Search Results (List)

Dataset: NL-Botany
Taxa: Rhynchospora
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 5, records 401-500 of 1303

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora robusta (Kunth) Boeckeler
U.1288295Schinini A; Vanni RO; Cáceres S   1993-03-22
Paraguay, Dep. Caazapá, Bañado de Yatay-mí. Ruta 6, 8 Km SW de Yuty., -26.666667 -56.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora robusta (Kunth) Boeckeler
U.1288294Anderson WR   1973-05-11
Brazil, Estado de Goiás, Serra Dourada, Ca. 15 km (straight line) S of Goiás Velho; area of weathered quartzite, with cerrado or campo limpo on drier slopes, brejo on seeping slopes, and gallery forest along stream.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora riparia (Nees) Boeckeler
U.1288282Ramos JF; et al.   1974-06-01
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia, State of Pará, Basin of Rio Trombetas, Rio Trombetas, across from Cachoeira Porteira.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora tenuis subsp. riparia (Nees) Koyama
U.1288281Harley RM; et al.   1977-03-04
Brazil, Estado da Bahia, Morro do Chapeu, 19.5km S.E. of the town of Morro do Chapeu on the BA052 road to Mundo Nevo, by the Rio Ferro Doido, with water worn horizontally bedded bedded sandstone at soil surface, with damp sand, sedge marsh, exposed rock with waterfall., -11.633333 -41.033333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora tenuis subsp. riparia (Nees) Koyama
U.1288280Belém RP   1968-05-10
Brazil, Região Bahia-Espirito Santo, Bahia, Maraú, Restinga, 15km ao Sul de Maraú.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora tenuis subsp. riparia (Nees) Koyama
U.1288279Harley RM; et al.   1974-04-01
Brazil, Estado de Bahia, Coastal Zone, 65km N.E. of Itabuna, at the mouth of the Rio de Contas on the N. bank opposite Itacaré: high restinga forest, with intermittent low restinga with flooded areas, overlying white sand., -14.25 -39.016667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora riparia (Nees) Boeckeler
U.1288276Redden KM; Lyle M; Paul C   2004-01-27
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni, Guyana. Cuyuni-Mazaruni Region. Pakaraima Mts, Imbaimadai, Karowrieng River. Base Camp 1., 5.678611 -60.273694

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288158Cleef AM   1972-11-12
Colombia, Cundinamarca: Páramo entre Cogua y San Cayetano, Laguna Verde y alrededores. Límite páramo seco y turberas 700 m al NW de la Laguna.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288155Alston AHG   1939-05-09
Colombia, Department of Nariño, below Paramo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288154Smith HH   1898-01-01
Colombia, Santa Marta.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288153Steinbach J   1928-04-15
Bolivia, Standort Feuchte Brüche 'La Perdiz, Prov. Sara, Depart. Santa Cruz.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288152Philipson WR; Idrobo JM; Fernández A   1949-11-17
Colombia, Intendencia del Meta, Sierra de la Macarena: Plaza Bonita, Dense humid forest on low hill beside Rio Guejar.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288151Steinbach J   1928-10-20
Bolivia, Standort Bergwald, Comarapa, Depart. Cochabamba.

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U.1288150Steinbach J   1928-10-25
Bolivia, Standort Cerro San Mateo Comarapa, Depart. Santa Cruz.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288149Lehmann FC   
Colombia, W. Andes of Popayan.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288148Solomon JC; Stein BA   1984-03-08
Bolivia, La Paz: Murillo Province 3.5 km W of Pongo on road to Unduavi., -16.316667 -67.966667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora velutina (Kunth) Boeckeler
U.1288147Schulz JP   1966-08-19
Venezuela, Estado Guárico, Estación Biologica de Los Llanos, ± 10 Km al S. de Calabozo: Morichal Villasmil (Hato El Recreo).

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288146Steyermark JA   1964-05-05
Venezuela, Bolívar, Cumbre de la parte sureste del brazo noroeste (division occidental del cerro): entre 'Drizzly Camp' y 'Rio Lomita Camp'.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora tenuis var. ssp.
U.1288145Steinbach J   1916-04-06
Bolivia, Dep. Sta Cruz, Buena vista.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288144Steinbach J   1925-02-15
Bolivia, Campos humedos arenosos, Buenavista, Prov. Sara, Depto. Santa Cruz.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288143Arbeláez MV; Sueroke F; Suarez A   1996-11-07
Colombia, Amazonas

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288142Werff HH van der   1975-08-01
Ecuador, Galapagos, Insularum Galapagensium, Isabela, wet SW.slope of Cerro Azul.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288141Laegaard S   1985-04-02
Ecuador, Province Azuay, Road Gualaceo-San Juan Bosco, c. 3 km W of pass. Paramo., -3 -78.65

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288140Laegaard S   1985-02-19
Ecuador, Province Azuay, Km 68 on road Cuenca-Saraquro., -3.333333 -78.166667

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U.1288139Laegaard S   1985-03-03
Ecuador, Province Azuay, Páramo de Soldados, SW of Cuenca., -2.883333 -79.3

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288138Arbeláez MV; Manaidego J   1998-01-01
Colombia, Amazonas

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288137Arbeláez MV; Castro J; Pastrana J   1998-03-01
Colombia, Caquetá

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora tenerrima Nees ex Spreng.
U.1288136Steinbach J   1906-04-06
Bolivia, Dep. Sta Cruz, Buena vista.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora tenella (Nees) Boeckeler
U.1288135Arbeláez MV; Sueroke F   1997-05-22
Colombia, Caquetá, -0.833333 -72.316667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora splendens Lindm.
U.1288134Solomon JC   1983-01-15
Bolivia, Dpto. La Paz. Prov. Nor Yungas. 13.7 km NW of San Pedro on road through Incahuara-Mejillones and along trail to 12 de Octubre., -15.966667 -67.616667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora schomburgkiana (Boeckeler) T.Koyama
U.1288133Davidse G; Huber O; Tillett SS   1979-04-29
Venezuela, Departamento Atabapo, ca. 1 km up Caño Caname from the junction with the Río Atabapo, El Manguito., 3.7 -67.45

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288132Laegaard S   1984-02-08
Ecuador, Pichincha, -0.333333 -78.2

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288131Laegaard S   1985-08-29
Ecuador, Azuay, -2.883333 -79.3

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora rugosa (Vahl) Gale
U.1288130Steyermark JA   1961-01-10
Venezuela, Estado Bolivar, Savanna bordering morichal northwest of camp, Vicinity of camp, 5 kms. from Hato de Nuria, E. of Miamo. Altiplanicie de Nuria.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora rugosa (Vahl) Gale
U.1288129Wingfield RC; Werff H van der; Flores S   1978-08-30
Venezuela, Del Estado Falcon, Sierra de San Luis, arriba de Sta. María.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora rugosa (Vahl) Gale
U.1288128Werff HH van der   1974-07-15
Ecuador, Galapagos, Santa Cruz.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora rugosa (Vahl) Gale
U.1288127Werff HH van der   1974-10-01
Ecuador, Galapagos, Insularum Galapagensium, Santa Cruz, on pampa between Cerro Camote and Cerro Crocker.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora rugosa (Vahl) Gale
U.1288126Battjes J   1986-07-31
Colombia, Amazonas, Araracuara, potrero cerca dec los apartementos nuevos.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora rugosa (Vahl) Gale
U.1288125Huber O; Ahti TT; Pipoly JJ   1985-02-06
Venezuela, Estado Bolivar, Edo. Bolivar, Distr. Piar: Macizo del Chimantá, sector SE. Altiplanicie levemente inclinada hacia el SSE ubicada en la sección centro-suroriental del Churí-tepui., 5.25 -61.966667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora rugosa (Vahl) Gale
U.1288124Ollgaard B; Roth S; Sperling C   1980-07-30
Ecuador, Prov. Pastaza: C. 5 km E of Mera, on road to Shell Mera. Rocky escarpment, road bank and riverside vegetation., -1.466667 -78.083333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora rugosa (Vahl) Gale
U.1288123Davidse G; González A   1978-02-09
Venezuela, Apure: Distrito San Fernando, ca. 4.5 airline miles ESE of San Carlos del Meta along the banks of the Río Meta., 6.316667 -67.833333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora rugosa (Vahl) Gale
U.1288122Laegaard S   1985-04-06
Ecuador, Province Loja, Km 6 on new road Loja-Catamayo (La Toma). Around small pond and in dry shrub., -3.966667 -79.233333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora rugosa (Vahl) Gale
U.1288121Steyermark JA   1967-07-21
Venezuela, Common in savanna, Estado Falcon: Sierra de San Luis: Montaña de Paraguariba, sabanas naturales alternando con áreas boscosas, entre el Hote Parador y Curimagua.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora rugosa (Vahl) Gale
U.1288120Laegaard S   1984-09-03
Ecuador, Province Azuay, Road Cumbe-Oña. Sphagnum-spring., -3.333333 -79.166667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora rugosa (Vahl) Gale
U.1288119Battjes J   1986-08-15
Colombia, Amazonas, Araracuara, potrero delante del hospital.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora rugosa (Vahl) Gale
U.1288118Steyermark JA; Wurdack JJ   1955-01-16
Venezuela, Chimantá Massif, Estado Bolívar, Along Río Tirica (Río Aparurén) just above Techiné-merú.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora rugosa (Vahl) Gale
U.1288117Steyermark JA   1964-05-05
Venezuela, Expedición Auyan-tepui, Estado Bolívar, Cumbre de la parte sureste del brazo noroeste (división occidental del cerro): entre 'Drizzly Camp' y 'Río Lomita Camp': faldas secas de piedras 'limonita' e ígneas con arbustos y árboles esparcidos.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288116Steyermark JA   1964-05-05
Venezuela, Auyan-tepui, Estado Bolivar, Between 'Drizzly Camp' and 'Rio Lomita camp'.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288115Steyermark JA   1953-06-20
Venezuela, Chimantá Massif, Estado Bolívar, forming spreading mats in swampy ground at margin of Bennetia forest, Rocky plateau on southeast-facing upper shoulder of Apacará-tepuí, below summit.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288114Steyermark JA; Brewer-Carias C; Dunsterville GCK; Dunsterville E   1976-08-26
Venezuela, 'The Valley', headwaters of Rio Arabapó, and also around camp, Estado Bolivar: Cerro Roraima: cumbre, parte noreste de Venezuela Inmediataal sur del hito que marca los límites con Guyana, Brasil y Venezuela., 5.2 -60.7

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288113Steyermark JA   1964-05-05
Venezuela, Auyan-tepui, Estado Bolivar, Between 'Drizzly Camp' and 'Rio Lomita camp'.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora riparia (Nees) Boeckeler
U.1288112Steyermark JA   1972-07-18
Venezuela, Bolívar, 6.25 -62.783333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora rigidifolia subsp. planifolia T.Koyama
U.1288111Huber O; Medina E; Clark HL   1980-09-16
Venezuela, T.F.Amazonas: Depto Río Negro, vegetación de 'bana' (caatinga baja amazónica) en el km 11 de la carretera San Carlos-Solano (área de estudio del I.V.I.C.)., 1.933333 -67.05

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora rigidifolia (Gilly) T.Koyama
U.1288110Steyermark JA   1970-10-16
Venezuela, Cerro de la Neblina, Venezuelan-Brazilian Frontier, Headwaters of Cañon Grande, southeastern portion.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora rigidifolia (Gilly) T.Koyama
U.1288108Tillett SS; Ferrigni NR; Zorrilla CJ   1975-01-29
Venezuela, Alrededores de Estación D1(C), Campamento Base, (al O del 'Savana Hills Camp' de Tate), las filas con 'crest slope vegetation' de Brocchinia, Stegolepis pungesn, Heliamphora, etc, invadido por el bosque bajo (hasta 5 m) de los sitios con piedra. Mucha evidencia de fuego, sobre todo las bases carbonizadas de Vellozia, Stegol, y árboles muertos a pie. Cerro Duida, inmediatamente al N de La Esmeralda, en al Alto Río Orinoco, Territorio Federal Amazonas., 3.166667 -65.516667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora rigidifolia (Gilly) T.Koyama
U.1288107Luteyn JL; Steyermark JA   1984-02-07
Venezuela, Amazonas, Dpto. Río Negro, Cerro de la Neblina Expedition, Altiplanicie en la cumbre del brazo noroccidental, al norte del campamento base a lo largo del río Mawarinuma, afluente del río Baria., 0.875 -66.083333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora rigidifolia (Gilly) T.Koyama
U.1288106Steyermark JA   1983-10-10
Venezuela, Territorio Federal Amazonas: Departamento Atabapo: Cerro Marahuaca: cumbre, parte central de la Meseta Sur-Este, al lado de una grieta, a lo largo de la Quebrada Yekuana, afluente del Río Negro., 3.675 -65.438889

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora rigidifolia (Gilly) T.Koyama
U.1288105Pipoly JJ; Ahti TT; Huber O   1985-02-08
Venezuela, Estado Bolivar, Intrusión de diabasa al N del Campamento, Edo. Bolivar, Distr. Piar: MAcizo del Chimantá, sector SE. Amplia altiplanicie en la seción nor-oriental del Acopán-tepui, levemente inclinada hacia el NE, en las cabeceras del rio Yunék., 5.2 -62.083333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora radicans (Schltdl. & Cham.) H.Pfeiff.
U.1288104León H; et al.   1986-06-07
Colombia, Depto. de Nariño. Municipio de la Espriella, a orillas del río Caunapí.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora radicans (Schltdl. & Cham.) H.Pfeiff.
U.1288103Laegaard S   1984-02-17
Ecuador, Napo, -0.216667 -78.466667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288102Battjes J   1986-09-03
Colombia, Amazonas, Araracuara, vega cerca de la quehrada Mercedes, rastrojo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora pubera (Vahl) Boeckeler
U.1288101Philipson WR; Idrobo JM; Jaramillo Mejía R   1950-01-18
Colombia, Intendencia del Meta, Sierra de la Macarena; Central Mountains North Ridge.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora pubera (Vahl) Boeckeler
U.1288100Philipson WR; Idrobo JM; Fernández A   1949-10-02
Colombia, Intendencia del Meta, Sierra de la Macarena; Rio Guapaya.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora pubera (Vahl) Boeckeler
U.1288098Schunke Vigo J   1973-05-04
Peru, Department of San Martín, Prov. Lamas; Alonso de Alvarado; Camino a Roque, 8 km de San Juán de Pacayzapa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora pubera (Vahl) Boeckeler
U.1288097Schunke Vigo J   1973-05-04
Peru, Department of San Martín, Prov. Lamas; Alonso de Alvarado; Camino a Roque, 8 km de San Juán de Pacayzapa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora pubera (Vahl) Boeckeler
U.1288096Schunke Vigo J   1973-05-04
Peru, Department of San Martín, Prov. Lamas; Alonso de Alvarado; Camino a Roque, 8 km de San Juán de Pacayzapa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora pubera (Vahl) Boeckeler
U.1288095Maas PJM; Huber O   1980-11-05
Venezuela, Amazonas, dep. Atures, near Rincones de Chacorro, 30 km N of Puerto Ayacucho., 5.8 -67.333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora pubera (Vahl) Boeckeler
U.1288094Bunting GS; Akkermans LMA; Rooden J van   1969-07-06
Venezuela, Territorio Federal Amazonas: Depto. Casiquiare: alrededores de Yavita (río Temi) y cerca de la carretera Yavita Pimichin basia el km 5 hacia Pimichín.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora pubera (Vahl) Boeckeler
U.1288093Bunting GS; Akkermans LMA; Rooden J van   1969-07-06
Venezuela, Territorio Federal Amazonas: río Atacavi (confluente del río Orinoco): en sitio abandonado en la orillo derecha arpox. 1 km arriba de la embocadura, en bosque y sabanita.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora pubera (Vahl) Boeckeler
U.1288092Bunting GS; Akkermans LMA; Rooden J van   1969-07-06
Venezuela, Territorio Federal Amazonas: Depto. AturesL carretera Puerto Ayacucho-Sanariapo, desde Puerto Ayacucho haste el km 35 hacia Sanariapo, en anbana llanera con bosques ocasionales, cerca de la carretera.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora polystachys (Turrill) H.Pfeiff.
U.1288091Cuatrecasas J   1946-05-29
Colombia, Intendencia del Chocó, Río San Juan, orilla izquierda; loma frente a Palestina.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora polystachys (Turrill) H.Pfeiff.
U.1288090León H; et al.   1986-07-07
Colombia, Depto. de Nariño. Municipio de la Espriella, a orillas del río Caunapí.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora polystachys (Turrill) H.Pfeiff.
U.1288089León H; et al.   1986-06-05
Colombia, Depto. de Nariño. Municipio de la Espriella, Estación Conif, cerca del río Mira.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora polystachys (Turrill) H.Pfeiff.
U.1288088Laegaard S   1986-02-28
Ecuador, Pichincha, 0.1 -79.033333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288087Smith HH   1898-09-01
Colombia, Santa Marta, United States of Colombia.

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U.1288086Holm-Nielsen LB; Jeppesen S; et al.   1973-04-04
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, -0.916667 -79.183333

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U.1288085Laegaard S   1984-10-15
Ecuador, Province Napo: S of the pass on the road Baeza-Tena, Cordillera de Huacamayos. Roadside., -0.683333 -77.866667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288084Steyermark JA   1967-07-18
Venezuela, in clumps along ditch, Estado Falcon: Sierra de San Luis: Selva húmeda sobre pináculos calcáreos angostos y fuertemente erosionados, entre Curimagua y San Luis.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhynchospora podosperma Wright ex Sauv.
U.1288083Huber O   1978-02-14
Venezuela, T.F.Amazonas: Depto Atabapo, cabecera del Caño Cotúa hasta el pié occidental del Cerro Yapacana, sabana arenosa sobre terrenos planos parcialmente inundados durante la época de lluvias., 3.666667 -66.833333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288082Alston AHG   1939-05-24
Colombia, Department of El Valle, near Buenaventura.

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U.1288081Trujillo B   1976-05-11
Venezuela, Hidrofitia con láminia de agua de 5-10 mm. Sobre subsuelo granítico en Palmarito, Norte de Maracay. Edo. Aragua.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288080Wingfield RC; Werff H van der; Flores S   1978-08-30
Venezuela, Del Estado Falcon, Sierra de San Luis, arriba de Sta. María.

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U.1288079Dodson CH; Thien LB   1961-11-19
Ecuador, Prov. Loja, Road to San Lucas; Km. 32-40.

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U.1288078Dodson CH; Thien LB   1961-11-19
Ecuador, Prov. Loja, Road to San Lucas; Km. 32-40.

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U.1288077Dodson CH; Thien LB   1961-12-14
Ecuador, Prov. Carchi, Railroad from Ibana to San Lorenzo; km 78; Rio Blanco; collected along Rio Mica & railroad tracks during rainy season; in ditch.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288076Dodson CH; Thien LB   1961-12-14
Ecuador, Prov. Carchi, Railroad from Ibana to San Lorenzo; km 78; Rio Blanco; collected along Rio Mica & railroad tracks during rainy season; in ditch.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288075Crommelin RD   
Colombia, By road from Popayán to Valley of Malvaza.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288074Nee MH; Whalen MD   1979-07-21
Venezuela, Distrito Federal, Parque Nacional El Ávila: ridgetop in vicinty of 'Lagunazo', between Pico El Ávila and Pico Occidental, above the city of Caracas.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288073Schultes RE; Cabrera I   1953-11-01
Colombia, Vaupes, Rio Kuduyari.

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U.1288072Alston AHG   1939-05-25
Colombia, Department of El Valle, Buenaventura, behind mangrove swamp.

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U.1288071Alston AHG   1938-12-31
Venezuela, State of Carabobo, La Cumaca, near San Diego.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288070Steyermark JA   1953-07-03
Venezuela, Chimantá Massif, Estado Bolívar, at base of waterfall, Steyermark Falls (Steyermark-Merú) on upper reaches of Río Tirica (left-hand fork), separating eastern part of Apácara-tepuí from western part of Chimantá-tepuí (Torono-tepuí).

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288069Steyermark JA   1953-06-05
Venezuela, Chimantá Massif, Estado Bolívar, on moist face of bluff at base, Between Bluff camp and low promontory north of Bluff Camp, along west-facing portion of Chimantá-tepuí (Torono-tepuí).

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288068Steyermark JA; Manara BJ; Morillo GN   1973-09-16
Venezuela, Sucre, 10.333333 -64.333333

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U.1288067Schulz JP   1966-08-19
Venezuela, Edo. Guárico, Estac. Biol. de Los Llanos, ± 10 Km al S. de Calabozo: Morichal Villasmil (Hato El Recreo).

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288066Frey R; Kramer KU   1990-09-08
Bolivia, Dept. Santa Cruz, Prov. Ã'uflo de Chávez, vicinity of Perseverancia, savanna vegetation 2-5 km E of station., -14.75 -63.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288065Frey R; Kramer KU   1990-09-15
Bolivia, Dept. Santa Cruz, Prov. Ã'uflo de Chávez, vicinity of Perseverancia, 285m, within 1-12km, NE sector adjacent to airstrip., -14.75 -63.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288064Lillo M   1903-11-22
Argentina, Provincia Tucumán, Monteros.

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U.1288063Pedersen TM   1952-10-10
Argentina, Estancia 'Las Tres Marias', Dep. Empedrado, Prov. Corrientes, by the Arroyo Pegnahó.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1288062Gallinal JP; et al.   1941-01-01
Uruguay, Depto: Florida, Cerro Colorado, Estancia: San Pedro.

Page 5, records 401-500 of 1303


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