Search Results (List)

Dataset: NL-Botany
Taxa: Rhynchospora
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 8, records 701-800 of 1303

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora arenicola Uittien
U.1280253Steyermark JA   1964-05-12
Venezuela, Sandstone openings. Cumbre de la parte norte de la sección sur (división occidental del cerro): a lo largo del Río Churún al pie de 'Second Wall' de arenisca, desde el campamento norte, 5 kms. hacia el noreste.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora amazonica Poepp. & Kunth
U.1280252Dulmen ATJ van; Matapi N   1990-12-15
Colombia, Feti fetiche (Yucuna). Rio Caquetam Araracuara arstrojo inundable 20 anos.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora albida (Nees) Boeckeler
U.1280251Duivenvoorden J; et al.   1988-01-31
Colombia, Amazonas: río Cahuinarí; 9.8 km de la boca del Cahuinarí en dirección 260º, lado norte (izq.).

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora amazonica Poepp. & Kunth
U.1280250Laegaard S   1984-01-22
Ecuador, Napo

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora albida (Nees) Boeckeler
U.1280249Arbeláez MV; Sueroke F; Suarez A   1996-11-05
Colombia, COLOMBIANA, AMAZONAS. Corregimiento Puerto Santander, Margen derecha del Río Caquetá, sitio Sabaneta de Aduche, Colecciones sobre afloramiento rocoso.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280248Ratter JA; et al.   1968-04-11
Brazil, MATO GROSSO. 8 km NE of the Base Camp of the Expedition. (Base Camp, close to the Xavantina-São Felix road). On the banks of a stream in tall valley forest., -12.9 -51.866667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280247Brantjes NBM   1978-01-24
Brazil, Brasilia, D.F. Brasil. Close to student dormitories. Cerrado.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280246Harley RM; Bromley GL; et al.   1980-05-21
Brazil, Bahia, Serras dos Lençois. Lower slopes of Morro do Pai Inácio. c. 14.5 km NW of Lençois just N of the main Seabra - Itaberaba road. Municipio of Palmeiras., -12.45 -41.466667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280244Schultes RE; Rodrigues W   1972-04-11
Brazil, BRASILIENSES, ESTADO DO AMAZONAS. Ponte Negra. Vicinity of Manáos, Río Negro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280243Pipoly JJ; Ameer MH   1986-12-04
Guyana, GUIANAS. Essequibo Isl-W. Demerara Region: Area W of Demerara River, N and S of Wales. Mangrove, strand and secondary growth vegetation., 6.666667 -58.183333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280240Lindeman JC; Haas JH de   1967-02-23
Brazil, Paraná

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U.1280239Heel ALS van   1961-10-01
Brazil, São Paulo

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280238Harley RM; et al.   1977-03-03
Brazil, ESTADO DO BAHIA, MORRO DO CHAPEU. Byr roadside about 10 km to the S.E. of the town of Morro do Chapeu, on the road to Mundo Novo. This plant in damp crevices between sandstone rock., -11.6 -41.083333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280237McDowell T; Gopaul D   1990-05-25
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni, 5.733333 -61.166667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280236Prance GT; et al.   1977-11-11
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia. State of Pará. Serro do Cachimbo, BR 163, Cuiabá-Santarém Highway. Km 798, Vicinity of Cachimbo Airport. Open wet grassy savanna on sandstone. Growing in clumps.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280235Camerik AM   1975-06-25
Brazil, Est. R.J.: Itatiaia, Prateleiras. Growing on a slope, terra pedregoso.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280234Prance GT; Steward WC; Ramos JF; Farias LG   1969-02-10
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia. Territorio or Roraima. Vicinity of Auaris. Upper slopes of Serra Parima, S. of Auaris. In water seepage, in small clumps., 4.05 -64.366667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280233Silva NT   1968-10-07
Brazil, AMAZONIA. Região do Rio Jari. R. Jarí, Monte Dourado, Estrada do Munmata de terra firme.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280232Prance GT; Lleras E; Coelho DF   1973-10-19
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia. State of Mato Grosso. Road behind Veu de Noiva; Chapada dos Guimarães. Cerrado.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280231Lindeman JC; Irgang BE; Valls JFM   1971-10-14
Brazil, Campo estilo pomar com arvores baixas de espibilho. Acacia caven, 8 km de Barra do Quarai.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280230Black GA   1950-01-21
Brazil, AMAZONIA. Estado do Pará. Vigia; Campina do Palha.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280229Prance GT; Coelho DF; Monteiro OP   1971-09-26
Brazil, Brazilian Amazônia. State of Amazonas. Basin of Rio Negro - Rio Cuieras. Rio Cuieras just below mouth of Rio Brancinho. Black water flooded river margin.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280228Silva NT   1968-10-02
Brazil, AMAZÃ"NIA. Regiâo do Rio Jari. R. Jarí, Monte Dourado, Planalto A. Area de plantação de Gemelina.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280227Prance GT; et al.   1977-11-12
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia, State of Pará, Serra do Cachimbo, BR 163, Cuiabá-Santarém Highway. BR 163, km 764 15 km S of Mato Grosso. Pará border. Mato Grosso. Campina forest.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280226Regnell AF   1845-01-01
Brazil, Minas Geraes: Caldas.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280224Brantjes NBM   1977-11-28
Brazil, Humaitá, Acnaz. Fazenda Humaitá, 15 km occ da cidade. Campo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora watsonii (Britton) Davidse
U.1280222Ek RC; Maas PJM; Maas-van de Kamer H; Görts C   1993-10-12
Guyana, West Pibiri, 5.016667 -58.616667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280217Harley RM; et al.   1977-02-17
Brazil, ESTADO DA BAHIA, Serra das Almas. Lower N.E. slopes of the Pico das Almas, ca. 25 km W.N.W. of the Vila do Rio de Contas., -13.55 -41.95

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280216Prance GT; Lleras E; Coelho DF   1973-10-19
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia, State of Mato Grosso. Road behind Veu de Noiva; Chapada dos Guimarães. Cerrado.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280215Argent GCG; Ramos J; Richards PW; Souza R   1967-09-24
Brazil, CENTRAL BRAZILIAN PLATEAU, State of Mato Grosso, Xavantina. Brickworks near Olaria, just S.W. of Xavantina. Recently burned cerrado., -14.633333 -52.233333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280214Harley RM; Souza R   1968-09-20
Brazil, CENTRAL BRAZILIAN PLATEAU, State of Mato Grosso, Expedition Base Camp. R10, C. 12 km SW of base camp. On bare lateritic bluff supporting sparse cerrado., -12.816667 -51.766667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280213Harley RM; et al.   1977-03-27
Brazil, ESTADO DA BAHIA, SERRA DO RIO DE CONTAS. Ca. 5 km E. of the Vila do Rio de Contas on te Marolino Moura road. Dry grassland on quartzite and white sand, apparantly subject to flooding with red laterite soils in the valleys with cerrado., -13.583333 -41.8

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280212Cleef AM   1972-12-14
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. BOYACÁ: Páramo de La Rusia. NW-N de Duitama. LAGUNA NEGRA: afloramiento de arenisca, lado W de la lagunita situada mas al Sur.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280211Cleef AM   1972-05-02
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. CUNDINAMARCA: Páramo de Cruz Verde aprox. 5 km al E-NE de la Laguna El Verjón.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280210Cleef AM   1972-05-01
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. CUNDINAMARCA: Páramo de Cruz Verde. Carretera Bogotá-Choachí, km 11.2.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280209Cleef AM   1972-12-12
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. BOYACÁ: Páramo de La Rusia, NW-N de Duitama Serrania Peña Negra, 500 m al SW de la Laguna Agua Clara.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280208Cleef AM   1972-02-01
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. META: Páramo de Sumapaz, Hoya El Nevado, Lagunas El Sorbedero y El Nevado y páramos en las cercanías. Páramo prop. dicho abierto ca. 500 m al N. de la Laguna El Sorbedoro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280207Cleef AM   1973-04-01
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. BOYACÁ: Vado Hondo, Siberia, páramo entre Peña de Arnical y Alto de Mogotes, 1 km al SE de la Laguna Grande.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280206Cleef AM; Jaramillo Mejía R   1972-05-26
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. CUNDINAMARCA: Represa del Neusa y alrededores. Orilla NW cerca de la Torre de TELECOM.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280205Cleef AM   1972-11-10
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. CUNDINAMARCA: Páramo entre Cogua y San Cayetano, Laguna Verde y alrededores. Páramo seco, 1.5 km al NW de la Laguna.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280204Cleef AM   1973-05-23
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. BOYACÁ: Páramo de Chita, cabeceras del Río Casanare. Subpáramo cerca de las Lagunas de Ocubi.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280203Cleef AM   1972-06-17
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. BOYACÁ: Páramo de Pisva, carretera Socha-La Punta km 78, aprox. 1 km al NE de la Laguna Colorada.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280202Cleef AM   1972-05-25
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. CUNDINAMARCA: Páramo de Palacio, Lagunas de Buitrago y alrededores.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280201Cleef AM   1972-04-13
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. CUNDINAMARCA: Páramo de Cruz Verde Carretera Bogotá-Choachí, km 14.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora paramorum
U.1280200Cleef AM   1972-08-30
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. CUNDINAMARCA: Cabeceras de la Quebrada Chuza entre la mina de cal del páramo de Palacio y el páramo de Chingaza, Laguna Seca y alrededores. Filo 1 km al NW de la Laguna Seca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora paramorum
U.1280199Cleef AM   1972-07-12
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. CUNDINAMARCA: Páramo de Sumapaz, Chisacá cerca de la cárcel destruida.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280198Cleef AM   1973-01-10
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. META: Páramo de Sumapaz, Hoya El Nevado, Laguna La Guitarra y alrededores. Orilla NE.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora paramorum
U.1280197Cleef AM; Florschütz PA   1972-10-02
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. BOYACÁ: Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, Alto Valle Lagunillas, 500 m al N de la Laguna Pintada.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280196Cleef AM   1973-01-28
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. CUNDINAMARCA: Páramo de Sumapaz, páramo y bosque alto-andino cerca de la Lagunitas: Los Saladeros.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280195Cleef AM   1972-12-06
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. BOYACÁ: Páramo de La Rusia, NW-N de Duitama. AISLADA.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280194Cleef AM   1972-11-10
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. CUNDINAMARCA: Páramo entre Cogua y San Cayetano, Laguna Verde y alrededores Páramo seco, 1,5 km al NW de la Laguna.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280193Cleef AM   1973-03-13
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. ARAUCA: Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, Quebrada El Playón, Hoya S. Luis; 1 km aprox. al N de la finca El Playón.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280192Cleef AM; Cuatrecasas J; Jaramillo Mejía R   1973-03-30
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. BOYACÁ: Páramo de la Sarna entre Sogamoso y Vado Hondo. 5 km al NE de la Laguna de Tota.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280191Cleef AM   1973-05-03
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. BOYACÁ: Paramos al NW de Belén, vereda S. José de la Montaña. Alto de las Cruces y alrededores. Cabeceras Q. El Toral.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280190Cleef AM   1972-04-14
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. CUNDINAMARCA: Páramo de Cruz Verde. Carretera Bogotá-Choachí, km 16. Subpáramo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280189Mexia YEJ   1936-12-19
Ecuador, SOUTH AMERICA. Provincia Esmeraldas. Parroguia de Concepcion; island in Rio Santiago; above Playa Rica; sandy overflowed land. In tussocks.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280185Werff HH van der   1975-08-01
Ecuador, Galapagos, INSULARUM GALAPAGENSIUM. ISABELA, wet SW. slope of Cerro Azul.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280184Werff HH van der   1974-08-03
Ecuador, Galapagos, INSULARUM GALAPAGENSIUM. SANTA CRUZ, near El Chato. In wet open areas near ponds.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280183Rutten-Pekelharing CJ   1930-07-01
Venezuela, Andes boven Colon.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora nervosa (Vahl) Boeckeler
U.1280182Steyermark JA   1973-04-18
Venezuela, in savanna. TERRITORIO FEDERAL AMAZONAS: Sierra Parima: Vecindades de Simarawochi, Rio Matacuni, a unos 6-7 Km. al Oeste de la frontera Venezolana-Brasilera., 3.816667 -64.6

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280181Gonggrijp JW   1921-07-14
Venezuela, Polos grandes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280180Gonggrijp JW   1921-07-02
Venezuela, Savanna, mundo nuevo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora nervosa (Vahl) Boeckeler
U.1280178Schulz JP   1966-08-17
Venezuela, Edo. Guárico, Estac. Biol. de Los Llanos (10 Km al S. de Calabozo). Sabana sobre grava su - perficial y suelo rocoso (afloramento de grava cementada = 'arrecife').

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora nervosa (Vahl) Boeckeler
U.1280177Wingfield RC   1978-07-15
Venezuela, ESTADO FALCON. Sierra San Luis, arriba de Quiragua. Al sol, con gramíneas, lugar abierto en selva.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280176Steyermark JA   1984-05-11
Venezuela, in savanna formation with dwarf shrubs. Cumbre de la parte norte de la sección sur (división occidental del cerro): suelo arenisco entre 'Drizzly Camp' y 'Second Wall'.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora nardifolia (Kunth) Boeckeler
U.1280175Steyermark JA; Berry P; Delascio F   1984-03-01
Venezuela, TERR. FEDERAL AMAZONAS: Departamento Rio Negro: piedra arenisca cuarzose, afloramientos en sabanas y bosques de galeria, vecindades y al norte de Cerro Vinilla, aprox. 30 km al SSW de Ocamo, caños afluente al río Orinoco., 2.516667 -65.383333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280174Smith HH   1898-07-01
Colombia, Santa Marta, United States of Colmbia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280173Mexia YEJ   1936-09-02
Peru, SOUTH AMERICA. Departamento and Provincia Huanuco. Distrito Churubamba; Hacienda Mercedes Terrace, north of Rio Cayumba; overgrown cleared land.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280172Belshaw CM   1937-09-16
Peru, Deparment San Martin, Province Lamas, District Lamas. In wet spots. East-facing slope in 'quebrada', below English Evangelical Mission, Lamas.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280171Steyermark JA; Dunsterville GCK; Dunsterville E   1970-12-19
Venezuela, ESTADO BOLIVAR: Selva enana en la altiplanicie del suelo arenoso blanco, formacion Roroima, en el drenaje del Río Cuyuni, Km. 130-131 al sur de El Dorado.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280170Huber O   1978-02-14
Venezuela, T.F. AMAZONAS: Dept. Atabapo, cabecera del Caño Cotúa hasta el pié occidental del Cerro Yapacana., 3.666667 -66.833333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280169Liesner RL; Carnevali G   1987-11-09
Venezuela, Terr. Fed. Amazonas. Dpto. CASIQUIARE: Near Chapezon, between Boca de Casiquiare and Solano., 7.966667 -67.05

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280168Bunting GS; Akkermans LMA; Rooden J van   1969-07-06
Colombia, Depto. Vichada: rio Mataveni (confluence del rio Orinoco) aprox. 2 km arriba de la desembocadera (cerca de Las Palmas), en sabana en la orilla Izquierda.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora macrochaeta var. colombiensis (Boeckeler) Kük.
U.1280167Ellenberg H   1957-04-08
Peru, Nebelwälder der Ostanden. Felskuppe Machupicchu.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280166Camp WH   1945-08-16
Ecuador, in a sphagnum meadow. PROV. AZUAY: The eastern Cordillera, 4-6 km north of the village of Sevilla de Oro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280165Øllgaard B; Holm-Nielsen LB; Andreasen NHB; et al.   1982-05-06
Ecuador, Chimborazo, -1.8 -78.433333

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U.1280164Lewis GP; Bruneau A   1997-09-16
Ecuador, Loja, -3.7 -79.316667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280163Steinbach J   1925-02-12
Bolivia, Campos humedos, Buenavista. Prov. Sara. Depto. Santa Cruz.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora lechleri Steud. ex Boeckeler
U.1280162Steyermark JA   1967-03-22
Venezuela, in dense tufts at base of second waterfall below campsite. ESTADO BOLIVAR: MESETA DE JAUA: Cerro Jáua: Cumbre de la porción Central Occidental de la Meseta. 36 millas nauticas o 60 kms. noroeste de la misión de Campamento Sanidad del Río Kanarakuni., 4.75 -64.433333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280161Steinbach J   1916-09-30
Bolivia, Dep. Sta. Cruz. Localidad. Buena Vista.

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U.1280160Steinbach J   1917-09-05
Bolivia, Dep. Sta. Cruz. Localidad: Cerro Amboró.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280159Werff HH van der; Wingfield RC   1978-09-07
Venezuela, ESTADO FALCON. Paraguaná, cerro Sta. Ana, al cumbre. Entre rocas serca de (y a) la cumbra del cerro, al sol. Común.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280158Maas PJM; Huber O   1980-11-05
Venezuela, Amazonas, dep. Atures, near Rincones de Chacorro, 30 km N of Puerto Ayacucho, savanna. Along trail in humid savanna., 5.8 -67.333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280157Solomon JC   1984-09-16
Bolivia, Dpto. La Paz; Prov. Murillo 24.5 km N of (below) the pass at the head of the Zongo valley. Remnants of moist cloud forest. In moist disturbed places., -16.316667 -68.116667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280156Steyermark JA; Dunsterville GCK; Dunsterville E   1972-03-22
Venezuela, ESTADO ZULIA: SIERRA DE PERIJA: Bosque húmedo a lo largo de la quebrada del Río Omira-kuná (Tumuriasa), cerca de la frontera Colombo-Venezolana suroeste de Pishikakao e Iria. Along stream.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280155Solomon JC   1982-11-27
Bolivia, Dpto. LA PAZ: Prov. Murillo, 27.4 km N (below) of dam at Lago Zongo. Moist forest with some disturbance and burned areas., -16.133333 -68.1

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280154Cuatrecasas J   1944-11-06
Colombia, Departamento del Valle. Cordillera Occidental, vertiente oriental: Hoya del rio Cali, vertiente derecha, entre Puente Sofia y Yanaconas, matorrales y monte residual.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora globosa (Kunth) Roem. & Schult.
U.1280153Steinbach J   1916-04-06
Bolivia, Provincia: Sara. Dep.: Sta. Cruz. Localidad: Dolores.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora globosa (Kunth) Roem. & Schult.
U.1280152Davidse G; Gonzales A   1978-02-09
Venezuela, APURE: Distrito San Fernando, ca. 4.5 km airline miles ESE of San Carlos del Meta along the banks of the Río Meta. Wet area in savanna leading to cano., 6.316667 -67.833333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora globosa (Kunth) Roem. & Schult.
U.1280151Steyermark JA; Berry P; Delascio Chitty F   1984-03-01
Venezuela, TERR. FEDERAL AMAZONAS: Departamento Rio Negro: piedra arenisca cuarzosa, afloramientos en sabanas y bosques de galeria, vecindades y al norte del Cerro Vinilla. aprox. 30 km al SSW de Ocamo, caños afluente al río Orinoco., 2.516667 -65.383333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora globosa (Kunth) Roem. & Schult.
U.1280150Huber O   1977-04-13
Venezuela, FLORULA DE LA ESTACION DE PISCI-CULTURA DE PUERTO AYACUCHO. Terrano situado entre la Carretera hacia Samariapo y la pista de sterrizaje del Aeropuerto de Puerto Ayacucho., 5.616667 -67.6

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora globosa (Kunth) Roem. & Schult.
U.1280149Huber O   1978-02-14
Venezuela, T.F. AMAZONAS: Dept. Atabapo, cabecera del Caño Cotúa hasta el pié occidental del Cerro Yapacana., 3.666667 -66.833333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora globosa (Kunth) Roem. & Schult.
U.1280148Steinbach J   1925-02-25
Bolivia, Campos humedos Buenavista. Prov. Sara. Depto. Santa Cruz.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora globosa (Kunth) Roem. & Schult.
U.1280147Idrobo JM; Schultes RE   1950-12-13
Colombia, Vaupés: Mesa La Lindosa, cerrito a 15-20 km al sur de San José dei Guaviare.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280146Davidse G; Huber O; Tillet SS   1979-05-02
Venezuela, Departamento Atabapo, white sand savannas on the northern bank of the lower part of Caño Caname, ca. 3 km W of Macaval., 3.683333 -67.383333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280145Maas PJM; Huber O   1980-11-05
Venezuela, Amazonas. dep. Atures, near Rincones de Chacorro, 30 km N of Puerto Ayacucho. Savanna. Along trail in humid savanna., 5.8 -67.333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora nervosa (Vahl) Boeckeler
U.1230000Maas PJM; Koek-Noorman J; Lall H; Welle BJH ter; Westra LYT   1988-09-02
Guyana, Rupununi District, 3.75 -59.333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora nervosa (Vahl) Boeckeler
U.1229999Jansen-Jacobs MJ; Feuillet CPGA; Hiepko PH; Skog LE; Welle BJH ter   1985-02-08
Guyana, 3.066667 -59.466667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora nervosa (Vahl) Boeckeler
U.1229998Pipoly JJ; Gharbarran G; Bacchus G   1986-12-19
Guyana, East Berbice-Corentyne, 5.6 -57.583333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora nervosa (Vahl) Boeckeler
U.1229992Lleras E; et al.   1973-08-02
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia. Estado de Amazonas. Rio Solimoes and Rio Javari., -5.133333 -72.816667

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The maps feature provides users an interactive map that can pan (by dragging the mouse) and zoom (by using the mouse wheel). Collection points are displayed as colored markers that when clicked on, displays the full information for that collection. When multiple species are queried (separated by semi-colons), different colored markers denote each individual species.


This creates an KML file for use in Google Earth or any other application using KML files.
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