L.4111445 Almodovar LR; Otaola J 1977-06-21
Venezuela, Juan Griego: rocas, norte de la Bahia.
Microcoleus lyngbyaceus (Kütz.) P.Crouan & H.Crouan
L.4111427 Almodovar LR; Princz D; Mario H 1977-06-19
Venezuela, Cubagua: En muelle, pegado a los postes, frente a ruinas de Nueva Cádiz.
Microcoleus lyngbyaceus (Kütz.) P.Crouan & H.Crouan
L.4111426 Almodovar LR; Princz D; Mario H 1977-06-19
Venezuela, Cubagua: en arrecife, entre, ruinas de Nueva Cádiz.
Microcoleus chthonoplastes (Mert.) Desm.
L.3946056 Standley PC 1939-01-31
Guatemala, Plants of Guatemala. Salt flat, near Barrancoo Hondo, above Las Lajas, Dept, Escuintla.
Microcoleus lyngbyaceus (Kütz.) P.Crouan & H.Crouan
L.3939965 Díaz-Piferrer M 1966-03-06
Venezuela, Laguna de Chacopata, extremo oriental de la Peninsula de Araya, Venezuela.
Microcoleus lacustris Farl. ex Gomont
L.3939951 Steyermark JA 1942-02-28
Guatemala, Plants of Guatemala. Dept. Alta Verapaz: Lowland forest in valley, ''pantano'',2½ niles west of Cubligüitz.
L.3939619 Drouet F 1935-07-08
Brazil, Plants of the state of Pará. On wet sandy earth about buildings, museu Paraense, Belém.
Microcoleus vaginatus var. vaucheri (Kütz.) Gomb.
L.3939588 Drouet F 1935-07-08
Brazil, Plants of the State of Pará. On earth about buildings, muisen Paraense, Belém.
Microcoleus acutissimus Gardner
L.3939201 Drouet F 1935-06-24
Brazil, Plants of the State of Pará. On a sandy path in Praca da Republica, Belém.