Search Results (List)

Dataset: NL-Botany
Search Criteria: Ecuador; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 19534

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

WAG9102590Setten K van   1980-06-04
Ecuador, Pedro Carbo.

WAG0253281Boeke JD   1977-01-24
Ecuador, Carchi, Tulcán-Maldonado Highway, km 4845., 0.797222 -77.864444

WAG0139521Laan FM van der   1980-04-14
Ecuador, Pedro Carbo., -1.833333 -80.233333

WAG0137822Laan FM van der   1981-06-03

Guatteria duodecima Maas & Westra
WAG0115384Maas PJM; Chatrou LW; Repetur CP; Clark JL   1997-01-31
Ecuador, Napo, Jatun Sacha Biological Station, 8 km E of Puerto Misahualli, along trail no. 1, -1.066667 -77.6

Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG0115376Homeier J; Rose L   2007-07-14
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Province of Zamora-Chinchipe, Reserva San Francisco, road Loja - Zamora, c. 35 km from Loja., -3.966667 -79.066667

Guatteria goudotiana Triana & Planch.
WAG0115370Clark JL; Clark S   1997-02-12
Ecuador, Pichincha

WAG0115305Maas PJM; Chatrou LW; Repetur CP; Bass M; Villa G   1997-02-05
Ecuador, Napo, Parque Nacional Yasuní, Yasuní Scientific Research Staton, Rio Tiputini, NE of confluence with Río Tivacuno, 6 km E of km 44 on main Maxus road., -0.633333 -76.5

Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG0115240Homeier J; Chinchero MA   2005-10-17
Ecuador, Napo, Province of Napo, Parque Nacional Sumaco-Galeras, southern slope of Sumaco volcano., -0.616667 -77.583333

Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG0115226Maas PJM; Chatrou LW; Repetur CP; Clark JL   1997-01-31
Ecuador, Napo, Jatun Sacha Biological Station, 8 km E of Puerto Misahualli, along trail no. 1., -1.066667 -77.6

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG0003978Neill DA; Vargas H; Nuñez T; Clark J   1995-11-07
Ecuador, Azuay: Cuenca Cantón, Manta Real. At western base of Andes, 20 km SE of la troncal. On lower slopes just above the village., -2.566667 -79.35

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG0003977Neill DA; Vargas H; Nuñez T; Clark J   1995-11-07
Ecuador, Azuay: Cuenca Cantón, Manta Real. At western base of Andes, 20 km SE of la troncal. On lower slopes just above the village., -2.566667 -79.35

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Strychnos henningsii Gilg
WAG0002199Conservator of Forests   1926-04-13
Ecuador, Kenya Colony.

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Buddleja incana Ruiz & Pav.
WAG0002133Sodiro L   
Ecuador, Ecuador.

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Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1943037Homeier J; Cumbicus N; Peña J   2008-08-29
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Reserva San Francisco, road Loja- Zamora, ca. 35 km from Loja., -3.966667 -79.066667

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WAG.1942319Moya G; Miranda N   2005-02-25
Ecuador, Sucumbios, Parroquia Tarapoa, comunidad Sibna Sototsiaya, a 30 minutos de posa honda., -0.237833 -76.435667

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1942318Croat TB; Carlsen M; Levin D   2007-10-10
Ecuador, Napo, along road between Tena and Baeza, 12.6 km N of Narupa (junction of road to Coca), 20.5 km S of Cosanga., -0.653833 -77.859167

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1942317Croat TB; Carlsen M; Levin D   2007-10-10
Ecuador, Napo, along road between Tena and Baeza, 12.6 km N of Narupa (junction of road to Coca), 20.5 km S of Cosanga., -0.653833 -77.859167

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1942316Croat TB; Carlsen M; Levin D   2007-10-05
Ecuador, Napo, along road between Baeza to Lago Agrio, along side road to Gonzalo Diaz de Pineda, turning off to east, 4.1 km N of El Chaco, 4.5 km E of main highway., -0.290667 -77.754667

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1942315Croat TB; Carlsen M; Levin D   2007-10-05
Ecuador, Napo, along road between Baeza to Lago Agrio, along side road to Gonzalo Diaz de Pineda, turning off to east, 4.1 km N of El Chaco, 4.5 km E of main highway., -0.290667 -77.754667

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WAG.1939944Boeke JD; McElroy JB   1976-12-04
Ecuador, Prov. Napo-Pastaza. Rio Cosanga.

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WAG.1927434Gudiño E   1990-09-01
Ecuador, Ecuador. Pastaza: Pastaza Canton. Pozo Petrolero ''Corrientes'' de UNOCAL. 35 km al sur-sureste de Curaray., -1.716667 -76.816667

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1927433Gudiño E   1992-08-23
Ecuador, Ecuador. Napo: La Joya de los Sacha Canton. Sector de construcción del puente sobre el Río Indillama para la carretera de MAXUS., -0.483333 -76.583333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Arachnothryx cordovana (Standl. & Steyerm.) Borhidi
WAG.1925948Werff HH van der; Gray B; Quizhpe W   2006-11-08
Ecuador, Ecuador. Zamora-Chinchipe: Nangaritza Cantón. Cordillera del Cóndor region. Upper Río Nangaritza valley. Around lodge outside Las Orquídeas., -4.248611 -78.656389

Image Associated With the Occurence
Meliosma cundinamarcensis Cuatrec. & Idrobo
WAG.1925669Zak V; Jaramillo Azanza J   1987-12-09
Ecuador, Ecuador. Prov. Pichincha: carreta Nanegalito-Armenia-Loma de San José. Colecciones en la zona denominada ''La Vuelta Braba''; húmedo., 0.083333 -78.666667

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WAG.1923048Kajekai C   2006-10-12
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago Region de la Cordillera del Condor., -3.027222 -77.911111

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WAG.1923047Kajekai C   2006-10-10
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago: Tiwintza Region de la Cordillera del Condor., -3.028889 -77.920278

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Malmea R.E. Fr.
WAG.1922134Herrera A; Guerrero W; Chumbi C   2004-08-25
Ecuador, Sucumbios: Shushufindi, Comunidad Shuar Tsanimp, a 45 minitos de Shushufindi, Via Las Palmas, km 26., -0.316667 -76.666667

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Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1913345Aulestia C; Tipaz GA; Burbano M; Canticuz B   1992-09-21
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Ecuador. Esmeraldas: San Lorenzo Canton. Parroquia Mataje, Reserva Etnica Awá, centro Mataje., 1.133333 -78.55

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Piper saloyanum Trel. & Yunck.
WAG.1901501Jaramillo Azanza J   1985-12-06
Ecuador, Reserva Floristica-Ecologica 'Rio Guajalito.' Km 59 de la carretera antigua Quit-Sto. Domingo de los Colorados a 3.5 km al NE de la carretera, estribaciones occidentalis del Volcán Pichincha., 0.231389 -78.802778

Image Associated With the Occurence
Simira ecuadorensis (Standl.) Steyerm.
WAG.1901500Neill DA; Nuñez T   1996-02-29
Ecuador, Guayas: Guayaquil. Bosque Protector Cerro Blanco. Summit ridge of Cerro Blanco, at 'Cusumbo Top'. Tropical Dry Forest, transitional to Premontane Moist Forest., -2.166667 -79.966667

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1901499Freire E; Vergara A   1998-03-13
Ecuador, Sucumbíos: Gonzalo Oizarro Cantón. Parroquia El Dorado, Sector Los Angeles. Pozo Rubi, petrolera Santa Fe. Vía desde La Troncal hacía pozo Rubi 2, Km 6., -0.033333 -77.183333

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WAG.1901498Grijalva (Armando) A; Grefa G; Andi N   1993-01-14
Ecuador, Napo: La Joya de los Sachas Cantón. Comunidad Indillamam. Ro Indillama. Carretera Maxus Km 5-6. Bosque hmedo Tropical. Bosque primario, colinas de suelo rojo., -0.416667 -76.6

Image Associated With the Occurence
Diplostephium ericoides (Lam.) Cabrera
WAG.1901497Ulloa C; et al.   2003-01-08
Ecuador, Azuay: Cuenca. Parque Nacional Cajas, km 32.1 desde redondel Cuenca Molleturo. Sendero este alrededor de Laguna Toreadora., -2.775167 -76.220167

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1901496Zak V; Espinoza S   1990-02-21
Ecuador, Pastaza: Pastaza. Pozo petrolero 'Ramirez'. 20 km al sur de la poblacion de Curaray. Bosque primario; árboles cortados por las obras petroleras., -1.533333 -76.85

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1901495Zak V; Espinoza S   1990-02-21
Ecuador, Pastaza: Pastaza. Pozo petrolero 'Ramirez'. 20 km al sur de la poblacion de Curaray. Bosque primario; árboles cortados por las obras petroleras., -1.533333 -76.85

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Cremosperma anisophyllum J.L.Clark & L.E.Skog
WAG.1901491Croat TB   2005-02-21
Ecuador, along road between Lita and San Lorenzo, vicinity of Alto Tambo, 6.6 km NW of Alto Tambo., 0.959444 -78.56

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? Willis
WAG.1901241Jameson W   1846-01-01
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito.

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? Willis
WAG.1901190Jameson W   1846-01-01
Ecuador, Quito.

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Klarobelia lucida (Diels) Chatrou
WAG.1899882Cornejo X; Montenegro T   2010-03-20
Ecuador, Guayas, Reserva Ecologica Andrade, km 43 via Guayaquil-Machala, Los Monos trail., -2.4 -79.666667

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WAG.1899872Homeier J; et al.   
Ecuador, Province of Napo, area of the Narupa reserve, Rio Hollin watershed, wet premontane forest., -0.675 -77.748333

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WAG.1899871Homeier J; et al.   
Ecuador, Province of Napo, area of the Narupa reserve, Rio Hollin watershed, wet premontane forest., -0.675 -77.748333

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Klarobelia lucida (Diels) Chatrou
WAG.1899870Cerón M CE   1992-02-28
Ecuador, Guayas, Guayas: Naranjal. Reserva Ecologica Manglares - Churute. Base del Cerro Cimalón., -2.4 -79.583333

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Unonopsis veneficiorum (Mart.) R.E.Fr.
WAG.1899861Homeier J; et al.   
Ecuador, Province of Napo, area of the Selva Viva reserve, tropical lowland forest., -1.066667 -77.516667

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WAG.1899404Quelal C; Aulestia C; Nastacuáz F   1991-07-20
Ecuador, Carchi, Chical, reserva Etnica Awá-Camumbí, río Huiscal., 0.883333 -78.266667

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WAG.1899403Palacios W; Tirado M   1993-09-03
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Miguel, Río Cayapas, propiedad del Sr. Miguel Chapiro. Parcela Permanente 07 y alrededores., -0.75 -78.933333

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Guatteria hirsuta Ruiz & Pav.
WAG.1899390Palacios W   1990-10-03
Ecuador, Napo, Proyecto Hidroeléctrico Coca, Punto ST3. Margen derecha del Río Quijos, ca. 10 km al sur de Reventador., -0.183333 -77.65

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria hirsuta Ruiz & Pav.
WAG.1899389Neill DA; Zuleta J; Cerda J   1996-04-25
Ecuador, Napo, Parque Nacional Sumaco Napo-Galeras. Cordillera de Galeras., -0.883333 -77.55

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Guatteria arenicola Maas & Erkens
WAG.1899388Neill DA; Rodríguez Rodríguez EF; Quizhpe W; Homeier J   2003-09-06
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Zamora-Chinchipe: El Pangui. Cordillera del Condor, 2 km north of Condor Mirador military post., -3.628056 -78.395

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Guatteria hirsuta Ruiz & Pav.
WAG.1899387Espinoza S   1989-11-03
Ecuador, Napo, Sector Huashito, 20 km al norte de Coca. Propiedad de PALMORIENTE., -0.333333 -77.083333

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WAG.1899382Tipaz GA; Quelal C; Cantincuz G   1992-05-23
Ecuador, Carchi, Parroquia Chical. Sector Gualpi medio. Reserva Indígena Awá. Sendero a San Marcos al norte de la casa comunal., 1.033333 -78.266667

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Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1899381Homeier J; Werner F; Cárate D   2011-04-10
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, El Libano., -4.083333 -78.983333

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WAG.1898177Werff H van der; Gray B; Quizhpe W   2006-10-30
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe: Palanda. Reserva Tapichalaca, near road between Yangana and Valladolid, south of Podocarpus National Park. Trails in Tapichalaca Reserve, montane forest. Upper Rio Chinchipe watershed., -4.495556 -79.131944

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WAG.1890642Zak V   1986-02-21
Ecuador, Pichincha, Carretera antigua Chillogallo-San Juan-Chiriboga-Empalme, km 27, Vegetacion de bosque montane alto, Colecciones en borde del carretero y bosque, 3180 m., -0.283333 -78.633333

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WAG.1890641Zak V   1986-08-16
Ecuador, Reserva Floristica-Ecologica 'Rio Guajalito', km 59 de la carretera antigua Quito-Sto, Domingo de los Colorados, a 3½ km al NE de la carretera, estribaciones occidentales del Volcan Pichincha, Colecciones en bosque nublado de vegetacion primario y alrededores, 1800-2200 m., -0.216667 -78.8

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WAG.1890469Vargas H   2001-05-29
Ecuador, El Oro: Atahualpa, Km 11.2 al Norte de Atahualpa, carretera principal entre Atahualpa y Vega Rivera, colecciones de bosque primario, 2050 m., -3.533333 -79.7

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Viburnum hallii (Oerst.) Killip & A.C.Sm.
WAG.1890468Vargas H   2001-07-21
Ecuador, Carchi: Huaca, Carretera principal entre Huaca-San Gabriel, 500 m espuos de Huaca, Remanentes de bosque secundario, 2810 m., 0.616667 -77.733333

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WAG.1890466Vargas H   2001-07-07
Ecuador, Pichincha: Quito, Carretera Quito (Mena 2)-Lloa-Mindo, Vegetaci<n primera, 2900 m., -0.233333 -78.633333

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WAG.1890465Vargas H   2001-06-05
Ecuador, Loja: Loja, Carretera Loja-Zamora km 4.5, Collecciones en borde de carretera, Bosque secundario, 2310 m., -3.983333 -79.166667

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WAG.1890464Vargas H   2001-05-31
Ecuador, El Oro: Portovelo, Carretera entre Portovelo-Salati-El Cisne km 8.8 al sur de Salati, collecciones en borde de carretera, Bosque secundario., -3.783333 -79.516667

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WAG.1890235Cumbicus N; Peña N; Yaguache A   2008-06-14
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, PN Podocarpus, Bombuscaro entrance. Plot L5 #3567., -4.116667 -78.966667

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WAG.1890234Kajekai C   2006-10-03
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Regíon de la Cordillera del Cóndor. Centro Shuar Kaputna, Asociacíon Mayaik. Cordillera Kampanaint, al sur del Río Santiago., -3.030556 -77.9175

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WAG.1890233Kajekai C   2006-12-12
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Regíon de la Cordillera del Cóndor. Centro Shuar Kaputna, Río Santiago. Cerro Kaputna, Cordillera Kampa Naint., -3.036389 -77.910556

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WAG.1890226Neill DA; et al.   2007-04-02
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Western slopes of Cordillera del Cóndor. Río Wawaime watershed. tributary of Río Quimi. Proposed future site of EcuaCorriente copper mine., -3.578611 -78.435278

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WAG.1890225Neill DA; Davidson C; Christoph S; Quizhpe W   2007-09-15
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Cordillera del Cóndor region. West side of Upper Río Nangaritza, along road about 13 km south of Guayzimi. Silica mine 'La Daniela'., -4.143056 -78.595833

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WAG.1890224Neill DA; Davidson C; Christoph S; Quizhpe W   2007-09-18
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Cordillera del Cóndor region. West side of Upper Río Nangaritza, along road about 13 km south of Guayzimi. Silica mine 'La Daniela'., -4.143333 -78.645556

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Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1889845Cumbicus N; Peña J   1908-11-12
Ecuador, Province of Zamora- Chinchipe, Reserva San Francisco, road Loja- Zamora, ca. 35 km from Loja, montane tropical forest., -3.966667 -79.066667

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Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1889844Cumbicus N; Peña J   1908-11-12
Ecuador, Province of Zamora- Chinchipe, Reserva San Francisco, road Loja- Zamora, ca. 35 km from Loja, montane tropical forest., -3.966667 -79.066667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1889843Cumbicus N; Peña J   1908-10-04
Ecuador, Province of Zamora- Chinchipe, Reserva San Francisco, road Loja-Zamora, ca. 35 km from Loja, montane tropical forest., -3.966667 -79.066667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1889842Cumbicus N; Peña J   1908-06-13
Ecuador, Province of Zamora- Chinchipe, PN Podocarpus, Bombuscaro entrance, premontane forest., -4.116667 -78.966667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1889841Cumbicus N; Sinche R   1908-06-13
Ecuador, Province of Zamora- Chinchipe, PN Podocarpus, Bombuscaro entrance, premontane forest., -4.116667 -78.966667

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Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1889838Homeier J; et al.   1908-04-03
Ecuador, Province of Napo Nacional Sumaco- Galderas, Cordillera Galleras, lower montane rain forest., -0.828333 -77.536667

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Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1889837Homeier J   1908-09-27
Ecuador, Province of Zamora- Chinchipe, PN Podocarpus, Bombuscaro entrance, premontane forest., -4.116667 -78.966667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1889836Homeier J   1908-09-27
Ecuador, Province of Zamora- Chinchipe, PN Podocarpus, Bombuscaro entrance, premontane forest., -4.116667 -78.966667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1889835Homeier J; et al.   1908-04-03
Ecuador, Province of Napo, Parque Nacional Sumaco- Galderas, Cordillera Galleras, lower montane rain forest., -0.828333 -77.536667

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Guatteria hirsuta Ruiz & Pav.
WAG.1889834Homeier J; et al.   1908-04-05
Ecuador, Province of Napo, Parque Nacional Sumaco- Galderas, Cordillera Galleras, Rio Chiriyacu, permontane rain forest., -0.833333 -77.566667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria hirsuta Ruiz & Pav.
WAG.1889833Homeier J; et al.   1908-04-05
Ecuador, Province of Napo, Parque Nacional Sumaco- Galderas, Cordillera Galleras, Rio Chiriyacu, permontane rain forest., -0.833333 -77.566667

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Guatteria arenicola Maas & Erkens
WAG.1889821Neill DA; NSF Dendrology course   2006-11-06
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Cordillera del Cóndor region, upper río Nangaritza. Area de Conservación Lod Tepuyes, southwest of Las Orquídeas., -4.258889 -78.684444

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1889806Homeier J; Cumbicus N; Peña J   2008-08-29
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Reserva San Francisco, road Loja- Zamora, ca. 35 km from Loja., -3.966667 -79.066667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1889785Neill DA; Quizhpe W   2008-03-17
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Cordillera del Cóndor, western slopes, Río Blanco watershed, tributary of Río Machinaza, one km S of Paquisha Alto military post, forest inventory plot, 0.25-hectare, 'Emperador' concession of Aurelian gold mine company., -3.918333 -78.492778

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1889784Neill DA; Quizhpe W   2008-03-17
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Cordillera del Cóndor, western slopes, Río Blanco watershed, tributary of Río Machinaza, one km S of Paquisha Alto military post, forest inventory plot, 0.25-hectare, 'Emperador' concession of Australian gold mine company., -3.918333 -78.492778

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1889783Neill DA; Quizhpe W   2008-03-17
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Cordillera del Cóndor, western slopes, Río Blanco watershed, tributary of Río Machinaza, one km S of Paquisha Alto military post, forest inventory plot, 0.25-hectare, 'Emperador' concession of Australian gold mine company., -3.918333 -78.492778

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WAG.1889782Homeier J; et al.   1908-04-14
Ecuador, Province of Napo, area of the Narupa reserve, Rio Hollin watershed, wet permontane forest., -0.675 -77.748333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria gentryi Maas & Erkens
WAG.1889668Homeier J; et al.   1908-04-04
Ecuador, Province of Napo, Paeque Nacional Sumaco-Galderas, Cordillera Galleras, permontane rain forest., -0.838333 -77.56

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria gentryi Maas & Erkens
WAG.1889667Homeier J; et al.   1908-04-04
Ecuador, Province of Napo, Paeque Nacional Sumaco-Galderas, Cordillera Galleras, permontane rain forest., -0.838333 -77.56

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria gentryi Maas & Erkens
WAG.1889666Homeier J; Unger M   1906-04-15
Ecuador, Province of Napo, Parque Nacional Sumaco- Galderas, Cordillera Galleras, permontane rain forest., -0.827667 -77.563667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria gentryi Maas & Erkens
WAG.1889665Homeier J; Unger M   1906-04-15
Ecuador, Province of Napo, Parque Nacional Sumaco- Galderas, Cordillera Galleras, permontane rain forest., -0.827667 -77.563667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria griseifolia Maas & Westra
WAG.1889664Kajekai C   2006-11-09
Ecuador, Zamora- Chinchipe: Nagaritza, Region de la Cordillera del Condor, Ri Nangaritza, cerca a la comunidad de Las Orquideas, en terraza del Rio, abajo de la meseta de premontano., -4.228611 -78.658333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria griseifolia Maas & Westra
WAG.1889663Wisum A; Kajekai C; Katan Sua T   2006-06-15
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe: Yacuambi, Parroquia La Paz, Centro Shuar Kiim, Reserva Tiwi Nunka, por el sendero entre la comunidad y el cumbre de la Cordillera Chiichim Naint., -3.800556 -78.945556

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1883875Homeier J; Chinchero MA; Jaramillo E; Simba D   2008-03-22
Ecuador, Province of Napo, Parque Nacional Sumaco-Galeras, southern slope of Sumaco volcano., -0.616667 -77.583333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1883874Homeier J; et al.   2008-03-27
Ecuador, Province of NApo, Parque Nacional Sumaco-Galeras, Rio Hollin watershed., -0.638333 -77.785

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1883873Homeier J; et al.   2008-03-27
Ecuador, Province of NApo, Parque Nacional Sumaco-Galeras, Rio Hollin watershed., -0.638333 -77.785

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1883854Homeier J; et al.   2008-04-09
Ecuador, Province of Napo, area of the biological station Jatun Sacha., -1.066667 -77.616667

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1883848Toasa G   2003-12-12
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Morona-Santiago: Logroño. Región de la Cordillera de Cutucú. Centro Shuar Tumpaim. Cordillera de Kayanaim, desde la base hasta la cumbre., -2.766667 -77.916667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Annona helosioides (Maas & Westra) H.Rainer
WAG.1883808Homeier J; et al.   1908-04-10
Ecuador, Province of Napo, area of the Selva Viva reserve., -1.066667 -77.516667

Image Associated With the Occurence
WAG.1883798Neill DA; Shuar botany team   2008-08-15
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Logroño Cantón, Shuar village of Tumpaim, in the southern portion of the Cordillera de Cutucú. One-hectare forest inventory plot, on slope about one km south of the Tumpaim village and school. Tree plot established by Tumpaim secondary school students in program supported by National Geographic Society 'Genographic Legacy Fund'., -2.722778 -77.909444

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1883797Gudiño E; Quelal C; Caiga Ã'   1990-09-28
Ecuador, Pastaza, Pozo petrolero 'Moretecocha' de ARCO. 75 km al este de Puyo., -1.566667 -77.416667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1883796Gudiño E   1989-11-03
Ecuador, Napo, Cantón Orellana. Sector Huashito, 20 km al norte de Coca. Propiedad de PALMORIENTE., -0.333333 -77.083333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1883795Grijalva (Armando) A; Grefa G; Andi N   1993-01-14
Ecuador, Napo, Comunidad Indillamam. Río Indillama. Carretera Maxus Km 5-6., -0.416667 -76.6

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria punctata (Aubl.) R.A.Howard
WAG.1883794Aulestia M; Grefa G; Andi N   1993-07-28
Ecuador, Napo, Parque Nacional Yasuní. Carretera y Oleoducto de Maxus en construcción, Km. 20., -0.55 -76.5

Page 1, records 1-100 of 19534


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