Search Results (List)

Dataset: NL-Botany
Taxa: Poecilandra
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-32 of 32

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444465Ule EHG   1910-02-01
Brazil, Campus in Thorle, Roraima.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444456Clarke HD; David K; Chin C; Perry C   1997-07-17
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni, 5.816667 -61.216667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444448Clarke HD; David K; Chin C; Perry C   1997-07-17
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni, 5.816667 -61.233333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444392Pipoly JJ; Ahti TT; Huber O   1985-02-08
Venezuela, Estado Bloivar, Venezuela. Edo. Bolivar, Distr. Piar: Macizo del Chimanta, sector SE. Amplia altiplanicie en la seccion nor-oriental del Acopan-tepui, levemente inclinada hacia el NE, en la cabeceras del rio Yunek., 5.2 -62.083333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444391Pipoly JJ; Ahti TT; Huber O   1985-02-06
Venezuela, Estado Bolivar, Venezuela. Edo. Bolivar, Distr. Piar: Macizo del Chimanta, sector SE. Altiplanicie levemente inclinada hacia el SSE ubicada en la seccion sentro-suroriental del Churi-tepui., 5.25 -61.966667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444390Steyermark JA; Huber O; Carreño Espinoza V   1983-02-06
Venezuela, Plantas De Venezuela, Estado Bolivar, Distrito Piar: Macizo del Chimanta. Cunbre sur-occidental del Amuri-tepui (Sector W del Acopan-tepui)., 5.15 -62.116667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444389Steyermark JA; Huber O; Carreño Espinoza V   1983-01-26
Venezuela, Plantas De Venezuela. Estado Bolivar, Distrito Piar: Macizo del Chimanta, Sector centro-noreste del Chimanta-tepui, cabeceras orientales del Cano Chimanta., 5.3 -62.15

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444388Huber O   1984-06-30
Venezuela, Estado Bolivar, Venezuela. Edo. Bolivar. Dist. Piar: Cubre del Sprada-tepui, sector Sur, ubicado 30 Km al E de Uriman., 5.4 -62.45

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444387Steyermark JA; Dunsterville GCK; Dunsterville E   1964-01-01
Venezuela, Estado Bolivar, Venezuela. Cerro Venamo (parte Sur-Oeste), Cerca de los LImites con la Guayana Inglesa. Bosque mscoso enano montanoso sobre la fila arriba de la ladera escarpada de arenisca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444386Maguire B; Politi L   1948-12-15
Venezuela, Plants of The Kunhardt Venezuelan Expedition. Cerro Sipapo (Paraque), Territotio Amazonas. Camp Savanna.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444385Steyermark JA; Liesner RL; Holst BK   1986-05-26
Venezuela, Flora of Venezuela, Estado Bolivar; Distrito Piar; Murisipan-Tepui: savanna-covered, southern projection., 5.85 -62.033333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444384Liesner RL; Holst BK   1986-04-29
Venezuela, Venezuela. Estado Bolivar: Dist. Piar, Rio Acanan. 2 to 5 km SW of SW corner of Amaruay-tepui. Gallery forest and savanna., 5.916667 -62.266667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444383Sastre CHL; Marcano Buddha V; Hernandez Castillo S   1988-04-08
Venezuela, Venezuela ; Est. Bolivar, Cerro Venamo, 19 Km de Luepa, en soto bosque de selva baja, sobre arenisca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444382Liesner RL; Delascio F   1987-10-15
Venezuela, Venezuela-Terr. Fed. Amazonas. Dpto. Rio Negro: Cerro Aracumani, summit. Popa camp. Savannah with small to large patches of forest and stream., 1.433333 -65.783333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444381Liesner RL; Delascio F   1987-10-15
Venezuela, Venezuela-Terr. Fed. Amazonas. Dpto. Rio Negro: Cerro Aracumani, summit. Popa camp. Savannah with small to large patches of forest and stream., 1.433333 -65.783333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444380Sastre CHL; Marcano Buddha V; Hernandez Castillo S   1988-04-07
Venezuela, Venezuela ; Est. Bolivar, Gran Sabana, Carretera a Sta. Teresita de Kavanayen 12 km de esta ultima; sabana rocosa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444379Sastre CHL; Marcano Buddha V; Hernandez Castillo S   1988-04-01
Venezuela, Venezuela ; Est. Bolivar, Gran Sabana, Carretera a S. Teresita de Kavanayen, pista a Toron Meru; en savana.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444378Liesner RL   1985-11-05
Venezuela, Venezuela, Edo. Bolivar: 0 to 1 km NE of EI Pauji. Savannah and forest., 4.5 -61.55

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444377Sastre CHL; Marcano Buddha V; Hernandez Castillo S   1988-04-04
Venezuela, Venezuela : Est. Bolivar, Gran Sabana, quebrada de Jaspe, 44 Km de Santa Elen de Uairen, en la orilla de uina selva d galeria.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444376Schultes RE; Cabrera I   1951-10-25
Colombia, Plantae Colombianae, Vaupes, Rio Kananari (affluent of Rio Apaporis).

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444375Huber O; Alarcon C; Colella M   1984-12-12
Venezuela, Estado Bolivar, Venezuela. Edo. Bolivar. Dist. Piar: sabanitas ubicadas sobre altiplanicie al NE del Aprada-tepui, 40 km al ENE de Uriman., 5.5 -62.333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444374Sastre CHL; Marcano Buddha V; Hernandez Castillo S   1988-04-07
Venezuela, Venezuela : Est. Bolivar, Gran Sabana 8 Km. de Sta. Teresita de Kavanayen; en bajo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444373Sastre CHL; Marcano Buddha V; Hernandez Castillo S   1988-04-06
Venezuela, Venezuela : Est. Bolivar, Gran Sabana 28 Km del Salto Kama meru, via Luepa; en savana.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444372Sastre CHL; Marcano Buddha V; Hernandez Castillo S   1988-04-08
Venezuela, Venezuela : Est. Bolivar, Gran Sabana Carretera a Sta. Teresita de Kavanayen, pista a Toron Meru; en savana.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444371Sastre CHL; Marcano Buddha V; Hernandez Castillo S   1988-04-08
Venezuela, Venezuela : Est. Bolivar, Gran Sabana Carretera a Sta. Teresita de Kavanayen, pista a Toron Meru; en savana.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1444370Hokche O; Maas PJM; Maas-van de Kamer H; Marle EJ van   2006-03-25
Venezuela, Bolívar, 5.416667 -61.216667

U 0284652Maas PJM; et al.   1981-01-01

U 0284651Williams L   

Image Associated With the Occurence
U 0005270Ule EHG   1910-01-01
Brazil, Roraima, BrasilienseRoriama

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2398615Ule EHG   1910-02-01
Brazil, Campus in Thorle, Roraima.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2398614Steyermark JA; Dunsterville GCK; Dunsterville E   1964-01-02
Venezuela, Estado Boliviar, Venezuela. Bosque enano achaparrado sobre el hombrillo superior y la cumbre arriba de la ladera escarpada de arenisca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L 0012476Ule EHG   1910-01-01
Brazil, Roraima, BrasilienseRoriama

Page 1, records 1-32 of 32


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