schltdl. ex Triana
37956M. Pérez   53582012-05-16
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Senahú, Bosque Sajomté, 15.491944 -89.648889, 1044 - 1044m

Image Associated With the Occurence
37957M. Pérez   58712012-05-16
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cahabón, Bosque a orilla de la carretera antes de llegar al puente del Río Cahabón, 15.51 -89.62, 123 - 123m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Arachnothryx belizensis (Standl.) Borhidi
37958M. Pérez   58632012-05-16
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cahabón, Bosque a orilla de la carretera antes de llegar al puente del Río Cahabón, 15.51 -89.62, 123 - 123m

Page 4, records 301-368 of 368


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