Search Results (List)

Dataset: NL-Botany
Taxa: Pearcea
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-16 of 16

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pearcea strigosa L.P.Kvist & L.E.Skog
U.1341654Schunke Vigo J   1978-02-08
Peru, Ucayali, Peru. Loreto. Prov. Coronel Portillo. Distrito: Padre Abad. La cumbre de la Divisora.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1341653Maas PJM; Chatrou LW; Repetur CP; Clark JL   1997-01-31
Ecuador, Napo, Jatun Sacha Biological Station, 8 km E of Puerto Misahualli, along trail no. 1., -1.066667 -77.6

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pearcea sprucei (Britton) L.P.Kvist & L.E.Skog
U.1341652Øllgaard B; Madsen JE; Ellemann L; Eriksen B   1989-02-05
Ecuador, Province Zamora-Chinchipe. Quebrada del Leon, affluent of Rio Bombuscara S of Zamora., -4.116667 -78.966667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pearcea purpurea (Poepp.) L.P.Kvist & L.E.Skog
U.1341651Solomon JC   1983-02-12
Bolivia, La Paz: Nor Yungas Province 13.7 km NW of San Pedro on road through Incahuara-Mejilliones, and along trail t0 12 de Octubre., -15.966667 -67.616667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pearcea hispidissima (Wiehler) L.P.Kvist & L.E.Skog
U.1341650Hekker F; Hekking WHAM   1987-12-08
Ecuador, Provincia del Napo; tropical rain forest in the vicinity of Tena., -1 -77.733333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pearcea abunda (Wiehler) L.P.Kvist & L.E.Skog
U.1341649Lugo Sanchez H; Groves H   1974-10-08
Ecuador, Pastaza, Pastaza: Sarayaquillo, c. 10 km east of Puerto Sarayacu.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pearcea abunda (Wiehler) L.P.Kvist & L.E.Skog
U.1341648Klug G   1936-01-01
Peru, San Martín, Department of San Martin: Juan Jui, Alto Rio Huallaga.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pearcea abunda (Wiehler) L.P.Kvist & L.E.Skog
L.3805733Kvist LP   1987-01-18
Ecuador, Province: Morona Santiago. Macas Sucua road, km 10 ravine with stream., -2.4 -78.116667

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.3805732Kvist LP   1987-01-16
Ecuador, Province: Morona-Santiago. N of Macas, on border to Sangai National Park, undisturbed very humid low-montane forest with plenty of mosses and epiphytes., -2.3 -78.116667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pearcea abunda (Wiehler) L.P.Kvist & L.E.Skog
L.3805731Kvist LP   1987-01-17
Ecuador, Province: Morona Santiago, close to Macas, Sevilla don Bosce on the bank of Rio Upano, roadside vegetation., -2.3 -78.116667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pearcea reticulata (Fritsch) L.P.Kvist & L.E.Skog
L.3805730Kvist LP; Bergmann B; Pedersen HB   1987-01-07
Ecuador, Province: NAPO. Puyo Tena road, close to Santa Clara, roadsides with forest remnants in farmland., -1.266667 -77.866667

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.3794676Kvist LP   1987-01-16
Ecuador, Province: Morona-Santiago. N of Macas, on border to Sangai National Park, undisturbed very humid low-montane forest with plenty of mosses and epiphytes., -2.3 -78.116667

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.3794182Kvist LP; Bergmann B; Pedersen HB   1987-01-07
Ecuador, Province: Napo. Tena-Baeza road, N of Pongoyaca, disturbed forested ravine with small stream., -0.816667 -77.833333

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.3794181Kvist LP   1987-01-14
Ecuador, Province: Morona-Santiago. General la Plaza Gutierrez (Limones), roadside in farmland., -2.966667 -78.4

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pearcea reticulata (Fritsch) L.P.Kvist & L.E.Skog
L.3794015Kvist LP   1987-01-05
Ecuador, Flora of Ecuador. Province: Tungurahua. Baños-Puyo road along Río Pastaza, between the small tributaries Río Verde and Río Negro., -1.366667 -78.333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pearcea purpurea (Poepp.) L.P.Kvist & L.E.Skog
L.2819910Vincent   1919-01-01
Brazil, Nimas jeraes- Rio Paido.

Page 1, records 1-16 of 16


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