Search Results (List)

Dataset: NL-Botany
Taxa: Onagraceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 9, records 801-900 of 1097

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fuchsia microphylla subsp. hemsleyana (Woodson & Seibert) Breedlove
U.1449177Maas PJM; Dressler RL   1980-10-21
Panama, Prov. Chiriquí, above Guadalupe, ca. 2km N of Cerro Punta, montane forest., 8.883333 -82.55

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fuchsia microphylla subsp. hemsleyana (Woodson & Seibert) Breedlove
U.1449176Kappelle M; Abarca A   1986-01-09
Costa Rica, Siberia de Villa Mills, lado noreste de la Carretera Interamericana, Provincia San José.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fuchsia microphylla subsp. hemsleyana (Woodson & Seibert) Breedlove
U.1449175Lent RW   1967-04-30
Costa Rica, Secondary growth. W. Bank Rio Grande de Orosi Tapantí. Prov. Cartago.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fuchsia microphylla subsp. hemsleyana (Woodson & Seibert) Breedlove
U.1449174Averett J; Arcy WG d'; Hammel BE   1979-03-21
Panama, Province of Chiriqui. Pasture along Rio Caldera, just above Bajo Mono, NW of Boquete.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fuchsia microphylla subsp. hemsleyana (Woodson & Seibert) Breedlove
U.1449169Holm RW; Iltis HH   1949-06-26
Costa Rica, Province of Cartago. Upland pastures in open cloudforest. South slope of Volcan Irazu, on highway about 5km NE of Finca Robert.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Epilobium australe Poepp. & Hausskn.
U.1449225Solomon JC; Solomon A   1979-01-23
Chile, Bío-Bío; 4km above hydroelectric dam on road to Laguna La Laja., -37.416667 -71.416667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Epilobium australe Poepp. & Hausskn.
U.1449224Solomon JC; Solomon A   1979-02-21
Argentina, Rio Negro; Cerro Tronador., -41.166667 -71.883333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Epilobium australe Poepp. & Hausskn.
U.1449223Werdermann E   1925-01-01
Chile, Prov. Curicó. Cord. Vilcan Peteroa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Epilobium australe Poepp. & Hausskn.
U.1449222Werdermann E   1927-03-01
Chile, Prov. Ã'uble, Baños de Chillán, Aguas Calientes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Epilobium australe Poepp. & Hausskn.
L.4176023Quené-Boterenbrood AJ   1989-01-20
Argentina, Tierra del tuego=Vuurland langs oude weg naar Laguna Escondida, vanaf weg Ushauia-Estancia Harberton.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1449238Solomon JC; Solomon A   1979-01-23
Chile, Bío-Bío; 7.7 km above hydroelectric dam on road to Laguna La Laja. Common in cinders and clinkers., -37.416667 -71.333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2548703Zöllner O   1972-02-03
Chile, Chile, Prov. Cautin am Pass Lolco ambach wachsend.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1127902Buchtien O   1905-02-09
Argentina, (Argentinische Andenregion) San Cárlos de Bariloche (lago Nahuelhuapi, 41° s. Br.).

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1449251Werdermann E   1927-03-01
Chile, Prov. Ã'uble, Baños de Chillan. Aguas Calientes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1449245Werdermann E   1927-03-01
Chile, Prov. Ã'uble, Baños de Chillan. Aguas Calientes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1449244Moore DM   1961-02-06
Chile, Prov. Ã'uble; Termas de Chillán. Rocky moist places by stream in valley below hotel at Termas.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1449243Solomon JC; Solomon A   1979-01-17
Chile, Nuble, ±300m above the Termas de Chillan., -36.833333 -71.416667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1449242Solomon JC; Solomon A   1979-02-22
Chile, Rio Negro; Rock cut along old Route 258 South end of Lago Guillelmo., -41.416667 -71.466667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1449241Solomon JC; Solomon A   1978-12-26
Chile, Aconcagua; 1.8 km above Juncal on Camino Internacional 60., -32.833333 -70.166667

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2548330Gerth H   1913-01-01
Argentina, Res. publ. Argentina:Mendoza-San Luis Los Horgos*, Rio Salado.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2548329Buchtien O   1905-02-09
Argentina, Flora von Nordpatagonien (Argentinische Andenregion) San Carlos de Bariloche (lago Nahuelhuapi) Am Seeufer., -41.166667 -71.583333

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2548328Buchtien O   1903-02-10
Chile, Aconcagua, Flora Chilenses. Uspallata -Pass der chilenischen Hochcordillere: Juncal an Bachen.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chile, Chili.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2548326Zöllner O   1972-02-19
Chile, Chile, Provinz Aconcagua bei Rio Blanco im Circo-Tal.

Image Associated With the Occurence
AMD.92695Andreas CH   1910-01-01
Argentina, Cordillera Mendoza.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1449247Solomon JC; Solomon A   1979-01-30
Chile, Cautin: Puente Correntoso (about 15km east of Villarica) on rd. between Villarica and Pucon., -39.266667 -72

Image Associated With the Occurence
Epilobium puberulum Hook. & Arn.
U.1449250Andreas CH   1938-01-07
Chile, Puerto o Montt.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Epilobium puberulum Hook. & Arn.
U.1449249Andreas CH   1938-02-02
Chile, Aysen, langs sloot.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Epilobium puberulum Hook. & Arn.
U.1449248Solomon JC; Solomon A   1979-01-19
Chile, Concepcíon; 8.2 km E of junction of road from San Rafael to Coelemu on road to San Ignacio, about 8km from San Rafael., -36.583333 -72.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
Epilobium puberulum Hook. & Arn.
L.2570064Andreas CH   1938-02-02
Chile, Aysen, langs sloot.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1449158Kappelle M   1986-03-04
Costa Rica, Trinidad de Dota, c. 0.5km al sur de la Carretera Interamericana (KM64-KM65) en la 'Finca de la Sociedad Ganadera Madre Selva S.A.'; Provincia San José.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1449157Kappelle M; Monge M   1988-11-17
Costa Rica, P.N. Chirropó-Llano Bomito Lev. 51; Provincia San José.

U 0294697Stern WL; Eyde RH; Ayensu ES   

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4175808Colindres I   1980-10-12
Honduras, Departamento: La Paz. 20 km SO de O patora.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4171969Christenhusz MJM; et al.   2009-02-26
Guatemala, Huehuetenango, Todos Santos Cuchumatán. AldeA Max, Crucero a Chinhuitz., 15.516667 -91.65

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2554267Türckheim H von   1908-05-01
Guatemala, Dept. Alta Verapaz.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2554263Günther E   1928-12-01
Chile, Rig. de Antofagasto p. Boguidome.

Image Associated With the Occurence
AMD.92975Kappelle M; Guttiérez M   1986-02-25
Costa Rica, Providencia de Dota; c. 5 km al sur de Ojo de Agua, en el camino a Providencia de Dota; Provincia San José.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1449062Cleef AM; Hart H 't   1972-03-19
Colombia, Caldas: Nevado del Ruíz, Carretera Termales-Refugio. Límite selva alto-andina y páramo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1449061Cleef AM   1972-02-26
Colombia, Boyacá: Páramos al NW de Belén, cabeceras Quebrada Minas, Hoya Laguna El Alcohol. Vertiente S del valle con una mancha del bosque enano alto-andino.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1449060Cleef AM   1972-02-26
Colombia, Boyacá: Páramos al NW de Belén, cabeceras Quebrada Minas, Hoya Laguna El Alcohol. Vertiente S del valle con una mancha del bosque enano alto-andino.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U 0005333Steinbach RF   1966-12-18
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Km. 104 del camino al Chapare Depto. de Cochabamba

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fuchsia garleppiana Kuntze & Wittm.
U.1449155Steinbach J   1929-03-07
Bolivia, Standort Wald. Incacorral-Aduana, Prov. Chapare, Depart. Cochabamba.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fuchsia garleppiana Kuntze & Wittm.
U.1449154Brooke WMA   1950-08-15
Bolivia, Incachaca. Growing on the branch of a tree in the forest., -16 -68

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1449043Brooke WMA   
Bolivia, Incachaca., -17 -65

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1449042Steinbach J   1929-06-19
Bolivia, Standort Wald. Quebrada de Corani, Prov. Chapare, Depart. Cochabamba.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1449041Brooke WMA   1950-08-11
Bolivia, Incachaca. Growing amongst the stones of an old wall in the sun., -17 -65

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1449040Solomon JC   1985-10-19
Bolivia, Dpto. Cochabamba; Prov. Chapare; 23.8km N of Colomi (junction of the road to Candelaria) on road to the Chapare, then 2.2 km NW (left) on side road. Upper Rio Cayani., -17.166667 -65.883333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1449039Brooke WMA   1950-08-12
Bolivia, Incachaca. Grow where the same forest had been cut down when it flowers before it has leaves., -17 -65

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1448980Andreas CH   1938-07-01
Chile, Charillos, ± N.-Chili.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2554068Andreas CH   1938-07-01
Chile, Charillos, ± N.-Chili.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fuchsia michoacanensis Sessé & Moc.
U.1449170Endress PK   1969-01-26
Guatemala, Centrali-Americana. Dept. Alta Verapaz, ca. 5km from Tactíc, Río Frio.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fuchsia michoacanensis Sessé & Moc.
AMD.92982Harriman NA   1979-05-27
Guatemala, Departamento de Quezaltenango. around a waterfall along route 95, just upslope from a toll booth for a tunnel, between Zunil and San Sebastian, between kilometers 208 and 209.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fuchsia michoacanensis Sessé & Moc.
AMD.92981Harriman NA   1979-05-27
Guatemala, Departamento de Quezaltenango. around a waterfall along route 95, just upslope from a toll booth for a tunnel, between Zunil and San Sebastian, between kilometers 208 and 209.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1449064Boeke JD; McElroy JB   1976-10-26
Colombia, Depto. Antioquia. Páramo Frontino. Near Llano Grande. Cloud forest patch in Espeletia paramo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1449063Diaz Píedrahít S; Rangel O; Jaramillo Mejía R   1980-02-11
Colombia, Departamento del Telima: Municipio de Santa Isabel; márgenes del Rio Totarito.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4171976Beukema H; Verweij PA   1991-01-01
Colombia, Risaralda; PNN Los Nevados. Finca La Sierra; Weinmannia mariquita and Hesperomeles lagunosa., 4.475 -75.15

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4171975Beukema H; Verweij PA   1991-01-01
Colombia, Risaralda; PNN Los Nevados. Finca La Sierra; Weinmannia mariquita and Hesperomeles lagunosa., 4.475 -75.15

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.4171974Beukema H; Verweij PA   1991-01-01
Colombia, Risaralda; PNN Los Nevados. Finca La Sierra; Weinmannia mariquita and Hesperomeles lagunosa., 4.475 -75.15

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2554066Herb Stolz   
Peru, Octandria-Monogynda. * ?

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1449619Hollermayer A   1928-01-01
Chile, Prov. Valdivia, Panguipulli.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1447630Molina Rositto A   1967-11-13
Guatemala, Fls. salmon, common in forest of Volcan Agua, Department Sacatepequez.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1447627Allen PH   1935-04-20
Panama, Provincia de Chiriqui, llanos on slopes of Volcan de Chiriqui Viejo and along Rio Chiriqui Viejo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1447624Molina Rositto A; Molina AR   1972-09-26
Guatemala, Moist thickets vicinity of San Andrecillo, Dept. Guatemala.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia bonariensis (Micheli) H.Hara
WAG.1128728Pedersen TM   1977-06-02
Argentina, Prov. Corrientes; Dep. Concepcion; Carambola.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia bonariensis (Micheli) H.Hara
WAG.1128727Pedersen TM   1980-03-06
Brazil, Prov. Formosa; Dep. Hatacos; Juary.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia bonariensis (Micheli) H.Hara
WAG.1128726Pedersen TM   1980-03-06
Brazil, Prov. Formosa; Dep. Hatacos; Juary.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia bonariensis (Micheli) H.Hara
U.1449561Lindeman JC   1970-05-31
Argentina, Delta del Rio Paraná, W. of Buenos Aires Crovetto, islet at Paraná de las Palmas at border of small marsh behind levee.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia bonariensis (Micheli) H.Hara
U.1449560Pedersen TM   1956-05-24
Argentina, Wet ground. Estancia 'Las Tres Marias' Dep. Empedrado. Prov. Corrientes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia bonariensis (Micheli) H.Hara
U.1449559Gallinal JP; et al.   1936-01-01
Argentina, Depto: Uruguay. Cerro Largo, Estancia: Río Negro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia bonariensis (Micheli) H.Hara
U.1449558Pedersen TM   1951-11-24
Argentina, Estancia 'Santa Teresa', Dep. Mburucuyá, Prov. Corrientes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia bonariensis (Micheli) H.Hara
L.4175747Pedersen TM   1980-03-06
Brazil, Prov. Formosa; Dep. Hatacos; Juary.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia bonariensis (Micheli) H.Hara
L.2549513Pedersen TM   1977-06-02
Argentina, Plantae Argentinae. Carambola. Dep. Comcepcion. Prov. Corrientes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia bonariensis (Micheli) H.Hara
L.2549512Vervoorst F   1957-04-01
Argentina, Argentina: Bueno Aires, Anchorena (Rio de la Plata).

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia bonariensis (Micheli) H.Hara
L.2549511Pedersen TM   1979-04-11
Argentina, Plantae Argentinenses. Estancia '' Buena Esperanza, Dep. Federacion, Prov. Entre Rios.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia caparosa (Cambess.) H.Hara
U.1449563Ibarrola TS   1944-12-18
Argentina, La Cruz (al Este) de San Martin, Prov. Corrientes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia caparosa (Cambess.) H.Hara
U.1449562Rosengurtt B   1938-03-19
Uruguay, Uruguay. Rocha. Serranìas de Garzón.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia caparosa (Cambess.) H.Hara
U.1448338Bamps PRJ   1976-03-24
Brazil, S. José de Barreiros. Est. São Paulo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia caparosa (Cambess.) H.Hara
U.1448337Lindeman JC   1971-11-13
Brazil, Beira de uma vala ao W de São Francisco.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia caparosa (Cambess.) H.Hara
L.2549514Reitz R; Klein RM   1961-04-13
Brazil, Plantas de Santa Catarina-Brasil. Serra de Boa Vista, Rancho Queimado.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia filiformis (Micheli) Ramamoorthy
WAG.1128807Hatschbach GG; Ramamoorthy TP   1976-01-30
Brazil, Rod. Belém -Brasilia, km 194 (mun. Hidrolina), Goias.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia filiformis (Micheli) Ramamoorthy
L.2549461Pedersen TM   1978-02-13
Brazil, Plantae brasilienses. Mato Grosso, mun Br.60, about 15 km SW of Campo Grande, near Fazenda Leonha.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia irwinii Ramamoorthy
WAG.1128861Pedersen TM   1967-12-07
Argentina, Estancia 'San Juan'.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia irwinii Ramamoorthy
WAG.1128860Pedersen TM   1967-12-07
Argentina, Estancia 'San Juan'.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia irwinii Ramamoorthy
U.1449576Pedersen TM   1956-02-24
Argentina, Estancia 'Santa Teresa' Dep. Mburucuyá, Prov. Corrientes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia irwinii Ramamoorthy
L.4175779Pedersen TM   1967-12-07
Argentina, Estancia San Juan.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia lagunae (Morong) H.Hara
WAG.1128884Hatschbach GG   1977-05-19
Brazil, Sta. Terezinha (mun. Foz do Iguacu) Paraná.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia lagunae (Morong) H.Hara
U.1449580Huidobro AMR   1947-01-06
Argentina, Provincia Corrientes, Dep. Mercedes, Ruta 14km 763 Estero Vuquery.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia lagunae (Morong) H.Hara
U.1449579Ibarrola TS   1944-05-14
Argentina, Provincia Corrientes, Dep. Concepcion. Arroyo Soro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia lagunae (Morong) H.Hara
U.1449578Schinini A; et al.   1995-03-08
Argentina, Corrientes

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia lagunae (Morong) H.Hara
U.1449577Meyer T   1944-01-24
Argentina, Prov. de Corrientes. Capital, Dep. Capital.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia lagunae (Morong) H.Hara
U.1448095Lorentz PG   1879-02-08
Paraguay, 2 m; ese ini gracili cante anperne valvera unsa, non nano prope Villa occidental.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia lagunae (Morong) H.Hara
L.2565077Hassler E   1913-01-01
Paraguay, Plantae Paraguarienses. Paraguaria Centralis: In regione lacus Ypacaray.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia longifolia (DC.) H.Hara
WAG.1128945Soels K   1959-01-24
Brazil, in Nationaal Araucaria angustifolia bos op hoog-vlakte. ± 10 km ten Z. van Curitiba in de staat Santa Catharina, 'Jamandua'genaamd.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia longifolia (DC.) H.Hara
U.1449586Rosengurtt B   1937-02-27
Uruguay, Montevideo, Carrasco.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia longifolia (DC.) H.Hara
U.1449585Rosengurtt B   1938-02-05
Uruguay, Uruguay, Rocha. Ao La Pantauosa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia longifolia (DC.) H.Hara
U.1449584Herter WG   1933-12-02
Uruguay, Dep. de Rivera, Ataques.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia longifolia (DC.) H.Hara
U.1448026Harley RM; et al.   1974-02-01
Brazil, Brazil: Estado de Bahia, Serra do Sincora, Lagoa Encantada, 19km N.E. of Ibicoara near Brejao, lakeside marsh, with some standing water, and disturbed vegetation near cultivation., -13.333333 -41.216667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia longifolia (DC.) H.Hara
U.1448025Lindeman JC   1980-12-22
Brazil, Brasiliensis, Rio Grande do Sul, Embrapa - UEPAE, former Faz. 5 Cruzes, 10 km SE of Bagé medium grazed natural campo, plot II.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ludwigia longifolia (DC.) H.Hara
U.1448024Harley RM; et al.   1980-04-29
Brazil, -13.116667 -44.783333

Page 9, records 801-900 of 1097


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