Search Results (List)

Dataset: NL-Botany
Taxa: Polygalaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 3, records 201-300 of 1636

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Moutabea aculeata Poepp. & Endl.
U 0284202Mathias ME; Taylor D   1961-07-19
Peru, Loreto

Moutabea aculeata Poepp. & Endl.
L 0707444Mathias ME; Taylor D   1961-07-19
Peru, Loreto

Image Associated With the Occurence
Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
U.1518886Krukoff BA   1934-11-07
Brazil, Basin of Rio Madeira. State of Amazonas: Municipality Humayta, on plateau between Rio Livermento and Rio Ipixuna.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
U.1518885Krukoff BA   1936-08-26
Brazil, Basin of Rio Solimoes. State of Amazonas: Municipality Sao Paulo de Olivenca: basin of creek Belem.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
U.1518884Krukoff BA   1934-11-07
Brazil, Amazonas, Basin of Rio Madeira Humaytá

Image Associated With the Occurence
Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
U.1518883Prance GT; et al.   1971-04-26
Brazil, Acre

Image Associated With the Occurence
Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
U.1518882Krukoff BA   1940-01-01
Brazil, Maranhao, Brazil: State of Maranhao: Island of Luiz. Anil.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
U.1518881Krukoff BA   1931-01-01
Brazil, Mato Grosso, State of Matto Grosso: near Tabajara, upper Machado River region.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
U.1518837Schultes RE; Cabrera Rodriguez I   1952-01-21
Colombia, !anae !aupes. Rio Apaporis: Raudal de Jirijirimo (below mouth of Kananari)., 0.083333 -70.666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
U.1518836Acevedo-Rodríguez P   1995-06-30
Ecuador, Napo

Image Associated With the Occurence
Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
U.1518835Solomon JC   1982-05-24
Bolivia, Province of Vaca Diez. Departamento of Beni: Heavily disturbed flood plain forest along road Hamburgo, km 1 & 2 at SW edge of Riberalta., -11.033333 -66.1

Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
U 0291886Krukoff BA   1934-11-07
Brazil, Amazonas, Basin of Rio Madeira Humaytá

Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
U 0284190Acevedo-Rodríguez P   1995-06-30
Ecuador, Napo

Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
U 0130692Acevedo-Rodríguez P   1995-06-30
Ecuador, Napo

Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
U 0055170Krukoff BA   1934-11-07
Brazil, Amazonas, Basin of Rio Madeira Humaytá

Image Associated With the Occurence
Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
L.1088039Krukoff BA   1934-11-07
Brazil, Amazonas, Basin of Rio Madeira Humaytá

Image Associated With the Occurence
Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
L.1076673Krukoff BA   1934-11-07
Brazil, Amazonas, Basin of Rio Madeira Humaytá

Image Associated With the Occurence
Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
L.1076670Krukoff BA   1934-11-07
Brazil, Amazonas, Basin of Rio Madeira Humaytá

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529944Werff HH van der   1975-06-01
Ecuador, Galápagos, Insularum Galapagensium. San Salvador, near James Bay.

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U.1529943Werff HH van der   1975-03-01
Ecuador, Galapagos, Insularum Galapagensium. Isabela, near fumaroles at SW. rim of caldera of Alcedo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529949León H; Maas PJM; et al.   1986-06-07
Colombia, Nariño, Colombia: Depto. de Nariño. Municipio de La Espriella, a orillas del rio Caunapí.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529948Rooden J van; Welle BJH ter; Topper SMC   1979-12-02
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Departamento Valle del Cauca: Municipio Buenaventura, community of San Isidro., 3.983333 -76.95

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1528231Prance GT; Forero E; Pena BS; Ramos JF   1967-02-12
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia, Territorio do Roraima, Foothills of Serra Tepequem, beside Igarape Parapu.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1528230Jansen-Jacobs MJ; Welle BJH ter; Chanderbali A; Raghoenandan UPD; James V   1994-02-15
Guyana, Rupununi District, Rupununi Distr, Kwitaro R, Brian' s Landing., 2.95 -58.966667

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L.2171175Schomburgk RH   
Guyana, Guiana angl.

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U.1529975Davidse G   1973-11-20
Venezuela, Guarico: 15 km S of Las Mercedes along Hwy. 12 to Cabruta.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529860Arbo MM; Schinini A; Vanni RO   1975-03-29
Argentina, Prov. Corrientes, Dep. Concepcion. 5 km SW de Santa Rosa, Estancia Zabala.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Polygala leptocaulis Torr. & A.Gray
U.1528468Molina Rositto A; Molina AR   1971-09-17
Guatemala, Coommon herb in clearing of Malacatancito and Chixoy river, Dept. Hueheuetenango.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1528467Gómez LD   1982-11-01
Costa Rica, Seasonal pools 7.5 km E of Río Animas, La Cruz, Guanacaste.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Polygala leptocaulis Torr. & A.Gray
U.1528029Hoehne W   1964-10-24
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

Image Associated With the Occurence
Polygala leptocaulis Torr. & A.Gray
U.1528028Lindeman JC; Haas JH de   1967-07-20
Brazil, Paraná

Image Associated With the Occurence
Polygala leptocaulis Torr. & A.Gray
U.1528027Lindeman JC; Haas JH de   1966-10-03
Brazil, Paraná

Image Associated With the Occurence
Polygala leptocaulis Torr. & A.Gray
U.1528026Lindeman JC   1971-07-15

Image Associated With the Occurence
Polygala leptocaulis Torr. & A.Gray
U.1528025Lindeman JC   1971-07-16
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, 5 km N de Barra de S. Joao, RJ, 37 km N de Cabo Frio.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4165905Pedersen TM   1984-03-21
Uruguay, Plants of Uruguay. Neas Paso Empedrado (about 10 km north of the boundary of the department, on main raod from Montevideo to Rivera).Dep. Rivera.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Polygala leptocaulis Torr. & A.Gray
L.2171366Hassler E   1913-01-01
Paraguay, Paraguaria Centralis: In regione lacus Ypacaray.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Polygala leptocaulis Torr. & A.Gray
L.2171365Pedersen TM   1969-12-15
Paraguay, Estancia,,La Soledad. Santiago. Dep. Misiones.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1936836Pedersen TM   1986-10-13
Paraguay, Plantae paraguarienses. Estancia ''La Peria''. Dep. Pte. Hayes., -23.433333 -59.566667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529870Herter WG   1933-12-02
Uruguay, Dep. de Rivera. Ataques.

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U.1529869Pedersen TM   1952-06-03
Argentina, Estancia,,Santa Teresa'. Dep. Mburucuya. Prov. Corrientes.

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U.1529867Tressens SG; Cáceres S; Vanni RO; Zamudio C   1989-02-24
Argentina, Prov. Corrientes, Dep. Mercedes. Laguna Ibera. Paso Picada. Reserva Natural Provincial del Ibera.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529865Pedersen TM   1984-11-13
Argentina, Chaco

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529864Krapovickas A; Cristóbal CL; Arbo MM; Maruñak V; Maruñak RI; Irigoyen J   1970-11-29
Argentina, Corrientes, Prov. Corrientes, Dep. Santo Tome. Margen izuierda ayo. Aguapey, 52 km SE de Ruta Nac. No. 12, desvio a Gobernador Virasoro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1527940Lima D de Andrade; Vianna EC; Ferreira A; Irgang BE   1972-11-24
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Estrada Barra do Quaraí - Uruguaiana, km 65.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1527939Lindeman JC; Irgang BE; Valls JFM   1971-10-30
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, 20 km W de Passo Fundo.

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U.1527938Lindeman JC   1980-12-22
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Embrapa - UEPAE, former Faz. 5 Cruces, 10 km SE of Bagé.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4166359Pedersen TM   1986-10-13
Paraguay, Plantae paraguarienses. Estancia ''La Peria''. Dep. Pte. Hayes., -23.433333 -59.566667

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1577659Fontana AP; Maas PJM; Maas-van de Kamer H; Westra LYT; Scharf U; Andel TR   2009-05-03
Brazil, Espírito Santo, Mun. de Santa Teresa, Alto Santo Antônio, Pedra do Cruzeiro, propriedade do Vago., -19.931111 -40.565278

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1306603Breteler FJ   1964-10-10
Venezuela, State of Barinas. 20 km. from Barinitas along the road to Apartaderos. Moist site.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1306602Breteler FJ   1964-10-10
Venezuela, State of Barinas. 20 km. from Barinitas along the road to Apartaderos. Moist site.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1306601Irwin HS; Harley RM; Onishi E   1971-01-24
Brazil, c. 9 km W of Barao de Cocais, at base of Serra da Caraça, gray sandy soil. Gallery forest.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1306600Irwin HS; Harley RM; Onishi E   1971-03-14
Brazil, Serra Geral do Paraná. Riacho, c. 3 km. S. of Sao Joao de Aliança.

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WAG.1306599Breteler FJ   1964-08-12
Venezuela, State of Trujillo, 22 km. from Boconó along road to Trujillo. In roadside. Lateritic rocky soil.

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WAG.1306598Liesner RL   1973-04-02
Panama, Canal Zone. Secondary forest. Militar reserva Fuerte Sherman and adjacent Canal Zone. Road S-1, 9.218747 -79.955142

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1535028Smith HH   1898-08-01
Colombia, Santa Maria, United Stated of Columbia.

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U.1535027Smith HH   1898-09-01
Colombia, Santa Maria, United Stated of Columbia.

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U.1535026Cleef AM   1971-12-26
Colombia, Boyaca: Desierte 4 km SW de Villa de Leiva.

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U.1535025Cleef AM   1971-12-26
Colombia, Boyaca: Desierte 4 km W. de Villa de Leiva.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1535024Schunke Vigo J   1977-07-03
Peru, San Martin. Prov. Lamas; Dtto.: Alonso de Alvarado. Camino a Roque, 3-4 km de San Juan de Pacaizapa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1535023Schunke Vigo J   1973-04-22
Peru, Department of San Martin. Prov. Lamas; Alonso de Alvarado; al oeste de San Juan de Pacayzapa (Carretera a Moyobamba).

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1535022Schunke Vigo J   1973-04-22
Peru, Department of San Martin. Prov. Lamas; Alonso de Alvarado; al oeste de San Juan de Pacayzapa (Carretera a Moyobamba).

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1535021Maas PJM; Maas-van de Kamer H   1995-03-07
Venezuela, Isla la Margarita. Cerro Copey. In ditch along road.

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U.1535020Breteler FJ   1964-08-12
Venezuela, State of Trujillo, 22 km. from Boconó along road to Trujillo. In roadside. Lateritic rocky soil.

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U.1535019Wurdack JJ   1962-06-04
Peru, Rocky slopes of Cano Santa Lucia just east of Chachapoyas.

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U.1535017Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML   1978-01-14
Venezuela, Aragua: Maracay - Choroni road. High-point along road, ca 18 km N Maracay.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1535015Davidse G; Miller JS   1984-06-15
Venezuela, Aragua: Distrito Ricaurte: ca. 10-12 km SW of Colonia Tovar along the Colonia Tovar-La Victoria Highway.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1535014Maas PJM; Cobb L   1980-10-11
Ecuador, Dep. Pichincha, old Allurquin-Quito to Road km 11.

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U.1535013Farenholtz H   1934-07-02
Venezuela, Timotes. Vic. of Hollerig's homestead.

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U.1535012Farenholtz H   1934-06-07
Venezuela, San Juan de los Morros.

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U.1529996Killip EP; Smith AC   1927-01-04
Colombia, Eastern Cordillera. Dept. Santander: Vicinity of Surata.

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U.1529995Hatheway WH   1955-07-31
Colombia, Department de Antioquia. Roadside weed, El Poblado, near Medellin.

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U.1529994Klug G   1936-04-01
Peru, Department of San Martin: Juan Jui, Alto Roo Huallaga.

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U.1529993Williams L; Alston AHG   1938-11-17
Venezuela, Federal District: Common on the side of path at El Avila.

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U.1529992Liesner RL   1988-05-02
Venezuela, Edo. Bolivar: Gran Sabana; ca. 10 km SW of Karaurin Tepui at junction of Rio and Rio Asadon (Rio Sanpa)., 5.316667 -61.05

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529991Breteler FJ   1964-10-10
Venezuela, State of Barinas. 20 km. from Barinitas along the road to Apartaderos. Moist site.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1528485Molina Rositto A; Molina AR   1971-09-11
Guatemala, On Rocky slope between San Perdo Necta and El Mono bridge, highway to La Mesilla, Dept. Huehuetenango.

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U.1528484Berg CC; Nee MH   1973-12-14
Panama, Canal Zone: Pipeline Road, 10 km nw. of Gamboa.

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U.1528483Maas PJM   1974-08-02
Costa Rica, Porv. Cartago, cloud forest near Moravia, ca 30 km E of Turrialba.

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U.1528482Molina Rositto A; Molina AR   1972-09-26
Guatemala, Common in open forest vicinity of San Andrecillo, Dept. Guatemala.

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U.1528481Molina Rositto A; Molina AR   1972-09-26
Guatemala, Moist thickets vicinity of San Andrecillo, Dept. Guatemala.

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U.1528480Molina Rositto A; Molina AR   1972-10-01
Guatemala, Abundant on Salamá river bank 3 Kms. from Salamá town, dept. Baja Verapaz.

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U.1528479Huft MJ   1982-04-14
Panama, Province of Chiriquí, Mountains NW of Boquete.

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U.1528478Wallnöfer B; Tut-Tesucun FM   1994-12-12
Guatemala, Petén, 17 -89.883333

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U.1528477Sloot DM; Reina A   2001-11-28
El Salvador, Chalatenango, Chalatenango, La Palma area, Caballero., 14.3 -89.133333

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U.1527970Heel ALS van   1958-12-01
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro: Novo Friburgo.

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U.1527969Rutten LMR   1920-10-04
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro.

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U.1527968Rutten LMR   1920-10-04
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro.

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U.1527967Brantjes NBM   1978-05-11
Brazil, Ouro Branco, MG, um 80 coryonhas-Ouro Preto.

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U.1527966Brantjes NBM   1978-05-16
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Alto do Palácio.

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U.1527962Hoehne W   1964-12-30
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

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U.1527961Harley RM; et al.   1977-03-30
Brazil, Estado da Bahia, Serra da Conquista, ca. 12km S.E. of Barra do Choça on the road to Itapetinga., -14.95 -40.516667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1527960Harley RM; et al.   1977-03-30
Brazil, Estado da Bahia, Serra da Conquista, ca. 12km S.E. of Barra do Choça on the road to Itapetinga., -14.95 -40.516667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1527959Maas PJM; Westra LYT   1979-10-28
Guyana, Rupununi District, Rupununi Distr, foothills of NW Kanuku Mts, near Moco-Moco village., 3.333333 -59.583333

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U.1527958Salzmann P   
Brazil, Bahia, Bahia

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U.1527957Lindeman JC; Haas JH de   1966-10-22
Brazil, São Paulo, São Paulo. Road from São Paulo to Santos. Descent from Serra at 1/3 rd.

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U.1527956Mexia YEJ   1930-02-19
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Viçosa, Agricultural College Lands. Road northwest of main buildings.

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U.1527955Bierens de Haan JA   1909-09-03
Brazil, Bahia, Bahia

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U.1527954Lindeman JC; Haas JH de   1967-07-19
Brazil, Pernambuco, Pernambuco. Serra das Russas near Recife.

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U.1527953Berg CC   1973-08-17
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara, Corcovado, along railway

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U.1527952Lindeman JC; Haas JH de   1966-06-21
Brazil, Paraná, Paraná, high leves of Rio Piquirí, near its outlet.

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