Search Results (List)

Dataset: NL-Botany
Taxa: Vitaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 2, records 101-200 of 494

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764932Barrier S   1978-01-10
Peru, Loreto, Perou. Dep. du Loreto, prov. de Maynas, rio Yuvineto affluent du Putumayo, territoire des indiens Secoya.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764931Escobar Manrique E   1972-10-15
Colombia, Cauca

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764930Escobar Manrique E; Erazo O; Escobar LF   1972-10-12
Colombia, Valle del Cauca

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2334115Herzog T   1911-01-01
Bolivia, Bolivia, Porongo

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2334113Bang M   1890-01-01
Bolivia, La Paz, Bolivia, Yungas

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2334109Ule EHG   1911-04-01
Brazil, Amazonas, Brazil, Rio Acre, Seringal S. Francisco

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2334100Ule EHG   1909-06-01
Brazil, Amazonas, Brazil, Rio Branco, bei S. Marcos

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1871343Breteler FJ   1964-10-09
Venezuela, Barinas, State of Barinas. 3 Km. from Barinitas along road to Apartaderos.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1871342Breteler FJ   1964-10-09
Venezuela, Barinas, State of Barinas. 3 Km. from Barinitas along road to Apartaderos.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1871341Bruijn J de   1966-10-18
Venezuela, Zulia, State of Zulia. Perija District. ± 70 km S.S.E. of Machiques, along road Machiques-La Fria. Forest border of primary forest near the river Ariguisa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1871340Bruijn J de   1966-10-18
Venezuela, Zulia, State of Zulia. Perija District. ± 70 km S.S.E. of Machiques, along road Machiques-La Fria. Forest border of primary forest near the river Ariguisa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1768504Davidse G   1983-09-03
Costa Rica, prov. Puntarenas. Foothills of the Cordillera de Talamanca. Sitio Coto Brus. Montane oak forest., 8.983333 -82.766667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1768503Witherspoon JT; Witherspoon F   1975-10-10
Panama, Province of Panama. 12.4 km E of Canita, hillside forest.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1768502Hamilton C; Stockwell H   1982-08-29
Panama, Province of Panama: Canal Area, Lake Madden. Creeping on ground.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1768501Zomer H   1989-10-19
Guatemala, Guatemala. Dept. Peten, Puerto Chimino, Laguna Petexbatun, 20 km S. of Sayaxche., 16.566667 -90.233333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1768498Ibañez A; Aparicio J   1998-12-16
Panama, Veraguas, Panamá: Isla de Coiba. Ensenada de Santa Cruz.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1768496Contreras E   1966-09-27
Guatemala, Guatemala. Department of El Peten. La Cumbre.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1768495Whitmore JL   1967-08-17
Costa Rica, Long vine growing over piper. Finca la Pacifica, 6 km N.W. of Canas. along bank of Rio Corubici. Precipitation 1.8 m. per year. Tropical dry forest. Prov. Guanacaste.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1768493Contreras E   1961-07-14
Guatemala, Guatemala. Department of El Peten. Dolores, Km. 79 of road, in high forest.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764991Solomon JC   1985-06-11
Bolivia, Dpto. LA PAZ: Prov. Nor Yungas, Serrania de Belle Vista, 17.6 km N of the bridge at Carrasco., -15.666667 -67.466667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764974Solomon JC   1988-02-14
Bolivia, Dpto. LA PAZ: Prov. Murillo. Valle del Rio Zongo. 32.1 km al N de la cumbre. Cerca de la boca del Rio Jachcha Cruz., -16.116667 -68.066667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764973Solomon JC   1988-01-21
Bolivia, Dpto. LA PAZ: Prov. Nor Yungas. 11.6 km al NE (abajo) de Chuspipata por el camino a Coroico., -16.266667 -67.783333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764972Solomon JC   1983-01-24
Bolivia, Dpto. La Paz. Prov. Nor Yungas, 4.5 km below Yolosa, then 14.9 km W on road up Rio Huarinilla., -16.2 -67.85

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764971Solomon JC   1983-01-23
Bolivia, Dpto. LA PAZ: Prov. Nor Yungas, 8.7 km below Chuspipata on road to Yolosa., -16.266667 -67.783333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764970Solomon JC; Nee MH   1987-02-10
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Dpto. Cochabamba: Prov. Carrasco. 28 km al noroeste de Camarapa por el camino entre Santa Cruz y Cochabamba (20 km en linea recta al noroeste de Comarapa)., -17.816667 -64.683333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764969Gentry AH; Solomon JC; Zardini EM   1984-01-15
Bolivia, Dpto. LA PAZ: Prov. Nor Yungas. Below San Pedro, Yolosa-Caranavi road, valley of Rio Coroico.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764968Raes N; Iraipi G   2003-03-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, -15.783333 -62.916667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764967Bruijn J de   1966-10-18
Venezuela, Zulia, State of Zulia. Perija District. ± 70 km S.S.E. of Machiques, along road Machiques-La Fria. Forest border of primary forest near the river Ariguisa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764965Breteler FJ   1964-10-09
Venezuela, Barinas, State of Barinas. 3 Km. from Barinitas along road to Apartaderos.

L 0693443Nee MH   1973-10-11
Panama, Panamá, Panama, Panama, premontane wet forest area along El Llano, Carti Road, 5 km N of Pan-Am Highway at El Llano

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus obliqua Ruiz & Pav.
WAG.1871178Breteler FJ   1965-07-30
Venezuela, Mérida, La Carbonera (San Eusebio), ± 25 km W. of Mérida.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus obliqua Ruiz & Pav.
WAG.1871177Breteler FJ   1965-07-30
Venezuela, Mérida, La Carbonera (San Eusebio), ± 25 km W. of Mérida.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus obliqua Ruiz & Pav.
U.1764985Steyermark JA   1967-05-01
Venezuela, Táchira

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus obliqua Ruiz & Pav.
U.1764984Raets GH   1965-01-29
Venezuela, Mérida

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus obliqua Ruiz & Pav.
U.1764983Steinbach J   1929-02-28
Bolivia, Cochabamba

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus obliqua Ruiz & Pav.
U.1764982Wessels Boer JG   1967-04-23
Venezuela, Mérida

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus obliqua Ruiz & Pav.
U.1764981Wijninga VM   1990-09-10
Colombia, Cundinamarca

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus obliqua Ruiz & Pav.
U.1764980Steinbach RF   1966-12-13
Bolivia, Cochabamba

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus obliqua Ruiz & Pav.
U.1764979Schultes RE; Villarreal M   1946-05-26
Colombia, Nariño

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus obliqua Ruiz & Pav.
U.1764978Hoenselaar K   2002-11-30
Peru, Piura, -5.016667 -79.783333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus obliqua Ruiz & Pav.
U.1764977Hoenselaar K; Zwijnen C   2002-11-13
Peru, Piura

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus obliqua Ruiz & Pav.
U.1764976Solomon JC   1982-07-19
Bolivia, La Paz

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus obliqua Ruiz & Pav.
U.1764975Breteler FJ   1965-07-30
Venezuela, Mérida, La Carbonera (San Eusebio), ± 25 km W. of Mérida.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764990Solomon JC; Urcullo S   1985-08-30
Bolivia, Dpto. Santa Cruz; Prov. Ichilo. Parque Nacional Amboro. Ca. 15 km (SE) up the Rio Pitasama from the Rio Surutu., -17.733333 -63.666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764989Schunke Vigo J   1973-05-13
Peru, San Martín

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1770167Ule EHG   1911-01-01
Brazil, Amazonas, Brazil, Rio Acre, S. Francisco

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764853Plowman TC   1981-12-16
Peru, San Martín

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764852Schunke Vigo J   1978-02-24
Peru, Huánuco

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2333650Ule EHG   1909-08-01
Brazil, Amazonas, Brasil, Rio Branco, Surumu, Serra do Mel

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2333649Ule EHG   1911-01-01
Brazil, Amazonas, Brazil, Rio Acre, S. Francisco

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1768509Kappelle M   1986-03-10
Costa Rica, Costaricensis. Selva de Quercus seemannii, Quercus copeyensis y Quercus pilariu; con: Chusquea sp. San Gerardo de Dota; C. 1.5 km al norte de la Finca Zacatales, al este del Rio Savegre; Provincia San Jose.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1768508Yuncker TG; Dawson RF; Youse HR   1936-07-28
Honduras, Republic of Honduras, C.A. Sprawling and climbing over shrubbery in forest near the summit of the range above El Achote, in cloud zone, above the plains of Siguatepeque. Department of Comayagua.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1768507Maas PJM; Dressler RL   1980-10-21
Panama, Panama. Prov. Chiriqui, above Guadelope, ca 2 km n of Cerro Punta montane forest., 8.441667 -82.275

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1768506Folsom JP; Channell RB; Dressler RL; Dressler K   1977-12-25
Panama, Province of Chiriqui. Above Guadelope, on private land of Castro Raul.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764859Davidse G; Gonzáles AC   1982-11-13
Venezuela, TACHIRA: Distrito Junin: Southern slopes of Cerro Isidro, directly N of El Reposa, above Hacienda Bella Vista, Quebrada Agua Caliente and tributaries., 7.566667 -72.416667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764858Steinbach J   1929-01-24
Bolivia, Prov. Chapare. Depart. Cochabamba.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764857Solomon JC   1983-03-05
Bolivia, Dpto. La Paz. Prov. Murillo, 30.5 km N of (below) dam at Lago Zongo. Trail up to RIo Jachcha Cruz., -16.116667 -68.083333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764856Fonnegra Gomez R; Castrillón A; Arango A   2004-02-18
Colombia, Santander, Municipio de Cimitarra. Corregimiento Puerto Olaya., 6.468278 -74.337917

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764855Solomon JC   1983-01-23
Bolivia, Dpto. LA PAZ: Prov. Nor Yungas, 8.7 km below Chuspipata on road to Yolosa., -16.266667 -67.783333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1764854Solomon JC   1988-02-14
Bolivia, Dpto. LA PAZ: Prov. Murillo. Valle del Rio Zongo. 32.1 km al N de la cumbre. Cerca de lo boca del Rio Jachcha Cruz., -16.116667 -68.066667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus ulmifolia (Baker) Planch.
U.1764865Solomon JC   1985-09-01
Bolivia, Dpto. Santa Cruz; Prov. Ichilo. Estancio San Rafael de Amboro. Ca. 30 km SE of Buena Vista along the Rio Surutu., -17.6 -63.6

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus ulmifolia (Baker) Planch.
U.1764864Krukoff BA   1939-07-01
Bolivia, Department of La Paz: Province of S. Yungas: Basin of Rio Bopi, San Bartolome (near Calisaya).

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus ursina Lombardi
U.1764866Mexia YEJ   1931-12-11
Peru, Loreto

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus ursina Lombardi
L.2333615Ule EHG   1911-03-01
Brazil, Amazonas, Brasil, Rio Acre, Seringal S. Francisco

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770190Lindeman JC; Haas H de   1967-01-21
Brazil, Brasiliae Australis, Est. Paraná, Barra do Rio Ivaí.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770189Lindeman JC; Haas H de   1967-01-20
Brazil, Brasiliae Australis, Est. Parana, Bank of Rio Paraná near Porto Camargo at base of Paredão das Araras, red sandstone escarpment.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770188Prance GT; et al.   1971-04-17
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia, Estado do Acre, Cruzeiro do Sul, Rio Jurua & Rio Moa. Between Igarapés Pentecost & Ipiranga. Flooded river bank.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770187Prance GT; Steward WC; Ramos JF; Monteiro OP   1971-03-17
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia, Território do Roraima, Posto Mucajaí, Rio Mucajaí. Forest on river island. Vine.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770182Silva NT   1963-12-03
Brazil, State of Pará, Belém. Margen do R. Guamá.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770180Davidse G; Ramamoorthy TP; Vital DM   1976-04-02
Brazil, Bahia: 30 km E of Ipirá along Highway BA-052 to Feira de Santana.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770178Lindeman JC; Haas JH de   1967-01-24
Brazil, Brasiliae Australis, Est. Paraná, Guaira, near 7 quedas.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770176Persaud CA   1985-02-16

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770175Persaud CA   1985-02-16

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770174Persaud CA   1985-02-16

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770172Hahn WJ; et al.   
Paraguay, Amambay

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770113Prance GT; Steward JR; Ramos JF; Farias LG   1969-02-28
Brazil, Amazonas, Margin of Rio Tototobí, near Tototobí.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770112Prance GT; et al.   1968-10-03
Brazil, Acre

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770111Maas PJM; Maas-van de Kamer H   1971-07-18
Brazil, Amazonas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770110Jansen-Jacobs MJ   1987-11-05

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770109Lindeman JC; Irgang BE; Valls JFM   1971-10-31
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770108Lindeman JC; Haas JH de   1966-11-30
Brazil, Paraná

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770107Lindeman JC; Haas JH de   1966-12-11
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770106Woolston AL   1958-12-15
Paraguay, San Pedro

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770103Pipoly JJ   1986-12-09
Guyana, Demerara-Mahaica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770102Hatschbach GG   1963-11-13
Brazil, Paraná

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770100Brantjes NBM   1977-12-31
Brazil, São Paulo

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770098Lindeman JC; Haas JH de   1967-01-22
Brazil, Paraná

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770096Mexia YEJ   1930-04-14
Brazil, Minas Gerais

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770095Lindeman JC; Irgang BE; Valls JFM   1971-11-02
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770094Maas PJM; Maas-van de Kamer H   1971-03-22
Brazil, Amazonas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770093Lindeman JC; Haas JH de   1967-04-30
Brazil, Paraná

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770092Andel TR van; John D; John W   1995-12-23
Guyana, North West District, 7.366667 -59.7

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770091Andel TR van; John D; John W   1995-12-23
Guyana, North West District, 7.366667 -59.7

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770090Andel TR van; Roberts N; Campbell O; George N   1996-11-04
Guyana, North West District, 7.75 -59.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770089Ratter JA; Sette Silva EL; Lima J   1987-08-23
Brazil, Roraima, 3.366667 -61.416667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770088Milliken W; Bowles S   1987-07-04
Brazil, Roraima

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770087Jansen-Jacobs MJ   1999-08-31
Guyana, Upper Essequibo Region, 3.166667 -58.666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1770086Jansen-Jacobs MJ   1999-08-31
Guyana, Upper Essequibo Region, 3.166667 -58.666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1768527Gentry AH   1973-06-19
Guatemala, Department of Peten. Just north of El Cruce on road to Tikal.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E.Jarvis
U.1768526Rojas F   1935-05-15
Costa Rica, Costa Rica. Peralta a Tres X. (Reg. Atlant.).

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