Search Results (List)

Dataset: NL-Botany
Taxa: Polygalaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 10, records 901-1000 of 1636

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529935Schunke Vigo J   1966-02-17
Peru, Department of Huanuco. Maquizapa (Carretera Monzon).

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529934Mexia YEJ   1936-09-09
Peru, South America. Departamento and Provincia Huanuco. Distrito Churubamba; Hacienda Exito; high bank of Rio Cayumba; trailside in tangle.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1528378Prance GT; Rodrigues WA; Ramos JF; Farias LG   1968-11-15
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia, Territory of Rondonia, Basin of Rio Madeira, Trail from Fortaleza, Rio Abuna 20 km above mouth, to Sao Sebastiao Mines.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4181444Persson CH; Grandez C   2002-10-19
Peru, Junin: Chanchamayo, La Merced, trocha a lo largo quebrada Kimiri., -11.05 -75.316667

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4181304Chatrou LW; Pirie MD; Saucedo A   2001-11-02
Bolivia, Dept. Beni, Prov. Vaca Diez, San Pablo, 45 km northeast of Riberalta along road to Cachuela Esperanza., -10.616667 -65.766667

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2170351Bell D; Wiser S   1988-03-19
Peru, Madre de Dios

Image Associated With the Occurence
Polygala andina A.W.Benn.
U.1529946Ellenberg H   1957-05-17
Peru, Tonnebaum-Mischwald. 7º WSW. Cienego sudl. Zorritos.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Polygala formosa A.W.Benn.
U.1529962Krukoff BA   1939-10-08
Bolivia, Department of La Paz: Province of Larecaja: Copacabana (about 10 km south of Mapiri).

Image Associated With the Occurence
Polygala formosa A.W.Benn.
L.2171626Herzog TCJ   1911-06-01
Bolivia, Im Gebusch bei San Miguelito.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1535131Prance GT; et al.   1974-03-14
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia. State of Amazonas. Manaus-Porto-Velho Highway. Km 246, 4 km south of Igapo Acu.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529967Schunke Vigo J   1978-04-01
Peru, San Martin. Prov. Marsical Caceres. Distrito Tocache Nuevo. Quebrada de Huaquisha, Fundo Vista Alegre.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529966Maas PJM; Maas-van de Kamer H; Roersch C; Westra LYT   1984-10-23
Peru, Cuzco. Prov. Paucartambo: near Pillcopata.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1528139Krukoff BA   1934-10-12
Brazil, Basin of Rio Madeira, State of Amazonas: Municipality Humayta, near Livramento, on Rio Livramento.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1528165Harley RM; et al.   1974-02-12
Brazil, Estado de Bahia, Coastal Zone, Reserva Biologica do Pau Brasil, 17 km W. from Porto Segura on the road to Eunapolis., -16.416667 -39.2

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1528164Harley RM; et al.   1977-01-23
Brazil, Estado da Bahia, Coastal Zone, 20 km North along road from Una to Ilhéus., -15.183333 -39.033333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1528163Harley RM; et al.   1977-01-20
Brazil, Estado da Bahia, Coastal Zone, Reserva Biologica do Pau BRasil (CEPLAC), 17 km W. from Porto Seguro on road to Eunápolis., -16.4 -39.183333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1528162Maas PJM; Maas-van de Kamer H; Mattos Silva LA   1987-11-25
Brazil, Bahia: Mun. de Santa Cruz Cabrália, 'Estaçao Ecologica do Pau-Brasil', ca. 16 km W of Porto Seguro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1528161Harley RM; et al.   1977-01-29
Brazil, Estado da Bahia, Coastal Zone, ca 6km S.W. of Itacarém on side road south from the main Itacaré-Ubaitaba road,s south of the mouth of the Rio de Contas., -14.316667 -39.016667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1528160Harley RM; et al.   1977-01-12
Brazil, Estado da Bahia, Coastal Zone, Parque Nacional de Monte Pascoal, On N.W. slopes of Monte Pascoal., -16.883333 -39.416667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1527911Webster GL   1984-07-23
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Santa Cruz Cabralia: Estação Ecologica Pau Brasil, 14 km NW of Porto Seguro., -16.383333 -39.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529988Ellenberg H   1957-04-07
Peru, 78 Dornstrauch-Bambus-Wald, Machupicchu. 25-30º NW.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U 0005655Ducke A   1936-06-26
Brazil, Amazonas, Humaytá, Rio Madeira (civ, Amazonas), inter fluvium et lacum Paraiso

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1527825Brantjes NBM   1978-05-29
Brazil, Municipio: Baiao, Pará, roadside, south of vlage.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1527824Lleras E; Holley C; Monteiro OP   1973-11-22
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia, State of Amazonas, Manaus-Porto-Velho Highway, Manaus-Porto Velho Rd, (BR319) behind road camp, Km. 240.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1527823Silva NT   1969-06-10
Brazil, Amazonia, Pará, JAri, estrada entre Tinguelim e Braço, Mata de terra firme.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1527820Nascimento JR   1994-08-24
Brazil, Amazonas

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1527819Henkel TW   1994-07-13
Guyana, Potario-Siparuni. Pakaraima Mountains; Upper Ireng watershed; Malakwalai-Tipu. summit on narrow ridge to SE escarpment.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1527817Baker CF   1907-12-28
Brazil, Amazon, Vicinity of Pará.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1527813Henkel TW; Chin M; Ryan W   1993-01-28
Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni, Guyana. Region: Potaro-Siparuni. Pakaraima Mts, south rim , summit ridge, Cipo Mtn, c. 2-4 km from headwaters of Cipo Creek., 4.9 -60.083333

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4165457Solomon JC   1984-10-21
Bolivia, La Paz: Nor Yungas Province. 16.2 km NE of (below) Chuspipata on road to Yolosa., -16.233333 -67.783333

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2171995Martius CFPS   1864-01-01
Brazil, Brasilia, Rio Janeiro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2171994Martius CFPS   1885-01-01
Brazil, Brasilie; Rio Janeiro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
AMD.96228Buchtien O   1910-01-01
Bolivia, Flora Boliviae: La Paz.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529697Prance GT; Pennington TD   1965-11-09
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia. State of Para. Road Braganca to Viseu. Banks of Rio Piria, south of Curapati.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529696Prance GT; et al.   1971-10-22
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia. Basin of Rio Negro. Rio Uneiuxi, above mouth.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529695Prance GT; Pena BS; Ramos JF   1966-11-26
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia. State of Amazonas. Municipality of Humaita, Rio Madeira. Banks of Rio Ipixuna.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529694Prance GT; Rodrigues WA; Ramos JF; Farias LG   1968-11-23
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia. Territory of Rondonia. Basin of Rio Madeira. Rio Mutuparana, 10 km above Mutuparana. River bank.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529693Prance GT; et al.   1974-03-16
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia. State of Amazonas. Manaus-Porto-Velho Highway. Margin of Igapo Acu at crossing with BR319, Manaus-Porto Velho Road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529692Mori SA; et al.   1977-02-22
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia. State of Amazonas. Rio Solimoes. Tonantins. Parana de Tonantins.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529691Campbell DG; Ongley JC; Ramos JF   1974-03-22
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia. State of Amazonas. Manaus-Porto-Velho Highway. Rio Tupana; km 160. Igapo Tupana.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529690Campbell DG; Monteiro OP; Nelson BW; Ongley JC   1974-04-26
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia. State of Amazonas. 2 km south of Maues, on Maues River, in front of deserted farm. Igapo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529689Wurdack JJ; Adderley LS   1959-06-09
Brazil, Rio Atabapo, Territorio Amazonas. Frequent along Cano Temo just below Yavita.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529688Prance GT; et al.   1971-10-14
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia. Basin of Rio Negro. Rio Negro between Ilha Uabetuba & Ilha da Silva.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529687Prance GT; Coelho LF; Kubitzki K; Maas PJM   1971-03-22
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia. Estado do Amazonas. Vicinity of Manaus. Maua Road. Margin of stream.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4181262Leal ME; Rodríguez A   1993-11-08
Colombia, Peña Roja, Amazonas, Colombia: varzea.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2163789Schomburgk RH   
Guyana, Guiana anglica.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Securidaca macrophylla (Benth.) Wurdack
U.1529698Pires JM; Rodrigues Wm; Irvine GC   1961-09-26
Brazil, On a survey of territorio Amapa, Rio Araguari. Along river, Serra do Navio.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529610Pulle-Lutz BMJ   1938-10-29
Brazil, Districto Federal: Recreio dos Bandeirantes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529609Acevedo-Rodríguez P; Tiwari S   1990-02-17
Guyana, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo, 3.883333 -59.583333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529608Redden KM; Williams (Guyana) R   2004-01-30
Guyana, 5.583333 -60.2

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529606Jansen-Jacobs MJ; Lilwah R; Raghoenandan UPD; Scheplitz F; Vermeer J   1997-09-11
Guyana, 2 -59.566667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529603Smith AC   1937-11-01

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529602Henkel TW; Williams (Guyana) R; James V   1993-10-11
Guyana, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo, U. Takutu-U. Essequibo region, south of Rupununi savanna; savanna-forest interface ca. 12 km S. of Aishalton along road to Marudi., 2.333333 -59.3

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529500Idrobo JM; Cleef AM; Rangel O; Salamanca Villagas S   1980-08-10
Colombia, Departamento del Tolima, Municipio de Venadillo, Verede La Planada, Alto El Papayo, Cordillera Central, verttiente oriental.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1546506Hatschbach GG   1974-07-19
Brazil, Rod.Br 060 (mun.Rio Verde) Goias.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1546505Hatschbach GG   1974-07-19
Brazil, Rod.Br 060 (mun.Rio Verde) Goias.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529530Ribeiro JELS; Hopkins MJG; Ramos JF; Souza SS   1993-08-12
Brazil, Amazonas, -2.883333 -59.966667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529529Ribeiro JELS; Hopkins MJG; Ramos JF; Souza SS   1993-08-12
Brazil, Amazonas, -2.883333 -59.966667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529528Prance GT; et al.   1977-02-27
Brazil, Brazilian Amazonia. State of Amazonas. Rio Solimoes. Igarape Camatia; Sao Paulo de Olivenca. Margin of river.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529522Irwin HS; Souza R; Reis dos Santos R   1965-09-10
Brazil, Planalto do Brasil. Distrito Federal. Corrego Samambaia, near Taguatinga, D.F.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529450Rudas A   1991-03-06
Colombia, Amazonas, -3.75 -70.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
U 0252438Saint-Hilaire AFCP de   
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Brésil, Minas Gerais

U 0252437Saint-Hilaire AFCP de   
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Brésil, Minas Gerais

U 0252436Saint-Hilaire AFCP de   
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Brésil, Minas Gerais

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2163824Martius CFP von   
Brazil, in Brasilia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2163823Martius CFP von   
Brazil, in Brasilia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2163822Martius CFP von   1864-01-01
Brazil, Brasilia, Rio Negro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529472Maguire B; Wurdack JJ   1953-04-01
Venezuela, Alto Río Orinoco, Territorio Amazonas, along river between mouth of rio Padamo and Esmeralda.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529471Wurdack JJ; Adderley LS   1959-07-11
Venezuela, Rio Casiquiare, Territorio Amazonas, Occasional along river between Solano and mouth of Rio Pacimoni.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529470Davidse G; Miller JS   1984-06-25
Colombia, Guainia: small cano, a short distance south of the junction of the Rio Negro, Rio Guainia and Brazo Casiquiare, ca. 1º 59' N, 67º 06' N.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1529469Solomon JC   1982-05-17
Bolivia, Province of Vaca Diez, Departamento of Beni: Heavily disturbed flood plain forest along road to Hamburgh, km 1 & 2 at SW edge of Riberalta., -11.033333 -66.1

Image Associated With the Occurence
Polygala aparinoides Hook. & Arn.
U.1528598Molina Rositto A; Molina AR   1972-10-01
Guatemala, Mountain between La Unión and Purulha, Dept. Baja Verapaz.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1528625Maas PJM; Dressler RL   1972-01-12
Panama, Prov. Panamá: Cerro Jefe.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1528624Maas PJM; Dressler RL   1980-10-23
Panama, Prov. VEraguas, Cerro Ture, W-slopes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1528623Maas PJM; Dressler RL; Kennedy H   1974-09-02
Panama, Prov. Panamá, Altos de Pacora.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
U.1606117Cleef AM   1973-04-06
Colombia, Boyacá, Peña de Arnical, N de Vado Hondo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
U.1606115White S; Alverson WS   1977-05-25
Colombia, Magdalena, vicinity of two small lakes near source of Río Yebosimeina., 1.75 -73.633333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
U.1606114Schultes RE   1951-02-14
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Páramo de Guasca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
U.1606107Killip EP   1939-03-16
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Bocquerón de Chipaque.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
U.1606106Cleef AM   1972-05-20
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Usaquén.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
U.1606075Cleef AM   1972-02-28
Colombia, Boyacá, Páramos al NW de Belén, cabeceras Quebrads Minas, Hoya Clla. Larga, vertiente N del valle.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
U.1606074Cleef AM   1973-01-14
Colombia, Meta, Cerro Nevado del Sumapaz, Quebrada El Buque.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
U.1606073Cleef AM   1972-12-06
Colombia, Boyacá, Páramo de La Rusia, NW-N de Duitama. Aislada: Filo 1 km NNE de la Estación de la Telivisora Nal.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
U.1606072Cleef AM   1973-01-16
Colombia, Meta, Páramo de Sumapaz, Hoya El Nevado, Lagunas El Sorbedero y El Nevado y páramos en las cercanías de la Laguna El Nevado. 'El Corazón' 2 km al NNE de la Laguna El Nevado.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
U.1606071Cleef AM   1972-07-11
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Páramo entre Cogua y San Cayetano; cercanias de la Laguna Seca, aprox. 1 km al N. de dicha Laguna.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
U.1606070Cleef AM   1972-01-23
Colombia, Meta, Páramo de Sumapaz, Hoya de la Quebrada Sitiales. 1 km al NW de la Laguna La Guitarra.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
U.1606069Cleef AM   1973-04-28
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Cabeceras de la Quebrada Chuza entre la mina del cal del paramo de Palacio y el paramo de Chingaza.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
U.1606068Schultes RE; Cabrera I   1970-03-17
Colombia, Cundinamarca, above Usme.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
U.1606056Diaz Píedrahít S; Cleef AM   1977-04-03
Colombia, Cundinamarca, páramos entre Cogua y San Cayetano, ca. 2 kms. al sur de Laguna Seca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
U.1606055Cleef AM   1973-04-06
Colombia, Boyacá, Peña de Arnical, N de Vado Hondo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
U.1606053Lindeman JC   1967-09-09
Colombia, Boyacá, Alto de la Cruz near Bogotá. Páramo bajo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
L.4166071Cuatrecasas J   1969-01-09
Colombia, Cundinamarca: Macizo de Bogotá-Macizo de Sumapaz, extremo norte, Quebrada de Tanque Grande (arriba de Santos Rosa).

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
L.4166047Beukema H; Verweij PA   1991-01-01
Colombia, Colombia, Risaralda; PNN Los Nevados. FincaLa Sierra., 4.791667 -75.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
L.4166040Beukema H; Verweij PA   1991-01-01
Colombia, Colombia, Risaralda; PNN Los Nevados. Vereda El Bosque; Polylepis sericea dwarf forest and Monochaeto., 4.8 -75.333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
L.2159712Apollinaire F   1909-07-18
Colombia, San Cristobal, Pres Bogota.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
AMD.95901Cleef AM   1972-07-11
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Páramo entre Cogua y San Cayetano; cercanias de la Laguna Seca, aprox. 1 km al N. de dicha Laguna.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina aestuans (L.f.) DC.
AMD.95898Cleef AM   1973-04-28
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Cabeceras de la Quebrada Chuza entre la mina del cal del paramo de Palacio y el paramo de Chingaza.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1605996Idrobo JM; Cleef AM; Rangel O; Salamanca S   1980-07-22
Colombia, Risaralda, Municipio de Sta. Rosa; Hacienda La Gaviota, Cordillera Central, vertiente occidental.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1605995Idrobo JM; Cleef AM; Rangel O; Salamanca S   1980-07-20
Colombia, Risaralda, Municipio de Sta. Rosa. Camino de herradura entre Termales y el Páramo de Sta. Rosa. Declive al lado izquierdo de la quebrada El Cortijo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1423807Breteler FJ   1963-11-21
Venezuela, Mérida, 81 km from Mérida along road to Barinas.

Page 10, records 901-1000 of 1636


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