Search Results (List)

Dataset: NL-Botany
Taxa: Duguetia
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 2289

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1913344Siqueira GS   2004-02-03
Brazil, Espírito Santo, Reserva Natural Vale., -19.133333 -40.033333

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1913343Folli DA   1999-12-09
Brazil, Espírito Santo, Reserva Natural Vale.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1913342Siqueira GS   2006-06-11
Brazil, Espírito Santo, Reserva Natural Vale., -19.133333 -40.033333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia odorata (Diels) J.F.Macbr.
WAG.1899878Acevedo-Rodríguez P; et al.   2009-02-09
Brazil, Flora of Acre, Jordao, Along Tarauaca river, Moist terra firme primary forest, along river., -9.024367 -71.908983

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1899877Acevedo-Rodríguez P; et al.   2003-10-04
Brazil, Flora of Acre, Acrelandia, Basin of Rio Abuna, Projecto de Assentamento Extrativista Porto Dias, Colocacao Palhau, 108 km E of Rio Branco on BR-364, then 30 km S on side road, Primary terra firme forest., -10.010333 -66.772056

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia sooretamae Maas
WAG.1899876Martinelli G; et al.   2009-04-08
Brazil, Piaui (PI), Caracol, Parque Nacional da Serra das Confusoes, Baixao do Canto verde, Caatinga., -9.6505 -43.2149

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia tenuis R.E.Fr.
WAG.1899875Unknown   1985-04-12
Brazil, Amazonas, SUFRAMA, Fazenda Dimona, c. 75km N of Manaus, WWFplot 2108.568., -2.583333 -60.05

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia furfuracea (A.St.-Hil.) Saff.
WAG.1577641Fraga CN; Saavedra MM; Meireles JE; Neri J   2009-07-11
Brazil, Bahia, Mucugê. Subida para o Capão do Correia, estrada vicinal saindo Caraiba a 17,5 km da BA142., -13.117222 -41.388611

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia A.St.-Hil.
WAG.1379874Unknown   1985-08-20
Brazil, Amazonas, Fazenda Dimona, c. 75km N of Manaus, WWF plot 2108.298., -2.583333 -60.05

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia A.St.-Hil.
Brazil, Amazonas, Fazenda Esteio, c. 65km N of Manaus, WWF plot 1201.1245., -2.583333 -60

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia A.St.-Hil.
Brazil, Amazonas, Fazenda Dimona, c. 75km N of Manaus, WWF plot 2303.355., -2.583333 -60.05

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1379870Breteler FJ   1964-04-11
Venezuela, Delta Amacuro Territory, near border (=Rio Grande o Toro) between Estado Bolivar and Territorio Delta Amacuro., 8.066667 -61.733333

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1379869Breteler FJ   1964-04-11
Venezuela, Delta Amacuro Territory, near border (=Rio Grande o Toro) between Estado Bolivar and Territorio Delta Amacuro., 8.066667 -61.733333

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1379868Bruijn J de   1967-04-07
Venezuela, Bolívar, Border between Estado Bolivar and Territorio Delta Amacuro. Primary forest near Rio Grande o Toro., 8.066667 -61.733333

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1379867Bruijn J de   1967-04-07
Venezuela, Bolívar, Border between Estado Bolivar and Territorio Delta Amacuro. Primary forest near Rio Grande o Toro., 8.066667 -61.733333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia vallicola J.F.Macbr.
WAG.1379866Veillon J-P   1972-11-09
Venezuela, Zulia, Edo, Zulia, Aricuiza.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia vallicola J.F.Macbr.
WAG.1379865Veillon J-P   1972-11-09
Venezuela, Zulia, Edo, Zulia, Aricuiza.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1379863Croat TB   1972-08-09
Peru, Loreto, Puerto Almendra SW of Iquitos on Rio Nanay.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia stelechantha (Diels) R.E.Fr.
Brazil, Amazonas, Fazenda Esteio, c. 65km N of Manaus, WWF plot 1301.2695., -2.583333 -60

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia stelechantha (Diels) R.E.Fr.
Brazil, Amazonas, Fazenda Dimona, c. 75km N of Manaus. WWF plot 2206.2367., -2.583333 -60.05

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia stelechantha (Diels) R.E.Fr.
Brazil, Amazonas, Fazenda Esteio, c. 65 km N of Manaus. WWF plot 1302.760., -2.583333 -60

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1379794Croat TB   1972-08-08
Peru, Loreto, Rio Itaya, c. 5 km above Iquitos.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1379793Liesner RL   1988-10-26
Venezuela, Amazonas, departemento Atabapo, in saddle between Duida and Marahuaca near base of Duida., 3.566667 -65.533333

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1379792Liesner RL   1988-10-26
Venezuela, Amazonas, departemento Atabapo, in saddle between Duida and Marahuaca near base of Duida., 3.566667 -65.533333

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1379791Croat TB   1972-09-01
Peru, Loreto, Rio Mamón near Rio Nanay.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1379790Parada GA; Erasmo A; Miranda EB   2007-11-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, bosque experimental Elias Meneces, a 1km del Río Ibabo., -16.640556 -64.506389

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1379789Parada GA   2007-10-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Ichilo, bosque experimental Elías Meneces, a 100m del Río Ibabo., -16.659167 -64.504667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia odorata (Diels) J.F.Macbr.
WAG.1379788Huamantupa I; Smith DN; Layche T   2006-06-24
Peru, Loreto, localidad de Yarina, Reserva Nacional Pacaya Samiria, rio Yanacaco., -4.745556 -73.983611

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1379787Breteler FJ   1964-04-13
Venezuela, Delta Amacuro Territory, near border (=Rio Grande o Toro) between Estado Bolivar and Territorio Delta Amacuro, 8.066667 -61.733333

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1379786Breteler FJ   1964-04-13
Venezuela, Delta Amacuro Territory, near border (=Rio Grande o Toro) between Estado Bolivar and Territorio Delta Amacuro, 8.066667 -61.733333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia megalocarpa Maas
Brazil, Amazonas, Fazenda Esteio, c. 65km N of Manaus. WWF plot 1105.105., -2.583333 -60

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia manausensis Maas & Boon
WAG.1379784Unknown   1986-11-22
Brazil, Amazonas, Fazenda Dimona, c. 75km N of Manaus, WWF plot 2206.ARV3523., -2.583333 -60.05

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia manausensis Maas & Boon
Brazil, Amazonas, Fazenda Esteio, c. 65km N of Manaus. WWF plot 1105.229., -2.583333 -60

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1379780Kajekai C   2007-03-13
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Tiwinza, región de la Cordillera del Cóndor, en su extremo nororiental, Centro Shuar Kaputna, costado sur del Río Santiago, en la cima del Cerro Kampa Naint, al sur de la comunidad., -3.030278 -77.918333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia odorata (Diels) J.F.Macbr.
WAG.1379779Freire B; Naranjo D   2005-02-17
Ecuador, Orellana, Aquarico, Reserva Etnica Huaorani, comunidad Guiyero, boque 16 petrolero de Repsol, km 32, al lado del Río Tiputini., -0.6075 -76.465278

Image Associated With the Occurence
Brazil, Amazonas, Fazenda Dimona, c. 75km N of Manaus, WWF plot 2108.502., -2.583333 -60.05

Image Associated With the Occurence
Brazil, Amazonas, Fazenda Esteio, c. 65km N of Manaus, WWF plot 3304.2166., -2.583333 -60

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1379776McPherson GD   2008-02-29
Panama, Colón, Teck Cominco Petaquilla mining concession, along Rio Caimito., 8.983333 -80.679444

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1379775McPherson GD   2008-02-29
Panama, Colón, Teck Cominco Petaquilla mining concession, along Rio Caimito., 8.983333 -80.679444

Image Associated With the Occurence
Brazil, Amazonas, Fazenda Esteio, c. 65km N of Manaus, WWF plot 1202.ARV205., -2.583333 -60

Image Associated With the Occurence
Brazil, Amazonas, Fazenda Dimona, c. 75km N of Manaus, WWF plot 2107.88., -2.583333 -60.05

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1379753Unknown   1985-05-15
Brazil, Amazonas, Fazenda Esteio, c. 65km N of Manaus. WWF plot 1105.205., -2.583333 -60

Image Associated With the Occurence
Brazil, Amazonas, Fazenda Dimona, c. 75km N of Manaus. WWF plot 2206.2230., -2.583333 -60.05

Image Associated With the Occurence
Brazil, Amazonas, Fazenda Dimona, c. 75 km N of Manaus. WWF plot 2206.1979., -2.583333 -60.05

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1379728Hahn WJ; Tiwari S   1989-01-26
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni, Kartabo, Willems Timber Concession., 6.35 -58.833333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia argentea (R.E.Fr.) R.E.Fr.
WAG.1379727Gentry AH; Stein BA   1984-04-08
Colombia, Guainia, outskirts of San Felipe., 1.783333 -68

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1662618Lopes JC; Mello-Silva R de; Siqueira GS   2010-12-03
Brazil, Espirito Santo. Linhares: Reserva Natural Vale. Aceiro Marco de Ferro/Caliman, na borda da mata. Mata de Tabuleiro., -19.094747 -39.960564

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1662200Folli DA   1999-12-09
Brazil, Espírito Santo, Reserva Natural Vale.

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1662199Maas PJM; Maas-van de Kamer H; Folli DA   1999-02-12
Brazil, Espírito Santo, -19.183333 -39.95

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia A.St.-Hil.
U.1072836Bloch K; Valencia R   1988-01-01
Ecuador, Napo

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia A.St.-Hil.
U.1072835Gentry AH; et al.   1981-01-06
Colombia, Chocó

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia A.St.-Hil.
U.1072834Palacios PA; et al.   1992-11-27
Colombia, Caquetá, Colombia, Caqueta, Siera de Chiribiquete, cerca del campamento base, 0.935833 -72.701

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia A.St.-Hil.
U.1072833Núñez Vargas P; Ortíz G   1991-02-02
Peru, Cuzco, Peru, Cuzco, La convencion province, Rio Manguriari (Manguyari), Alto Urubamba upstream to Rio Manguriari, -12.783333 -72.666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia A.St.-Hil.
U.1072832Núñez Vargas P; Ortíz G   1991-02-02
Peru, Cuzco, Peru, Cuzco, La Convencion Province, Rio Manguriari (Manguyari), Alto Urubamba upstream to Rio Manguriari, -12.783333 -72.666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia A.St.-Hil.
U.1072831Núñez Vargas P; Ortíz G   1991-02-02
Peru, Cuzco, Peru, Cuzco, La Convencion Province, Rio Manguriari (Manguyari), Alto Urubamba upstream to Rio Manguriari, -12.783333 -72.666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia A.St.-Hil.
U.1072830Gentry AH; Mostacedo B   1991-11-05
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, Santa Cruz, El Encanto Camp, near El Encanto waterfall, edge of Huanchaco plateau, transect 7, -14.633333 -60.7

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia A.St.-Hil.
U.1072829Barbosa CE; Rueda JV   1992-11-21
Colombia, Guaviare, Colombia, Guaviare, Hoyo Soplador, El Paraiso, a 10 minutos al sur helicoptero del campamento base

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia A.St.-Hil.
U.1072828Valenzuela Gamarra L; Farfán J; Vásquez P   2004-04-12
Peru, Madre de Dios, Madre de Dios: Tambopata. Dist. Las Piedras, Fundo Concepción., -12.6125 -69.078611

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1072827Breteler FJ   1964-04-11
Venezuela, Delta Amacuro Territory, near border (=Rio Grande o Toro) between Estado Bolivar and Territorio Delta Amacuro., 8.066667 -61.733333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia venezuelana R.E.Fr.
U.1072826Huber O   1978-08-24
Venezuela, Amazonas, 3.6 -67.783333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia venezuelana R.E.Fr.
U.1072825Huber O; Tillett SS   1978-12-10
Venezuela, Amazonas, Venezuela, Amazonas, Atabapo, entre las cabeceras del Cano Cotua (afluente derecho (oriental del Rio Orinoco) y la base occidental del Cerro Yapacana, 3.633333 -66.866667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia venezuelana R.E.Fr.
U.1072824Huber O   1978-05-25
Venezuela, Amazonas, Venezuela, Amazonas, Atabapo, sabanita al W de la cabecera del Cano Cotua (Yapacana) detras de la fila rocosa, 3.666667 -66.833333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia venezuelana R.E.Fr.
U.1072823Huber O; Tillett SS   1978-12-10
Venezuela, Amazonas, Venezuela, Amazonas, Atabapo, entre las cabeceras del Cano Cotua (afluente derecho (oriental del Rio Orinoco) y la base occidental del Cerro Yapacana, 3.633333 -66.866667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia venezuelana R.E.Fr.
U.1072822Huber O   1978-06-03
Venezuela, Amazonas, Venezuela, Amazonas, Atabapo, Tercera sabana al pie W del Cerro Yapacana, 3.633333 -66.866667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia uniflora (DC. ex Dunal) Mart.
U.1072821Wurdack JJ; Adderley LS   1959-06-23
Venezuela, Amazonas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia uniflora (DC. ex Dunal) Mart.
U.1072820Yanez M   1989-11-01
Venezuela, Amazonas, 3.8 -67.633333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia uniflora (DC. ex Dunal) Mart.
U.1072819Yanez M   1989-11-01
Venezuela, Amazonas, 3.8 -67.633333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia uniflora (DC. ex Dunal) Mart.
U.1072818Clark HL; Maquirino P   1981-11-27
Venezuela, Amazonas, Venezuela, Amazonas, ca 20 km S of confluence of Rio Negro and Brazo Casiquiare. High rebalse forest near Cano Darigua, 11 km S of San Carlos de Rio Negro, 1.933333 -67.05

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1072817Cárdenas D; D   1988-04-19
Colombia, Chocó

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072816Vásquez Chávez R; et al.   1981-12-31
Peru, Loreto, -3.916667 -73.583333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072815Gentry AH; et al.   1983-01-06
Peru, Loreto

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072814Grández C; Ruíz J   1990-11-25
Peru, Loreto, -4.483333 -73.583333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072813Pariona W; Pedro I   1986-10-14
Peru, Pasco

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072812Vásquez Chávez R; et al.   1990-09-08
Peru, Loreto

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1072811Liesner RL; Funk VA   1984-03-06
Venezuela, Amazonas, Venezuela, Amazonas, Rio Negro, 1.5 km S of Cerro de La Neblina Base Camp which is on Rio Mawarinuma, 0.833333 -66.166667

Image Associated With the Occurence
U.1072810Liesner RL; Funk VA   1984-03-06
Venezuela, Amazonas, Venezuela, Amazonas, Rio Negro, 1.5 km S of Cerro de La Neblina Base Camp which is on Rio Mawarinuma, 0.833333 -66.166667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072809Castillo A   1978-03-09
Venezuela, Amazonas, Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, a 9 km de Puerto Ayacucho, comunidad Gavilan, 6.416667 -67.416667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072808Foldats E; Velazco J   1989-05-01
Venezuela, Amazonas, Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Campamento de rio Guayapo a 149 km de su boca, 4.366667 -67.1

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072807Foldats E; Velazco J   1989-05-01
Venezuela, Amazonas, Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Campamento de rio Guayapo a 149 km de su boca, 4.366667 -67.1

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072806Stergios B; Delgado L   1989-04-16
Venezuela, Bolívar, 6.15 -65.883333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072805Cornejo X   2002-03-17
Ecuador, Sucumbios, -0.016667 -76.333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072804Schunke Vigo J; Graham JG   2004-09-11
Peru, Ucayali, -9.033333 -75.55

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072803Murillo Aldana JC; Román O   1996-07-11
Colombia, Caquetá

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072802Wallnöfer B   1987-12-27
Peru, Huánuco

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072801Díaz B P; et al.   1986-01-24
Peru, Loreto

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072800Díaz B P; et al.   1986-10-02
Peru, Loreto

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072799Gentry AH; Aronson J   1979-02-25
Peru, Loreto

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072798Gentry AH; Aronson J   1979-02-25
Peru, Loreto, -3.833333 -73.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072797Díaz B P; et al.   1986-10-02
Peru, Loreto

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072796Wallnöfer B   1988-10-07
Peru, Huánuco

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072795Vásquez Chávez R; Jaramillo N   1988-01-11
Peru, Loreto, -4.483333 -73.583333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072794Vásquez Chávez R; Jaramillo N   1990-11-01
Peru, Loreto, -4.166667 -73.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072793Vásquez Chávez R; et al.   1987-03-05
Peru, Loreto, -3.8 -73.416667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072792Castillo S   1981-07-27
Venezuela, Amazonas, 6.416667 -67.416667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072791Nee MH   1985-01-27
Venezuela, Amazonas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia trunciflora Maas & Gentry
U.1072790Duivenvoorden J   1991-11-08
Colombia, Caquetá

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia tenuis R.E.Fr.
U.1072789Sanoja E; Fernández A; et al.   1989-09-01
Venezuela, Amazonas, Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Serrania Batata, 2 km al NE de Salto Colorado, Cano Colorado, 55 km SE of Puerto Ayacucho, 5.55 -67.133333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia tenuis R.E.Fr.
U.1072788Sanoja E; Fernández A; et al.   1989-09-01
Venezuela, Amazonas, Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, Serrania Batata, 2 km al NE de Salto Colorado, Cano Colorado, 55 km SE of Puerto Ayacucho, 5.55 -67.133333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia odorata (Diels) J.F.Macbr.
U.1072531Graham JG; Schunke Vigo J   1998-07-11
Peru, Ucayali

Image Associated With the Occurence
Duguetia odorata (Diels) J.F.Macbr.
U.1072530Vásquez Chávez R; et al.   1980-08-08
Peru, Loreto, -4.166667 -73.333333

Page 1, records 1-100 of 2289


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