Search Results (List)

Dataset: NL-Botany
Taxa: Rhynchoglossum
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-4 of 4

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchoglossum azureum (Schltdl.) B.L.Burtt
WAG.1827093Maas PJM   1974-08-13
Costa Rica, Flora Costaricensis. Hab.: prov. Heredia, La virgen del Socorro, ca 5 km E of Cariblanco.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchoglossum azureum (Schltdl.) B.L.Burtt
U.1341714Maas PJM   1974-08-13
Costa Rica, Flora Costaricensis. Hab.: prov. Heredia, La virgen del Socorro, ca 5 km E of Cariblanco.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchoglossum azureum (Schltdl.) B.L.Burtt
L.3793896Londoño X; Kvist LP   1987-02-10
Colombia, Colombia. Dept. Caquetá: Eastern slopes of Cordillera Oriental, Florencia-Guadelupe road, extremely humid mountain forest.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchoglossum azureum (Schltdl.) B.L.Burtt
L.2819844Kvist LP; et al.   1987-01-09
Ecuador, Napo

Page 1, records 1-4 of 4


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