Search Results (List)

Dataset: NL-Botany
Taxa: Psammisia
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 2, records 101-200 of 251

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.3779605Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML   1978-12-27
Ecuador, Pichincha: Quito-Nono-Pto, Quito road, 13 kms NW of Nono; Río Alambi valley.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.3779600Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML   1978-04-05
Ecuador, Prov. Napo-Pastaza: Baeza-Tena road, 8-13 kms SE of Baeza.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.3779597Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML   1979-02-26
Colombia, Dept. Nariño: Altaquer-Junín road ca 11 kms W of Altaquer.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.3779596Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML   1978-03-15
Peru, Dept. Amazonas: Prov. Bongara: Ingenio-Florida road, 25 km from Pedro Ruiz (Ingenio), 5-10 km from Florida (Pomacocha).

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.3779595Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML; Gustavo Morales L   1979-04-19
Colombia, Dept. Valle: Ansermaneuvo-San José del Palmar road, Km 60-62.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.3779594Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML   1979-04-07
Colombia, Dept. Antioquia: Urrao-Caicedo road, 14-18 km NE of Urrao.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.3779567Zak V   1986-09-17
Ecuador, Pichincha, Carretera Quito-San Juan-Chiriboga-Empalme.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia leptantha A.C.Sm.
L.3779463Fuchs HP; Torres Romero JH; Zanella A   1967-02-27
Colombia, Colombia, Chocó; río Baudó; trocha de la Q. Chiqual, ca 3 km E de Pizarro, orilla del rio.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia macrophylla (Kunth) Klotzsch
L.3778548Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML; Ruíz-Terán LE   1978-10-21
Venezuela, Edo Tachira: Forested slopes below Paramo de Tama.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia urichiana (Britton) A.C.Sm.
L.3778545Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML; Gustavo Morales L   1979-04-29
Colombia, Depto. Huila: Kms 18-20 along Pitalito- Mocoa road. Disturbed roadside slopes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.3778409Croat TB   1983-10-11
Ecuador, Prov. Cotopax. 1 km N of Pacayacu, 14 km N of Rio Guasaganda, at Guasaganda, 22 km N of Palmar (village NE of La Mana on Quevedo- Latacunga rd. 13 km NE of La Mana) along river bank at edge of pasture., -0.691667 -79.108333

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610833Harling GW   1958-11-07
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis. Prov. Napo-Pastaza: Mera, rastrojal.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610832Fagerlind F; Wibom G   1952-11-08
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis. Prov. Napo-Pastaza, Rio Puyo near Puyo villages.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610831Vogel S   1956-07-10
Colombia, Strauch in der Schlucht Caina-Can, am Wege von El Tambo nach Mayasquer, Grenze zwischen Colombia und Ecuador, Prov. Narino, Sudcolombia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610830Luteyn JL; Dumont KP; Buritica P   1976-01-30
Colombia, Colombia. Department of Narino: along road between Ricuarte and Altaquer between Km 122-123.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610829Asplund E   1939-10-26
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis. Prov. Napo-Pastaza: between Archidona and Jonadache riverbank.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610828Asplund E   1955-11-19
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis. Prov.Napo-Pastaza, Mera forest on shore of Rio Pastaza.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610827Asplund E   1955-11-12
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis. Prov.Tungurahua, Rio Negro, forest on shore of Rio Pastaza.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610826Harling GW   1958-11-26
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis. Prov. Napo-Pastaza: Mera, Rio Chico river state.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610825Harling GW   1958-12-28
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis. Prov. Napo-Pastaza: Mera, swamp.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610824Harling GW   1958-11-26
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis. Prov. Napo-Pastaza: Mera, Rio Chico river state.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610823Zak V; Jaramillo   1987-07-31
Ecuador, Ecuador. Prov. Pichincha: carretera Quito-Chiriboga-Empalme. En borde de la carretera, entre los Kms 75 y 85., -0.25 -78.833333

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610822Asplund E   1955-08-02
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis. Prov. Pichincha, Guarumal (between San Juan and Chiriboga).

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610821Holm-Nielsen LB; Jeppesen S; Löjnant B; Øllgaard B   1973-05-20
Ecuador, Ecuador. Carchi: Valle de Maldonado, km 67 on the road Tulcan-Maldonado. Montane forest., 0.883333 -78.066667

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610820Maas PJM; Plowman TC   1974-10-15
Colombia, Cauca, Dep. Cauca, km 54 of road from Timbio to Veinte de Julio.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610819Holm-Nielsen LB; Jeppesen S; Löjnant B; Øllgaard B   1973-05-18
Ecuador, Ecuador. Carchi: Valle de Maldonado, km 60 on road Tulcan-Maldonado. Cleared slopes along the road and denser cloud forest. In shade on slope., 0.85 -78.066667

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610818Harling GW   1959-02-10
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis. Prov. Napo-Pastaza: Santa Barbara de Sucumbios.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610817Asplund E   1955-05-05
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis. Prov. Pichincha, Chiriboga.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia coarctata (Ruiz & Pav.) A.C.Sm.
L.2610816Ruíz-Terán LE; Lopez-Figueiras M   1970-12-15
Venezuela, Venezuela-Edo. Tachira.; Caserio Betania, havia la base del pico Banderas, paramo de Tama, unos 10 km al E de la aldea Villa Paez.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia coarctata (Ruiz & Pav.) A.C.Sm.
L.2610815Günther E; Buchtien O   1928-01-01
Chile, [Ondu du Chili]- p. San Felipe.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia coarctata (Ruiz & Pav.) A.C.Sm.
L.2610813Vogel S   1956-06-02
Colombia, Busch in der Ceja-Stufe oberhalb Resina, zwischen Altamira und Florencia, Ostcordillere, Prov. Huila, Colombia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia coarctata (Ruiz & Pav.) A.C.Sm.
L.2610812Steyermark JA   1967-07-21
Venezuela, Venezuela. Estado Falcon: Sierra de San Luis: Montana de Paraguariba, sabanas naturales alternado con areas boscosas, entre el Hotel Parador y Curimagua.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia coarctata (Ruiz & Pav.) A.C.Sm.
L.2610811Steyermark JA   1967-07-19
Venezuela, Venezuela. Estado Falcon: Sierra de San Luis: Selva nublada entre La Chapa y Uria.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia coarctata (Ruiz & Pav.) A.C.Sm.
L.2610809Fagerlind F; Wibom G   1952-09-09
Ecuador, Aequtoriensis. Prov. Tungurahua, Rio Negro, near the village.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia coarctata (Ruiz & Pav.) A.C.Sm.
L.2610808Harling GW   1958-12-28
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis. Prov. Napo-Pastaza: Mera, swamp.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia coarctata (Ruiz & Pav.) A.C.Sm.
L.2610807Harling GW   1958-12-30
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis. Prov. Napo-Pastaza: Mera. rastrojal.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia coarctata (Ruiz & Pav.) A.C.Sm.
L.2610806Asplund E   1956-02-14
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis. Prov. Tungurahua, Rio Nergo, forest of shore of Rio Pastaza.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia coarctata (Ruiz & Pav.) A.C.Sm.
L.2610805Asplund E   1939-07-26
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis. Prov. Tungurahua, valley of Rio Negro, Hacienda Rio Verde Grande.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia coarctata (Ruiz & Pav.) A.C.Sm.
L.2610804Asplund E   1955-11-12
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis. Prov. Tungurahua, Rio Negro, forest on shore of Rio Pastaza.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia coarctata (Ruiz & Pav.) A.C.Sm.
L.2610803Asplund E   1939-08-25
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis. Prov. Tungurahua, valley of Rio Pastaza, between Rio Topo and La Victoria.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia coarctata (Ruiz & Pav.) A.C.Sm.
L.2610802Asplund E   1940-01-12
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis. Prov. Napo-Pastaza: Baeza.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia coarctata (Ruiz & Pav.) A.C.Sm.
L.2610801Agostini G   1973-03-01
Venezuela, Territorio Federal Amazonas: Cerro Impacto, ladera occidental, Campamento el Cafetal.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia macrophylla (Kunth) Klotzsch
L.2610800Vogel S   1956-07-16
Colombia, Halbepiphytischer Strauch im Nebelwald oberhalb Sibundoy, Prov. Putu-mayo, Ostcordillere Colombias.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia macrophylla (Kunth) Klotzsch
L.2610799Ruíz-Terán LE; López-Figueiras M   1970-08-04
Venezuela, Venezuela-Edo. Merido-Dto. Sucre-Mpio. Estanques. Los Pinos, unos 600 m. antes de El Portachuelo (El Ramal), entre las poblaciones de Santa Cruz de Mora y El Molino.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia macrophylla (Kunth) Klotzsch
L.2610798Ruíz-Terán LE; Lopez-Figueiras M   1971-04-23
Venezuela, Venezuela-Edo.Merida-Dto. Sucre-Mpio. Estanques. Alto de Las Cruces, paramo de Quirora, en climax de selva nublada andina.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia macrophylla (Kunth) Klotzsch
L.2610797Luteyn JL; Dumont KP; Buritica P   1976-01-21
Colombia, Colombia. Department of Huila: 43 km from Pital towards Popayan beyond LaPlata; oak forest and steep roadside slopes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia macrophylla (Kunth) Klotzsch
L.2610796Uribe Uribe AL   1966-03-01
Colombia, Colombia. Cundinamarca: montes abajo del Salto de Tequendama cerca a la planada de La Vencedora.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia macrophylla (Kunth) Klotzsch
L.2610795Prance GT; Steward JR; Ramos JF; Farias LG   1969-02-14
Brazil, Plants of Brazilian Amazonia. Territory of Roraima. Serra dos Surucucus., 2.741667 -63.575

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia macrophylla (Kunth) Klotzsch
L.2610794Lehmann FC   1889-01-01
Colombia, Forests in Highlands of Papayau.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia macrophylla (Kunth) Klotzsch
L.2610793Schneider M   1945-10-13
Colombia, Colombia, Cundinamarca: Soacha, San Miguel.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia macrophylla (Kunth) Klotzsch
L.2610792Vogel S   1955-12-06
Colombia, Epiphytischer Strauch im Bergwald oberhalb Monterredondo, zwischen Guayabetal und Quetame, Prov. Cundinamarca, Colombia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia macrophylla (Kunth) Klotzsch
L.2610791Vogel S   1956-01-07
Colombia, Blutentrauben, im Bergwald oberhalb Monterredondo zwischen Guayabetal und Quetame, Prov. Cundinamarca, Colombia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia macrophylla (Kunth) Klotzsch
L.2610790Uribe Uribe AL   1966-10-12
Colombia, Colombia. Boyaca: Arcabuco, 4 kms. al NE de la poblacion en selvas residuales.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610789Vogel S   1956-09-13
Colombia, Strauch im Bergwald oberhalb Anchicaya, zwischen Buenaventura und Cali, Prov. Valle, Westcordillere von Colombia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610788Rauh W   1975-01-01
Ecuador, Ecuador, no locality given.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610787Steyermark JA   1963-10-17
Venezuela, Distrito Federal: cloud forest at heawater of ravine, 4.8 km east of junction of Colonia Tovar-Carayaca road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610786Steyermark JA   1966-03-01
Venezuela, Venzuela. Estado Sucre: Peninsula de Paria: Cerro de humo: laderas pendientes de bosque nubaldo virgen que miran al norte a lo largo de las cabeceras de uno de los afluentes del Rio Santa Isabel, arriba de Sipara, oeste de Santa Isabel, alrededor de 14 kms. al norte del peublo de Rio Grande Arriba, arriba de Boca de Cumana y Punto Siparo, noroeste de Irapa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610785Steyermark JA   1966-03-03
Venezuela, Sucre, Estado Sucre: Peninsula de Paria: Cerro de humo: laderas de bosque húmedo nublado que miran hacia La Roma e Irapa, entre la cumbre y La Laguna, noroeste de Irapa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia macrophylla (Kunth) Klotzsch
L.2610784Schulz JP; Rodriquez P LE   1966-04-29
Venezuela, Venezuela; bosque exp. = San Eusebio', valle alto de la Carbonera (Cordillera del Norte), Dto. Campo Elias, Edo. Merida., 8.516667 -71.35

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610782Spruce R   1857-01-01
Ecuador, Ecuador: in andibus.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610781Holm-Nielsen LB; Jeppesen S; Löjnant B; Øllgaard B   1973-06-06
Ecuador, Ecuador. Napo: 1 km E of the oil pump station on road Papallacta-Baeza. Gallery vegetation along Rip Papallacta., -0.35 -78

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610780Argent GCG; Burbidge RB   1976-08-06
Ecuador, Rio Pastaza Gorge, west of Mera Pastaza Province., -1.4 -78.2

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610779Cleef AM   1972-01-01
Colombia, Colombia. Santander: Arcabuco. Bosque de Queros humboldtii sub-paramo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610778Harling GW   1959-02-10
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis. Prov. Napo-Pastaza: Santa Barbara de Sucumbios rastrojal.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610777Uribe Uribe AL   1961-09-07
Colombia, Colombia. Cauca: entre Purace y Moscopan, cerca a Santa Leticia, entre matortales.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610776Cleef AM   1971-01-06
Colombia, Colombia. Cauca: Purace, lagunas de S. Rafael.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610775Steyermark JA; Dunsterville GCK; Dunsterville E   1968-01-10
Venezuela, Venezuela. Estada Tachira: cabeceras del rio Quinimari, vecindades de 'Las Copas', al pie de la Pena de Pata de Judio (debajo del Paramo de Judio), 15 kms. al sur de San Vicente de la Revancha, 30 kms. al sur de Alquitrana, suroeste de Santa Ana.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610774Wurdack JJ   1962-06-16
Peru, Montane high rainforest 2-4 km west-southwest (245º) of Pomacocha, elv.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610773Boeke JD; McElroy JB   1976-12-03
Ecuador, Ecuador. Prov. Napo-Pastaza. Cosanga - Rio Cosanga.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610772Holm-Nielsen LB; Jeppesen S; Löjnant B; Øllgaard B   1973-05-20
Ecuador, Ecuador. Carchi: Valle de Maldonado, km 71 on road Tulcan-Maldonado. Steep forested slopes., 0.9 -78.1

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610771Lugo M   1940-03-27
Ecuador, Prov. Napo-Pastaza, Mera. Ecuadoriensis.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610770Holm-Nielsen LB; Jeppesen S   1968-06-06
Ecuador, Ecuador. Pr v. Pastaza. Shell- Mera, rainforest, 2 km N of Shell-Mera., -1.483333 -78.05

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610769Luteyn JL; Dumont KP; Buritica P   1976-01-25
Colombia, Colombia. Intendencia of Putumayo: cutover forest between Km 44-45 on the road from Pasto to Sibundoy.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia penduliflora (Dunal) Klotzsch
L.2610768Suringar WFR   1885-03-21
Venezuela, Districto Federal, Caracas.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia penduliflora (Dunal) Klotzsch
L.2610767Luteyn JL; Dumont KP; Buritica P   1976-01-07
Colombia, Colombia. Departmen of Cundinamarca: Cordillere Oriental eastern slopes; along road from Bogoto to Villa-vicencio about 20Km NW of Villavicencio and 100Km SE of Bogota.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia penduliflora (Dunal) Klotzsch
L.2610766Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML; Dugarte JA   1978-10-28
Venezuela, Venezuela: Edo Merida: La Trampa vicinity. Steep, windswept slopes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia penduliflora (Dunal) Klotzsch
L.2610765Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML; Dugarte JA   1978-10-23
Venezuela, Mérida, Venezuela: Edo. Mérida: Summit of Páramo La Negra.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia penduliflora (Dunal) Klotzsch
L.2610764Steyermark JA; Steyermark C   1972-03-27
Venezuela, Estado Zulia: Sierra de Perija: Loma arriba de la quebrada del Rio Omira-kuna (Tumuriasa), cerca de la frontera Colombo-Venezolana suroeste de Pishikakao e Iria hacia la Mision de Sucurpo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia penduliflora (Dunal) Klotzsch
L.2610763Ruíz-Terán LE; López-Palacios S   1971-05-30
Venezuela, Venezuela-Edo.Merida-Dto. Rivas Davila. La Vega del Puente, entre las poblaciones de Mesa de Quintero y Guaraque.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia penduliflora (Dunal) Klotzsch
L.2610762Moritz   1844-01-01
Colombia, Columbien (Merida).

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia penduliflora (Dunal) Klotzsch
L.2610761Mocquerys A   1893-01-01
Venezuela, Mocoquerys, Venezuela. Merida.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia penduliflora (Dunal) Klotzsch
L.2610760Mocquerys A   1893-01-01
Venezuela, Mocoquerys, Venezuela. Merida.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia penduliflora (Dunal) Klotzsch
L.2610759Steyermark JA; Dunsterville GCK; Dunsterville E   1968-01-22
Venezuela, Venezuela. Estado Tachira: a lo largo del rio Copas, cabeceras del rio Quinimari, entre Las Copas y San Vicente de la Revancha, al sur de Alquitrana, suroeste de Santa Ana.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia penduliflora (Dunal) Klotzsch
L.2610758Uribe Uribe AL   1963-10-07
Colombia, Colombia. Boyaca: Pajarito, municipio limitrofe con Casanare, pequeno bosque en la margen izquierda del rio Cusiana.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia penduliflora (Dunal) Klotzsch
L.2610757Uribe Uribe AL   1963-10-07
Colombia, Colombia. Boyaca: Pajarito, municipio limitrofe con Casanare, pequeno bosque en la margen izquierda del rio Cusiana.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia penduliflora (Dunal) Klotzsch
L.2610756Alston AHG   1939-01-29
Venezuela, Venezuela. Merida.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia penduliflora (Dunal) Klotzsch
L.2610755Alston AHG   1939-05-15
Venezuela, Venezuela. Between Rubio & La Muleta, Tachira.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia penduliflora (Dunal) Klotzsch
L.2610754Chacon L   1980-10-05
Venezuela, Venezuela. Edo. Tachira: Dtto. Bolivar: Mpio. Urena, cerca de la aldea Las Cumbres, en la via a Urena; en zona fria cerca de paramo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia penduliflora (Dunal) Klotzsch
L.2610753Bruijn J de   1966-07-16
Venezuela, Venezuela. State of Merida. N.W. of Merida, secondary regrowth on slope near barrio Los Chorros.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia penduliflora (Dunal) Klotzsch
L.2610752Vogel S   1955-12-01
Colombia, Strauch auf Lichtungen der 'Meseta' oberhalb Monterredondo bei Quetame, Tal des Rio Negro, Ostcordillere von Colomobia, Prov. Cundinamarca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia penduliflora (Dunal) Klotzsch
L.2610751Steyermark JA; Dunsterville GCK; Dunsterville E   1967-05-17
Venezuela, Estado Tachira: entre Villa Paez y Tama, arriba del Rio Tachira, a lo largo de la frontera Colombo - Venezolana.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia penduliflora (Dunal) Klotzsch
L.2610750Steyermark JA   1971-02-20
Venezuela, Estado Trujillo: Selva virgen, arriba de Escuque, entre Escuque y La Mesa de San Pedro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610749Vogel S   1956-09-15
Colombia, Epiphytischer Staruch im Bergwald oberhalb der Talsperre von Achicaya, zwischen Buenaventura und Cali, Westcordillere von Colombia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610748Vogel S   1956-09-15
Colombia, Epiphytischer Staruch im Bergwald oberhalb der Talsperre von Achicaya, zwischen Buenaventura und Cali, Westcordillere von Colombia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia macrophylla (Kunth) Klotzsch
L.2610747Uribe Uribe AL   1968-11-01
Colombia, Colombia. Cundinamarca: bosque en la cerretera de Chusaca a Granada.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia macrophylla (Kunth) Klotzsch
L.2610746Steyermark JA; Dunsterville GCK; Dunsterville E   1970-12-23
Venezuela, Estado Bolivar: selva humeda de los arboles con un promedio de 25-30 metros de altura, en el drenaje del Rio Cuyuni, a lo largo del Huaca-wa-ku (afluente del Rio Cuyuni) Km. 139 al sur de El Dorado.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2610745Prance GT; et al.   1971-04-05
Brazil, Plants of Brazilian Amazonia, Estado do Amazonas, Vicinity of Manaus. Manaus-Caracarai Road, Km.45. Caatinga on white sand.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia macrophylla (Kunth) Klotzsch
L.2610744Moritz   1844-01-01
Colombia, Columbien.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia macrophylla (Kunth) Klotzsch
L.2610743Beck SG   1981-11-19
Bolivia, Dpto. La Paz, Prov. Murillo, valle de Zongo, 44 kms. despues del abra de Zongo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia macrophylla (Kunth) Klotzsch
L.2610742Lehmann FC   1888-01-01
Colombia, Capilla?.

Page 2, records 101-200 of 251


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