Search Results (List)

Dataset: NL-Botany
Taxa: Orchidaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-60 of 60

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

WAG0137839Breteler FJ   1964-01-30
Venezuela, Delta Amucuro, near I. Tigre., 9.666667 -62.416667

WAG0137838Breteler FJ   1964-01-30
Venezuela, Delta Amucuro, near I. Tigre., 9.666667 -62.416667

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1141083Soels K   1959-01-26
Brazil, in Nationaal Araucaria, in de staat Santa Catharina.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1141082Soels K   1959-01-24
Brazil, in Nationaal Araucaria angustifolia bos, op hoogvlakte, ± 250 km ten z. van Curitiba in de staat Santa Catharina 'Jamandua' genaamd.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1141081Soels K   1959-01-22
Brazil, in Nationaal Araucaria angustifolia bos, op hoogvlakte, ± 250km ten z. van Curitiba in de staat Santa Catharina 'Jamandua' genaamd.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1141080Soels K   1959-03-17
Brazil, in Nationaal Araucaria angustifolia bos, op hoogvlakte in de staat Santa Catharina. 8 km ten Z. van Cunoinhus'.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1141079Soels K   1959-01-22
Brazil, in Nationaal Araucaria angustifolia bos, op hoogvlakte ± 250 km ten Z, van Curitiba in de provincie santa Catharina, 'Jamandua' genaamd.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1475207Wolf J   1986-05-15
Colombia, Risaralda, Mnpio. de Sta. Rosa de Cabal, Camino real entre Termales de Sta. Rosa y Hda. La Sierra, finca Berlin., 4.833333 -75.516667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1475205Jaramillo Mejía R   1977-08-07
Colombia, Depto. del Magdalena: Sierra Nevada de Sta. Marta, Transecto del Alto Rio Buritaca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1475203Jaramillo Mejía R; et al.   1977-07-26
Colombia, Depto. del Magdalena: Sierra Nevada de sta. Marta, Transecto del Alto Rio Buritaca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1475202Jaramillo Mejía R; et al.   1977-07-29
Colombia, Depto. del Magdaleno: Sierra Nevada de Sta. Marta, Transecto del Alto Rio Buritaca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1475201Jaramillo Mejía R; et al.   1977-07-16
Colombia, Departamento del Magdalena: Sierra Nevada de Sta. Marta, Transecto del Alto Rio Buritaca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1475200Jaramillo Mejía R; et al.   1977-07-16
Colombia, Depto. del Magdalena, Sierra Nevada de sta. Marta, transecto del alto Rio Buritaca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1468841Hollermayer PA   1925-11-03
Chile, Pelchuquin (Chile) 'Orquidea'.

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U.1468840Hollermayer A; Werdermann E   1930-01-01
Chile, Plantae Chilenses, Prov. Valdivia, Long Long.

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U.1468838Fuchs HP; Torres R; JH; Zanella L   1967-03-15
Colombia, Chocó, Choco: Rio Baudo

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U.1468837Zwijnen C; Hoenselaar K; Peña Cruz E   2002-11-04
Peru, Piura, Peru, Piura, Morropon, Chalaco., -5.066667 -79.733333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1468836Zwijnen C; Hoenselaar K; Peña Cruz E   2002-10-28
Peru, Piura, Peru, Piura, Morropon, Chalaco., -5.05 -79.716667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1468835Zwijnen C; Hoenselaar K; Peña Cruz E   2002-10-28
Peru, Piura, Peru, Piura, Morropon, Chalaco., -5.05 -79.716667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1468834Zwijnen C; Hoenselaar K; Peña Cruz E   2002-10-28
Peru, Piura, Peru, Piura, Morropon, Chalaco., -5.05 -79.716667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1468833Fuchs HP; Zanella E; Torres-Romero JH   1967-02-20
Colombia, Chocó, Chocó; Rio Baudó.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1468832Dulmen A van   1996-02-20
Colombia, Amazonas, -0.616667 -72.116667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1468831Idrobo JM   1980-07-22
Colombia, Risaralda

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1468830Idrobo JM; Cleef AM; Rangel O; Salamanca S   1980-07-22
Colombia, Departamento de Risaralda, Municipio de Sta. Rosa, Alrededores del Hotek Termales, Declive a la izquirda de la quebrada del Hotel, Cordillera Central.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1468829Idrobo JM; Cleef AM; Rangel O; Salamanca S   1980-07-18
Colombia, Departamento de Risaralda, Municipio de Sta. Rosa, camino de herradura entre Termales y Paramo de Sta. Rosa, Cordillera Central.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1468828Idrobo JM; et al.   1980-08-18
Colombia, Departamento del Tolima, Municipio de Venadilo, Pie de Monte de la vertiente oriental de a Cordillera Central.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1468827Idrobo JM; Cleef AM; Rangel O; Salamanca S   1980-07-22
Colombia, Departamento de Risaralda, Municipio de Sta. Rosa, Alrededores del Hotel Termales, Declive a la izquierda de la quebrada del hotel, Cordillera Centra.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1468826Idrobo JM; Cleef AM; Rangel O; Salamanca S   1980-07-28
Colombia, Departamento de Risaralda, Municipio de Perra, Vereda Puerto Caldas, Hacienda Paiva, Cordillera Central.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1468825Werff HH van der   1974-12-01
Ecuador, Galapagos, Insularum Galapagensium, Santa Cruz, Zanthoxylum forest near C. Precioso.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1468824Ellenberg H   1957-09-07
Peru, Palmen-Moorland, Quistococha Iquitos.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1468823Cleef AM; Rangel O; Salamanca S   1980-07-17
Colombia, Departamento de Risaralda, Municipio de Sta. Rosa, Cordillera Central.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1468822Idrobo JM; Rangel O   1980-08-09
Colombia, Departamento, Departamento del Tolima, Municipio de Murillo Vereda La Cabana, Cordillera Central.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1468821Idrobo JM; Cleef AM; Salamanca S   1980-08-09
Colombia, Departamento del Tolima, Municipio de Venadillo, Vereda La Planada, Vuelta El Papaye Cordillera Central.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1468820Idrobo JM; Cleef AM; Salamanca S   1980-08-09
Colombia, Departamento del Tolima, Municipio de Venadillo, Vereda La Planada, Vuelta El Papaya Cordillera Central.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1468819Torres J   1966-08-17
Peru, Dpto. Loreta, Prov. Maynas, Moronoa vieja desembocadura quebrada Versalles a 11 km N10.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1468802Maas PJM   1996-11-02
Honduras, Yoro

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U.1468801Wallnöfer B; Tut-Tesucun FM   1994-12-12
Guatemala, Petén, 16.983333 -89.883333

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U.1468800Zomer H   1990-03-27
Guatemala, Petén, Dept. Petén, Puerto Chimono, Laguna Petexbatún, 20 km south of Sayaxché., 16.566667 -90.233333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1463247McPherson GD; Richardson M   1992-10-19
Panama, Chiriqui, NW of Cerro Punta, at Inrenare station in Parque Amistad; along trail along continental divide., 8.916667 -82.583333

U 0099213Zomer H   1990-03-27
Guatemala, Petén, Dept. Petén, Puerto Chimono, Laguna Petexbatún, 20 km south of Sayaxché., 16.566667 -90.233333

U 0017477Arbeláez MV; et al.   1996-12-01
Colombia, Amazonas

U 0017476Panman W   1992-06-01
Ecuador, Loja

U 0017475Hekker F; Hekking WHAM   1987-12-10
Ecuador, Napo

U 0017474Hekker F; Hekking WHAM   1987-12-10
Ecuador, Napo

U 0017473Hekker F; Hekking WHAM   1987-12-08
Ecuador, Napo

U 0017472Fuchs HP; Zanella L   1967-02-07
Colombia, Chocó

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4175491Fuchs HP; Torres-Romero JH; Zanella A   1967-03-03
Colombia, Chocó, Chocó; Trocha a Usarara, 10-15 km S de Pizarro. Epifita, Labelo onorado-naranja.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4170825Battjes J   1986-09-15
Colombia, Amazonas, Amazonas, Araracuara, orilla de la Quebrada Mercedes, bosque secundario.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4170796Fuchs HP; Torres Romero JH; Zanella A   1967-02-19
Colombia, Chocó, Chocó; río Baudo; zona de la boca a 3 km al SE de Pizarro. At end of trail at section 41; at food of small Miocene hill, near small stream.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4170795Cleef AM   1972-07-11
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Colombiana. Cundinamarca: Páramo entre Cogua y San Cayetano, cercanías de la Laguna. Páramo prop. dicho: vertiente seco con Calagrostis effusa predominante, asociado con Espeletia y Rhynchospora. Orquida terrestre.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4170792Fuchs HP; Torres Romero JH; Zanella A   1967-03-22
Colombia, Chocó, Chocó; A lo largo del Río Baudó, 8 km desde su desembocadura. De Pizarro a la Sierpe. Orilla izquierda sobre la Q. Barranca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4170767Fuchs HP; Torres Romero JH; Zanella A   1967-02-19
Colombia, Chocó, Colombia, Chocó; Boca del rió Baudó; trail 1-3 SE of Pizarro. At trail in primary swamp forest about 1.2 km from shore at Playita towards the loma section 38. On olf fallen tree in light clearing, epiphyte.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2105601Boots M   1987-03-01
Colombia, Risaralda, Camino Termales de S. Rosa de Cabal a la Sierra. Finca Berlín.

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L.2105230Fuchs HP; Torres-Romero JH; Zanella A   1967-03-22
Colombia, Chocó, a lo largo del Río Baudó, 8 km desde su desembocadura. De Pizarro a la Sierpe. Orilla izquierda sobre la Q. Barranca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2105229Fuchs HP; Torres-Romero JH; Zanella A   1967-03-06
Colombia, Chocó, area de la boca del río Baudó, orilla derecha.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2105228Cleef AM   1972-08-17
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Páramo de Palacio, Cabeceras Rio Negro. km 19 de la carretera.

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AMD.83858Cleef AM; Hammen T van der   1977-03-24
Colombia, Arauca. Extremo S De Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, cabeceras Rio casanare, valle Q. Los Osos; Pozo Negro. Subpar. atmosfericamente humdeo sobre le morrena terminal del Pozo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
AMD.83857Groenendijk J   1995-08-30
Colombia, Bogota. En 27 m de altura en Eschweileria juruensis en sustrato rico en humus. En bosque primario varzea cerca de la cominidad indigena Pena Rojo, Rio Caqueta, Dpto. Amazonas., -0.616667 -72.116667

Image Associated With the Occurence
AMD.83856Groenendijk J   1995-08-30
Colombia, Bogota. En 27 m de altura en Eschweileria juruensis en sustrato rico en humus. En bosque primario varzea cerca de la cominidad indigena Pena Rojo, Rio Caqueta, Dpto. Amazonas., -0.616667 -72.116667

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AMD.83855Kappelle M   1982-12-12
Costa Rica, La Esperanza del Guarco.

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