Search Results (List)

Dataset: HVAA-Obs
Search Criteria: Chile; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-88 of 88

Herbario Virtual Austral Americano General Observations

Image Associated With the Occurence
Senna cumingii (Hooker & Arnott) H.S.Irwin & Barneby
Landrum, Leslie   O-1802010-10-10
Chile, Coquimbo, Cuesta de las Cardas, -30.3135 -71.2539, 620m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Berberis glomerata Hook. & Arn.
Landrum, Leslie   O-1782010-10-10
Chile, Coquimbo, Cuesta de las Cardas, -30.3135 -71.2539

Image Associated With the Occurence
Adesmia arborea Bertero ex Colla
Landrum, Leslie   O-1792010-10-10
Chile, Coquimbo, Cuesta de las Cardas, -30.3135 -71.2539, 620m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Landrum, Leslie   O-1982010-10-10
Chile, Coquimbo, Cuesta de las Cardas, -30.3135 -71.2539

Image Associated With the Occurence
Landrum, Leslie   O-1962010-10-10
Chile, Coquimbo, Cuesta de las Cardas, -30.3135 -71.2539, 620m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lamarckia aurea (L.) Moench
Landrum, Leslie   O-1952010-10-10
Chile, Coquimbo, Cuesta de las Cardas, -30.3135 -71.2539

Image Associated With the Occurence
Landrum, Leslie   O-1992010-10-10
Chile, Coquimbo, Cuesta de las Cardas, -30.3135 -71.2539

Phrygilanthus aphyllus (Miers ex DC.) Eichler
Landrum, Leslie   O-1862010-10-10
Chile, Coquimbo, Cuesta de las Cardas, -30.3135 -71.2539

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lithraea caustica Hook. & Arn.
Landrum, Leslie   2010-10-10
Chile, Coquimbo, Cuesta de las Cardas, -30.3135 -71.2539

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aristolochia chilensis Bridges ex Lindl.
Landrum, Leslie   2010-10-10
Chile, Coquimbo, Cuesta de las Cardas, -30.3135 -71.2539

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aristolochia chilensis Bridges ex Lindl.
Landrum, Leslie   2010-10-10
Chile, Coquimbo, Cuesta de las Cardas, -30.3135 -71.2539

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aristolochia chilensis Bridges ex Lindl.
Landrum, Leslie   O-1832010-10-10
Chile, Coquimbo, Cuesta de las Cardas, -30.3135 -71.2539

Image Associated With the Occurence
Landrum, Leslie   O-1912010-10-10
Chile, Coquimbo, Cuesta de las Cardas, -30.3135 -71.2539

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myrcianthes coquimbensis (Barnéoud) Landrum & Grifo
Landrum, Leslie   O-942010-10-02
Chile, Coquimbo, parcelas N of La Serena, -29.729 -71.325, 90m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myrcianthes coquimbensis (Barnéoud) Landrum & Grifo
Landrum, Leslie   2010-10-03
Chile, Coquimbo, Camino a Chungungo, al N de La Serena, -29.588 -71.295

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myrcianthes coquimbensis (Barnéoud) Landrum & Grifo
Landrum, Leslie   2010-10-03
Chile, Coquimbo, Camino a Chungungo, al N de La Serena, -29.555 -71.323, 188m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myrcianthes coquimbensis (Barnéoud) Landrum & Grifo
Landrum, Leslie   2010-10-03
Chile, Coqimbo, stream along Chungungo road N of La Serena, -29.545 -71.314, 185m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myrcianthes coquimbensis (Barnéoud) Landrum & Grifo
Landrum, Leslie   2010-10-03
Chile, Coquimbo, Camino Chungungo a La Higuera, ca. 0.5 km al oeste de la cumbre, -29.453 -71.255

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myrcianthes coquimbensis (Barnéoud) Landrum & Grifo
Landrum, Leslie   2010-10-02
Chile, Coquimbo, Bahia Arrayan, al norte de La Serena, -29.688 -71.318, 90m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myrcianthes coquimbensis (Barnéoud) Landrum & Grifo
Landrum, Leslie   2010-10-08
Chile, Coquimbo, Tortolillos S of La Serena, -30.0615 -71.37

Image Associated With the Occurence
L. R. Landrum   9NOV11-12011-11-09
Chile, Los Lagos, Chiloe, ca. 24 km S of Ancud on road to Castro, -42.07021 -73.78958

Image Associated With the Occurence
Amblyopappus pusillus Hook. & Arn.
Landrum   2011-12-2-12011-12-02
Chile, Coquimbo, Isla Damas, -29.232029 -71.528982, 2m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Landrum   2011-12-2-32011-12-02
Chile, Coqumbo, Isla Damas, -29.232029 -71.528982

Image Associated With the Occurence
Amomyrtus luma (Molina) D. Legrand & Kausel
Leslie Landrum   2011-11-13-12011-11-13
Chile, Los Lagos, Chiloe, near hwy 5 between Castro and Ancud, ca. 24 km N of Castro, -42.27218 -73.68068

Image Associated With the Occurence
Leslie Landrum   2011-11-12-12011-11-12
Chile, Los Lagos, Chiloe, Isla Quinchao, near main road to Achao, -42.41234 -73.60417, 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Leslie Landrum   2011-12-04
Chile, Coquimbo, Paihuanco, Valle de Elqui, near Rivadavia, -29.99004 -70.533054, 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gymnophyton isatidicarpum (C. Presl ex DC.) Mathias & Constance
Leslie Landrum   2011-12-04
Chile, Coquimbo, 3 km N of Monte Grande, -30.06796 -70.49604, 1100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Leslie Landrum   2011-12-04
Chile, Coquimbo, Paihuanco, Valle de Elqui, near Rivadavia, -29.99004 -70.533054, 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
L. R. Landrum   
Chile, Maule, between Cauquenes and Pelluhue, -35.952447 -72.498544, 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
L. R. Landrum   1969-10-29
Chile, Los Lagos, Frutillar, terreno de la Escuela de Ingenieria Forestal de La Universidad de Chile, -41.128803 -73.027721

Image Associated With the Occurence
L. R. Landrum   
Chile, Los Lagos, Ensenada, near Volcan Osorno, -41.200775 -72.536836, 40 - 80m

Image Associated With the Occurence
L. R. Landrum   
Chile, Los Lagos, Cordillera Pelada, near Hueicolla, -40.161751 -73.583836

Image Associated With the Occurence
Luma apiculata (DC.) Burret
Watters, A.   2016-02-15
Chile, Aisen, Rio Anita, -44.634341 -72.687793

Image Associated With the Occurence
Watters, A.   2018-02-14
Chile, Aisen, Rio Anita, -44.634341 -72.687793

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myrceugenia parvifolia (A. P. de Candolle) Kausel
Ronald C. Corbyn   2019-02-15
Chile, Los Rios, La Paloma, .5 km N of hwy 206, between Valdivia and Paillaco, ca. 30 km SE of Valdivia and 10 km NW of Paillaco, -39.993611 -72.985556, 87m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ronald C. Corbyn   2019-02-19
Chile, Los Rios, La Paloma, .5 km N of hwy 206, between Valdivia and Paillaco, ca. 30 km SE of Valdivia and 10 km NW of Paillaco, -39.993611 -72.985556, 87m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Amomyrtus luma (Mol.) Legr. & Kausel
Ronald C. Corbyn   2019-03-03
Chile, Los Rios, La Paloma, .5 km N of hwy 206, between Valdivia and Paillaco, ca. 30 km SE of Valdivia and 10 km NW of Paillaco, -39.993611 -72.985556, 87m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myrceugenia exsucca (DC.) O. Berg
Ronald C. Corbyn   2019-03-05
Chile, Los Rios, La Paloma, .5 km N of hwy 206, between Valdivia and Paillaco, ca. 30 km SE of Valdivia and 10 km NW of Paillaco, -39.993611 -72.985556, 87m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Luma chequen (Molina) A. Gray
Ronald C. Corbyn   2019-03-01
Chile, Los Rios, La Paloma, .5 km N of hwy 206, between Valdivia and Paillaco, ca. 30 km SE of Valdivia and 10 km NW of Paillaco, -39.993611 -72.985556, 87m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Amomyrtus luma (Mol.) Legr. & Kausel
A. Watters   2019-02-12
Chile, Aysen, Puerto Cisnes, Rio Picacho, -44.93432 -72.45433

Image Associated With the Occurence
A. Watters   2019-02-12
Chile, Aysen, Puerto Cisnes, Rio Picacho, -44.93432 -72.45433

Image Associated With the Occurence
Luma apiculata (DC.) Burret
A. Watters   2019-02-12
Chile, Aysen, Puerto Cisnes, Rio Picacho, -44.93432 -72.45433

Image Associated With the Occurence
Corbyn, Ron   2019-03-10
Chile, Los Rios, Corral, Valdivia, -39.860278 -73.465556

Image Associated With the Occurence
Luma apiculata (DC.) Burret
Ronald C. Corbyn   2019-03-28
Chile, Los Rios, La Paloma, .5 km N of hwy 206, between Valdivia and Paillaco, ca. 30 km SE of Valdivia and 10 km NW of Paillaco, -39.993611 -72.985556, 87m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myoschilos oblongum Ruiz & Pav.
Corbyn, Ron   2019-04-12
Chile, Los Rios, La Paloma, near hwy 206, between Valdivia and Paillaco, ca. 30 km SE of Valdivia and 10 km NW of Paillaco, -39.99588 -72.98394

Image Associated With the Occurence
Corbyn, Ron   2019-04-20
Chile, Los Rios, quarry near Paillaco, -40.10038 -72.81048, 124m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Laurelia sempervirens (Ruíz & Pav.) Tul.
Corbyn, Ron   2019-04-24
Chile, Los Rios, Along camino 641, east of Ruta 5, ca. 5 km SE of Reumen, -40.03898 -72.7842, 140m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhaphithamnus spinosus (Juss.) Moldenke
Corbyn, Ron   2019-04-30
Chile, Los Rios, Corral, Valdivia, -39.860278 -73.465556

Image Associated With the Occurence
Azara lanceolata Hook.f. in Hook.
Corbyn, Ron   2018-11-07
Chile, Los Rios, La Paloma, near hwy 206, between Valdivia and Paillaco, ca. 30 km SE of Valdivia and 10 km NW of Paillaco, -39.99493 -72.98419, 120m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Corbyn, Ron   2019-01-01
Chile, Los Rios, La Paloma, near hwy 206, between Valdivia and Paillaco, ca. 30 km SE of Valdivia and 10 km NW of Paillaco, -39.99493 -72.98419, 120m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Corbyn, Ron   2019-06-01
Chile, Los Rios, 12.5 km NW of Paillaco, .5 km past La Paloma on the east side of carretera 206, ca. 30 km SE of Valdivia, -39.99471 -72.98613, 115m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.
Ron Corbyn   2019-03-17
Chile, Los Rios, intersection of T-505 and Highway 206 just east of Valdivia, -39.86762 -73.1712, 20m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lapageria rosea Ruiz et Pav.
Corbyn, Ron   2019-07-14
Chile, Los Rios, 250 m northwest of Highway 206 at a distance of 12.3 km northwest of Paillaco, 300 m past road T-609., -39.99434 -72.98618, 111m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ron Corbyn   2019-07-14
Chile, Los Rios, Callejón Bhole road on the north side of Cementerio Parque Los Laureles, just off highway 206 at the southern city limits of Valdivia, -39.84627 -73.201706

Image Associated With the Occurence
Berberis microphylla Hort. ex K.Koch
Corbyn, Ron   2019-04-22
Chile, Los Rios, quarry near Paillaco, -40.10038 -72.81048, 124m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Corbyn, Ron   2019-08-03
Chile, Los Rios, SW of Valdivia, Chile 15.7 straight-line km and SSE of Corral, Chile 4.5 km, ridge north of T-450 between mouths of San Juan and Catrileufu rivers., -39.9 -73.4, 19m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Corbyn, Ron   2019-08-16
Chile, Los Rios, 100 m north of highway 206 25.5 km SE of Valdivia, 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff, -39.99526 -72.98423, 114m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ron Corbyn   2019-08-19
Chile, Los Rios, 7 km S of Valdivia on Highway 206, then 1.3 km E on T-505, -39.88146 -73.14221

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ugni molinae Turczaninow
Ron Corbyn   2019-03-07
Chile, Los Rios, 250 straight-line m NW of a point on Highway 206 25.4 km from Valdivia or 12.3 km from Paillaco., -39.99417 -72.98652

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sophora cassioides (Phil.) Sparre
Aimee Corbyn   2019-09-29
Chile, Los Rios, in right-of-way of highway T-450, 3 km NE of Chaihuin, -39.929111 -73.566729, 40m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Acacia melanoxylon R. Br. in Aiton & W.T. Aiton
Ron Corbyn   2019-08-19
Chile, Los Rios, 7.4 km SE of Valdivia on Highway 206, .8 km NE on T-507, N on T-505 330 m halfway to Angachilla River bridge., -39.88692 -73.13881, 3m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ron Corbyn   2019-10-20
Chile, Los Rios, 285 m WNW of highway 206, 25.5 km SE of Valdivia, 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff, -39.99491 -72.9877, 109m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Corbyn, Ron   2019-10-19
Chile, Los Rios, 310 m NW of highway 206 25.5 km SE of Valdivia, 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff, -39.99344 -72.98572, 91m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Corbyn, Ron   2019-10-19
Chile, Los Rios, 290 m NNW of highway 206 25.5 km SE of Valdivia, 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff, -39.99351 -72.98516, 86m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Corbyn, Ron   2019-04-30
Chile, Los Rios, 35 m W of ocean road T-450 200 m S of Mirador Morro Gonzalo 4 straight-line km NW of the town of Corral., -39.86104 -73.43323, 94m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ron Corbyn   2019-12-08
Chile, Los Rios, 240 m NNE of a point on highway 206 25.5 km SE of Valdivia and 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff., -39.9939 -72.98352, 88m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Acaena ovalifolia Ruiz & Pav.
Ronald C. Corbyn   2019-12-20
Chile, Los Rios, 295 m NNW of a point on highway 206 either 25.5 km SE of Valdivia, 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff., -39.99352 -72.98539, 91m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ronald C. Corbyn   2019-12-31
Chile, Los Rios, 300 m NNW of highway 206 at a point either 25.5 km SE of Valdivia, 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff., -39.99341 -72.98543, 91m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Corbyn, Ron   2020-03-09
Chile, Los Rios, Valdivia area. 185 m NW of a point on highway 206 that is 25.5 km SE of Valdivia, 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff., -39.99471 -72.98613, 115m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Corbyn, Ron   2020-01-11
Chile, Los Rios, Valdivia area, La Paloma community. 60 m WSW of a point on highway 206 that is 25.5 km SE of Valdivia, 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff., -39.99605 -72.98592, 85m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lapageria rosea Ruiz et Pav.
Corbyn, Ron   2020-04-26
Chile, Los Rios, 250 m northwest of Highway 206 at a distance of 12.3 km northwest of Paillaco, 300 m past road T-609., -39.99434 -72.98618, 111m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Corbyn, Ron   2020-04-29
Chile, Los Rios, Santa Lucia community. 500 m WNW of a point on highway 206 either 25.5 km SE of Valdivia and 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff., -39.99478 -72.99053, 88m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ugni molinae Turczaninow
Ron Corbyn   2019-12-24
Chile, Los Rios, 250 straight-line m NW of a point on Highway 206 25.4 km from Valdivia or 12.3 km from Paillaco., -39.99417 -72.98652

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ugni molinae Turczaninow
Ron Corbyn   2019-12-24
Chile, Los Rios, 250 straight-line m NW of a point on Highway 206 25.4 km from Valdivia or 12.3 km from Paillaco., -39.99417 -72.98652

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ron Corbyn   2019-12-26
Chile, Los Rios, 285 m NNW of a point on highway 206 either 25.5 km SE of Valdivia, 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff., -39.99341 -72.98535, 91m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Solanum nigrum Acerb. ex Dun.
Ron Corbyn   2020-03-17
Chile, Los Rios, Downtown Valdivia. SE corner of Camilo Henríquez and Chacabuco streets, 65 m NNE of NE corner of La Plaza de Republica., -39.81326 -73.24506, 18m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Galium hypocarpium Endl. ex Griseb.
Ron Corbyn   2019-12-27
Chile, Los Rios, 143 m E of a point on highway 206 either 25.5 km SE of Valdivia, 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff., -39.99599 -72.98308, 84m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ron Corbyn   2019-12-08
Chile, Los Rios, 265 m NNW of a point on highway 206 25.5 km SE of Valdivia and 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff, -39.99371 -72.98526, 86m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Luzuriaga radicans Ruíz & Pav.
Ron Corbyn   2020-08-18
Chile, Los Rios, 130 m NE of a point on highway 206 measured either 25.5 km SE of Valdivia, 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff., -39.99522 -72.98413, 115m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chusquea cf. quila
Ron Corbyn   2020-07-07
Chile, Los Rios, 290 m NNE of a point on highway 206 measured either 25.5 km SE of Valdivia, 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff., -39.99364 -72.98343, 83m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ron Corbyn   2019-08-07
Chile, Los Rios, On N. side of highway 206 175 m NE of a point 25.4 km SE of Valdivia, 12.5 km NW of Paillaco, or 340 m WNW of road T-609 turnoff., -39.99485 -72.9834, 97m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ron Corbyn   2020-02-08
Chile, Los Rios, 118 m NW of a point on highway 206 25.5 km SE of Valdivia and 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff., -39.99514 -72.98404, 114m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ron Corbyn   2020-09-05
Chile, Los Rios, 230 m NNE of a point on highway 206 measured either 25.5 km SE of Valdivia, 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff., -39.99396 -72.98371, 85m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ron Corbyn   2020-09-23
Chile, Los Rios, 250 m N of a point on highway 206 measured either 25.5 km SE of Valdivia, 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff., -39.99384 -72.98469, 88 - 96m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Boquila trifoliolata (DC.) Decne.
Ron Corbyn   2020-10-16
Chile, Los Rios, Valdivia area. 295 m NNE of a point on highway 206 that is 25.5 km SE of Valdivia, 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff to the La Paloma community., -39.99334 -72.98428, 86m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Boquila trifoliolata (DC.) Decne.
Ron Corbyn   2020-02-17
Chile, Los Rios, Valdivia area, Santa Lucia community. 235 m NW of a point on highway 206 that is 25.5 km SE of Valdivia and 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff., -39.99399 -72.98693, 91m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oxalis L.
Ron Corbyn   2020-11-03
Chile, Los Rios, Valdivia area. In La Paloma community, 320 m NNW of a point on highway 206 that is either 25.5 km SE of Valdivia, 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff., -39.99309 -72.98579, 95m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Laurelia sempervirens (Ruíz & Pav.) Tul.
Ron Corbyn   2020-11-26
Chile, Los Rios, Valdivia area. Tree located 330 m NNW of a point on highway 206 either 25.5 km SE of Valdivia and 12.2 km NW of Paillaco, or 200 m NW of road T-609 turnoff., -39.99299 -72.98585, 96m

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