Search Results (List)

Dataset: NL-Botany
Taxa: Omphalea
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-36 of 36

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1354256Gentry AH   1972-10-02
Panama, Canal Zone, Prov. Canal Zone. Achiote swamp.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1354255Croat TB   1972-08-29
Peru, Loreto, Quebrada Tahuayo above Tamishiyaco

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1354254Croat TB   1972-08-29
Peru, Loreto, Quebrada Tahuayo above Tamishiyaco

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1354253Bruijn J de   1967-03-03
Colombia, Border between Departamento de Antioquia and Departamento Bolivar. Secondary forest near the confluence of the rivers - Ite and Tamar into the river Cimitarra, ± 38 km W. of Barrancabermeja., 6.916667 -74.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1354252Bruijn J de   1967-03-03
Colombia, Border between Departamento de Antioquia and Departamento Bolivar. Secondary forest near the confluence of the rivers - Ite and Tamar into the river Cimitarra, ± 38 km W. of Barrancabermeja., 6.916667 -74.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1268960Croat TB   1972-08-14
Peru, Department of Loretto. Rio Itaya above Iquitos.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1268954Fróes RL; Krukoff BA   1932-10-22
Brazil, Castanha Nacional. Campo de Boa Esperanca. State of Maranhao: Maracassume River Region.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1268949Acevedo-Rodríguez P   1990-02-28
Guyana, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo, 4.25 -58.933333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1268430Clarke HD; Williams (Guyana) R; Perry C; Tripp EA; Kelly J   2001-07-01
Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni, 5.333333 -59.916667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1268417Irwin HS; Pires JM; Westra LYT   1960-10-04
Brazil, Territorio Amapa, Brasil, Rio Olapoque,Roche Mon Pere., 3.55 -52.833333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1268416Irwin HS; Pires JM; Westra LYT   1960-09-28
Brazil, Plants Collected om a survey of Territoriio Amapa, Brasil, Rio Olapoque, Cachoeira Camaraua, about 3 k. south of mouth of Riv. Camopi, French Guiana., 3.166667 -52.316667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1268415Irwin HS; Pires JM; Westra LYT   1960-09-11
Brazil, Territorio Amapa Brasil, Rio Oiapoque, In forest, near Cachoeira Tres Saltos., 2.2 -52.883333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1268404Cavalcante PB   1970-02-13
Brazil, Brasil, State of Pará, Parque Indigena do Tumucumaque, Rio Parú de Oeste, Missão Tiriyo., 2.333333 -55.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1268403Cavalcante PB   1970-02-13
Brazil, Brasil, State of Pará, Parque Indigena do Tumucumaque, Rio Parú de Oeste, Missão Tiriyo., 2.333333 -55.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1268399Acosta L; Jiménez Q; Soto G; Sancho G   2000-11-15
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Puntarenas: Osa. No protegida. Ballena. Colecta a orilla de calle en cercanias a Playa Piñuela., 9.113139 -83.694414

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1268313Ule EHG   1911-07-01
Brazil, Amazonas, Kletterpfl im Serinyal Y.Fransisco,Rio Acne.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1268312Krukoff BA   1933-06-01
Brazil, Basin of Rio Jurua, Vine, on varzea land, State of Amazonas;Foz do Tarauaca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1268310Krukoff BA   1936-09-11
Brazil, Basin of Rio Solimoes, State of Amazonas: Municipality São Paulo de Olivença, near Palmares.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1268309Fróes RL; Krukoff BA   1932-09-12
Brazil, Campo de Boa Esperanca, State of Maranhaõ: maracassumé River Region.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1268301Clarke HD   1996-01-24
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1268300Clarke HD   1997-07-08
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1268299Clarke HD   1999-09-12
Guyana, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1268298Clarke HD   1999-09-04
Guyana, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1268297Clarke HD; et al.   1997-09-12
Guyana, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1268296Henkel TW; Williams (Guyana) R; James V   1993-09-17
Guyana, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo, Guyana, Upper Takutu - Upper Essequibo region, Kuyuwini River watershed, Bat Mnt lowe slopes of inselberg. east face, 2.183333 -59.183333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1268295Andel TR van; Roberts N; Ferreira J   1997-12-09
Guyana, North West District

U 0075377Acevedo-Rodríguez P   

U 0075373Krukoff BA   1936-09-11
Brazil, Basin of Rio Solimoes, State of Amazonas: Municipality São Paulo de Olivença, near Palmares.

U 0063539Clarke HD; Williams (Guyana) R; Perry C; Tripp EA; Kelly J   2001-07-01
Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni, 5.333333 -59.916667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U 0002027Krukoff BA   1934-10-10
Brazil, Amazonas, Basin of Rio MadeiraState of Amazonas; Municipality Humayta, near Tres Casas.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.3799508Dulmen A van   1995-12-11
Colombia, Al lado occidental del rio Caquetá entre las comunidades indiginas de Villa azul y Penã Roja, Departamento Amazonas Colombia, bosque maduro de la llanura de inundación del río Caquetá.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2255484Gentry AH   1972-10-02
Panama, Canal Zone, Prov. Canal Zone. Achiote swamp.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2255483Vincent D   1919-12-01
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Janeiro - Cantagallo

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2255479Croat TB   1972-08-29
Peru, Loreto, Quebrada Tahuayo above Tamishiyaco

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2255478Ule EHG   1911-07-01
Brazil, Amazonas, Kletterpfl im Serinyal Y.Fransisco,Rio Acne.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2255477Strudwick JJ; et al.   1981-07-18
Brazil, Pará, Brazil, Pará, Lageira, airstrip on Rio Maicuru, -0.916667 -54.433333

Page 1, records 1-36 of 36


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