Search Results (List)

Dataset: NL-Botany
Taxa: Ericaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 11, records 1001-1100 of 5047

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603876Beck SG   1981-06-30
Bolivia, Dpto. La Paz, Prov. Sud Yungas. Ca. 2 kms. abajo de Unduavi.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603875Moritz   1844-01-01
Colombia, (Merida).

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L.2603874Steyermark JA   1971-02-20
Venezuela, Estado Trujillo: Selva virgen, arriba de Escuque, entre Escuque y La Mesa de San Pedro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603873Funck N; Schlim LJ   1847-03-01
Venezuela, Mérida: Portachuelo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603872Mocquerys A   1893-01-01
Venezuela, Mérida.

Image Associated With the Occurence

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603870Wessels Boer JG   1967-12-29
Venezuela, Estado Mérida, camino from Manzano Alto to Páramo de Los Conejos, about 7 km n.e. of Mérida., 8.666667 -71.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603869Herzog T   1911-02-01
Bolivia, in der Buschregion von Tres Cruces an den Kämmeb.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603868Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML; Ruíz-Terán LE   1978-02-03
Venezuela, Edo. Mérida: Loma de la Libertad area, Estanques-Páramo del Molino road, 46 km S of Estanques.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603867Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML; Ruíz-Terán LE; Dugarte JA   1978-01-26
Venezuela, Edo. Mérida: Bailadores-La Grita road, La Granzonera region, 25 km S of Bailadores.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603865Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML; Ruíz-Terán LE   1978-10-23
Venezuela, Edo Mérida: El Rodeo, below Páramo La Negra.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603864Alston AHG   1939-02-13
Venezuela, State of merida, Paramo de la Negra above Bailadores.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603863Ruíz-Terán LE; López-Figueiras M   1970-12-16
Venezuela, Edo. Táchira-Dto. Junín. Vertiente occidental del pico Banderas, desde la base del bosque hasta la cumbre, páramo de Tamá, unos 10-15 km al E de la aldea Villa Páez.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603862Steyermark JA; Dunsterville GCK; Dunsterville E   1967-05-20
Venezuela, Estado Tachira: Páramo de Tamá, en la región calcárea, cerca de la frontera Colombo-Venezolana.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603861Unreadable; Pinto; Bischler H   1958-09-16
Colombia, Cauca: Páramo de las Papas, entre Letreros y Santo Domingo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603860Humbert J-H; Idrobo JM; Jaramillo Mejía R; Pérez Arbeláez E   1952-11-01
Colombia, l'Amerique du sud: Cordillera Central Departamento de Caldas Paramo de Letras.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603859Steyermark JA; Dunsterville GCK; Dunsterville E   1967-05-20
Venezuela, estado Tachira: subpáramo y bosque enano, faldas inmediatamente debajo del Páramo de Tamá, cerca de la frontera Colombo-Venezolana.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603858Steyermark JA; Dunsterville GCK; Dunsterville E   1963-01-20
Venezuela, Estado Tachira: laderas pantanosas al pié de peñascos de arenisca de Pata de Judío, entre Alto de Cruces y el páramo arriba de la Quebrada Teleférica, cerca de frontera Colomco-Venezolana, 25 kms. al sur de San Vicente de la Revancha, 30 kms. al sur de Alquitrana, sureste del Páramo de Tamá, suroeste de Santa Ana.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603857Luteyn JL; Dumont KP; Buritica P   1976-01-25
Colombia, Department of Nariño: wet, boggy subpáramo between Km 13 and 14 W of Pasto towards Laguna LaCocha.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603856Ruíz-Terán LE; López-Figueiras M   1970-12-16
Venezuela, Edo. Táchira-Dto. Junín, Vertiente occidental del pico Banderas, desde la base del bosque hasta la cumbre, páramo de Tamá, unos 10-15 km al E de la aldea Villa Páez.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603855Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML; Ruíz-Terán LE; Dugarte JA   1978-01-29
Venezuela, Edo. Táchira: Trail leading to summit of Páramo de Táma. Virgin cloud forest to páramo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603854Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML; Ruíz-Terán LE   1978-10-20
Venezuela, Edo Táchira: Forested slopes below Páramo de Tamá.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603853Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML   1978-03-11
Peru, Dept. Amazonas: Prov. Chachapoyas: Chachapoyas: Chachapoyas-Mendoza road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603851Mora O LE   1963-04-01
Colombia, Dpto. de Nariño: Carretera Pasto-El Encane. Páramo de el Tábano.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603850Pabón E; Sleumer HO   1977-09-20
Colombia, Dpto. de Cundinamarca: Monserrate, ladera suroriental.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603849Pabón E; Sleumer HO   1977-09-20
Colombia, Dpto. de Cundinamarca: Monserrate, ladera suroriental.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603848Karsten GKWH   
Colombia, Cundinamarca. Bogotá.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603847Camp WH   1944-08-29
Ecuador, Prov. Azuay: Paramo de Tinajillas and surrounding chaparral and forests, 30-50 km south of Cuenca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603846Camp WH   1945-02-06
Ecuador, Prov. Cañar: Uplands called ''Huairacaja,'' 10-20 km northeast of Azogues.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603845Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML; McAlpin B   1978-12-31
Ecuador, Loja-Zamora/Chinchipe border area. Road between Loja and Zamora ca. km 9. Ecotone between cloud forest & páramo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603844García-Barriga H; Sleumer HO   1977-09-24
Colombia, Cundunamarca. Chipaque, Boquerón, Carretera a Cáqueza.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603842Boeke JD   1977-07-18
Ecuador, Prov. Cañar.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603841Camp WH   1945-07-27
Ecuador, Prov. Azuay: The eastern Cordillera, 1-8 km north of the village of Sevilla de Oro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603840Camp WH   1945-07-27
Ecuador, Prov. Azuay: The eastern Cordillera, 1-8 km north of the village of Sevilla de Oro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603839Sleumer HO   1977-09-19
Colombia, Cundinamarca: Páramo de la Laguna Seca, arriba de Gachancipá.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603838Sleumer HO   1977-09-19
Colombia, Cundinamarca: Páramo de la Laguna Seca arriba de Gachancipá.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603837Sleumer HO   1977-09-19
Colombia, Cundinamarca: Páramo de la Laguna Seca, arriba de Gachancipá.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603836Pabón E   1976-08-14
Colombia, Depto. Cundinamarca: Carretera La Calera-Guasca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603835Holm-Nielsen LB; Jeppesen S; Løjtnant B; Øllgaard B   1973-04-16
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe: Road Loja-Zamora, km 17., -3.983333 -79.133333

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603834Holm-Nielsen LB; Jeppesen S; Løjtnant B; Øllgaard B   1973-05-01
Ecuador, Loja: Km 51 on Pan American Highway N of Loja., -3.75 -79.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603833Asplund E   1955-10-04
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis, Prov. Loja, Loja, shrubby slope S of the town.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603832Harling GW   1959-07-14
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis, Prov. Zamora-Chinchipe: road to Loxa; at border of prov. Loxa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603831Holm-Nielsen LB; Jeppesen S; Løjtnant B; Øllgaard B   1973-05-03
Ecuador, Azuay: Km 85 on Pan American Highway N of Loja., -3.583333 -79.183333

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603830Giler MA; Prieto F   1945-06-29
Ecuador, Prov. Azuay: Cruz Pamba region above Baños (ca. 15 km southwest of Cuenca).

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603829Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML; McAlpin B   1979-01-02
Ecuador, Loja: Páramos de Saraguro, 10 kms. S of Saraguro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603828Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML   1978-04-13
Ecuador, Prov. Carchi: Tulcán-Maldonado road, 41-45 kms W of Tufiño.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603826Cleef AM   1973-04-09
Colombia, Boyacá: Vado Hondo, subpáramo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603825Cleef AM   1972-05-20
Colombia, Cundinamarca: Usaquén, subpáramo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603823Cleef AM   1972-02-01
Colombia, Meta: Páramo de Sumapaz, Hoya El Nevado, Lagunas El Sorbedero y El Nevado y páramos en las cercanías.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603822Cleef AM   1972-04-28
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Cundinamarca: Páramo de Cruz Verde Alto de La Viga.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2603821Cleef AM   1973-01-29
Colombia, Cundinamarca: Páramo de Sumapaz, páramo y Alto Mirador; 4.5 bosque alto-andino cerca de km al S de San Juan Lagunitas al S. de San Juan Subpáramo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.1059433Williams L   

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.1059432Williams L   

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.0968226Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML   1978-04-13
Ecuador, Prov. Carchi: Tulcán-Maldonado road, 41-45 kms W of Tufiño.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.0967138Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML   1978-04-13
Ecuador, Prov. Carchi: Tulcán-Maldonado road, 41-45 kms W of Tufiño.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.0967137Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML   1978-04-13
Ecuador, Prov. Carchi: Tulcán-Maldonado road, 41-45 kms W of Tufiño.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.0967136Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML   1978-04-13
Ecuador, Prov. Carchi: Tulcán-Maldonado road, 41-45 kms W of Tufiño.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L 0007093Funck N; Schlim LJ   1846-01-01
Venezuela, Mérida, venezuelaMerida

Image Associated With the Occurence
L 0007091Schomburgk RH   1842-01-01
Venezuela, Bolívar, venezuela.Bolivar: Roraima

Image Associated With the Occurence
L 0007090Spruce R   1855-01-01
Peru, Loreto, Peru: San Martin: Tarapoto.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L 0007089Bredemeyer F   1800-01-01
Venezuela, Distrito Federal, VenezuelaAuf dem Gipfel des Abila bei Caracas

Image Associated With the Occurence
L 0007088Orbigny ACVMD d'   
Bolivia, Bolivia: cajapi: Yungas

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L 0007087Ventenat ÉP   
Peru, Perucelsiano

Image Associated With the Occurence
L 0007086Sleumer HO   1953-02-07
Argentina, Salta, Province: Salta.Dep: Sta. Victoria.Localidad: Toldos: Cuesta de San José.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L 0007085Hartweg KT   
Ecuador, Loja, Ecuador: Loja

Image Associated With the Occurence
L 0007084Smith HH   
Colombia, Colombia.Top of San Lorenzo Ridge.

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L 0007082Cooper D   
Costa Rica, Cartago, Costa RicaEstrella prov. Cartago

Image Associated With the Occurence
L 0007077Hartweg KT   
Guatemala, Guatemalaad Quezaltenango

Image Associated With the Occurence
AMD.67871Cleef AM; Hammen T van der   1977-03-25
Colombia, Arauca extrero S de Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, cabeceras Rio casanare, valle Q Los osos. Subpár bajo sobre morrenas a largo de Quebrada.

Image Associated With the Occurence
AMD.67869Cleef AM; Huber O   1977-03-04
Venezuela, Miranda Parque Nac El Avila Subpár en la cumbre W de la Silla de Caracas.

Image Associated With the Occurence
AMD.67868Cleef AM   1973-06-10
Colombia, Arauca: Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, Quebrada El Playón. Casa Piedra. Subpáramo 1 km aprox. al SSE de la Finca El Playón.

Image Associated With the Occurence
AMD.67867Cleef AM   1972-12-09
Colombia, Boyacá: Paramo de las Rusia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
AMD.67865Cleef AM   1972-05-20
Colombia, Cundinamarca: Usaquén, subpáramo.

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AMD.67864Cleef AM   1972-03-04
Colombia, Boyaca. Páramos NW Belén, subida al Alto de Cruces hacia S. José de la Montana.

Image Associated With the Occurence
AMD.67863Cleef AM   1973-03-13
Colombia, Flora Colombiana. Arauca: Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, Quebrada El Playon: Hoya S. Luis; 1,5 km al NNE de la finca El Playon.

Image Associated With the Occurence
AMD.67862Buchtien O   1910-11-01
Bolivia, Gaultheria!

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AMD.67861Cleef AM   1972-12-07
Colombia, Boyaca: Páramo de La Rusia, NW-N de Duitama Aislada.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280660Holm-Nielsen LB; Jeppesen S; Løjtnant B; Øllgaard B   1973-04-19
Ecuador, Zamora - Chinchipe: Road Loja-Zamora, km 14. Mountain ridges with elfin forest and open bogs., -4 -79.15

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280659Lugo Sanchez H   1971-04-24
Ecuador, CHIMBORAZO: Road Baños-Riobamba, ca 12 km south west of Baños.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280658Holm-Nielsen LB; Jeppesen S; Løjtnant B; Øllgaard B   1973-04-16
Ecuador, Zamora - Chinchipe: Road Loja-Zamora, km 17. Road sides and steep slopes with montane forest., -3.983333 -79.133333

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280657Lugo Sanchez H   1969-03-15
Ecuador, CHIMBORAZO: Chontapamba, road Puela-Baños, ca 4 km north of Puela.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280656Luteyn JL; Balslev H; Boom BM   1982-05-16
Ecuador, Carchi: Julio Andrade-El Carmelo rd, Km 18. Cloud forest., 0.633333 -77.666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280655Ollgaard B; Balslev H   1976-08-09
Ecuador, Prov. IMBABURA: Road Ibarra-Mariano Acosta, E. of the pass., 0.333333 -78

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1280654Øllgaard B; Holm-Nielsen LB; Andreasen NHB; et al.   1982-05-07
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, -1.783333 -78.4

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.3786674Jorgensen PM; Madsen JE   1988-12-31
Ecuador, Province: Loja. Loja-Saraguro, at Loma del Oro turnoff towards Fierro Urcu, 9km from turnoff., -3.7 -79.283333

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2615547Bell PR   1951-04-25
Ecuador, San Juan, W. of Quito, páramo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2615546Asplund E   1955-07-14
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis, Prov. Carchi, above El Pun towards Tulcán, edge of brushwood.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2615545Asplund E   1955-07-14
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis, Prov. Carchi, above El Pun towards Tulcán, brushwood.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2615544Idrobo JM; Pinto; Bischler H   1958-09-07
Colombia, Cauca: Páramo de las Papas, El Boquerón, 3200-3510 m. Arbusto muy ramoso, 1.5 m. Hojas discolores.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2615543Triana JJ   
Colombia, Cauca Popayan.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2615542Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML   1979-03-04
Colombia, Dept. Cauca: Parque Nac. Puracé. Between Km. 151-153 road from Puracé to La Plata. Ecotone between páramo and wet montane forest.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2615541Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML; Ortíz FI; Jaramillo Azanza J   1978-04-08
Ecuador, Prov. Pichincha: Volcán Pichincha, NW side, Yanacocha trail. Wet, montane forest.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2615540Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML; McAlpin B   1978-12-31
Ecuador, Loja-Zamora/Chinchipe border area. Road between Loja and Zamora ca. km 9. Ecotone between cloud forest & páramo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2615539Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML; Morales G   1979-04-25
Colombia, Depto. Cauca: Parq. Nac. Munchique. Km 50-55 along road above Uribe. Cloud forest.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2615538Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML; Morales G   1979-04-24
Colombia, Dept. Cauca: Parque Nac. Munchique. Kms 42-47 NE of Uribe. Cloud forest, steep roadside slopes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2615537Harling GW   1959-08-01
Ecuador, Aequatoriensis, Prov. Loxa: Saraguro. 16 km south of S.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2615536Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML   1978-12-08
Peru, Dept. Cuzco: Prov. Paucartambo: Km 115 NE from Huambutio, 38 kms NE of Paucartambo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2615535Luteyn JL; Lebrón-Luteyn ML   1978-04-20
Ecuador, Prov. Morona-Santiago: Gualaceo-Limón road, 29-31 kms E of Gualaceo. Páramo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
L.2615534Cuatrecasas J   
Colombia, Caquetá. Cord. Oriental, Gabinete.

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L.2615533Barclay HG   1957-08-25
Colombia, Cauca. Puracé, La P!ata, paramo.

Page 11, records 1001-1100 of 5047


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