Search Results (List)

Dataset: NL-Botany
Taxa: Ericaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 2, records 101-200 of 5047

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bejaria aestuans Mutis ex L.
L.2591093Smith HH   1898-02-01
Colombia, Santa Marta.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bejaria aestuans Mutis ex L.
L.2591081Alston AHG   1939-02-16
Venezuela, State of Tachira. Near Palo Grande.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bejaria aestuans Mutis ex L.
L.2591077Schulz JP   1966-04-29
Venezuela, Valle alto de La Carbonera (Cordillera del Norte), Dto. Campo Elías, Edo. Mérida., 8.516667 -71.35

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bejaria aestuans Mutis ex L.
L.2591048Breteler FJ   1965-10-07
Venezuela, Paramo La Negra between State of Mérida and Tachira.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bejaria aestuans Mutis ex L.
L.2591046Steyermark JA; Dunsterville GCK; Dunsterville E   1972-03-27
Venezuela, Estado Zulia: Sierra de Perijá: Loma arriba de la quebrada del Río Omira-kuná (Tumuriasa), cerca de la frontera Colombo-Venezolana suroeste de Pishikakao e Iría hacia la Misión de Sucurpo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bejaria aestuans Mutis ex L.
AMD.68671Cleef AM   1972-05-07
Colombia, SANTANDER: Subpáramo y bosque de Quercus humboldtii al NW Arcabuco, Cerro Berlin, Hoya del rio Chuqueque. en el limite del bosque.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bejaria mathewsii Fielding & Gardner
U.1282685Duque Jaramillo JM   1916-06-01
Colombia, Valle: Pichindé.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bejaria mathewsii Fielding & Gardner
U.1282684Sneidern K von   1946-07-19
Colombia, Departamento de barier, Papayan, Cordillera Central.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bejaria mathewsii Fielding & Gardner
L.2591011Luteyn JL; Callejas Posada R; Pipoly JJ   1984-05-06
Colombia, Cauca: Ca. 28 km E of Totoró., 2.55 -76.166667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282695Rangel O; Aguirre Ceballos J   1976-05-21
Colombia, Departamento Boyacá: Municipio de Aquitania. Peninsula de Susacá.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282694Schulz JP; Rodriquez P LE   1966-07-07
Colombia, Depto. de Boyacá, carretera entre Belen y Susa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282693Schultes RE; Cabrera I   1970-03-17
Colombia, Cundinamarca. Above Usme.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282692Schultes RE   1950-11-24
Colombia, Cundinamarca. Macizo de Bogota, Quebrada de Las Delicios.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282691Schultes RE   1951-02-07
Colombia, Cundinamarca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282690Schultes RE; Villarreal M   1946-05-03
Colombia, Cundinamarca. Macizo de Bogotá: Quebrada Chicó near the city of Bogotá.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282689Schultes RE   1946-05-07
Colombia, Cundinamarca. Macizo de Bogotá: El Retiro, Bogotá.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282688Cleef AM   1973-06-10
Colombia, ARAUCA: Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, Quebrada El Playón. Agua Tendida. Morrena del subpáramo: Matorrales.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282687Lindeman JC   1967-09-09
Colombia, Páramao bajo op Alto de la Cruz, W van Chia op sabana de Bogotá.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282639Cuatrecasas J   1938-09-03
Colombia, Cordillera Oriental, Dept. Boyacá: Between Soatá and Cocuy: Páramo del Alto del Cañutal.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282638Ellenberg H   1957-06-13
Peru, Embothrium Gebusch auf kalkarmen Sunchubamba oberhalb Agua blanca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282637Steyermark JA; Dunsterville GCK; Dunsterville E   1968-01-13
Venezuela, Estado Tachira: cabeceras del río Quinimarí, sobre una fila angosta arriba del río de la Quebrada de Las Copas, debajo del pié del peñasco (debajo del Páramo de Judío), 20 km al sur de San Vicente de la Revancha, 35 km al sur de Alquitrana, suroeste de Santa Ana.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282636Haught O   
Colombia, Department of Cundinamarca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282635Cleef AM   1971-12-29
Colombia, CUNDINAMARCA: Páramo de Guasca, vertiente W, bosque alto-andino muy húmedo con Weinmannia, Clusia, Drimys y Hesperomeles.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282634Schultes RE   1951-02-14
Colombia, Cundinamarca. Páramo de Guasca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282633Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML; Ruíz-Terán LE; Dugarte JA   1978-01-29
Venezuela, Edo. Táchira: Trail leading to summit of Páramo de Táma. Virgin cloud forest to páramo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282632Camp WH   1945-08-12
Ecuador, Prov. Azuay: The eastern Cordillera, 1-8 km north of the village of Sevilla de Oro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282631Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML; McAlpin B   1979-01-02
Ecuador, Loja: Shrub páramo 17 km N of Saraguro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282630Cleef AM   1973-05-08
Colombia, Boyaca: Páramo de Guina: S. Rosita. Vertiente E del valle Q. los Colorados.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282629Uribe Uribe AL   1945-01-01
Colombia, CUNDINAMARCA : Bogotá; montes de Chapinero.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282628Cleef AM   1972-12-06
Colombia, Boyacá: Páramo de La Rusia, NW-N de Duitama AISLADA: Filo 1 km al NNE de la Estación de la Televisora Nal.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282627Barriga HG; Jaramillo Mejía R   1969-05-19
Colombia, Linea divisoria entre los Deptos. Santander del Norte y Cesar; 20 kilómetros al sur de Abrege, Las Jurisdiscciones (Cerro de Croque).

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282626Cleef AM; Duncan T   1972-04-26
Colombia, CUNDINAMARCA: Páramo de Cruz Verde 1 km al E-SE de la Laguna El Verjó.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1282625Holm-Nielsen LB; Jaramillo Azanza J; Coello F   1980-12-13
Ecuador, Cañar, -2.6 -78.666667

Bejaria resinosa Mutis ex L.f.
U 0076577Cuatrecasas J   

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bejaria resinosa Mutis ex L.f.
L.4311674Paniagua Z N; et al.   2012-11-02
Peru, La Libertad. Dist. Uchumarca. Cloud forest east of Laguna Huayllambada., -6.991667 -77.718611

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2591109Cleef AM   1973-05-08
Colombia, Boyaca: Páramo de Guina: S. Rosita. Vertiente E del valle Q. los Colorados.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2591107Steyermark JA; Dunsterville GCK; Dunsterville E   1968-01-13
Venezuela, Estado Tachira: cabeceras del río Quinimarí, sobre una fila angosta arriba del río de la Quebrada de Las Copas, debajo del pié del peñasco (debajo del Páramo de Judío), 20 km al sur de San Vicente de la Revancha, 35 km al sur de Alquitrana, suroeste de Santa Ana.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2591030Pabón E; Sleumer HO   1977-09-20
Colombia, Dpto. de Cundinamarca: Monserrate, ladera suroriental.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2591029García-Barriga H   1954-09-20
Colombia, Cordillera Oriental. Cundinamarca: Chipacua.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2591028Pabón M; Sleumer HO   1977-09-20
Colombia, Cundinamarca: Base del Monserrate, Bogotá, 2800 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2591027Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML   1979-05-16
Colombia, Depto. Cundinamarca: Dense thickets & subpáramo 7-10 km above town of Guasca along road to Gachetá.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2591026Camp WH   1945-08-12
Ecuador, Prov. Azuay: The eastern Cordillera, 1-8 km north of the village of Sevilla de Oro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2591025Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML; Ruíz-Terán LE; Dugarte JA   1978-01-29
Venezuela, Edo. Táchira: Trail leading to summit of Páramo de Táma. Virgin cloud forest to páramo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2591024Camp WH   1945-08-29
Ecuador, Prov. Azuay- 'Oriente' Border: Páramo del Castillo and surroundings forested areas (crest of the eastern cordillera on the trail between Sevilla de Oro and Mendez).

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2591023Humbert J-H; et al.   1952-10-25
Colombia, L'Amerique du Sud. Cordillera Oriental. Departamento de Cundinamarca: Municipio de la Calera Paramo de la Siberia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2591022García-Barriga H; Schultes RE; Jaramillo Mejía R   1951-05-23
Colombia, Cundinamarca: Cordillera Oriental, vertiente occidental, Páramo de Chasques (fuentes del río Bogotá) arriba de Villapinzón, 3000-3500 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2591021Cleef AM   
Colombia, Cundinamarca: Paramo Cruz Verde, 3200-3600 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2591020Uribe Uribe AL   1965-04-01
Colombia, Boyaca: Cordillera Oriental, arriba de la guna de Tota, Páramo de La Sarna.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2591019García-Barriga H; Jaramillo Mejía R   1969-05-19
Colombia, Línea divisoria entre los Deptos. Santander del Norte y Cesar; 20 kilómetros al sur de Abrego, Las Jurisdicciones (Cerro de Oroque).

Bejaria resinosa Mutis ex L.f.
L 0088290Cuatrecasas J   

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2591036Harling GW   1947-07-13
Ecuador, Prov. Loja: Loja. Mountain slope.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L 0006671Hartweg KT   
Ecuador, Loja, Ecuador: Loja

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia Lindl.
U.1287512Luteyn JL   1972-06-25
Costa Rica, Republic Costa Rica: Province of Cartago. Road about 1 kilometer south of El Muñeco along Rio Sombrero.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia Lindl.
U.1287507Croat TB; Grayum MH   1985-03-12
Panama, PROV. BOCAS DEL TORO: Along road between Fortuna and Chiriqui Grande, 1.2 mi N of Continental Dividem, 5.3 mi N of bridge over Fortuna Dam., 8.733333 -82.283333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia Lindl.
U.1287494Liesner RL; Judziewicz EJ   1983-04-24
Costa Rica, Prov. Alajuela. 15 km NNW of San Ramón by road, 2.5 km N of Balsa on road to San Lorenzo., 10.183333 -84.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia Lindl.
U.1282190Hatheway WH   1955-08-07
Colombia, Antioquia, Las Palmas, east of Medellín.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia Lindl.
U.1282189Rooden J van; Welle BJH ter; Topper SMC   1979-11-15
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. DEPARTAMENTO VALLE DEL CAUCA: Municipio Buenaventura. Forest exploitation in the concession of Cartón de Colombia., 3.933333 -77.166667

Cavendishia Lindl.
U 0076596Rooden J van; Welle BJH ter; Topper SMC   1979-11-15
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. DEPARTAMENTO VALLE DEL CAUCA: Municipio Buenaventura. Forest exploitation in the concession of Cartón de Colombia., 3.933333 -77.166667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia Lindl.
L.3904265Wijninga VM   1989-04-12
Colombia, Dept. de Cundinamarca, along road Mosquera-La Mesa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia Lindl.
L.3779737Luteyn JL; Callejas Posada R; Pipoly JJ   1984-05-21
Colombia, Colombia: Chocó: Bolívar-Quibdó rd, ca 37-70 km W of El Carmen., 5.666667 -76.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia Lindl.
L.2591886Ellenberg H   1978-07-25
Peru, c. 10 km oberh. Pampa hermosa. SW 80°.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia Lindl.
L.2591885Ybert J   1978-12-31
Bolivia, Rt du Chaparé à 90 km de Cochabenbá.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia Lindl.
AMD.68767Kappelle M   1985-12-12
Costa Rica, La Esperanza del Guarco arriba el monte.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia Lindl.
AMD.68766Kappelle M   1985-12-12
Costa Rica, La Esperanza del Guarco arriba el monte.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.3786707Ollgaard B; Korning J; Thomsen K; Illum T   1985-02-07
Ecuador, Province: Carchi. Perhumid forest on wed plateau above San Marcos de los Coaiqueres, on trail towards Gualpi Bajo., 1.1 -78.283333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
WAG.1790258Breteler FJ   1963-11-22
Venezuela, Venezuela, 82 km from Mérida along road to Barinas.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
WAG.1790257Breteler FJ   1963-11-22
Venezuela, Venezuela, 82 km from Mérida along road to Barinas.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
WAG.1790256Wunderlin RP; et al.   1980-08-03
Ecuador, Pichincha Prov.: 9 km E of Tandapi on road from Santo Domingo to Quito.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282364Liesner RL; et al.   1983-05-14
Costa Rica, Prov. Alajuela. 15 km NW of San Ramón by air. Cerro Azahar, headwaters of Río San Pedro. By road, 9 km NW of San Ramon to Piedades Norte, then 3 more km NW to La Paz, then left on jeep road 1.7 km to cluster of houses, then left again on jeep road 4-5 km to top of ridge., 10.155 -84.575

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282363Liesner RL; Judziewicz EJ   1983-04-21
Costa Rica, Prov. Cartago. Ca. 6 km S of Cartago by air. Quebrada Cangreja. 3 km S of Pan American Highway. Remnant forest., 9.766667 -83.95

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282362Hamilton C; Stockwell H   1983-03-19
Panama, Prov. Chiriquí. Alto los Guerra Road W of Bambito. Moist forest., 8.883333 -82.616667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282361Hamilton C; Dressler RL   1983-02-20
Panama, Prov. Veraguas. 'Cerro Tute' ridge up from former Escuela Agricola, Santa Fe. Cloud forest., 8.583333 -81.083333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282360Kappelle M; Monge M   1989-01-18
Costa Rica, Localidad: P.N. Chirripó-Palmitomorado. Lev. 63. Provincia: San José.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282359Hamilton C; Dressler RL   1983-02-20
Panama, Prov. Veráguas. 'Cerro Tute' ridge up from former Escuela Argricola, Santa Fe. Wet montane forest., 8.583333 -80.083333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282358Kappelle M; Monge M   1989-03-06
Costa Rica, Localidad: P.N. Chirripó-Cam. Indios. Lev. 75. Provincia: Cartago-Atl.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282357Carvajal V A   1983-02-28
Costa Rica, Cerro Pata de Gallo, San Rafael de San Ramón, Alajuela.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282356Kappelle M; Monge M   1989-03-02
Costa Rica, Localidad: P.N. Chirripó-Cam. Indios. Lev. 73. Provincia: Cartago-Atl.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282355Kappelle M; Monge M   1989-01-16
Costa Rica, Localidad: P.N. Chirripó-Paso Indios. Lev. 61. Provincia: San José.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282354Crookewit HWE   1952-11-22
El Salvador, Miramundo, towards the summit.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282353Kappelle M; Monge M   1989-03-01
Costa Rica, Localidad: P.N. Chirripó-Cam. Indios. Lev. 71. Provincia: Cartago-Atl.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282352Kappelle M; Monge M   1989-03-01
Costa Rica, Localidad: P.N. Chirripó-Cam. Indios. Lev. 71. Provincia: Cartago-Atl.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282301Balslev H; Quintana F   1980-05-28
Ecuador, Prov. IMBABURA: Road Otavalo - Selva Alegre, km 45, uppermost scrubby montane forest and landslides., 0.25 -78.466667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282300Lugo Sanchez H   1969-05-08
Ecuador, Chimborazo: Manzano, road Eanos - Puela, close to Puela.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282299Solomon JC   1982-10-10
Bolivia, Dpto. La Paz. Prov. Murillo, Rio Zongo valley. 27 km below dam at Lago Zongo. Moist forest with extensive disturbed and burned places., -16.133333 -68.1

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282298Solomon JC   1982-10-21
Bolivia, Dpto. La Paz. Prov. Nor Yungas, 14.4 km NE (below) Chuspipata (15.8 km above Yolosa). Cloud forest with little disturbance, except near road., -16.233333 -67.783333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282297Solomon JC   1982-07-19
Bolivia, Province of Nor Yungas. Departamento of La Paz: 13.2 km NE (below) Chuspipata (16.5 km S of Yolosa)., -16.266667 -67.783333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282296Rangel O; et al.   1979-08-11
Colombia, Departamento de Boyacá, municipio de Susacón sitio 'el Hato'.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282295Ollgaard B; Balslev H   1976-09-11
Ecuador, Prov. AZUAY: Sevilla de Oro, old road 10-12 km N of the village. W-exposed montane forest. overgrown road and old road banks., -2.766667 -78.616667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282294Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML   1978-03-15
Peru, Dept. Amazonas: Prov. Bongara: Ingenio-Florida road, 25 km from Pedro Ruiz (Ingenio), 5-10 km from Florida (Pomacocha).

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282293Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML   1978-04-19
Ecuador, Prov. Morona-Santiago: Gualaceo-Limón road, 53-64 kms E of Gualeco. Steep slopes with remnant cloud forest.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282292Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML; Ruíz-Terán LE   1978-02-03
Venezuela, Edo. Mérido: Tustas area, Estanques-Páramo de Molino road, 29 km S of Estanques.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282290Harling GW; Andersson BL   1980-04-22
Ecuador, LOJA: Loja-Saragura Road, 3-5 km N of San Lucas, secondary shrubberies.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282289Lugo Sanchez H   1969-03-15
Ecuador, CHIMBORAZO: Chontapamba, road Puela-Baños, ca. 4 km north of Puela.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282288Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML   1978-02-24
Peru, Dept. Junín: Prov. Tarma: Chuquisaca-Huancapistana area, Kms. 72-78, Tarma-San Ramón road. Steep slopes overlooking Río Palca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282286Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML   1978-04-05
Ecuador, Prov. Napo-Pastaza: Quito-Baeza road, -18 kms E of Papallacta. Montane cloud forest, steep roadside slopes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282285Callejas Posada R; Correa H; Betancur J; Arbelaez A   1987-06-26
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. Municipio San Luis: Vereda Manizales, 12 Kms. de San Luis en la via San Luis-San Carlos, bosques a lo largo del rio Dormilón., 6.083333 -75

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282284Maas PJM; Maas Geesteranus HP; Roersch C; Westra LYT   1984-10-25
Peru, Cuzco. Prov. Paucartambo: road from Pillcopata to Paucartambo. Open roadside.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282283Wessels Boer JG   1967-12-29
Venezuela, Estado Mérida, camino from Manzano Alto to Páramo de Los Conejos, about 7 km NE of Mérida; disturbed cloud forest., 8.666667 -71.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282255Grabandt RAJ; Huertas G   1974-07-27
Colombia, COLOMBIANA. CUNDINAMARCA: Road Sopó-Guasca, 16 km SE of Guasca. Degradated upper Andean forest.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
U.1282254Breteler FJ   1963-11-22
Venezuela, Venezuela, 82 km from Mérida along road to Barinas.

Page 2, records 101-200 of 5047


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