Search Results (List)

Dataset: NL-Botany
Taxa: Monimiaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 289

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399398Kennedy H   1969-08-10
Panama, Prov. Panama, Cerro Campana, near FSU Field station, ca. 800m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399290Maas PJM; Martinelli G   1977-10-11
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399289Maas PJM; Martinelli G   1977-10-11
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399288Henkel TW; Williams (Guyana) R; Fratello S; Joseph P   1993-11-15
Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni, Region Potaro-Siparuni, Pakaraima Mts, Mt. Wokomung, ridgeline 0.5 km NE of Wokomung escarpment adjacent Ka-Mie-Wah pinnacle., 5.066667 -59.883333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399287Kollmann L; Bausen E   1999-01-07
Brazil, Brasil, ES, Mun de Santa Teresa, Santo Antonio, terreno do Boza.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399286Gottsberger IS; Gottsberger GK   1974-02-09
Brazil, São Paulo

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399285Cid Ferreira CA; Lima J; Guedes J; Coêlho J   1984-06-09
Brazil, Mato Grosso, -12.216667 -60.983333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399281Lindeman JC; Haas JH de   1966-01-17
Brazil, Est. Parana, Serra do Mar, rain forest on atlantic slope above Bela Vista on old road Curitiba-Morretes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399280Lindeman JC; Haas JH de   1966-01-17
Brazil, Est. Parana, Serra do Mar, rain forest on atlantic slope above Bela Vista on old road Curitiba-Morretes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399259Bamps PRJ   1976-01-14
Brazil, Est. Para, foret dense de terre ferme., -5.083333 -49.416667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399258Carauta JPP   1970-10-18
Brazil, RJ, Mun, Macae, Serra do Frade.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399256Lindeman JC; Barcia J   1971-07-23
Brazil, Loc; Serra dos Orgaos, RJ, vale do Rio Jaco acima de Itaipava.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399255Vianna EC   1970-11-20
Brazil, Loc; Colonia Sao Pedro Torres.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399254Vianna EC   1970-11-20
Brazil, Loc; Colonia Sao Pedro Torres.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399253Cid Ferreira CA; et al.   1986-04-25
Brazil, Mun. Limoeiro, AM. Rio Purue afluente da margem direita do Rio Japura., -1.5 -68.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399252Prance GT; et al.   1971-04-22
Brazil, Estado do Acre, Cruzeiro do Sul, Rio Jurua & Rio Moa, vicinity of Serra da moa, forest on terra firme.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399251Silva JA   1985-07-10
Brazil, Est. Amazonas, Mun. Barcelos, Igarape Pretinho no rio Juaari (cuieiras), proximo a Serra do Araca., 0.8 -63.35

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399250Bernardi M   1978-12-11
Paraguay, in nemore Cerro Lorito, et 10km ad meridiem Casa Forestal, videtur rara, Cerro Cora Amambay.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399247Clarke D   1997-09-17
Guyana, Region: U. Takutu-U. Essequibo. Eastern Kanuku, Mts, 5km W of Kwitaro R, below summit of unamed mt, dense forest on brown sand and granite boulders, with Sloania., 3.183333 -58.85

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399246Clarke D   1996-09-26
Guyana, Region:Potaro-Siparuni, Iwokrama, International Rainforest Reserve; Iwokrama Mts, summit of unamed peak, dense forest on brown sand, with Aspidosperma, Cassia & Geonoma., 4.3 -58.8

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399245Clarke D   1996-09-29
Guyana, Region:Potaro-Siparuni, Iwokrama, International Rainforest Reserve; Iwokrama Mts, summit of unamed peak., 4.316667 -58.8

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399240Graham JG; Schunke Vigo J   2000-02-19
Peru, Ucayali

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399239Graham JG   2000-02-06
Peru, Ucayali

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399238Croat TB; Acebey AC; Kroemer T   2000-08-10
Bolivia, La Paz, -14.15 -67.916667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399237Chatrou LW; Palomino Condori W   1994-11-24
Peru, Madre de Dios, Parque Nacional del Manu; Estacion Biologica Cocha Cashu, Floodplain forest., -11.866667 -71.366667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399236Sánchez-Vega IM   1999-07-09
Peru, Amazonas

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U 0286119Maas PJM; Martinelli G   1977-10-11
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U 0286118Schunke Vigo J   

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U 0015619Andrade PM; et al.   1986-03-22

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U 0015618Holm RW; Iltis HH   1949-06-30
Costa Rica

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U 0015617Anderson WR   1978-03-28

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U 0015616Andrade PM; et al.   1986-03-24

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U 0015615Prance GT; et al.   1976-10-26

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U 0015614Aymard Corredor GA   1986-10-23

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U 0015613Alexiades M; Díaz Santibanez C   1989-07-13

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U 0015612Krukoff BA   1933-08-03

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U 0015611Andrade PM; et al.   1984-05-22

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U 0015610Acevedo-Rodríguez P; Cedeño JA   1995-06-27
Ecuador, Napo

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U 0015609Bonifaz C; Cornejo X   1994-06-01
Ecuador, Guayas

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
U 0015608Bonifaz C; Cornejo X   1995-06-01
Ecuador, Guayas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
L.3976409Clarke HD; et al.   1999-08-31
Guyana, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo, Wassarai Mts, 8 km S of S. Kassikaityu R., 1.5825 -59.238056

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
L.3919939Barrier S   1978-02-10
Peru, Dep. Loreto, rio Yuvineto, affluent du rio Putumayo. Territoire des indiens Secoya. Santa Rita.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
L.3909768Barrier S   1978-02-10
Peru, Dep. Loreto, rio Yuvineto, affluent du rio Putumayo. Territoire des indiens Secoya. Santa Rita.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
L.3909757Graham JG   
Peru, Prov: Coronel Portillo Distr: Iparia. Falda al cerro Ariapo, pertenece a las cuencas de los Rios Iparia y Ariapo. afluentes del Rio Ucayali., -9.473333 -74.583333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
L.3909752Toledo M; Justiniano J; Batte C; Pardo J   2001-06-10
Bolivia, La Paz: Abel Iturralde. Ixiamas. ASL's San Antonio. Cerca al rio Madidi. Bosque amazonico., -13.594444 -68.523889

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
L.1785089Dusén PKH   1910-10-17
Brazil, Parana: Ponta Grossa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
L.1785088Dusén PKH   1910-10-18
Brazil, Parana: Ponta Grossa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
L.1785085Vauthier M   1833-01-01
Brazil, Serra dos Orgaos (Pce de Rui de Janeiro).

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
L.1785084Burchell WJ   
Brazil, Brasilia. Rio Janeiro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1103791Croat TB   1972-07-04
Peru, Quebrada Nawampa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1399312Maas PJM; et al.   1971-05-10
Brazil, Estado do Acre, Cruzeiro do Sul, Rio Jurua & Rio Moa, Igarape Sao Francisco, Lower Rio Moa, Forest on terra firme.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1399217Ellenberg H   1957-09-17
Peru, Junin, Vegetation del Peru, 277 Amazone bekken, O. Peru.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1399216Harling GW; Andersson BL   1980-03-22
Ecuador, Flora of Ecuador, Pastaza: Finca El Valle de Muerte on Rio Curaray, ca. 10km E of Curaray ( Jesus Pitishka), virgin rain forest, ca 200 m.s.m.

U 0286132Ellenberg H   1957-09-17
Peru, Junin, Vegetation del Peru, 277 Amazone bekken, O. Peru.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.1785073Smith SF; Smith CC; Condon MA   1987-07-14
Peru, Hartshorn Hectare Plot #1, lowland terre firme forest, 0.8 km down the Main Trail from Explorer's Inn, near the confluence of Rio Tambopata and Rio La Torre, 39 km SW. of Puerti Moldonado. Madre de Dios., -12.833333 -69.333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia ovata Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399359Milliken W; Bowles S   1987-05-21
Brazil, Territory of Roraima, Sema Ecological Reserve, Ilha de Maraca, Roraima, Cajuma rapids, forest close to river.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia ovata Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399229Schunke Vigo J   1973-05-01
Peru, Plants of Peru, Department of San Martin, Prov. Lamas; Allonso de Alvarado; al oeste de San Juan de Pacayzapa, En bosque.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia ovata Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399228Schunke Vigo J   1978-04-05
Peru, Huánuco

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia ovata Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399227Schunke Vigo J   1978-04-05
Peru, Huánuco

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia ovata Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399226Barrier S   1978-01-17
Peru, Loreto, Pérou - Dep. du Loreto, prov. de Maynas, rio Yuvineto affluent du Putumayo - territoire des indiens Secoya.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia ovata Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399225Schunke Vigo J   1978-06-05
Peru, Huánuco

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia ovata Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399224Schunke Vigo J   1978-06-05
Peru, Huánuco

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia ovata Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399223Schunke Vigo J   1978-06-05
Peru, Huánuco

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia ovata Ruiz & Pav.
L.1785077Ule EHG   1911-12-01
Brazil, im Wallis bei Colegion.* Rio Acre.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia repanda Ruiz & Pav.
U.1399233Krukoff BA   1939-09-12
Bolivia, Department of La Paz: Province of Larecaja: Tuiri ( near Mapiri, on left bank of Rio Mapiri).

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1104044Camacho Durán AR   1967-03-03
Colombia, Colombia, Dptc. Santander del Sur, a 100 mts. margen rio Tamar, cerca de la confluencia de este con el rio Ite.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1104043Camacho Durán AR   1967-03-03
Colombia, Colombia, Dptc. Santander del Sur, a 100 mts. margen rio Tamar, cerca de la confluencia de este con el rio Ite.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1424039Valls JFM; Irgang BE   1972-05-18
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul

U 0286059Prance GT; Berg CC   1973-01-01
Brazil, Amazonia

U 0015607Idrobo JM; et al.   1980-08-06
Colombia, Tolima

U 0015606Idrobo JM; et al.   1980-08-06
Colombia, Tolima

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.3909702Redden KM; et al.   2006-10-19
Guyana, Isseneru Creek, 127 m., 6.45635 -60.338217

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.1779399Prance GT; et al.   1971-04-28
Brazil, Brazillian Amazônia, Estado do Acre, Cruzeiro do Sul, Rio Jurua & Rio Moa, between Cachoeira Grande & Sera da Moa village.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.1779398Martinelli G   1981-09-25
Brazil, Proced. Brasil, Est. Rio de Janeiro, Munieyno de Petrópoles, Rodona Washington Luiz.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1103788Gentry AH   1973-06-26
Belize, Hummingbird Highway south of Belmopan, Mile 28.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1399400Grayum MH; Warner R; French JC; Sleeper P   1985-08-07
Costa Rica, Prov. San Jose: western part of Montanas Jamaica, ca. 3km NE of Bijagual de turrubares, Carara reserve., 9.758333 -84.55

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1399399Grayum MH; Warner R; French JC; Sleeper P   1985-08-07
Costa Rica, Prov. San Jose: western part of Montanas Jamaica, ca. 3km NE of Bijagual de turrubares, Carara reserve., 9.758333 -84.55

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4253394Stevens WD   1983-08-30
Nicaragua, Departamento de JINOTEGA: along Hwy 3 ca 1 km NW of La Fundadora entrance, unnamed peak ca 500 m W of Hwy., 13.016667 -85.933333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia caudata J.F.Macbr.
U.1399215Philipson WR; Idrobo JM   1949-12-20
Colombia, Flora of Colombia, Sierra de la Macarena; Central moutains approach Ridge.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia caudata J.F.Macbr.
U.1399214Daly DC; et al.   1988-11-28
Peru, Plants of Peru, Dpto. Loreto, Prov. Requena, Dtto. Sapuena, Basin of Rio Ucayali, Jenaro Herrera and vicinity, 3km E of Jenaro Herrera town, then 2km NE of Centro de investigaciones Jenaro Herrera, Primary moist forest on terra firme, soils sandy and well-drained in most places., -4.916667 -73.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1399218Aymard Corredor GA   1986-10-23
Venezuela, Edo. Bolivar,Dtto. Sifontes, bosques humedo primarios, en la base de los tepuyes ( Peraytepuy y Guytepu), del sector 'La Hoyada', (Partepuy), 7km al N-W del Caserio Ël Pilon', 58km al W. de Sta, Elena de Uairen., 4.666667 -61.55

Image Associated With the Occurence
U 0004420Krukoff BA   1933-06-14
Brazil, Amazonas, Basin of Rio JuruaState of Amazonas; near mouth of Rio Embira (tributary of Rio Tarauaca), -7.5 -70.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia latifolia (Poepp. & Endl.) Tul.
U.1399220Huashikat V   1979-09-22
Peru, Amazonas, Rio Santiago; monte virgen, 700m. atras de Caterpiza; trocha de metallar.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia latifolia (Poepp. & Endl.) Tul.
U.1399219Plowman TC; Schunke Vigo J   1978-06-30
Peru, Plants of Peru, Dept. San Martin: Prov. Mariscal Caceres, Dtto. Tocache Nuevo, Fondo Miramar, along Rio Huallaga, 2-3km below Tocache Nuevo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia racemosa (Schltdl.) Tul.
U.1399328Maas PJM; et al.   1971-05-17
Brazil, Estado do Acre, Cruzeiro do Sul, Rio Jurua & Rio Moa, Vicinity of Porangaba, Rio Jurua-Mirim, Varzea.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia racemosa (Schltdl.) Tul.
U.1399232Schunke Vigo J   1973-02-16
Peru, Plants of Peru, Department of Huanuco, Prov. Huanuco; Chinchao; Pampayacu, a 1km al este de cochero, en bosque.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia racemosa (Schltdl.) Tul.
L.1785079Poeppig EF   

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollinedia racemosa (Schltdl.) Tul.
L.1785078Smith SF; Smith CC; Condon MA   1987-07-10
Peru, Secondary Floodplain Forest Hectare Plot #4, along Sunset Point Trail, Explorer's Inn, near the confluence of Rio Tambopata and Rio La Torre, 39 km SW. of Puerto Moldonado, Madre de Dios., -12.833333 -69.333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1399234Solomon JC   1982-10-10
Bolivia, Dpto. La Paz: Prov. Murillo, Rio Zongo valley. 27km below dam at Lago Zongo., -16.133333 -68.1

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.1785081Buchtien O   1907-09-01
Bolivia, Region: tropical. San Carlos, region de Mapiri.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.1785080Buchtien O   1907-09-01
Bolivia, Region: tropical. San Carlos, region de Mapiri.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1399235Foster RB   1980-11-26
Peru, Dpto. Madre De Dios, Parque Nacional del Manu, Rio Manu: Cocha Cashu Station.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1103789Croat TB   1974-08-31
Panama, Valley of Rio Dos Bocas along road between Escuela Agricola Alto Piedra and Calovebora, 15.6 km nortwest of Santa Fe; along trail to Santa Fe,hill east of river.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1103793Croat TB   1973-03-18
Panama, Province of Veraguas, on Carribbean slope above Rio Primero Brazo 5 mi nw of Santa Fe.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1399407Kappelle M; Monge M   1988-11-20
Costa Rica, P.M. Chirripo - Cuesta del Agua, Lev. 53, Prov. San Jose.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1399406Kappelle M; Monge M   1988-11-20
Costa Rica, P.M. Chirripo - Cuesta del Agua, Lev. 53, Prov. San Jose.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1399405Gentry AH; León H; Forero L   1976-07-21
Panama, Plants of Panama, Prov. Darien, Vicinity of Tacarcuna summit camp on westernmost peak of Cerro Tacarcuna massif.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1399404Kappelle M; Gutiérrez U   1986-02-13
Costa Rica, Flora Costaricensis, El Empalme; c. 1km al este de la carretera Interamericana (KM 51); Provincia Cartago.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1399403Kappelle M; Gutiérrez U   1986-02-13
Costa Rica, Flora Costaricensis, El Empalme; c. 1km al este de la carretera Interamericana (KM 51); Provincia Cartago.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1399213Beck SG   1980-03-09
Bolivia, Dpto. La Paz, Prov. Sud Yungas, Huancane 7.5km, hacia el sud sobre el camino nuevo, 2410m, 10-20 SW, boque montanoso con poca influencia humana.

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