Search Results (List)

Dataset: US-Botany
Taxa: Sterculiaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-6 of 6

United States National Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Basiloxylon excelsum Standl. & L.O. Williams
2215840.215P. H. Allen   59841951-03-03
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Hills near Golfito de Golfo Dulce., 30 - 30m

Basiloxylon excelsum Standl. & L.O. Williams
USw30171.2754304P. H. Allen   5984
Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Basiloxylon excelsum Standl. & L.O. Williams
2085788.101P. H. Allen   59841951-03-03
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Forested hills near Golfito de Golfo Dulce., 30m

Basiloxylon brasiliensis (Allem.) K. Schum. & Prantl
USw31538.2747268M. Barreto   RBW 1637
Brazil, Minas Gerais

Basiloxylon brasiliensis (Allem.) K. Schum. & Prantl
USw22680.2780005Collector unknown   s.n.
Brazil, Minas Gerais

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rayleya bahiensis Cristóbal
2953702.2075953R. M. Harley   186221977-02-13
Brazil, Bahia, Serra do Sincora, 8 km S of Andarai on rd. to Mucuge, just N of Itaete., 400 - 400m

Page 1, records 1-6 of 6


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